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What'cha playin'?

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After running it through my disc repair device, I am currently playing Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and am loving it...too bad I keep forgetting to save and then die.

Posts: 2016
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I just finished Mass Effect, and am kind of considering running it through again at a higher difficulty.

That, and working on my Human Priest in World of Warcraft.

Posts: 1567
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Playing Capcom vs SNK 2...getting ready for a tourney with my K groove team of Yuri, Mai and Cammy(Ratio 2). Also loving the FMV where the Magic Emperor in Lunar makes his appearance...and causes devestation in no time flat.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ahhh nice team ya got there. I can't stand Cammy..she usually does a great deal of damage to me. 😛 Mai is pretty cheap too. 😛 As for me...Mario and Sonic[of course]. :)

Posts: 1396
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Super Mario Galaxy.

It's unbelievably addictive.

Also on the side, Street Fighter Alpha Anthology.

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I finished the single player campaign in CoD4, which ended up being more fun than I was expecting, and I went back and managed to get a 18.59s time in the cargo ship mockup, which I'm plenty happy with. :D

So now I'm back to being addicted to the multiplayer. Which is awesome. And I haven't even tried the other modes besides Team Deathmatch and Free for All yet. I plan to play more of Okami soon as well, but I can't pull myself away from CoD4 at the moment. I've also played a little of PGR4 so far, and I'm liking that as well. I like a lot of the new stuff it has, including the addition of motorcycles, which are more fun than I was expecting.

Now that I think about it, I've also tried Cage Match in CoD4. That's pretty fun as well, although I'm usually more in the mood for the team or free for all stuff. It can get pretty intense sometimes though. You know that there's only one other person on the map, and that person's only objective is to find you. And kill you. Heh. It gets especially tense when you know they're close because you can hear their footsteps nearby, but you can't quite figure out where exactly they are as you cautiously creep around a corner with a shotgun. Good times. :D

Posts: 571
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I just beat Mass Effect for the third time. Down with that now. Have been looking for a top notch game for the 360 now. I've been really wanting to play Assassin's Creed, but have heard a lot of negativity about it being super repetitive which has made me really not wanting to buy it. Have been thinking about either Bioshock or The Darkness. any suggestions out of the three?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Well I have two friends that bought Bioshock[one of which bought it after my other friend convinced him it vital to hid own existence] and when they first got it they absolutely LOVED it. One of my friends pretty much vanished into his dorm. Then one my roommates got AC for Christmas and I know he has loved it...and i'll play it in about a week once I move back in. So as for now..I can tell you Bioshock is good...very good.

As for my playing list...Mario and Sonic. These Master Circuits are whooping my butt.

Edit: Take that back..i'm going to MK64 it some. :D

Posts: 2016
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Just brought Dynasty Warriors Gundam with gift vouchers, so I'll be playing that.

Posts: 5035
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Ahh yea how is that Spiner? I looks incredible. As for me and two of my buddies...Rock Band. Good lord. My friend bought it today. We're totally loving it. Too bad he got a faulty guitar, though. =/ Still rocks. :D

Posts: 1567
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Playing the standard Capcom games in an arcade...and realizing why I hate playing on sticks...

Posts: 808
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Aside from some multiplayer in CoD4 and Halo 3, I've mostly been playing PGR4. Haven't even started the actual career yet, I'm just about finished with the arcade mode. I've mostly been using cars though, so I'll probably go back and get the motorcycle medals before moving on to the career.

I love the weather effects in this one, they're probably the best I've seen in a racing game.

Posts: 5035
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You hate sticks too Torn? I can't do anything with them. Although that's how they should be played...I just can't. >_<

Posts: 808
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I tried a Soul Calibur II machine once at a small arcade near me. I freaking sucked. >_> I'd previously only ever played the GameCube version, and I'm not exactly brilliant at that even, but I didn't expect to suck that bad on the arcade machine. Safe to say I don't care for arcade sticks. >_< Hori digital pad FTW.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Ghost Squad for Wii... Picked it up at Target for $12... and now I'm going to go trade it in to Gamestop for $13.

