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What'cha playin'?

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Posts: 1396
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Super Mario RPG came out for Virtual Console yesterday, and I now own it! Been playing it most of today.

Posts: 30
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yeah, i heard about that! No one was reporting it (probs because of Leipzig) i had to read it from some dude's blog. Well, anyway, enjoy it! If it came to UK on friday, there's a good chance we'll get either that or Mega Man 2 on Monday. There's no way in hell nintendo will ever provide both at the same time, they're opposed to anything good that actually make us happy, so it'll actually most likely be neither. We're already getting that Ys game, whatever that is... so chances are...

Posts: 1367
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Been playing a ton of Call of Duty 4. Hit me up, my Xbox Live gamertag is Used Cardboard.

Posts: 1241
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Flitting between games like a fairy on Redbull.

- Fable II Pub Games : Earning some gold for my character. Probably going to save it all for a second playthrough though. Experience a clean save first time round. Also trying to earn all the achievements (Damm you Keystone!).

- Halo 3 : 3 more acheivements to go, and they're all annoying online ones (Two For One, Overkill and Killing Frenzy). While these would have been easy, I've hit a skill level where my opponents aren't just fish in the proverbial barrel. Also, I hate The Pit. Just throwing that one out there.

- Soul Calibur IV : A couple of acheivements left to go on this one as well. Mostly stuff that's just going to require more stupid laggy online play.

- Braid : Trying to do this without the aid of a guide. So far, only World 2 complete. =(

- Knights Of The Old Republic 2 : Brought a PC copy so I could mess around with save editors and stuff. Having Atton comment on your lack of clothes and about some random Jedi after walking into his cell wearing Jension Sha Mentor robes and dual weilding silver lightsabers is a little weird though. oo

- Puzzle Quest : Brought the expansion off Xbox live. Just working my way through that a few battles at a time.

- Amped 3 : Finished the 'story'. Now just messing around with all the challenges.

Having urges to play GTAIV, Virtua Fighter 5, Devil May Cry 4, Sega Rally, Guitar Hero, Persona 3, SMT: Nocturne, Doom 3, Bioshock, Orange Box, Mass Effect and Armored Core 4. Will lose all urges and other games being played when I get Too Human within the next few days

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Just purchased Beyond Good and Evil off of Steam for a mere $4.95 It's one of the Weekend Deals, so I'd suggest all of you NA people to go and get it NOW. Haven't had the chance to play it... or finish download it for that matter, but STILL.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

And now I've run into a bit of a problem in Super Mario RPG that maybe I could get some help with. Will spoiler it just in case...

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I think, if I'm remember right, there's a flag you need to set off in Marrymore before you can continue your quest. Try to leave the town from the western exit, I think that's what it was. I remember something similiar happening the first, and then third and fourth, playthroughs. It's something that seems obvious but is really easy to miss if you get too far ahead of yourself.

Then again, it's been years so I might not be remembering correctly.

EDIT: Oh ok, here we go:

I can't get past Marrymore! If I talk to Frogfucious like Mallow said to he just keep acting all sad!
This is a simple but common problem. Remember the Frog Coin you got when you beat Croco in Bandit's Way? Take that to the shop in the Mushroom Kingdom and get the Cricket Pie. Then give that to Frogfucious and he will give you the Froggie Stick (a weapon for Mallow that is useless now but would have been nice to have back when you first got to Tadpole Pond). Talk to him again (you may have to leave and re-enter Tadpole Pond) and he will tell you to go Star Hill, it will then appear on the map to the left of Marrymore.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Ahh, thanks muchly!

Edit: Thanks again! I'm now five stars in! Guess I've been playing it a lot since I started yesterday... <.<

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Seeings as I have no access to my PS2 at the mo, I'm still stuck on Majora's Mask and I don't want to one player Puzzle League, I pulled up my DS and Aria of Sorrow again so I can finally finish it with all souls.

Getting the Sky Fish's soul is an irritating chore and reminds me why I stopped playing.

Still. I beat Portrait 100%, I beat Dawn 100%, I MUST FINISH ARIA >=[

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Where are you stuck on Majora's Mask?

Love that game, by the way. My first playthru the third day ran out right at the end of the crypt trade quest with all the redeads, but before the castle, so I had to do it all over again. I didn't pick it up again for a few months. >=

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Stuck in the Watr temple, with the turbines and stuff.

I'll eventually get back to it... just... demotivated now.

Posts: 3756
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<3 that temple

It was still frustrating, but it was fabulous compared to it's horrible OoT counterpart.

Posts: 5772
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It's completely confusing until you start to realize all that piping has a beginning and an end and isn't just random background dungeon architecture. But the backtracking can be a real pain.

Posts: 1241
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The incredibly schmexy Too Human.

