Final Fantasy VI- thought I'd play alittle just for the hell of it. classic
105 stars into Galaxy... now it is getting tricky 😯
I stopped playing Wild Arms 4 several days ago because I've been working on other things, and now I really don't feel like continuing the game even though for all intents and purposes I'm at the final dungeon.
You'd be surprised how often that happens.
Meanwhile, I finally finished ZX Advent on Hard mode as Grey and with Apollo Justice still several days away, decided to go retro with the GBA portmake of Breath of Fire.
It's so generic in a Capcom-esque way and requires Dragon Quest-esque grinding, but damn is it still fun... -esque.
Just got done failing miserably on Stage 7 of Super Star Soldier mostly because I got raped by the Stage 6 boss and I had no power-ups to carry over...and you definitely need upgrades at the start of Stage 7. Probably my best playthrough in quite some time, not to mention that Rockit SW Chair...adds greatly to the experience. Oh yes. And upon discovering my Dreamcast cables[which I thought I had left at home] I can not wait to try VOOT in that chair. The sound is going to be wonderfabulous. Plus i've got a 3 day weekend...expect some super serious gaming to be had. I'll be posting on here every 4 hours or so. XP
Dude, it's so hard to die in Super Mario Galaxy and lives are so plentiful to begin with. I don't understand why people keep complaining that it resets them.
Anyway, I've been digging heavily into some Virtual Console goodness as of late. Currently playing through Super Metroid.
I'm replaying Phoenix Wright, and playing random PS2 games. I tried doing a mission in Grand Theft Auto III, but I couldn't beat it after 5 tries. I later cried myself to sleep.
112 Stars
... although these last few are going to suuuuuuuck. I hate the damned 100 purple coin things.
That said, I did beat the "challenge" galaxies. I ended up making 20 lives off of them ... That said, I spent all 30 on the Toy Box's 100 Purple Coins thing. AND I STILL HAVEN'T BEATEN IT = I don't know if I'm going to bother replaying the game as Luigi or just find a save online...
If you're going to replay the game as Luigi I'd say take a good break inbetween playing Mario's file and Luigi's. They're too similar to warrant playing through the whole game a second time really with some minor gameplay adjustments.
Continuing on a Metroid binge after the perfectness that was Super Metroid, and so I finished Metroid Prime last night. Prime 2 Echoes will be started soon. I'm going to try and persevere through the tedium and actually finish the game for once.
Hahah, yea Prime 2 wasn't that fun for the most part. It does get better though. As for me and my friends/roomie. We played Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, Wii Sports and NCAA Football 2008. Fun, fun! Wesu do you have any space shooters on VC? *smiles very big*
Currently Playing- Final Fantasy VI, Metal Gear Solid. Beat MGS earlier for the hundredth time. Now I'm just deciding what will be my for sure next buy, and I'm coming to the conclusion to get No More Heroes.
I'm nearing the end of Metroid Prime 2, and I'm loving it! Good, lord, how come nobody ever told me how freaking awesome the Metroid series was!!! Even though, I don't consider any Sonic game crap, I must say that the Metroid series blows any recent Sonic game ,including my recent favorite (Shadow), out of the freakin' water; still Sonic's my favorite gaming character ever.
Once I beat MP2, I'll either go on to play Corruption or Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, which I've had for a week. I'm really not sure as I really want to play the last of the Prime series, but at the same time, out of loyalty to Sonic and actually wanting to play it, I want to play ZG. Tough choice!
Hahaha, wow may not want to say ShtH is your your new recent favorite. Like for real. 😛 Anyway me and two of my friends had a hell of a time w/MK64. From laughing at the nonanimal sounds DK makes to the car-starting sounds of Bowser we were having a hoot. Did battle mode for a good while[all three of us], but I had fun watching them do the 2p circuit. lol Ahh the joys of multiplayer.
LOL, eh, I like what I like; that's just the way I am. I would probably be beaten even worst if I said Secret Rings was my least favorite Sonic game...of all time! (Note: I've never played much or many of the GG Sonic's.) Man, I'm getting nervous at the thought of fighting the Emperor Ing which I hope to do tomorrow; if not tomorrow than probably after I get out of school on Wednesday.
I'm a bit dissapointed in MP2 atm. I come to fighting the Alpha Blogg and the frigging thing has some cheap attacks. It wouldn't be so bad if there was a nearer save station but now I have to wade through another 10/15 minutes of gameplay just to get to the boss fight again.
Not fun.
What, 10 - 15 minutes? You do realize there's a Save Station in the Hydrodynamo Station, right? If that's the Save Station you're using, I really don't see how it takes 10-15 minutes for you to get back to the Alpha Blogg, but yeah, I admit that AB is a very frustrating boss fight.
As far as the rest of the game goes, at times I find it easier than MP1, and other times it feels that it is a lot harder. *shrugs*
I'm dossing between games at the moment, though tinkering with Link to the Past as I've never played it before.
