In preparation for Contra 4 (which will be in my hot little hands shortly), I've been replaying Contra III: Alien Wars and Contra: Hard Corps like a maniac, re honing my 2D SHOOTAN GAEMS skills for what I've been assured is a worthy addition to the Contra heritage.
Chromehounds makes me sleepy. >_< I guess it's alright for the price I paid for it, but I'm certainly glad I didn't buy it when it was new. Hopefully the Xbox Live play will be a little more interesting.
As for now, it's all Shadow of the Colossus. Still enjoying it immensely, heading out to find #10 now. I'll be disappointed when this is over.
This type of game is putting me in a bit of a Zelda mood for some reason though, so I might go through Twilight Princess (GC) again when I'm done.
And on the subject of Zelda similarities, I keep toying with the idea of looking into Okami some time, since everyone seems to rave about it. I can never decide if it's something that would interest me, though.
And on the subject of Zelda similarities, I keep toying with the idea of looking into Okami some time, since everyone seems to rave about it. I can never decide if it's something that would interest me, though.
I'm personally going for the "Wiimake"... Especially if it is $30... although damn Brawl and No More Heroes for coming out then as well =
I'm not a Wii owner, so I'd be going with the PS2 version if I were to get it. After a quick search, I notice that version appears to be a bit more expensive and a bit harder to find new than I was expecting. >_> I'd hate to spend a chunk of money on a game I don't even know if I'll like, but I expect it'll only get harder to find if I wait longer. Hmm...
Effing Virtual On Marz. Gosh. Trying to infiltrate this base as MYZR Delta[mobile but no defense and short range offense] is no fun. ARGH!!!!
Made it to #5 on the blacklist in NFSMW (360), and will probably be taking a break from that for a while. I'm kind of bored of the pursuit stuff at the moment, which is required to proceed. And I'm not overly in a racing mood at the moment anyway.
I got up to #5 and stopped playing as well, for the exact same reason. The cops really start cracking down on you by that point, god damn the laaaw!
Playing Okami lately, finaly, I don't know if it's better than Zelda, but better than Twilight Princess yes. However that little thing that rides Okami is just as annoying as Midna was, bring back the fairy with no personality please! Took a break from Persona 3, cause after awhile it gets too boring and repetitive having to wait for scripted events. Overal the game is a bit of a mixed bag, reminds me of .hack a bit.
Right now, I'm playing Sonic Rivals 2. It's very fun to play just like the first one, IMO. I'm 16% done with everybody's story except for Espio's which I'm half way done with. Despite what IGN said, I think the voice acting, especially Knuckles', is better in this game than the other ones voiced by 4Kids with Shadow's and Espio's being off at times.
So I finished Shadow of the Colossus lsat night. Looooved it. The ending was a little strange in parts, but the game overall was awesome. One of the highlights of my PS2 collection.
As for what's next, I can't decide. >_> I've got this stack of Splinter Cell that I still really want to play, particularly before Conviction comes out, but I keep getting sidetracked by other things. I still haven't really done anything with Ace Combat 6 yet either. But right now I'm finding myself in a bit of a Zelda mood, so I'm toying with either playing through Twilight Princess (GC) again or picking up where I left off in Majora's Mask a while ago. Leaning towards TP.
I also strangely have the urge to tinker with Burnout Revenge (360) a bit, although I expect that will only be temporary.
I got up to #5 and stopped playing as well, for the exact same reason. The cops really start cracking down on you by that point, god damn the laaaw!
Definitely. It can get rather frustrating sometimes to spend 20+ minutes in a pursuit, rack up all kinds of scores and milestones, only to make some minor mistake and get arrested. Meaning you lose everything, and just wasted the last half hour. Raar.
What's weird is that I remember completing all this on the GameCube before, and don't remember getting that annoyed with things. I must've been in more of a pursuit mood at the time. And to be fair, when I am in the mood for it, I think this game's pursuit mode is quite good.
Playing Okami lately, finaly, I don't know if it's better than Zelda, but better than Twilight Princess yes.
Your statement causes more confusion in my decision as to whether or not I should look in to Okami, because Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda.
My bro got Assassin's Creed. Been playing that.
Seconding the absolutely friggin' amazing Assassins Creed.
Leap Of Faith for the win.
Mass Effect. This game is turning out truely awesome. It was starting off kinda slow and confusing. The game doesn't really show you that well on how to do things so you kinda have to learn on your own. But I've been getting really far and am loving the story, characters and gameplay. I've managed to keep a member of my team that would have went AWOL on me if I didn't talk sense into him with my maxed charm stat and I also made a hard choice on saving the life between two characters that are both really good. I'm just having such a blast playing it. Turning out to be a really awesome game.
I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy and it is fantastic.
AA3 is sitting on my desk waiting to be opened. It's my NaNoWriMo incentive, so it'll be a few days before I'm allowed to play it.
SSBM...that 15 minute man melee is that thing I never completed on this game. I'll have to get to it. I want that, DK level. 😛
lol I beat 15 minute Melee back in 2002... I still haven't beaten all the Events though :
Right now? I'm still playing LSW:TCS for the DS. Just finished all the regular play throughs, now time for Free Play
Might also try some SM64DS...
