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What'cha playin'?

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Been playing more Street Fighter IV than I thought I would be. great.

Amen to that! *listens to the Overpass theme from the Street Fighter IV soundtrack*

Posts: 5035
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Hahaha, hey i've yet to play any of you from the Mofo yet. Like...didn't we exchange PSNs?

Posts: 2809
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If memory serves, Neal, mi amigo, you and SX are the only ones to have a PSN. I know I have one for my PSP, but I've never really used it and my PSP is pretty much dead as well.

Edit: Correction, about 5 or 6 people actually have, or at least posted, a PSN name, but still that ain't very many.

Posts: 2915
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Yay, found a way to get my PoP DLC to work
So yeah, been playing a mix of that and Peggle at night.

Posts: 2234
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Still playing through Prince of Persia. It's very fun but definitely repetitive and starting to drag on a bit. There just needs to be a bit fewer areas, imo. I've completed the Hunter and Concubine sections and have done two of the Warrior and 1 of... whatever the other one is. Been ages since I've done any of that section.

I'm still in awe of how the graphical landscape changes when you heal a fertile land. It looks gorgeous. <3

(I have a PSN but bought SF4 for 360, so tough you won't be able to play me. =) )

Posts: 2016
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Halo Wars.


Posts: 1191
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Got Dark Sector and for $8 dollars it was worth it, although the game is short, only took my 3 hours to beat it. Now I'm making my way through The Last Remnant and wondering what Square was thinking when they made the battle system.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

World Of Warcraft - lol WoW. Slowly but surely levelling my Draenei Paladin. Levelling as protection probably doesn't make it any faster. Currently in Hellfire Peninsula.

Street Fighter IV - Playing lots of multiplayer with my two best mates. We're working out the perfect counters for each other. My Cammy beats Sagats. My Gief beats Dans. I get whooped by Ken and Fei Long though. Also, dissapointed that Chun-Li is more a charge character like she was in SFII than the command character she was in SFIII. I simply can not use charge characters. >>

Halo Wars - Stuck on the mission where to have to bomb the Covenants sheild with 5 Rhinos. Admittedly, I've only tried once.

Mega Drive Collection - SHINING FORCE II! HELL YEAHS!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

World Of Warcraft - lol WoW. Slowly but surely levelling my Draenei Paladin. Levelling as protection probably doesn't make it any faster. Currently in Hellfire Peninsula.

Street Fighter IV - Playing lots of multiplayer with my two best mates. We're working out the perfect counters for each other. My Cammy beats Sagats. My Gief beats Dans. I get whooped by Ken and Fei Long though. Also, dissapointed that Chun-Li is more a charge character like she was in SFII than the command character she was in SFIII. I simply can not use charge characters. >>

Halo Wars - Stuck on the mission where to have to bomb the Covenants sheild with 5 Rhinos. Admittedly, I've only tried once.

Mega Drive Collection - SHINING FORCE II! HELL YEAHS!

Dude...we were seperated at birth. That's the only explanation. =P But i'm all with you here. I can't use her as well as i'm used to using her. She's like...a hybrid of Third Strike and II Turbo. Personally I would've preferred if she had been straight up like she was in Turbo versus this hybrid. But I mean...she's growing on me..finally. She was the only charcter I played with for the first 4 or 5 days afterall. xD! I just never bother trying to pull off her Super/Ultra while gets me killed, because either: A. I miss and then i'm like wide open to some death attack from my opponent or B. I can't pull it off and i'm like jumping around or doing the same dang kick over and over then get destroyed by my opponent. Chun's EX moves are my best friends.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

A housemate has started playing GTA IV.


Asked to play.

I liked it, thus far. Roman is an annoying twit, but the Jamicaan dude was amusing, the humorr is amazing and when I learn to do 90 degree turns, I can see myself playing a bit more.

Also, I'm finishing up my fourth playthrough of Tales of Symphonia. Finally got Genis' One World weapon, so I have like 2 more to finish my collectors book. Will probably GameFAQS them out.

Posts: 2915
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Didn't notice the difficulty ramp up that some reviews claimed. I only noticed more chained jumps and such, where missing one means restarting to where you were last on solid ground... about 5 minutes ago.

All in all, I still liked the game. The sequel definitely needs some more enemies though. And it should also drop the damned MASH THE X BUTTON QUUUUUICK!!!! parts of the battle. It pisses me off when I'm damned near breaking my controller, on to have it say I didn't mash it enough. But yeah, definitely worth the $$$ I paid for it.

Now to sell my PoP disc to my store and purchase Mirror's Edge at Gamestop

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

A housemate has started playing GTA IV.


