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What'cha playin'?

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Posts: 571
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Bought Ninja Gaiden Black, gonna start that up soon.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

I just started playing Brawl again, after having my Wii cooped up in my locker for over 6 WHOLE MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!! It was since I was in Guam that I took my Wii out and played it, and that was in the beginning of July. Now I have so much free time, I was able to bring it back out and play it again. =D

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i finished chrono trigger DS, i beat the DD and got the dreamseeker for crono. which was cool, and i found that the Super Last Boss was really hard but beatable at the same time.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Restarting Braid. One, because it's such a brilliant game. Two, because there are eight stars I've never gotten my mitts on, and I want at that secret ending you get for collecting them all.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

I beat Metroid Prime Hunters, and I have quite a few of n+'s levels beat, but there is a lot of them. XD I also got Brain Age, and have been playing it daily the last week. My BA is 44 right now.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

When it's working I'm playing Fallout 3, which is awesome but buggy, when it's not working I'm playing Star Ocean First Departure on PSP, a remake of the Japan only SNES original, and I'm liking it so far.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I will find a Rockstar San Diego exectuive and murder him. I've wasted 4 hours of ym day so far trying to win this sixth of an Earth day. 240 minutes. Sad part is, I never won it. Someone will die. You are all my witnesses. I'm a felon.

Posts: 132
Estimable Member

Finished my Tales of Vesperia speedrun. 8 hours, 15 minutes, 9 seconds. Even though I thought the run was sloppy, especially toward the end, it's apparantly good enough to be the 36th fastest time IN THE WORLD (well, 30th if you exclude those 6 cheaters that somehow have 00:00:00 for their time). The fastest non-00:00:00 time is 7:27:24, and from the looks of things, I could be the fastest non-cheating American up there (if the people between 21st and 25th aren't). Yeah...I'm not doing anything like that again for a good while @.@

I'm not completely done yet, I've still got to get a couple of titles and achievements (two of which involve rubber-banding the controller in one direction, leave the system on for a couple of hours and pray that I don't get a RROD. Thankfully, they overlap with each other.)

I'll probably move on to Persona 4 after I finish all of this.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Completed Ecclesia. A slightly more 3d Dracula counts as a true form transformation these days? Screw you, Draccy, you lazy sunofa!

Got my Wii back, so for the foreseeable future I'll be juggling Mario Galaxy (went from 86 stars to 93 today), Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Chapter I, Part 9), Smash Bros and maaaaaaaaybe... maaaaybe... I might play Metroid Prime Corruption, as Tricia's brother bought a copy on my Wii, so I has it now.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Left 4 Dead.

Man, that last stand at No Mercy is a royal pain in the ass.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I've been playing a lot of Fable 2. Bought it from my buddy for $30 It's okay so far, although the jobs (blacksmith and wood chopping so far) suck as I have my 360 hooked up to my computer... which introduces ~1second of lag =(... I think this might explain some of my suckage at halo, but yeah. I have a $10 solution for this on the way.

Other than that, I'm slowly moving through Mother 3. Still on Chapter 7, very excited for the end

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

**GASP** SH said the... "A" Word! :O

I was playing WWE SmackDown vs RAW 2009 on the PSP but stopped when I realized that I was going to kill myself with stress in Career Mode.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Left 4 Dead.

Man, that last stand at No Mercy is a royal pain in the ass.

You aren't lying man. Watched some friends do that and it was madness!

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII- Just got a brand new psp and now can finally continue my file on this game. Loving it like I was when I was first playing it. Still early in the game, but having fun.

Ratchet & Clank Size Matters- the game I got with the psp, which I didn't really want, but its something to play when I feel like playing a good platformer. Really good so far, just like the other R&C games.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

I decided to check out Beyond Good and Evil, since it's one of those games i've meaning getting around to playing for ages. And 2 days later i finished it. =/ I loved the game actually, and i'm not usualy one to complain about games being short, but god damn does it leave you wanting. Although it could be worse, they could've added silly padding to prolong the game with useless fetch quests. Collecting the pearls is actually enjoyable and doesnt detract from the main story, which is more than i can say for other games that expect you to collect everything. And the villains were boring and uninspired, but otherwise a great game, when i have kids it will now be mandatory they play this game... after Shenmue of course.