Gameplay seems rather boring. I saw the "$10 @ TARGET" deal on GoNintendo and decided why not. But, before I opened it, I call my local GS to see how much I could get...

I think I'll now put this game's money towards SSBB :D I'm guessing the next new game I get will be No More Heroes =)... Hopefully I can finish Galaxy by then, and use that as $$$ towards NMH

Posts: 1827
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I've just beaten Wario Ware Touched and Tomb Raider Legend.

Legend was great. Gotta love the ending. Now I have to get all those bronze, silver and gold statues and beat the time trials to get Lara in a Union Jack top. For great patriotic justice.

Posts: 488
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Contra 4

difficulty and addiction

also, DS version of Geometry Wars Galaxies

less on difficulty, same on addiction

Posts: 1396
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I've just completed the story of Super Mario Galaxy, and I loved it to bits. Got 59 stars left to go, but I'll take my time, this game is the best I've played in ages, and I'm glad there's still a whole second half of it left for me.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member


think I'll now put this game's money towards SSBB I'm guessing the next new game I get will be No More Heroes =)... Hopefully I can finish Galaxy by then, and use that as $$$ towards NMH

DUDE! No More Heroes is going to be my next game too. It's going to rock, man. Can't wait. Feb. 5th correct?

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Posts: 571
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Really? Awesome. Thats gonna be my next game aswell then. :jester

Posts: 5035
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AHHHH!!!! That's insane, man! Sweet! Thanks for letting me know man...had no idea it got moved up. This may be the best start to a new year far as gaming goes. :D D

Posts: 808
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Finished the car portion of PGR4's arcade mode, so I've been messing with the online play a little before working on the motorcycle portion. Been playing a decent amount of the Bulldog gametype online, which has ended up being ridiculously fun. If you've ever played Infection in Halo 3, this is kind of like that. Only with cars. Good times. :D

Posts: 1241
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Playing a bit of Mass Effect, a bit of Need For Speed Most Wanted, a bit of Oblivion, a bit of Guitar Hero, a bit of Mario And Luigi Superstar Saga and a bit of Pokemon Diamond.

Waiting ever so patiently for Devil May Cry 4.

Posts: 2016
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Waiting ever so patiently for Devil May Cry 4.

You and me both, buddy.

Posts: 808
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So PGR4 was being quite a bit of fun until Xbox Live started acting up again. The issues they've been having over the last week or so are getting increasingly annoying, especially when you have a good game and/or group going, and things foul up on you. Been having the same problems with Call of Duty 4 as well.

Due to my annoyance at the problems, I just bought a cheap used copy of Call of Duty 3 for the PS2 a few hours ago on a whim. 'Cause I'm spontaneously weird like that sometimes. I've only played a little so far (and only multiplayer), but I kinda like it actually. It's a bit of a shock going back to PS2 graphics after playing CoD4 on the 360, but you get used to it after a while. And the online play is working fine. :p

Going to bed now though, plan to try more of it tomorrow. Hopefully Xbox Live gets their issues taken care of soon...

Posts: 60
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I had been playing Halo 3 and, was trying to collect all the skulls but, my roomate moved and, took his 360 with him. So I dug my Playstation and, Dreamcast out of the closet. I am now trying to finally beat Tactics Ogre and, I am going through Skies of Arcadia for like the 211th time in my life. I swear I have that game's dialogue memorized word for word.

Posts: 60
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*blinks* stupid double post...