Asked to play.

I liked it, thus far. Roman is an annoying twit, but the Jamicaan dude was amusing, the humorr is amazing and when I learn to do 90 degree turns, I can see myself playing a bit more.

Also, I'm finishing up my fourth playthrough of Tales of Symphonia. Finally got Genis' One World weapon, so I have like 2 more to finish my collectors book. Will probably GameFAQS them out.

Hahaha! You...asked to play and your housemate actually let you. That's a keeper right there. 😛 But i'm glad you're enjoying it man. I watched my roommates play countless hours of that's very well scripted i'll say that much.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I just finished the PoP dlc as well. Difficulty was noticeably improved but I didn't mind the ending. The ending that PoP Epilogue gave is a fitting ending that any game/book/movie could have to lead on a sequel that's generally all fine and dandy. PoP's original ending just stopped, which is why it was so crap.

Anyway, £8 for 2 and a half hours gameplay for something that should have been on the disc in the first place= ripoff. Damn you ubisoft.

And if the next game should have more enemies than it definitely needs a better combat system because the one in this game was damn near atrocious and boring.

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I bought Call of Duty World at War a few days ago. The campaign is pretty boring and absoluting nothing stands out; like the other 100 WW2 games out there. There are a few good parts that are really cool, but for the majority of the game so far is bad.
Luckily I bought it for the multiplayer, I need to subscribe to Live though. I have played on my brother's gamertage to play the multiplayer and it's just as fun as #4.

Posts: 571
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Beat Mass Effect again yesterday. Now I downloaded the Watchmen game and will be playing that with my buddy until Resident Evil 5 comes out.

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World of Goo, since it was on offer on Steam 😀

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Currently playing some Atari porn game I don't remember the name of.

Posts: 5035
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Currently playing some Atari porn game I don't remember the name of.

Galaga? It's about as good as porn. actually no Galaga was pretty lame on Atari...atleast it used that had a pretty good arcade feel. lol

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Galaga? It's about as good as porn. actually no Galaga was pretty lame on Atari...atleast it used that had a pretty good arcade feel. lol

Pretty good feel of a joystick?

Posts: 5035
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>_>! Hey! Go check out the SFIV topic, you!

Posts: 1827
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Tomb Raider Underworld: Beneath the Ashes and Lara's Shadow.

Beneath the Ashes is either disappointing or expensive. Its basically another level based on the Croft Tomb from Underworld/England level from Legend. It was enjoyable enough with clever puzzles but I wanted more.

Lara's Shadow is awesome. You play as the evil @*$%! who killed Alistair. And it isn't Prince of Persia based. Its more combat based with superhuman jumping and climbing. Storyline wise: without giving too much away it makes the disappointing ending of Underworld much better.

Street Fighter IV. This is the first 2D fighter I have enjoyed. I'm terrible at it but that's not the point. I've just unlocked Gouken and Seth.

Posts: 34
Eminent Member

I started playing FF2 again. So fun.

I forgot how good it was.

Posts: 1396
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Metal Gear Solid 4, just finished act 2, and half way through Act 3's Briefing cut scene...yes, there's a save point there. 😛

After this I'm onto Persona 3 I think.

Which I have to ask, should I play through that before considering FES and 4?

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

If you're going to play FES you might as well just skip P3 as a standalone game and play P3:FES. Otherwise you'll just end wasting another 70 hours of your life... o.o

wait P4 is out in europe?

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Persona 4 came out in Aus on the 10th of March, so I would presume Europe has it as well.

Also, playing Resident Evil 5. <3

I must admit, despite my love for the series, I've never actually been any good at it. In fact, one might say I'm crap at it. But I love it none the less.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Just checked Amazon and it apparently comes out tomorrow at the bargain price of £15. Needless to say, it was an instant purchase.

...but goddamn i still have too many games to play. =(

Posts: 980
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Resident Evil 5.

...What needs to be said? Game of the Year right there, folks, hands down - I'm SO damn impressed.
The hype was deserved, and the controls are spot-on when things get going fully!

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

MGS4 is complete, the last act was very exciting, and the whole thing makes me want to play through it a second time for all the secrets.

I have to say I'm very impressed by the whole thing, gameplay, graphics, music, story, even the longer cinematics kept me interested.

I do hope there's a future for the franchise outside of handheld spin offs and prequels, but who knows. Maybe now Kojima can finally remake Snatcher or Policenauts so I can play them! 😛

Posts: 889
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Metel Gear makes big money, no need to stop chugging them out. Well that's what makes sense to me.