Next up... i dont know. I have Fallout 3, i played a bit, i was surprised how much it is like Oblivion. I didn't like Oblivion though, so i am not sure how much i will like this game. The combat seems kinda difficult too, or maybe i suck at it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Tricia got me started on Lunar 2 Eternal Blue for the Sega CD.

The game is a fairly decent little RPG, though too oldskool in some ways and the Sega CD is not a flattering format.

It's long and takes ages to level up. Baaaah.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I decided to check out Beyond Good and Evil, since it's one of those games i've meaning getting around to playing for ages. And 2 days later i finished it. =/ I loved the game actually, and i'm not usualy one to complain about games being short, but god damn does it leave you wanting. Although it could be worse, they could've added silly padding to prolong the game with useless fetch quests. Collecting the pearls is actually enjoyable and doesnt detract from the main story, which is more than i can say for other games that expect you to collect everything. And the villains were boring and uninspired, but otherwise a great game, when i have kids it will now be mandatory they play this game... after Shenmue of course.

Next up... i dont know. I have Fallout 3, i played a bit, i was surprised how much it is like Oblivion. I didn't like Oblivion though, so i am not sure how much i will like this game. The combat seems kinda difficult too, or maybe i suck at it.

That.Is.Hilarous. I totally am going to keep all of my games and forcing my kids to fall in love with Street Fighter, Armored Core, Virtual On and Smash Brothers. It's always been a dream of mine. 😛 Anywho, i'm playing Madden 07, SSFII Turbo HD Remix, PS Home, and some Midnight Club.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Armored Core For Answer.

Oh. My. God.

The fight against AF The Spirit Of Motherwill has literally been one of the greatest experiences I've ever had with a video game. Ever. And I know I still have some bigger, and more impressive AFs to go. This game makes me swoon.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I've been meaning to get For Answer. I totally forgot about. It should be cheap by now, so I might try to get it.
For gaming:

Xbox 360:

Left 4 Dead- Really fun, but I'm a little upset that there really isn't much of a storyline to it. I'm a big story guy.

Gears of War 2- This is one AMAZING game. I'm not very far, but its awesome.

Unreal Tournament 3- It's alright, I was expecting a little bit better, but its a solid game thats pretty fun.

Wii: I finally bought a new sensor bar!

Samba De Amigo- I actually prefer this to Guitar Hero/Rockband. Only becuase this has my type of music. I was expecting wacked out controls from reading reviews, but I havn't expierenced any thing bad about it.

Ghost Squad- Man, this game is fun. Not a game to take too seriously though, becuase guys just seem to slide in your view, but I think its kind of funny. I havn't been able to beat the third level yet, but I should be finishing it up soon

No More Heroes- My brother bought this for me as a late Christmas present. I havn't decided if I really like it yet. The AI is absolutely horrible. If your not standing right in front of a guy then he won't attack you. I thought that was kind of lame. And whenever your riding around town there's one or two cars and no one is walking around. It's really boring, but in the assasination levels it gets pretty fun. I really like how they use the wiimote as phone in the levels, I thought that was really cool. The two bosses I've fought were pretty strange (thats a good thing for me).

PS2: bought a used ps2 about a week ago.

Persona 3- I've had this game since September. I didn't a have a ps2 back then so I couldn't play it. But the wait has definately been worth it. I love the combat, its fast paced, so it makes it a lot funner then regular turn based RPG's. I've actually found enjoyment out of the school parts too. There's always something strange or new to do. I'm on the 34th floor and about to hit my second full moon. Very good game.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Armored Core For Answer.

Oh. My. God.

The fight against AF The Spirit Of Motherwill has literally been one of the greatest experiences I've ever had with a video game. Ever. And I know I still have some bigger, and more impressive AFs to go. This game makes me swoon.

Yea I hear those Armored Forts[?] are sick. I want to try it out sometime. And Abac, about it being cheap...I saw it in Gamestop the week of Christmas and it was still 60. 😛

Posts: 163
Estimable Member

On a Radiance run, working through Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and on to the completion of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Hell yeah, Rappy! When I'm done with Lunar 2 I'm so going back to Radiant Dawn. I want to see the Pelleas/Soren story points you get in the second playthrough.