Posts: 571
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Zone of the Enders. I'm actually not liking it very much, so far. Its been a lot of backtracking and searching for crap that I really don't care for. Maybe if I played the game when it first came out I would like it more, but its kinda boring me, the combat is fun, but finding passcodes and stuff is just eh. |I

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh really, Incognito? I'm sorry...give it'll grow on you. Maybe. As for me...until my roommates get here[and I go back home and get my DC plugs] im with the Wii/GC/VC. So i've been playing a good bit of Galaga and Mario Kart 64. Absolutely loving it. :D

Posts: 113
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WORMS on the 360 😛 I've been reliving my

Posts: 5035
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Roommates are in...and i'm now geodude the drummer for 1010 Boyz. Yea...Rock Band has been rocking my day today. Oh yes! :D I think I can safely say Rock Band is like the most fun i've had with a game this millenium. :D Harmonix deserves an award...or two.

Posts: 571
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Yeah, I'm trying to play through it more to see if it gets better. :) Also playing some Super Mario Galaxy from time to time. :roll:

Posts: 5035
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Seems Harmonix didn't do Rock Band...but EA did?! Ummm...what? I dare shudder at this greatness EA has assembled. I didn't want to believe it...but there it is on the cover of the game. EA...I bow to you. 😛

Posts: 808
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Hold off on the bowing. :p EA published it, while Harmonix developed it. Same with how Activision published Harmonix's first two Guitar Hero games.

Posts: 5035
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Ahh ok I see. Ha! Yes! *gets off his knees* >_> yea...where was I? *rocks out*

Posts: 2915
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AWDS during the day at work, SMG at home... I now have 72 stars in Galaxy. I love the game, but I do have 2 complaints. The first is the damned camera. I want to be able to move it around when ever I want... and I want it to stay put damn it! 2nd is the fact that when you turn off your game, you automatically reset to 5 or 4 lives =. It isn't the end of the world, but it is a little annoying. I was listening to "Zero Punctuation" 's review of the game, and I thought he made a good point. Why do we need lives at all? Anyways, still haven't played the final level yet. I think I'll try to get at least 100 stars before tackling that :D .

Posts: 889
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I've been playing quite a few games lately. I think this is a complete list.
1.Call of Duty 4- havn't played it on Live yet, but so far I think it's okay. I heard all the fun was on Live anyway
2. Sonic Adventure 2- I rebought this from Loving every minute of it so far. I also bought a VMU while I was at it. I never had one of those. They're pretty cool
3. Halo 3- well that's a no brainer
4. Nights Journey of Dreams- I beat it awhile back, but still awesome
5. Shenmue- I got this brand new from a guy on So far I'm pretty impressed. It's a little boring in the beginning and the voice acting is terrible, but I like it so far. I just hope it picks up a little and gets some more action. I also bought Shenmue 2 for the Xbox. I'll play that when I finish the first one.

Posts: 808
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Up until I finished the story mode yesterday, I've been playing Rayman Raving Rabbids (360). It was cheap. And I was in a weird mood. Leave me alone. >_> Since then I've mostly been playing Call of Duty 2, with some CoD4 multiplayer here and there.

I recently and grabbed CoD2 & 3 cheap used for the 360, and I'm definitely glad I did so far. I was surprised how similarly CoD2 plays to 4, actually, moreso than 3 does. Should've gotten it a long time ago, but I'd avoided the series previously after greatly disliking Treyarch's CoD:Finest Hour on the PS2.

I'm quickly seeing just how much better the games made by Infinity Ward are than Treyarch's stuff after what I've played of CoD2, and from what little I've played of CoD3. And that makes the rumors of Call of Duty 5 being Treyarch+WWII all the more disappointing. I don't like this dual developer crap just because Activision wants to milk the series for yearly sequals. At least I can hopefully look forward to Call of Duty 6, provided Treyarch doesn't run the series into the ground.

Posts: 2915
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Just got back from playing Halo 3 and CoD4 at my little cousin's... I must say, it is lol worth that I beat him in multiplayer on H3... Considering I've played a combined 4 hrs of Halo multi since it came out... maybe.

CoD4 was pretty. Really damn pretty. And eerily realistic. Once my cousin turned off the radar, I had a hard time playing multi. I've never been a big fan of combat FPS (real war sims), but I must say... wow.