Also poking ZX Advent, because ZX was amazing.
Well, I picked up Advance Wars: Days of Ruin at my local Circuit City. The thing is, I go there, check the shelves, and the game isn't there. So, I go to ask an employee how can I know if the game is supposed to be in stock at this store. She simply replies, the internet. Yeah, thanks, can you tell me about any other new developments in the world?
I walk around the store a bit more, looking for someone who seemed at least semi-competent, and eventually some guy went into the back and came out with the game, a full half-hour later. Yay.
So I finished Call of Duty 3 last night. I have to say, I actually liked it overall. Not as good as 2 or 4 certainly, but not all that bad (minus a couple annoying places). That's part of the issue with this dual-developer thing, though. If Treyarch were making their own series under a different name, I'd be inclined to say that it's pretty good, but not as good as Call of Duty. But when they both use the same name, one would naturally make a direct comparison to other CoD games, specifically the superior titles made by Infinity Ward. Which results in confusion for some and an overall lack of consistency for the series. Blarg.
So yeah. I still thought it was pretty decent. And I'm not completely dreading Treyarch's CoD5. But I'm still looking forward to the next IW game more.
As for now, I'm finishing up trying to get one more easy achievement out of CoD3 (if I can ever get into a ranked match, since nearly everyone playing it sticks with player matches), and then I'm thinking of going back to where I left off in trying to complete Gears of War on Hardcore. Depends on my mood though, I might pick up where I left off in Okami instead. And there'll probably be some CoD4 and Halo 3 multiplayer mixed in as well.
Wahoo, I just finally beat Metroid Prime 2: Echoes!!!!!!! Whoo, the ending was absolutely awesome, and I was able to get 100% on items and scans!!! I probably will go on to play Zero Gravity next per my leaning to Sonic, but I'm not entirely sure I'll beat it before I start MP3.
Congrats Ray. As for me...Madden '07. After winning the Super Bowl in '07, then finishing .5 the next season...i've got to get my off-season stuff together. =/
Just got No More Heroes. Made of all kinds of mo'friggin' win.
Just purchased No More Heroes as well... Hopefully I will be able to play some tonight.
I've also been playing AW oR on my sister's ds...
Currently playing No More Heroes aswell. I am loving it. ^_^
Just finished playing through Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, myself. It was a good game, but in my opinion Prime 1 was a much more superior game. The areas in Prime 1 were more memorable and appealing than 2's (Phendrana Drifts ftw, whereas Torvus Bog and Agon Wastes were ugh) plus the whole aspect of Dark Aether made the games feel pretty dirty and grimy.
The Lore and Logbook in Prime 1 was also far superior. Everything in Prime 2 was forgettable, but in Prime 1 the Space Pirates felt much more cold and calculating; their clinical analysis of their experiments of Space Pirates trying to use Morph Ball technology, and failing, was awesome.
Also; the story felt supremely weak. Samus had no real justifiable reason to do anything that she did in Prime 2. True, it was possible that the Ing could have spread and became a problem throughout the rest of the galaxy, but so what? She's a simple bounty hunter, stuff like that should fall under Trade Federation jurisdiction. Metroid Prime 1 felt more compelling in the sense that she was aiming to wipe out the rest of the Space Pirates on Tallon IV, and the fact that the planet was inhabited by Chozo who were wiped out is even more compelling.
Overall, good game, but felt dissapointing. I'm interested in seeing how the Trilogy ends with Corruption.
Well, the third game actually has dialogue (complete with actors, natch, good ones even), so it does a far better job at explaining why Samus does what she does (i.e.: she was actually hired this time).
I didn't get into it as much as the first two, though. Dunno why, really.
I didn't get into it as much as the first two, though. Dunno why, really.
I didn't, either--I think the enhanced Wii controls really added to the immersion. Also, it was a bit more action-based and less focused on exploring than the first two.
Still playing No More Heroes, will be starting the hardest mode shortly. Also playing Super Mario Sunshine still, no much though. And Texas Hold Em.
Y halo thar Final Fantasy IX, we meet again.
I needed to borrow it from a friend, but after finding my hand drawn map with notes of everything in the game, I needed to play it again.
The map has so much win to it, and I must rediscover what all the scribbles me and my friend (incidentally the one I borrowed the game from) left upon it, while trading it at school and unlocking all the secrets before we had GameFAQs to ruin them for us.
o.o Umm DBZ BT3. Miffed at this craptastic new system. Not liking I hafta play every danged mode to get the other characters I wanna try-Female Saiyajin, YES!
Finished the Shivering Isles expansion to Oblivion last night. That rocked.
Currently playing what ever my mood dictates. Most likely Pokemon Diamond or Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga.
No More Heroes. Playing on Bitter Mode.
No More Heroes.