Oh, and housemates bought Wii Fit today, so we're all taking 15 minute bursts on it.

Posts: 163
Estimable Member

Hell yeah, Rappy! When I'm done with Lunar 2 I'm so going back to Radiant Dawn. I want to see the Pelleas/Soren story points you get in the second playthrough.

Oh, and housemates bought Wii Fit today, so we're all taking 15 minute bursts on it.

And Chapter 27 of PoR suddenly reminds why I hate the Black Knight fight so much.

Also doing Wii Fit daily in an effort to deceive myself into believing I'm getting exercise.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Black Knight fight is evil. If you're doing a PoR/RD run, are there any units you're trying to max out for bonus EXP?

Posts: 163
Estimable Member

Wait, you get bonus experience for maxing out units? If that's the case, I'm going to town with Ike, Soren, Titania, Mist, Oscar, Boyd, Rhys, Kieran, and Geoffrey at least.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Yeah, basically any unit that is level 20 at the end of PoR will have a few bonus stats when you get them in Radiant Dawn. Nothing too game breaking, but enough to give your favorites a little extra oomph. I have many love for Ike, Soren, Rolf and Shinon, so they're always maxed for me.

Posts: 163
Estimable Member

Oh right. I'm convinced that video games will eventually give me a cardiac condition from frustration, so I'm doing the Radiance games on easy, and Radiant Dawn freezes if you try to transfer easy difficulty files, so no bonus stats for moi.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh right. I'm convinced that video games will eventually give me a cardiac condition from frustration

I'll be in the hospital bed next to you dude. 😛

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I also picked up Order of Ecclesia, but I haven't touched it yet.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Eager to see your thoughts on Ecclesia, Shads. I'm not entirely fond of it, but do like to drag it out every couple of days.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I also picked up Order of Ecclesia, but I haven't touched it yet.

I've also been playing some Chrono Trigger... although I'm being weird and haven't seen the time machine yet, even after playing for 3 or so hours... I wanted the nice 4000 sword >>

Haven't touched Mother 3 in a week or so, half want to wait for the damned fan guide.

Been playing way too much Fable 2. Lots of fun. Went crazy after trying to be good the whole game, and went on a spree in the gypsy camp ... and then didn't save.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I've also been playing some Chrono Trigger... although I'm being weird and haven't seen the time machine yet, even after playing for 3 or so hours... I wanted the nice 4000 sword >>

You can pick it up in a chest, free of charge, during your jaunt inside Guardia Castle as the story progresses.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I decided on "finishing" a game for my 360 before getting another. Mind you looking ahead, I'm only really looking at Lego Batman, Burnout Paradise and GRID. Maybe Street Fighter 4.

So for some reason I'm going through TR: Legend again and picking up the relics. Mind you its made me realise that Legend had much better puzzles than Underworld.

And: I unlocked this costume. *Weeps while saluting*

Also, occasional bouts of GoW2 Horde mode as well as Left 4 Dead.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I decided on "finishing" a game for my 360 before getting another. Mind you looking ahead, I'm only really looking at Lego Batman, Burnout Paradise and GRID. Maybe Street Fighter 4.

So for some reason I'm going through TR: Legend again and picking up the relics. Mind you its made me realise that Legend had much better puzzles than Underworld.

And: I unlocked this costume. *Weeps while saluting*

Also, occasional bouts of GoW2 Horde mode as well as Left 4 Dead.

Maybe Street Fighter IV? *slaps that unneccesary bit of uncertainty out of your head* SFIV is as much a sure thing as eating. You are getting it. Get it! Get it!

I've bene playing sme Midnight Club and Turbo Remix. Practicing with Sagat. Might play some Madden '07 in a bit though.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Still playing Armored Core For Answer.

Currently stuck on a later mission. It's me and another AC against one lone AC who seems to have a fetish for targetting me first. Been trying several different AC designs, including long range, short range, melee, focus on speed and agility, focus on pure defense. So far nothing has worked, and Noblesse Oblige (My partner AC) is proving to be incredibly useless. =/

Also, this thing moves fast. Real fast.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII- Near the end, just found Hollander. Been a blast to play.

Ratchet and Clank Size Matters- Just started, haven't had much time with it because of CC.

