Saints Row 2 all up in this hizzle my homies and shiz. ...Ok, so I'm not actually that gangsta. =P
So far, I feel that GTA IV is the technically superior game, but I'll be danged if Saints Row just isn't more fun. Sceptic Avenger for the win!
Also, awaiting Fable 2. Yes, I'm aware it's leaked in some places and had street date broken in others, but I'm waiting for MY copy.
Yeah I preordere Fable 2 from Amazon, I got the street day gaurenteed shipping, so I should be getting that tuesday.
I'm trying to pass the time by playing Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Other than KOTOR I think its the best star wars game around, I've only played the demo of Unleashed but I thought it was kind of boring.
Other than that I really havn't played much of anything lately.
:3 :3 :3
Play Ninja Gaiden II whenever I have free time.
:3 :3 :3
YOSH. I'm up to chapter 2... I think I got up to this point while playing the Japanese version with a translation guide, then stopped. I remember the game being sad while reading the translation, but unholy crap it is depressing when you can understand everything =|
That said, beautiful game, and a great story so far. <3 Mato for all his work.
Come Wednesday or Thursday, I should have my 360
:3 :3 :3
Also unhealthy amounts of Kingdom Hearts.
But, dude, this spoilerific scene is just... wow. Not even Brawl screaming the spoiler everywhere (btw thanks a lot for telling me, Mei Ling) made this scene less emotional.
Just got my Fable 2 from Amazon. I'll be playing that for now.
I keep playing Kingdom Hearts for some reason. I'm already at The End of the World, so this must finally be wrapping up... Then I can finally claim I've beaten one of my PS2 games.
One of my friends got Midnight Club LA. Oh yes!
Looney Tunes Collector Alert for the Game Boy Color. *drowns in the Nostagian sea*
Portal on my PC.
....Anybody want any cake?
The World of Goo demo on Steam... Holy freaking crap Probably will pay the $19.99 for the full version... I have 2000 Wii Points, but I'd much rather have it on the PC.
The games I'm currently working on, are these PS2 games: BloodRayne, Blood Omen 2, Rogue Galaxy, Scarface, and Castlevania: Curse of Darkness.
Decided to finish up Call of Duty 2 because it's been sitting on my shelf, so I did. Pretty good game, but I like Modern Warfare a lot more.
I think I'll be finishing up Far Cry Instincts Predator now.
I have Fable 2, Farcry 2, Saints Row 2 and several others all waiting side by side to be played, in this maelstrom of new releases.
But, I have put all these aside, to give one game a chance. It's chance to shine. To prove its worth.
Golden Axe: Beast Rider, bring back the glory you onced possessed!
The new Golden Axe, Gyser? How is that? I'm currently on SMRPG. So great.
Just downloaded World of Goo for WiiWare I figured the $20 I would have spent on Steam can go towards that Mother 3 fan book.
Just got my invitation to the Call of Duty World at War beta. I've been playing that a little. Its pretty fun but the voices are really annoying.
Also been playing Fable 2.
I beat Kingdom Hearts Wednesday or so, and in my deliberation to go out and buy the sequel (money's tight, y'know), I've been going through Shadow of the Colossus. Downed eight colossi, five of them just last night. Fun title.
I just beat SMRPG not too long ago, and I'll be finishing off Chronicles sometime tonight or tomorrow. Afterwards, I'm gonna be playing Super Metroid on the VC and then onwards to Metroid Fusion. So, awesome!!!!
I'm up to part 2 of the fight with the Doctor in Cave Story. *snicker*, the Doctor. I'mma gonna go EX-TER-MIN-ATE him.
Just got back from a friend's house. We played NBA Jam for like an hour or so straight. One of my favorite sports games ever. Oh man! I didn't even realize I liked that game that I was growing up I had always remembered Tournament Edition as the one I loved so much, but after enjoying Jam so much, T.E. must be wicked sweet.
Watched my buddy play Fable 2... looks awesome. He lent me Fable...
...and I remembered 360 needs a HDD to be backwards compatible =|
so yeah, no Fable, no Halo 2.
Played a little Halo 3... the only level I've played about 100 times in the damned game.
Played The Force Unleashed. it was okay, but got really annoying at parts. I don't really like the camera/lock on system, messed me up a lot of times. And I died at this one spot from sliding off a bridge over and over again, having to start all over from that checkpoint. >_< Definitely not a buy.