I'm now ranked 6th in the United Assassins Association. The last boss battle was awesome... even touching in a way.
My DS should be back at my house when I get home from class... I should be upset at all these problems I've been having with the L button... but at least I get a brand new 1 yr warranty
I just beat Shenmue about an hour ago. This game is easily on my top 5 games of all time. It was a pretty depressing ending; which didn't surprise me. The whole thing was leading to Ryo leaving anyway.
It's time to start playing Shenmue 2 I guesse. But I'm a little concerned in playing this, because if it's as great as the first then I'll be begging for more, but I heard Shenmue online has been canceled/delayed and no Shenmue 3 has been announced
No More Heroes, on bitter, almost done. Have about 2 bosses left.
Just cleared No More Heroes 5th Rank fight...
Probably my favorite rank so far. I laughed pretty hard =)
Rez HD.
Playing No More Heroes, about done with the last boss on Bitter. Will finish up tomorrow morning. Going to be getting a new [old] game soon.
Finished BoFI two days ago, starting BoFII or as I like to call it The Best Breath Of Them All.
Katt <3
I gave up on Wild Arms 4 and (finally) started up Wild Arms 5. I see the Hex battle system returns, with a little variety thrown in during boss encounters I see. I'll miss the platforming from WA4, though. Also, if I see that @#%$ Search command ONE MORE TIME... oh... I guess you don't need it to find locations in this game. That's nice. We'll see if that changes, though. Exploring the world map and dungeons has the same over-the-shoulder view as Dragon Quest VIII, actually.
Mmmm... DQ8. I still need to finish that one, too. ;_;
Psx you are now my bestest friend ever <3
BoF2 ftw. It's a shame the translation is crap but Katt kicks awesome amounts of ass.
And you're not missing much the DQ8 endings. That game was a bit of a dissapointment.
So, FFIX keeps crashing at the South Gate, pre Black Waltz III rematch, thusly I've started renting games.
Super Paper Mario is my focus right now and I'm on the 4th stage.
I also have NiGHTS, but it is not impressing me and NiGHTS' voice angers me for no discernable reason.
And you're not missing much the DQ8 endings. That game was a bit of a dissapointment.
Regardless I still like playing through it. A reminder of the good ol' days, eh wot.
Also 'Cor Blimey!'.
I also have NiGHTS, but it is not impressing me and NiGHTS' voice angers me for no discernable reason.
NiGHTS' voice never bothered me (for some odd reason, it sounds adorable), it's Helen's that twists my cork in the wrong way. I'm not praising this game for it's brilliant voice acting, but at least they attempt to try, everyone except Helen's actress which sounds as though she's stoic throughout the whole process.
Also, am in 3rd rank in No More Heroes currently. This game isn't turning out as awesome as I thought it would, though not bad by any stretch.
Busted out the old Sega Genesis and played some Eternal Champion.
Just became the 4th ranked UAA on No More Heroes... Probably my least favorite fight so far... Escape from the box by waggle or button press during the fight was interesting the first time... and annoying the following 10 times =
Hahaha, oh yea Gyser. I didn't even realize that had finally came out. I still thought it was like Q2 08. How is it? I'm sure i've got quite a few friends that purchased it, but I haven't talked to them in a while. Is it like super awesome, man?
As for my gaming agenda. Madden '07. My 'Boys are 17-0 playing the Bear for the conference game. Shouldn't be a problem. And I was playing Super Star Soldier gosh...finally made it to the final boss[or so I think]. I had destroyed like 2 or 3 sections of it and i'm thinking I had worked it to its end. I lost though. Had a score of like over 3000000. I LOVE that game. Oh man! Getting No More Heroes tomorrow[if they have it] and i'll be playing that like mad, im sure.
Right now I'm in the middle of playing Metroid Prime 3 and loving it; it is pretty much as awesome as the first 2. However, it seems to go faster than the other two; I don't know if it's my skill getting better after playing the other three, it is actually shorter, or it just how I perceive it time flying while having fun and whatnot.
After I beat it, I'm thinking about getting Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, and possibly even Metroid II: Return of Samus which I would be playing on my Gameboy Player, but I'm pretty much leaning to the 2 360 titles as my 360 has pretty much gathered dust for awhile since I finish Pyschonauts, which was during the summer.
Finished DMC4 on Devil Hunter mode, and I'm now just tearing through Human mode, partially to farm orbs, partially for it's related Acheivements.
I love this game so much. ^________________^
No More Heroes. Just beat Shinobu...she uhhh...whooped up on me the first though. Got her my 2nd time around though. Loving the game so far. Got quite a ways to go...i'm only 8th. I want to fight "Destroy Man" or w/e his name is.
Im planning on reinstalling EVE, getting the new Total Wars ERA installed on the PC and kicking off Baldurs Gate II again.
BG II is one of the best games going =3