Finished Call of Duty: World at War; the last few parts were really good. Overall I thought it was pretty good, not worth all the hoopla that most make it out to be. Multiplayer is pretty fun but it has to be the king of cheap kills; super easy for one team to get both tanks, the tanks can take a crap load of damage, and those guys in the tanks easily achieve "the dogs", and the dogs come out of nowhere and stick around for a while, and there is absolutely nothing you can do when there are multiple dogs coming for you.
Of course if your team is the one to get the tanks then it is pretty fun to rack up the kills.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Played Halo 3 with the 360 owning housemate, as they just got a second controller for their birthday.

The gravity hammer fills me with glee.

So. Yeah. I have played GTA4 and Halo for the first time. I am now initiated into the 360 fanclub. Still wont buy one, but I'm having fun with the sample.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

lol, awesome Craig

Got Mirror's Edge on Thursday. Finished Chapter 2 tonight. It's a pretty awesome game, although I doubt there will be much replay.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Resident Evil 5, gonna start my second playthrough and mercenary mode.

Posts: 5035
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Resident Evil 5, gonna start my second playthrough and mercenary mode.

You might want to sleep too, Incognito lol. =P As for me...I guess Virtual On Marz today. For a little bit atleast. Might hook up the DC and get in some VOOT. But I know i'll get in some SFIV and Midnight Club LA today.

Posts: 889
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Hiro, I've played through Mirror's Edge at least 4 times. I definately got some replay out of it. Also got some enjoyment out of the time trials; though I only did it to get a few achievements.

I finally came to the conclusion that I don't have enough money to get any new games any time soon, so I'm making a list of games that I need to finish but haven't. So far it's looking pretty long:
Lost Odyssey- on the final boss, should only take 10-30 minutes; hopefully.
Persona 3- I'm thinking I'm a little past half way; I just need to get in the mood to do some dungeon crawling (totally burnt out of that stuff).
Yakuza- Only a couple hours into the game, it just hasn't grabbed my attention as much as I thought it would.
Various games on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection- Trying to finish all the Phantasy Stars. Currently on the first one. I also found a new favorite game ever on there, Fantasy Zone. Fantasy Zone is just awesome, at first I thought it looked absolutely stupid, but turned out to be really fun and challenging.
Panzer Dragoon Saga- I still havn't finished it because of my Saturn's memory issue, but I'll get that fixed and start up again. I still need to beat the first game also, but its extremely hard, but I'll definatly try a few more times.
Phantasy Star Online- I'm still stuck on the last few parts where you find out what exactly is going on, but I need to level up a few more times before I attempt to finish everything up.
No More Heroes- I'm barely trying to take out #7; again, I just lost the feeling to keep going. It's not like I don't like it, but I just lost interest after a while.
Samba de Amigo- Just need to unlock a few more songs before I can say I have completed the game. Shouldn't take too long.

For the next month or so just assume that I'm playing any of the above games.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hiro, I've played through Mirror's Edge at least 4 times. I definately got some replay out of it. Also got some enjoyment out of the time trials; though I only did it to get a few achievements.

I finally came to the conclusion that I don't have enough money to get any new games any time soon, so I'm making a list of games that I need to finish but haven't. So far it's looking pretty long:
Lost Odyssey- on the final boss, should only take 10-30 minutes; hopefully.
Persona 3- I'm thinking I'm a little past half way; I just need to get in the mood to do some dungeon crawling (totally burnt out of that stuff).
Yakuza- Only a couple hours into the game, it just hasn't grabbed my attention as much as I thought it would.
Various games on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection- Trying to finish all the Phantasy Stars. Currently on the first one. I also found a new favorite game ever on there, Fantasy Zone. Fantasy Zone is just awesome, at first I thought it looked absolutely stupid, but turned out to be really fun and challenging.
Panzer Dragoon Saga- I still havn't finished it because of my Saturn's memory issue, but I'll get that fixed and start up again. I still need to beat the first game also, but its extremely hard, but I'll definatly try a few more times.
Phantasy Star Online- I'm still stuck on the last few parts where you find out what exactly is going on, but I need to level up a few more times before I attempt to finish everything up.
No More Heroes- I'm barely trying to take out #7; again, I just lost the feeling to keep going. It's not like I don't like it, but I just lost interest after a while.
Samba de Amigo- Just need to unlock a few more songs before I can say I have completed the game. Shouldn't take too long.

For the next month or so just assume that I'm playing any of the above games.

Awww...that hirts for some reason. I guess because I cherish that game so much. Fave game for the Wii[that I own...please no bashing lol] and it's tough when others don't see it quite like you do. But hey Abac...if you can try and atleast make it to number 5. You'll like that one.