Little Big Planet- Played a little of it at a friends and loved it. Gonna buy this for sure!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Still playing Armored Core For Answer.

Currently stuck on a later mission. It's me and another AC against one lone AC who seems to have a fetish for targetting me first. Been trying several different AC designs, including long range, short range, melee, focus on speed and agility, focus on pure defense. So far nothing has worked, and Noblesse Oblige (My partner AC) is proving to be incredibly useless. =/

Also, this thing moves fast. Real fast.

AHHH! I wanna play, I wanna play! =P Maybe once the game drops i'll get it. You have it for PS3, right? Speaking of missions where you fight you remember that mission on AC2:AA where you're in the desert and you fight three!? One of my all-time favorite missions. I remember I had a hover so I was dodging like everything...and bladed the hell out of one of those ACs. And somehow made them shoot each other[by missing me ] Man...I miss AC. =(

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

om nom nom nom...

I've been neglecting the MoFo recently so I can place my full attention on this bad boy. I've logged 78+ hours as of this post, and I'm nearing the end. Having full control of your party members makes the battle system less of a guessing game, when compared to P3... a welcome return to form. Though you do lose the uniqueness of a party that appear to function as their own independent units. I mean, the option is still there if you want the AI to control your party, but it's severely limited compared to what orders you could issue in P3.

One thing I'd like to note: if you plan to play this... be very wary of spoilers. Seeing that this game is supposed to be a mystery thriller, knowing the identity of the killer beforehand will completely ruin the "mystery" part of the plot. Trust me on this... /v/ is completely merciless on the subject... heh.

I'm still enjoying the hell out of it though. I'm pretty forgiving about these kinds of things.

I'm also making (slow) progress in Mother 3. I should probably stop procrastinating and get through it, especially since the Fanbook has been delayed until the middle of March.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I decided on "finishing" a game for my 360 before getting another. Mind you looking ahead, I'm only really looking at Lego Batman, Burnout Paradise and GRID. Maybe Street Fighter 4.

So for some reason I'm going through TR: Legend again and picking up the relics. Mind you its made me realise that Legend had much better puzzles than Underworld.

And: I unlocked this costume. *Weeps while saluting*

Maybe Street Fighter IV? *slaps that unneccesary bit of uncertainty out of your head* SFIV is as much a sure thing as eating. You are getting it. Get it! Get it!

The trouble is: I dont really like 2D Fighters. But I do love the look of Street Fighter IV.

Also: I have unlocked Goth Lara. I smashed the England time trial. Despite dying twice. I am on a high that is only equal to eating lots of Hagan Dazs Ice Cream. Two more time trials to go.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I decided on "finishing" a game for my 360 before getting another. Mind you looking ahead, I'm only really looking at Lego Batman, Burnout Paradise and GRID. Maybe Street Fighter 4.

So for some reason I'm going through TR: Legend again and picking up the relics. Mind you its made me realise that Legend had much better puzzles than Underworld.

And: I unlocked this costume. *Weeps while saluting*

Maybe Street Fighter IV? *slaps that unneccesary bit of uncertainty out of your head* SFIV is as much a sure thing as eating. You are getting it. Get it! Get it!

The trouble is: I dont really like 2D Fighters. But I do love the look of Street Fighter IV.

Also: I have unlocked Goth Lara. I smashed the England time trial. Despite dying twice. I am on a high that is only equal to eating lots of Hagan Dazs Ice Cream. Two more time trials to go.

Ahh ok I see, I see. Yea 2D Fighters are hard to get into. Hmmm...I can basically assure you though, you'd love IV. With all of the training modes and stuff, you'd know how to pull off any move in the game. If the learning curve is a problem.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

LittleBigPlanet- so I did end up buying it and loving it. Just playing through the game right now and playing two player with my cousin.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

can anyone recommend which is better: Armored Core 4 or For Answer? I feel like playing some mech action, but which one is the better product? They both look pretty good.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I finally started Ecclesia. It's pretty typical Castlevania, despite the fact that I'm now running around on various lesser stages instead of one giant castle (I suppose there's something to be said for that?). It's also a bit of a slap to the face in terms of pacing when compared to Chrono Trigger - both have RPG elements, but Castlevania is a lot more immediate, so having played CT for several days in a row before trying this is quite the wake-up call.