It's like Phantasy Star Online meets a simplified Devil May Cry meets Diablo, and I love it. <3

Posts: 1367
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Orange Bawks.

Posts: 571
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Played the Star Wars The Force Unleashed demo. It was pretty good, not sure I'm gonna go rush out and get it anymore, might wait awhile for it to go down or rent it. The demo was really fast, but controls were pretty good.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I just bought a used PS2, so I've been playing the games that I bought with it. Namely, a bit of this, that, the other thing and yeah. Rest assured, I sometime intend to buy this, although I'm not sure how I'll take to it.

Other than that, there's the obvious one, and the not-so-obvious one.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

While my 360 is dead and I'm waiting on a repair, it's back to the Wii. Finishing off the challenges in Brawl, might go back and finally complete Sonic and the Secret Rings as well.

I should probably finish Paper Mario TTYD soon as well.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Is Ico anywhere on your list SH? It might be a little tough to find a copy, but it's worth it. EDIT: didn't notice the thread about that =o
I'm just playing alot of The World Ends With You I forgot how much I loved this game. And I beat Pikmin a few days ago, so I guess I should give that back to my friend after 4 months of 'borrowing' it.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Just finished Super Mario RPG, though not done everything in the game yet (RPG experience came in handy to make a second save file before going to face off against the final level) so I may go through and do everything I can, however, I still have to finish Crisis Core AND I just got Castle may play that too.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Just finished 100%ing Aria of Sorrow, so I'm switching my portable game to Pokémon Pearl, or if I have no patience for it, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass which I have yet to play.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I'm nearly finished with the The Answer portion of Persona 3: FES. Meanwhile, I'm still slogging through GTA: San Andreas. On the handheld front, FF7: Crisis Core and The World Ends With You is taking up more of my time. I've also been dabbling in some Bionic Commando: Rearmed on Xbox Live Arcade.

Best. Remake. Ever. I'm looking forward to the official sequel.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I've been playing some N+ for the DS... isn't too bad.

On PC I have TF2 to play, Penny Arcade to finish, and Beyond Good and Evil AND HL2 Episodes 1 and 2 to start playing... damnit

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time- just started this game.

Resident Evil 4- replaying it since I'm in the RE mood.

SFA3Max- play from time to time when I fell like whooping some ass with my boy, Ryu.

Crisis Core FF7- playing it slowly, haven't had the chance to play it much.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I've been playing me some Heavenly Sword. It's quite a good game, nothing overly special, but it's still quite charming indeed.

Nariko's hair really pisses me off, though. It just looks like ugly strands of spaghetti

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Just knocked off Bad Company. Didn't live up to the expectations I was hoping for.

Thinking of knocking Guitar Hero: Aerosmith off next.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Got Call of Duty 2 for 10 bucks, so I've been playing through it. It's alright, but I don't see why so many people say it's the best in the series--CoD4 is better by a mile.

Posts: 2809
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Today, I spent all my money to get a Wii Points Card, and a box of Coke but that's not important, just so I can download SMRPG, and while I was at it, I also downloaded Super Metroid!!!!! However, I'm sure as heck going to play SMRPG first, and if I have time before Chronicles, I'll play Super Metroid!

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Ninja Gaiden II! Loving this game. Really fun hack n slash, not very far, but kick'n @$$ n taking names at the moment.

Posts: 663
Honorable Member

Just finished Myst V: End of Ages yesterday^^

Like the other Myst games I've played (I and II), it involved a lot of exploring and puzzle-solving (patience helps too, of course!), which I've liked very much about the series so far. The scenery was generally beautiful, IMO, and the ability to move freely was a new experience for me in the Myst games. Myst V did end up feeling a bit shorter than I expected it to be, but that could just be because I played it for rather large amounts of time over the course of a few days straight, whereas for Riven (Myst II), I think it took me about 5 years of playing on and off to get through the game. Either way, I had been looking forward to playing a new Myst game for several years now, and ended up really enjoying it overall.

Hopefully one day I can find copies of Myst III and IV so I can play those as well!

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I would be playing Tales of Vesperia, but my Wal Mart still doesn't have it and I even went out of town to another Wal Mart and they still didn't have it!
Since I'm not play ToV I've been playing the crap out of Ikaruga. I've been practicing to get the achievement for not using a continue. Of course I'm not playing Ikaruga the proper way, but I only need to perfect one more level until I think I'm ready to try again.
I've also been playing Mario Kart Double Dash on my wii. I came to realize that this and Pikmen were the only game I really came to enjoy for the GameCube; I never bought too much games for it.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Ninja Gaiden II, on chapter 7 now. Chapter 5-6 were soooo damn annoying. 5 sucked because fighting on/in water is a pain and not very fun. 6 sucked because those werewolves were tough as hell and the level dragged on and on. Even when you get to the boss, he tells you to meet him somewhere else. o_O?