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I beat the Dream Devourer in Chrono Trigger yesterday, so I'm done with that. The DS will get a rest and I'll be moving on to the PSP for FFVII: Crisis Core, FF Tactics and Yggdra Union next. Then Lost Odyssey. My RPG list of things to play is long right now.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Time for an update, methinks.

In the PS2: .hack//G.U. Vol.3 Retribution - Long since completed Vol. 2 and immediately moved on to the final chapter. I've already finished the main story mode but there's still the Forest of Pain 100 floor dungeon to traverse, as well as filling out the Ryu Books completely with every item collected and every monster fought. I've also started Dragon Quest VIII again. Maybe I'll finish it this time, instead of pussing out at the final battle to play another game.

In the DS: Dragon Quest IV Chapters of the Chosen - I need to finish Final Fantasy IV but I keep getting side-tracked by the old school design of DQ.

In the PSP: Breath of Fire III - It's going slow. At this rate I'll never move on the the Star Ocean series.

In the Wii: nothing - lol, maybe I'll give Mad World a rent this weekend.

EDIT: oops, forgot something

In the 360: Resident Evil 5 - My brother picked up RE5 on Friday and hooked up his Xbox to my 32" 1080i LCD so he can experience the game in its full HD glory. Naturally, I've been getting my game on too (and finally succumbed and played Portal from beginning to end in one go - most people did, I suppose).

Posts: 889
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I'll give No More Heroes a good try tomarrow for you HS; I'm stuck at this one part right now though and I remember it getting pretty frustrating.
Today I just played Nazi Zombies on Call of Duty. I found it a whole lot funner then I thought it would be. Pretty annoying to play with someone that has no idea what they are doing though.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Mang. All this talk of RE5 is making my trigger finger twitch for some Wesker action on Umbrella Chronicles.

Without my copy, I'm sufficing between Link's Crossbow Training and getting my entire house (6 people) to play Wario Ware's many multiplayer modes.

Bungie Buddies is my crack.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Mang. All this talk of RE5 is making my trigger finger twitch for some Wesker action on Umbrella Chronicles.

Without my copy, I'm sufficing between Link's Crossbow Training and getting my entire house (6 people) to play Wario Ware's many multiplayer modes.

Bungie Buddies is my crack.

Man...that game is hilarous! So much fun! 😛 HD Remix finally got that patch...might have to alternate between the two...IV and Remix, this weekend. Or...I might just totally mech it out with VOOT. Sweet, sweet VOOT. <3

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Still playing SFIV at the moment. I've won with Ryu, Ken and Sagat so far.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Still playing SFIV at the moment. I've won with Ryu, Ken and Sagat so far.

When the helk are we playing each other man? Have I added you? Have you added me? Have we even exchanged PSNs yet? lol

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Still playing SFIV at the moment. I've won with Ryu, Ken and Sagat so far.

When the helk are we playing each other man? Have I added you? Have you added me? Have we even exchanged PSNs yet? lol

Dude, I SO wanna defeat challenge you this weekend. But the thing is..... when it comes to playing my PS3 online, I've never done it before. So I'm a total n00b at it. I dunno what to do. And what's a PSN? That's like some number thing, right? Just be a little bit patient with me, hombre!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Still playing SFIV at the moment. I've won with Ryu, Ken and Sagat so far.

When the helk are we playing each other man? Have I added you? Have you added me? Have we even exchanged PSNs yet? lol

Dude, I SO wanna defeat challenge you this weekend. But the thing is..... when it comes to playing my PS3 online, I've never done it before. So I'm a total n00b at it. I dunno what to do. And what's a PSN? That's like some number thing, right? Just be a little bit patient with me, hombre!

Right...that's what it was. PSN is your name you use to sign in. I'm guessing you haven't made one yet. At the PS XMB go to Playstation Network and it'll have sign in as the first option. You should just follow the on screen options...or just check this out.

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Right...that's what it was. PSN is your name you use to sign in. I'm guessing you haven't made one yet. At the PS XMB go to Playstation Network and it'll have sign in as the first option. You should just follow the on screen options...or just check this out.

Thanks, man!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Heck yea dude. You're welcome. I just want to hurry up amnd kick your butt, honestly.

Have a nice day.

XDXD! Just kidding!

Or am I?


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Heck yea dude. You're welcome. I just want to hurry up amnd kick your butt, honestly.

If it's a butt-kicking you're after, I'll be the giver..... NOT the receiver! Anyway, I'll get back to you ASAP.

Posts: 2234
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At least you've both admitted to loving each other's butts.

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Hell yeah. I loves me some butt.

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