...anyway, some crab boss in this tall tower thing keeps killing me, so I've proceeded to go back to CT. Where I am now apparently playing Metal Gear Trigger.


Posts: 1241
Noble Member

can anyone recommend which is better: Armored Core 4 or For Answer? I feel like playing some mech action, but which one is the better product? They both look pretty good.

Depends how much you're paying for them. If you can get AC4 for a fair bit cheaper than FA, then pick it up. I highly reccomend FA over AC4, mostly because it is AC4 but with more cusomisation. The story is a continuation on from AC4, but you'll pick up the gist of it fairly quickly. Also, I reccomend FA if only for the Armored Fort fights. Those things are pure epic. <3

HyperSonic 2003 wrote:

AHHH! I wanna play, I wanna play! =P Maybe once the game drops i'll get it. You have it for PS3, right? Speaking of missions where you fight you remember that mission on AC2:AA where you're in the desert and you fight three!? One of my all-time favorite missions. I remember I had a hover so I was dodging like everything...and bladed the hell out of one of those ACs. And somehow made them shoot each other[by missing me ] Man...I miss AC. =(

Nope. 360 user here. Also, yes, I do remember that mission. I'm fine with pretty much anything in Armored Core, EXCEPT fights against other ACs. I can just never keep up with them. I did eventually manage to best that particular fight, but with a bare minimum of AP left. (Less than triple digits if memory serves correct). =/

Finally got past that mission is was stuck on after a kamikaze Assault Armor + Gatling Gun run yeilded positive results. Beat the mission after that with 4 AF units, and am now on another mission in Big Box with an AC partner against two other AC pilots. I can usually get rid of the lighter weight AC, but by that time my partner AC has left me and the remaining tank AC tears me to shreds. =/

I can manage to dodge a lot of its shots while in the air, but then the turrets around the arena bring me down. I've tried destroying those first, but that usually leads to my AC partner getting a butt whooping, and leaving me alone against two ACs. Just can't win. -.-

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

Is there much of an online community for these games? Since they're not a big commercial hit, i imagine the community is either really small or nonexistant. And is online multiplayer any good? I saw videos on youtube of multiplayer, but it looked pretty boring.

I didnt think there'd be much of a story, if i did i would definitely get AC4 first. But i imagine the story is just there, and you are too busy blowing crap up to care. I'll get For Answer then. Thanks.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Is there much of an online community for these games? Since they're not a big commercial hit, i imagine the community is either really small or nonexistant. And is online multiplayer any good? I saw videos on youtube of multiplayer, but it looked pretty boring.

I didnt think there'd be much of a story, if i did i would definitely get AC4 first. But i imagine the story is just there, and you are too busy blowing crap up to care. I'll get For Answer then. Thanks.

Online community is just as you imagine. If you do manage to find an online game, it'll be one of two kinds of AC players. Those who suck and those who have too much time on their hands. And also, it really isn't as cool as single player. Doing missions co-op can be quite fun, but don't expect a thriving group of people playing.

Also, playing ze Wolrd Of Warcraft as well as Armored Core For Answer. Levelled my Dranei Paladin to 45 tonight, and am half way to 46.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Psx, when's P4 come out in EU? =(

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

So, I'm logging 30-60 minutes of Wii Fit per day. I'm enjoying it.

Making much progress through Lunar 2, too. Our zeal on the latter has caused Tricia to create a Lucia cosplay from nothing in the past week.

Dang it. Took me months to get half as far in my Mask*DeMasque.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Still on Tos II. I'm getting tired of it because I gotta do all this damn monster levelling that is NOT. FUN. Not to mention catching the last few freaks and evolving them 80 different damn ways. It was cool in the beginning, but this is day 6. I wanna start my 10x exp run and be done with detailed monster levelling already.

::Goes back to Clay Golem and Mimic:: ...2800 levels to go...

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Psx, when's P4 come out in EU? =(

03/13/09, going by GameFAQs.

... wait, wait...


There we go. As it so happens, I've just finished the game and I'm debating what to play next. I suppose I should get off consoles for now and work double-time on Mother 3 and clear out the rest of my handheld backlog.

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