Game is still sweet though. ^_^

Posts: 2915
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Beyond Good and Evil. WOW, just a gorgeous game. Jade seems to be a kick ass character too.

Posts: 1195
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Odin Sphere. The dubbed voice work takes some time getting used to (haven't listened to the full Japanese cast), but eventually delivers for the most part (so far, I'm only on the third character out of five playables), but the graphics are so damn beautiful. Unfortunately this causes slowdown frequently, mostly during boss battles. The Underworld's boss made me curse many, many, many, many, times. The game is also hard at certain points, even during easy mode, but it does provide a nice challenge as a result.

Also, I hate the Titania level. Stupid teleporting wizards and one-hit slime creatures.

Posts: 489
Honorable Member

I picked Pokemon Crystal back up a couple of days ago. So I'm back to getting beat down by the Elite Four and hours of trying to hunt down Entei. Once I find him, he's mine.
Battle till ya drop. That's how I level up.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

At the moment my gaming is limited to an addicting flash based 3-D Tetris variant. is the URL if anyone is interested.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh my gosh. My roommate has this XBLA demo disc thing or something. There's this Pac-Man[or the more appropriately renamed Crac-Man] game on there. My goodness, me, my roommate and a bunch of buddies have been obessing over it. It's truly golden.

Posts: 398
Reputable Member

As of now, I'm playing Super Mario RPG on the VC.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

As of now, I'm playing Super Mario RPG on the VC.

I managed to get that game, too, but I haven't played it yet; I have to finish up like three other games. But I am excited; I've wanted this game since it was first sold years ago, but I never had the chance (having strict parents who monitored my gaming habits didn't help). Now I can finally see why everyone loves this game.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Crac-Man. Oh gosh.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Finished Paper Mario TTYD finally. Now that's done I've gone back to Majora's Mask on the Zelda collection disc. Got completely overwhelmed by the Great Bay Temple, so I used a guide to bust through it (The boss was still a nightmare though). I love Zelda games just because of the fact that you feel you're having a real adventure exploring big fields and dungeons, no matter how tedious the puzzles can be.

Also purchased Super Mario RPG with the Wii points I got from my stars at the NoE website. Not played much though. Basically I'm just killing time until my 360 gets back from repair by beating old games.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Oh man, I wanna get a hold of one of those. @ Zelda Collection Disc. I've only ever emulated OoT and MM. Is the GC emulation decent, like, N64 quality? Computer emulators are pretty flawed at times.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Oh man, I wanna get a hold of one of those. @ Zelda Collection Disc. I've only ever emulated OoT and MM. Is the GC emulation decent, like, N64 quality?
Computer emulators are pretty flawed at times.

Yeah, the GC emulation is pretty good. IIRC, Majora's had some sort of occasional sound issue, but it isn't major. Hell, I don't think I ever ran in to it at all...

All I know is I traded my cousin the OoT / Master Quest disc for his copy of the Collector's Disc

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Majora's Mask also had a couple of freezing glitches iirc. I encountered one myself after you beat the boss of... Snowhead Temple? The bull thing. Anyway when you step into the light to be transported back outside it has a tendency to freeze. Which makes all that hard work completing that Temple null and void.

Posts: 3756
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I still want it. XD *checks eBay*

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I've got two copies, one in mint condition (for free!)

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

yep, also playing SMRPG.

i too have majora's mask (on the 4-game GC compilation). i really have been meaning to play it again. i beat it like 4 times when i had my N64, it's so good. @pachamac, i also had the freezing in that spot. it really pissed me off too! haha. i remember i got it and the expansion pak $10-off each on ebay all those years ago. i never noticed any problems with the GC emulation (maybe frame-rate slowdown, but was that in the 64 version also?).

Posts: 489
Honorable Member

I've been playing Super Mario RPG on my SNES emulator.
I made it to the giant sword(I forget his name) and he killed me in three turns.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I just got SMG as a gift, so the g/f and I are gonna crack that open and test it out.

Posts: 132
Estimable Member

I got a Xbox 360 a couple of weeks ago. For the first couple of days, I've been playing Symphony of the Night, but then Tales of Vesperia came out and I've been playing that ever since. I've already beat the game, so now I'm going after a few side quests that I've missed as well as farming grade and gald for the EX New Game (which I don't intend to start until I get a new TV in a couple of weeks). It's easily the best 3D game in the series. My only two complaints is that the text is hard to read (but that's the end result of trying to play it on a SDTV) and the fact that this game will probably make Symphonia: DotNW pale in comparison. =/

I've also brought Super Mario RPG along the line, but it's been woefully neglected. =/

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