Posts: 113
Estimable Member


Worms- Stuck on level 13 and hating the AI because it's become hella smart..There is 20 levels (-_-)

Assassin's Creed- Started this a few nights ago..I haven't done that much but it looks cool. Pretty graphics fo sho.

Gears- Playing the game on Hardcore with my partner and also trying to find the last COG just on casual so I don't get the snot beaten out of

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Im working on DBZ BT3. I'm hating the control scheme though, they really didn't need to totally change it from BT2
's Wii style. Sure, flying with one peripherial makes sense, but using the danged D-pad to execute attacks is just not conducive unless you have really long fingers.

That and they did something to the damn combos so I have to do more waving.

Least Beam Battles are the easiest thing alive right now. Cannot be beaten :D

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Now that i've got a good X-Rocker like chair thing...i'm thinking i'm going to finish up the circuits on Mario and Sonic, continue playing Galaga[my roomie beat my high score GRRR!!] and really get into Super Star Soldier. :D D

Posts: 571
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Texas Hold'Em. I beat ZOE, ended up being pretty cool. Might try the second one some day.

Posts: 808
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Just finished Call of Duty 2's single player campaign. I have to say, that's probably the best WWII shooter I've played. I was laughing hysterically when in the last mission, rather than running up to a tank and planting a charge to take it down like normal, I decided to try lying in wait to lure it in front of one of the Flak 88 guns we'd captured earlier. Patience paid off. Tank go splodey. :] Medal of Honor never let me do that. :p

So I'll be moving on to CoD3 shortly, hoping to not be too disapointed after CoD2's awesomeness. Not really enough time to bother starting that one tonight though, so I'll probably just mess with some multiplayer of something. (CoD2, 4, & Halo 3 being the most likely candidates)

Posts: 571
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^I loved Call of Duty 2. :D Playing on Veteran was so damn fustrating. I almost broke my controller by how furious I got on certain levels. :insane I did manage to complete it though which felt so satisfying. :nn; I want to try part 3 and 4 someday, but I don't think I'll attempt the Veteran, because that crap would get me too damn heated. :evil :spin

Posts: 808
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Yeah, I stay away from Veteran in these games. Considering my ability (or lack thereof), it's not worth the frustration. :lol

If you liked CoD2, I'd definitely recommend at least getting 4. It's loads of awesome, both online and off. :D

I've mostly been playing CoD3 myself lately. It's definitely not as good 2 or 4 from what I've seen of it, but at the same time I'm not hating it. Yet. :p Single player is decent, nothing as good as 2 or 4 had. I plan to play through it at least once, but I don't expect to be replaying it any time soon from what I've seen so far.

However, I'm finding the multiplayer to be strangely entertaining, moreso that I expected. I wouldn't say it's better than the others, but I'm still finding it to be a lot of fun, and I can't come up with a specific reason to pinpoint why. I just like it for some reason. :| CTF is a lot of fun, kinda wish CoD4 had a CTF mode. And I like some of the maps in this one, particularly Eder Dam for Battle/Team Battle and Verdun for CTF, from what I've played on so far. And although I don't think CoD4 needs anything like this, the option for classes like medics in this one is an interesting change of pace. I find myself playing as a medic most of the time so far, actually.

And things definitely run smoother and look nicer than the PS2 version. :p Although I'm still somewhat impressed with the PS2 version considering the limitations of that system.

Posts: 2915
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Found my 90th star last night in Galaxy... and now they are going to get really *#!@ing hard D: I'd probably be fine if 1) The hard levels didn't restart you at the beginning, 2) The game actually saved the number of lives I had.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Someone's complaining about the lack of lives in Super Mario Galaxy?

Hiro, man, wtf?

You start off with like 9 everytime you start the game if you read Princess Peach's letter. o.o

Posts: 2915
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I know, I HATE TALKING TO THAT DAMNED MAIL TOAD. It was annoying the 2nd time, and it is still annoying the 40th time

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