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What'cha playin'?

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Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member guys are dork. It's great!11! As for me...i've been playing 360! Yay! I owe my roomie like an entire portion of my life. Never played a 360 this extensively or gotten into a FPS before. We've been playing Rainbow Six Las Vegas a ton, but we started playing alot of demos. Burnout Revenge, NFS:Carbon, and Lara Croft. :)

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Working on getting all the acheivements out of the games I own before christmas. Right now I'm on Nevada Dam of R6 Vegas on Realistic difficulty, going for the 100 gamerpoints out of that, next I'll complete it splitscreen (by myself), and probably head onto Gear of War after that. Eventually, I'll run out of acheivements to get so I'll probably have to play...Sonic 06 again. >___>

8225 out of a possible 12750 gamerpoints so far!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ahh realistic, huh. I bet that's tough as crap. My roomie's going to try that soon. Wish us luck.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

FINALLY finished Assassins Creed last night. *Swoon*

I'm either going to polish off a few achievments in that (Templars, Harassers, ect), or plug the PS2 back in, and start God Hand, which I finally found a cheap copy of. Yayzorz.

Posts: 889
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Lately it has been a mix of Halo 3 on xbox live, 2nd play through on Mass Effect, and of course Panzer Dragoon Saga. I just got to disk 3 of PDS within a little more than 6 hours of gameplay; when I finished disk one within two hours I began to worry a little thinking it would be a short game, but disk two took me four hours so I got a little relaxed.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Over the course of a week I've replayed all four Mega Man Zero games back-to-back. I've gotten SLUGGISH EDGEMAN more times than I can count.

Needless to say, MMZ3 is the best of the lot.

Posts: 235
Reputable Member

Starting right now I'm gonna begin my second run on Metal Gear Solid 3.

My goals? Get every hidden frog. And kill nobody without a name.

Wish me luck

Posts: 2610
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I ended up with 3 kills at the end of my last MGS3 playthrough >=(

Right Now I'm just going through GTA: San Andreas because I don't really have any other game to play.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

I once again picked up playing Phantasy Star Online for my Dreamcast. Again.

Hurrah. :D

Posts: 113
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I just started playing Hitman Blood Money for the 360 the other day...I also play Uno in live..ehehehe

Posts: 113
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hitman bloody money for the 360 :D Also been playing Uno online ^^;;;

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Jumping between things. Currently playing WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2008. It's been the only wrestling game I've enjoyed since WWF Attitude on the Dreamcast.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Finished R6 Vegas on realistic, and got all the terrorist hunt achievements, now just need to get the co-op story achievement (I'll be doing this by playing with two controllers by myself) and I'll be done with R6 Vegas unless I can be bothered trying to get some of those online ones. Also playing Perfect Dark Zero trying to get the play 1000 deathmatch/Darkops games achievements, so that's going to take a while. I want to get these achievements done and out of the way as I have Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, and Dead Rising to play for christmas. 😀

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Actually been playing some Sudoku on Brain Age 2... great way to kill time. I've spent a little time on SMG... only have 7 stars though :crazy .

Looking ahead to break, I have both SMG and MP3 to play/ beat. And hopefully I will get that 360 and end my 18 year Nintendo-only spree. If I do get it, H3 will be my first game... I also want Dead Rising, but we'll just wait and see.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Right now I am currently playing Super Mario Galaxy. Have over 50 stars and need 6 to go see Peach, I guess. Been fun as hell, but sometimes the camera angles suck and the controls with it at times. But overall, just a really fun game. :thumbsup

Posts: 189
Estimable Member

I been playing Budokai 3 for a few days. Despite it's gameplay not being as complex or imaginative as Tenkaichi 2, it's still more fun. I've also been playing Guitar Hero 3 as well. I really suck at it, though(my hands suck).

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Madden 07. The Wii controls just make it so much more fun. :)

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

So I got Okami a while back. Up until recently I hadn't done much with it, because I also got Oblivion for the 360 around that time after being pestered about it repeatedly. I haven't done a lot with Oblivion yet, and it looks like there'll be a ton of stuff to do, but I'm liking what I've seen so far, and it should get better as I get used to things. I've been taking a break from it for now though, and have gone back to Okami.