Played the first level of Galaxy. Was pretty intense.
Super Mario Galaxy... 'nuff said.
Oh, shoot! I forgot all about super mario galaxy!
*looks at Mass Effect*
I think I'll get back onto Galaxy by next week; it all depends on when I beat Mass Effect.
Mass Effect Beat the game once [didn't focus on sidequests on this playthrough, but will do a lot more on my next playthrough.]
I went ahead and ordered Okami from Capcom today... It'd better be worth it. >_< I've heard pretty much nothing but good stuff about it (along with a threat of physical harm if I don't get it), so hopefully I like it.
As for what I'm playing now, I did end up going back to Burnout Revenge (360) for a bit. Probably won't be playing it for much longer though, as I plan to either start Twilight Princess again or finally get around to playing more of Ace Combat 6 sometime today.
Good luck with Okami, I really liked it.
Games on the menu:
Animal Crossing: Wild World
New Super Mario Bros.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Well, I finally beat my second playthrough of MGS3 and I unlocked the infinity facepaint and the stealth camouflage. I think I'm going to start an extreme file in it for some sort of challenge.
In Animal Crossing I'm trying to get a blue rose, which I think will never happen =/
Playing the new Ratchet and Clank game for the PS3...and for those who own a PS3, buy this game now. If nothing else but for the Discoball weapon. Also playing Tekken DR Online and screaming at the stupid lag. I lose a lot more than I should.
I've actually been playing a lot of SM64DS... Got about 4 stars on SMG... And am just in love with the game.
Finished Assassin's Creed. Wow, was I ever disappointed by the ending.
Just beat Mass Effect. It was a really awesome ending, but I beat the game in a little more than 12 hours! I was promised at least 20 on some review I read. Oh well the game was awesome and nothing can take that away.
Time to start all over again!
Mass Effect, got it on Tuesday.
It is awesome, and then some.
The game is incredibly beautiful, not just from a technical point, but also, and mainly, an artistic point. When I go exploring a desolate planet, I'm almost always in awe at what BioWare have created.
This should keep me happy until Christmas, when I should be getting Mario Galaxy and Phantom Hourglass.
Finally finished Super Paper Mario... It was good, but not OMFG amazing. I had stopped at World 8-1 at the end of the summer. I tried to beat the Pit of 100 Trails, but when you get down to level 99 twice and die, you give up, especially since the reward isn't great.
Almost done with Drawn To Life as well... Just trying to finish the damned game... The novelty wears off fast and what you are left with is a crappy platformer... The final boss is stupid because you have to fight the 2 phase battle without dying... I might just say screw it.
So yeah. Trading in MKDS, Tetris DS, Jam Sessions, SPM, and PKMN Sapphire to Gamestop tomorrow... My local store is offering a 50% bonus add that to my 10% card and I'll earn a cool $102 for my games =)... Might try to get GHIII Wii (eh @ mono)... I'm at least going to throw some $$$ to a Brawl preorder
... Might put some down for No More Heroes as well. IGN's new videos took me from "probably" to "MUST HAVE"... damn, looks like a Tarantino flick 😯
So for now, I have SMG to occupy me... OH, I forgot I lent my buddy Metroid Prime 3. I'll have to get that back from him as well.
Oww.. No More Heroes looks awesome.
Currently playing Mass Effect still. Playing as a Renegade and am going to Noveria at the moment.
Me and the good folk on #srb2fun vs. the world on Team Fortress 2. We had the most EPIC victory on this one map, despite losing practically every control point prior to this last one. Because of our suckitude, we had to defend this one for 20 minutes, which was asking the impossible... but somehow, we did it. It was made of win and awesome. I wish I could remember which map it was... Damnit, I should've invited you people.
Rainbow Six: Las Vegas. Me and my roomie have been doing co-op. We rock.
I've never been a FPS fan, but this stuff rocks. Good lord!
Resi Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. It's so damn playable and addictive. I wish it had a few more levels but the difficulty settings are fine for replay, as is getting higher ranks and all the files/items.
I'm a bit miffed at the Resi 3 segment, though. Capcom missed out on so many iconic scenes, such as the Clock Tower or Dead Factory, and simply reused the environments from Outbreak for the PS2. Shoddy.
Still, it's an awesome game, and even including the Red Queen and laser room can't stop that.
including the Red Queen and laser room
I've found myself in a bit of a PGR3 mood lately (don't have PGR4 yet), so I'm playing through the career again. Forgot that I'd never played through on my current profile anyway, so I'm in the process of building my car collection back up. Also playing some Halo 3 multiplayer now and then if anyone's on. A little bored with playing Halo 3 by myself lately.
Okami just arrived in today's mail though, so I'll probably be trying that out in the near future.
Playing Mass Effect still. Beat it again as a Renegade. I'm in the late 50 levels and with maxed out money (sucks because there is nothing really good to buy now.) I'm not sure what I'm gonna do next. I might play through as a new character (female or create a crazy looking dude.) and I'm going to buy Mario Galaxy when I get paid.
Just rented TimeShift - it's okay.