Just got back from a friend's. We played Brawl and GH: Aerosmith. I also watched my roommate play Dead Rising. We never even got to SFIII or CvsSNK2. That makes me sad. =(
Finally got Silent Hill: Homecoming! Been playing pretty much that and the other Silent Hill games! Homecoming is a tough little @#$%er but I still love every second I've already poured into it! Finsihed up SH0 and finally SH2! I was a little dissappointed at the story of Origins! By no means is it bad, (It's actually pretty cool) but they went a little overboard calling it "Origins"! The story focused too much on the character you play as life story, and barely mentioned all the other going on in the town! Silent Hill 0(Zero) or something along those lines would have fit as a decent title, but calling it Origins was too much!
Silent Hill (PSX)
Silent Hill 3 (PS2)
Silent Hill 4: The Room (XBOX)
Silent Hill: Homecoming (360)
Dragon Quest VIII (PS2)
Resident Evil: Code Veronica (DC) I found this one in my closet!
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (DS) Still lovin it!
Jeeezus HS2K3-we must be lost siblings, I frickin agree with every post you make. Have they released T.E on VC yet?
For some stupid reason, I'm on an old school RPG binge, but I only have three...
FFVIII (Just started Chocobo breeding, Yaya Green & Blue)
Grandia (Yes, smacked out my Saturn-had to replace the battery tho.) Just left the hometown., I never maxed out Sue, so I'm gonna do that this game.
Panzer Dragoon Azel: O hell yes it was time for a replay. Loving ittt! Just reached the Desert. Gash is such a badass
Bought quite a few games on Sunday... Kingdom Hearts 2 (up to Agrabah), Metal Gear Solid 2 (just started last night, apparently almost done with the Tanker mission - playing on Very Easy to ease myself into the series (yes, I'm a pansy)), and Jak & Daxter (haven't touched). They were buy two, get one free, so...
Jeeezus HS2K3-we must be lost siblings, I frickin agree with every post you make. Have they released T.E on VC yet?
For some stupid reason, I'm on an old school RPG binge, but I only have three...
FFVIII (Just started Chocobo breeding, Yaya Green & Blue)
Grandia (Yes, smacked out my Saturn-had to replace the battery tho.) Just left the hometown., I never maxed out Sue, so I'm gonna do that this game.
Panzer Dragoon Azel: O hell yes it was time for a replay. Loving ittt! Just reached the Desert. Gash is such a badass
Hahha, yea man, I wouldn't be surprised if we were. I need someone who knows how to play 2D fighters to play against. Speaking of 2D Fighters...KoF Collection: The Orochi Saga comes out[for Wii, PSP and PS2] November 25th for a mere 30 bucks. As for T.E. on VC, no I don't believe so. I don't even think the first one has been put on there. As a matter of fact, I don't believe Midway has put anything on there yet. *weeps* RPG binge, though, huh? I really want to give the FFs a try, I just need like a decade of my life to dedicate to them though. Grandia looks incredible and i've heard many great things about the PD series. Chrono Trigger DS will get me into RPGs, I believe.
So, Trish got me Tales of Symphonia on the GC for my birthday, effectively making her the best wife ever. I've been playing any spare moment I can for the past week (32 hours thus far) and am on the quest to make the pacts. Only fire and light to go.
I love this game so damn much it hurts sometimes.
Fable 2, Fallout 3, Saints Row 2, Gitaroo Man Lives!, Monster Hunter Freedom 2.
Fable 2 - Just working on a few little things, like the shooting gallery, amassing a larger empire, getting all the expressions, ect.
Fallout 3 - Haven't played too much yet. Just escaped the Vault and found the closest town outside. Started doing a few little quests there.
Saints Row 2 - Just messing about in the city a little, earning some respec'.
Gitaroo Man Lives! - Finally got my first S rank. Admittedly, it was on normal mode Twisted Reality, but still! Also, damm master mode Bee Jam Blues! This one song has literally been holding me back from the rest of master mode for years now!
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 - Just imported my Monster Hunter Freedom character, so started with some nice extras. Haven't actually done anything yet though.
Soon to be playing - Gears Of War 2, Mirrors Edge, Rock Band (Yay for local release after way too long!), Guitar Hero World Tour, Little Big Planet, Left 4 Dead.
Fable 2, Fallout 3, Saints Row 2, Gitaroo Man Lives!, Monster Hunter Freedom 2.
Fable 2 - Just working on a few little things, like the shooting gallery, amassing a larger empire, getting all the expressions, ect.Fallout 3 - Haven't played too much yet. Just escaped the Vault and found the closest town outside. Started doing a few little quests there.