I just completed what I suppose would be considered the first dungeon, and I'm loving it so far. My only complaints with the game are the incredibly annoying fake voice noise that they use for talking scenes, and the comparably annoying little bug thing that hangs around with you. The voice thing is just ridiculous. I would've much prefered silence, with maybe the occasional grunt or noise from the characters, much like how Zelda does things.

But otherwise the game is great so far, definitely glad I bought it. I absolutely love the art style used in this game, it's got the be the best use of cel-shading I've seen, as well as one of the best looking PS2 games I can remember. Being the Zelda fanboy that I am, I still like Twilight Princess (my favorite Zelda) a little better, but this is pretty close so far. I particularly like how realisticly the wolf is animated in this, down to all the subtle little mannerisms. (which can be fairly amusing at times) I have to say, I think they did a better job of the whole wolf thing than Zelda did.

So yeah. I'm mostly playing Okami currently, along with some occasional Halo 3 multiplayer (new maps FTW), and just recently a little Madden 08 for the GameCube. Yeah. I'm weird.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I've been playing Mario Galaxy.

That's about it. Christmas should bring some more goodies.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Played through Sonic 2 past night, but got stuck and had to wait for the 10 minutes to run out and that got me really frustrated...and I ended up dying on "Eggsterminator" like 10 times and mecha maybe 5 or so. So I didn't end up beating the game. Had all CEs too. Darn! lol So I played through it again today and did it. And i've got to say Sonic 2's Super Sonic is on cocaine. That guy is crazy. Much crazier than the one on S3&K, IMO. But i'm going to beat Fatal Fury sometime soon and i've been playing Super Star Soldier a good bit too. :D

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

My brother got Blacksite, so I'll be playing that.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Got 5 or so more Stars on Galaxy last night. Also played maybe 10 minutes of MP3... I'm guessing I'll finish SMG before MP3 lol.

Hopefully getting Lego StarWars Wii for Christmas... hopefully getting that 360 my uncle owes me too...

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Been playing through FF7...decided I would play through it and 8 before I go back to school. Right now the stupid Weapons in 7 stand in my way. Ultimate Weapon? What a tool...Ruby and Emerald both make me recall the uberbosses of older RPG's. I don't know what to do with Ruby since Omnislash did like 400 per hit...guess I'll use Bahamut Zero now. I think I knocked off 500K with Cloud, Yuffie and Tifa on Emerald before it got ticked off and gave me the Game Over screen.

Also been playing Tekken Dark Ressurection Online and realizing why fighters online just do not work...meh

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

It's not good online? Aww man! What's so bad about it?

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Basically envision that you are able to do a certain combo all the time when playing in practice or in real life and realizing that lag can screw those up to the point where you will rarely hit it and will affect your play in real life...I'll pass. I play it only to screw around which gets old fast.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Finally got around to Wild Arms 4. Loving how they got rid of the aimless World Map wandering (GOD I HATE THAT FREAKIN' SEARCH BULLCRAP) and went with straight-up platforming gameplay on top of the usual Wild Arms staple of puzzle-solving and dungeon-spelunking. Yeah, it makes the game completely linear but considering my game backlog I welcome it with open arms.

The Hex turn-based battle system is a breath of fresh air, too.

I hope Wild Arms 5 is just as good, I'll be playing that next.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I see Torn. I'm hoping lag isn't as big of an issue on Tekken 6, SFIV, KOFXII. They've got to do something about that. Wild Arms...that sounds familar. *looks it up*

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Half Life 2 on the PS3, and World in Conflict on the PC.

All I have to say? World in Conflict is incredible. I'm very pleased.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

My brother got BlackSite. Was very disappointed with that game.