Just bought Guitar Hero III, Wii. Played "Talk Dirty to Me" and "Sunshine of Your Love", scoring 88 and 90 on them on Easy. Eh for most, but not bad for someone who can count the number of times they have played the game on one hand.
The mono issue is a lot more noticeable than I thought =
In the PC,I've could be still playing Sonic Heroes.On the Wii,well more than other games(mostly not).
Assassins Creed, on the very small chance I ever get to play it. Damm you work! *Shake fist*
After a few problems with my seller of Panzer Dragoon Saga I finally recieved it today! I think it's pretty cool so far. I really like the combat, a lot differant than I thought it would be though.
I just bought Super Mario Galaxy and Wii Zapper/Links Crossbow Training!
SMG is really really good so far. I'm loving the gameplay. Not far at all, but will play more soon.
The Wii Zapper is really cool. Even with LCT its a blast to play with. Speaking of LCT, its cool how they made a lot of the enemies and stages from TP work well for a shooting game. I can't wait to try the Zapper with another game like RE Umbrella Chronicles, whenever I buy it.
Right now I'm playing Metroid Prime: Hunters and I have to say that compare to Metroid Prime this game sucks. The aiming ain't too bad, but having no lock-on is a real pain in the keister especially when fighting bosses.
Sam & Max Season One.
Did the first Episode last night, will do the second today, and so fourth.
I've done a little sprinkle of SMG here, some GHIII there.
That said, I truly am a handheld gamer by nature. Somehow I'm still playing Lego StarWars TCS for the DS... I'm obsessed with collecting EVERYTHING and getting every last gold brick. I'm really impressed with the graphics. I'm hoping to convince my parents to get my sibblings the Wii version.
Umbrella Chronicles, baby.
I had my doubts, but now I'm a believer. Even if the RE3 section sucks balls graphically and has less to do with RE3 than RE4 has to do with RE in general. (Seriously, the Police Station courtyard and main room are the only two locations in the game which are coincidentally in RE3. I am sure 4th Survivor will have the RPD sections Jill visits, but I've yet to unlock it)
Nothing is more awesome/terrifying than a robotic voice screaming S.T.A.R.S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 at you , dashing full pelt to rip you apart.
I'm totally loving the game and want nothing more than to play it every moment I can.
In other news: Russia level sucks balls.
I've practically finished Umbrella Chronicles now, I've got all the files and unlocked all the levels. I'm working on S ranking all of the levels just to get all the picture displays and infinite ammo. 😀
The RE3 segment is still good, yeah @ Craig, but it could have been so much better. The RPD section and one of the streets levels could easily have been designated an RE2 section (with maybe a repeat of the RE2 lab, since that was also featured in Outbreak). Whereas RE3 could have had the Gravedigger fight and if Capcom were less lazy, levels based on the Clock Tower and Dead Factory.
Still, it's an awesome game. Russia level is slightly dissapointing but that's because it doesn't offer joyous nostalgia (And Sergei as a character is lame).
Nemesis' new, more robotic voice was surprisingly awesome.
We must co'op this game at Bristol. >:O
I recently went back and S'd all 5 RE0 missions and A ranked all the RE1 ones except for the Tyrant bossfight.
RE3 is already mostly A's, but I can work harder on them. Not done Ada's mission yet.
Russia, also, I have not done yet.
Co-op would be epic.
What's your weapon of choice? I usually stick to submachine gun or assault shotgun.
Been swapping back and forth between:
Halo 3, World of Warcraft, SmackDown vs. RAW 2007, and Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance recently.
Yeah, I prefer the submachine gun or assault shotgun too; they offer the best balance to be honest. A decent amount of ammo and power between them. Sadly the other weapons are way too wide on the other spectrum, the other shotguns and machine guns have too much ammo and too little power whereas the magnums, grenade launchers and rocket launchers have too little ammo to be practical.
That said things balance out a lot more when they're fully customised. :3
My favourite level has to be Mansion Incident 1. Chris and Jill knifing the Crimson Head was awesome, and the first time a Crimson Head appeared I literally wet myself (although it's odd that even if you critically decap that zombie, he still comes back as a CH :O)
Sonic Mega Collection. Not a bad compilation, but the menu interfaces are ass-ugly compared to Gems Collection.
I know what you meant. First play I was at a friend's house who hasn't played RE1.
Craig: Ok, up here is a hallway leading back to the main hall or to the snake attic and OH SH-!
Friend: What is it?!
Craig: Crimson Head! SHOOT! SHOOT! KILL IT!
Friend: Is it bad?
Craig: YES!!!!!
Also, amusing was in Mansion Incident 2 when dad was watching me play and I realised we were heading to the shark area. My mumblings of "not the sharks, not the sharks..." were pitiful.
It's also nice to notice all the little bits that only nerds like us could notice.
Such as how Forest was on the wrong balcony side. XD
I loved Rebecca's RE1 segment. The part where Yawn was chasing you was frightfully awesome. Shame Barry was nowhere to be seen, despite mentioned in the files.
(And I just shat myself playing the game again, having shot out all the lights, totally not expecting anything, and then seeing the whites of a Cerberus right about to bite my face off. )