Saints Row 2 - Just messing about in the city a little, earning some respec'.
Gitaroo Man Lives! - Finally got my first S rank. Admittedly, it was on normal mode Twisted Reality, but still! Also, damm master mode Bee Jam Blues! This one song has literally been holding me back from the rest of master mode for years now!
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 - Just imported my Monster Hunter Freedom character, so started with some nice extras. Haven't actually done anything yet though.
Soon to be playing - Gears Of War 2, Mirrors Edge, Rock Band (Yay for local release after way too long!), Guitar Hero World Tour, Little Big Planet, Left 4 Dead.
I've been watching my roommate play tons of Fallout 3...crazy stuff going on. Watch out for "The Mist" like creatures and Behemoths. >_>
Technically not what I'm playing but my dog ate Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice. All I can find are tattered bits of the case and manual. I can't find the game itself. He is just lucky he didn't decide to go after anything else. Or I would have ended him.
£20 down the drain.
I have been playing a glorious mix of Soul Calibur IV, Fable 2 and Beautiful Katamari.
Playing a little of Final Fantasy XII again. Started playing through my second file again and trying to beat this one as well.
Just finished Penny Arcade Episode 1. Pretty good game, my only real grip is the lack of the ability to buy supplies.
Just ordered Dead Rising from Amazon, so I should have that soon. The Demo seemed pretty fun
Mirror's Edge demo was awesome as well. Might have to consider picking this one up.
Also have been playing some Mother 3. Damned awesome game . Picked up FFVI at work, so I'll actually start that when I'm done with M3.
Just finished Penny Arcade Episode 1. Pretty good game, my only real grip is the lack of the ability to buy supplies.
Just ordered Dead Rising from Amazon, so I should have that soon. The Demo seemed pretty fun
Mirror's Edge demo was awesome as well. Might have to consider picking this one up.
Also have been playing some Mother 3. Damned awesome game
. Picked up FFVI at work, so I'll actually start that when I'm done with M3.
Heck yea Dead Rising is pretty good. From what i've seen of it atleast. And Mirror's Edge, my gosh...that game is going to rock. The only thing that would put you more into it would be if they showed her blink. *goes to watch videos to see if they've done that*
Been playing up some Fable 2, working on three different characters. My main character has already completed the story, he's selfish leaning towards good and is a healthy mix of all three types.
My second character is a fully evil female chick, who stays thin by eating celery, her only problem though is that she's buffed out so much in the strength category, she looks more like a man. And for my third character, I'm making him fully good and pure, and having him concentrate on being a Will-user, and just spam magic Blades is kinda cool.
Playing Halo 3 on Legendary finally. Only three levels left until finished.
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal.
Finally...I got to play SFIII:Third Strike and Capcom vs. SNK 2 yesterday. My back to awesomeness. Assuming my friend gets Gears 2 today, we'll be hording it up tonight.
Just finished Halo 3 on easy. I can understand the general 'meh' statements people had about it a year ago.
Wel sat through my roommate and a friend's lay through co-op campaign mode on Gears...for 8 hours straight. Game is "Epic". Definitely game of the year contender. Fairly positive Fallout 3 will get it though. Still though...both are amazing.
Oh. My. God. GoW2 was totally epic. Epic Games definitely lived up to their namesake.
Yeah, I can't wait to get my hands on Gears. >_<<br />
Beat Halo 3 on Legendary two days ago. Wasn't as hard as I thought it was gonna be. Actually got really easy towards the end.
Fallout 3. It's kinda meh. Too much like Oblivion, and I didn't like Oblivion.
Thanks to NaNoWriMo my progress has halted significantly. Also, I'm still unemployed so I wont be moving on very quickly.
But I am very very close to the end of Symphonia. I have been given the Element Swords and am heading back to the tower to kick butt.
At least until I can own Sonic Unleashed or the new Castlevania.
Switching between the Mirrors Edge demo and Rock Band atm.
Mirrors Edge is epic and I am so buying the game when it comes out.
I am terrible at Rock Band drums but hey it's fun.
I've been playing the Left 4 Dead demo. Just like House of the Dead but off rails. Verry cool game.
Oh yea Abac? Sweetness...I think one of friends is going to get it. Multiplayer fun.
Completed Symphonia and started Game +. I only had 1,500 GRADE, so bought Extra GRADE, 2x EXP (which I am not noticing the effects of) and keeping my minor stats and recipies and stuff.
This time I aim for at least 5,000 GRADE. That will make Game + fun.
I didn't even keep my Techs