But we also got Mass Effect and Guitar Hero 3. :D So I've been playing them.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Playing Lego Star Wars Wii... Need to get another Nunchuck tomorrow so the siblings and I can play together ;D

Posts: 2610
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Hmm, I'm still playing GTA: SA, and I also started a new game in Gran Turismo 4, as I never played this game for what it was truly worth, so I'm giving it another chance. I'm also still playing Animal Crossing: Wild World, and I still don't have a blue rose 😥 Oh yes, I ordered Grand Theft Auto III(lost our old copy =() and Zone of the Enders so I'm waiting to play those two =D

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

ZOE is super good. Get ready for your life to change. 😛 As for me...Dr. Robo's Mean Bean Machine. I suck at this game. Wow. >_<

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

I just got Call of Duty 4 (360) and Project Gotham Racing 4 for Christmas, so I'll most likely be alternating between CoD4 and Okami for a while. Haven't tried CoD4's single player campaign yet, only played a few online matches so far. It certainly takes a little getting used to after playing Halo 3 so much, but it's coming back to me fairly quick. Still every bit as much fun as I remember from the beta.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Got Mario and Sonic just awhile ago. I think I can have some fun with this. Too bad I have work in an hour. >_<

Posts: 2610
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Well, it seems that my friend got a crapload of games for Christmas including Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Rock Band, The Orange Box, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed and a whole bunch of other crap.
We started a band in Rock Band and that was the only game we got around to playing. Man, I really need to get Guitar Hero for PS2 <3

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I got Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles for Christmas, so I've been playing those pretty heavily--more MOHH2 than REUC, surprisingly. Then again, MOHH2 has a wicked fun online multiplayer.

Posts: 3756
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Got Phoenix Wright, Ace Attourney: T&T last thursday. Lots of fun, great writing. (SPARDA)

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Mario and Sonic at the Olmypics and I must loving this game. Take it I am a huge Track and Field buff[as well as Summer Olympics]. Some of the events are a bit complicated...or maybe its just me not knowing exactly how to perform them, but i'm loving it so far. Me and my roomies are going to have a hoot with this one come Spring Semester. :D

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I orgasmed several times while playing Through the Fire and Flames on Guitar Hero 3.

It was pure ecstasy.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XDXD! Wow...awesome. Can't wait "to play" it in a few weeks.

Posts: 4607
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Unreal Tournament 3. Which is more or less Unreal Tournament 2004, but prettier.

Although there's no anti-aliasing, and I'm running it at 1280x800, so that fact is EXTREMELY noticeable. Ew.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

lol @ Hyper

My old roommate got M&S too. He said the single player gets boring after a while, but the mulitplayer is great.

I've got to complain about LSW's 2 player. I bought a nunchuck so I could play with my siblings... I don't know, maybe 2p has evolved since I last did it, but I remember when player 1 controlled where you went next, and player 2 was just there for moral support/ to kill baddies. In LSW, the 2nd player can go anywhere and can cause the group to enter a new room =

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ahh Lego Star Wars. Yea the one for GC allows 2nd player to do that type of stuff too, if I remember correctly. That can get frustrating if you're playing with someone who isn't very vocal and doesn't tell you what they're about to do next. I hate that. But multiplayer is good? Awesome, my roomies wanted me to get anyway. Can't wait to get back on campus now. :D

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

yes, it is very good :D

We tied 2-2 in the 4 events we did... I kicked his arse with Knuckles in the 100m dash and the 310 Hurdles... and then he beat me in the shooting and the hammer throw.

yeah LSW is annoying when you are playing with a younger sibbling =

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

I'm giving up on Hitman for a while it keeps annoying me..So I am going to start playing Assasins Creed :D

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Holy crap, man. These past 2 days have been the greatest gaming days ever, and today took the cake. I played Portal from start to finish. Sooooo freaking awesome, especially towards the end where you go through the rundown areas of Aperture. =D

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Flipping between Guitar Hero III (Just Cliffs Of Dover and Lou to go on my Medium career), Need For Speed: Most Wanted (Just beat Izzy on the blacklist) and Phantom Crash (Oh I love this game. ^^ ).

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Well i'll be attending the second ThunderThon[Hydro Thunder tournament at the local mall] in less than 4 hours, so i'll be playing Hydro Thunder later. After finishing 3rd at the last one I gotta get back on top[in past competitions and exhibition matches i'm usually #1]. Considering two of my close friends[rivals] won't be attending this one, it just won't be the same. =/ Oh well...anyway i'm going to put in some hours on Mario and Sonic at the Olympics...probably do missions as Sonic characters. :D

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Before Christmas I was re-playing Okami.

I am currently switching between Tomb Raider Legend, Forza 2 (Arcade Mode) and Wario Ware Touched!

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

I just bought Final Fantasy XII for 4.99 at Toys R Us. Envy me =D

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