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What'cha playin'?

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Bought Lost Odyssey.

Liking it a lot so far. Gameplay is fun and story seems interesting enough, plus the music is great. Not too far yet, but liking it.

Posts: 2234
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<3 Incognitio!!

Lost Oddysey is probably my favourite current-gen rpg that I've had the pleasure of playing. The story is simply exquisite, and the '1000 years of dreams' almost bordered on bringing me to tears.

The combat system is awesome. Instead of a lot of rpgs that allow you to grind to overcome a difficult boss, grinding in this game is almost impossible. Instead, you really need to focus on strategy and tactics, which made it refreshing.

Disc 3 is a non-stop rollercoaster. It is awesome.

Only problem I had was Disc 4, in the sense that mine didn't *%!%%!$ work. All that buildup and enjoyment to prepare myself for an epic conclusion, and I couldn't. Had to put it off a few days until I bought a new copy with a working disc 4. Ending was incredibly tight but the momentum was lost.

So my advice is to make sure all your discs are working. =(

Posts: 571
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Yeah, it has been great so far. I just meet Cooke and her lil brother. And yes, I love that whole not be able to grind aspect. I was truly stuck at that second boss fight, until I finally figured it out and whoop the crap out of that slug/snake thing and its brother that followed.

Its really refreshing to play a good traditional jrpg again since I haven't played any this gen and last being on the ps2. The characters really intrigue me and even though people probably won't like Jansen's character, I find him freaking hilarious at times.

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Shadow the Hedgehog. I have 62 'A' ranks, so far.

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Shadow the Hedgehog. I have 62 'A' ranks, so far.

So what was your crime?

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What are you on about?

Posts: 2234
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Playing Shadow the Hedgehog is akin to torture and punishment. If you're playing that shithole of a game, you must have done something wrong

Posts: 5035
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Playing Shadow the Hedgehog is akin to torture and punishment. If you're playing that shithole of a game, you must have done something wrong


Posts: 889
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I actually played Shadow the Hedgehog about a month ago. My little cousin was crying for me to play it. She wouldn't shut up, so I played a little bit of it for her. The first level isn't all that bad so I figured I might actually enjoy the game, but of course after that I remembered how horrible it is. I think it actually had some good potential; just think of a really fast third person shooter. It sounds pretty cool but turned out pretty bad.
Almost finished with Viking. Really enjoyed it so far. Actually I think its one of the best games I've played recently. An incredibly under rated game.

Posts: 5772
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I'm sorry, I thought this was the "What'cha playin'" thread, not the "Let's critique each others taste in video games" thread. Keep the Shadow bashing in South Island where it belongs.

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Excuse the %@@$ out of me, I happen to like the game. I now have 64 'A' Ranks. Only 7 left for expert mode. No, I don't plan on getting all 326 library entries.

Posts: 841
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Played some more Rock Band at my mate's house yesterday, where we fought over the microphone a bit, then made up words instead of singing the actual lyrics. Such as Creep becoming a sad tale of a man who cannot afford jelly beans. I also sucked at drums.

I can't play my own copy of rock band though. My drums have become faulty 🙁 In the process of returning it for replacement. you are so awkward!

Posts: 2809
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Playing Shadow the Hedgehog is akin to torture and punishment. If you're playing that shithole of a game, you must have done something wrong

I'm with Ichi, I absolutely loved ShtH. and I'll admit, I did play all 326 storylines of Shadow. After playing the game that long, I kinda went through Shadow withdrawl, lol!!

Posts: 1567
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Well I just found a copy of Yoshi's Island (Super Mario World 2 for those not in the know) in a thrift store so I guess I have a new game to play, once I beat Super Metroid with everything collected. Yes I already beat SMW2 before but it's a fun fun game.

Posts: 5772
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^ hells yeah it is

In anticipation of the imminent release of Klonoa Wii I've dusted off the ol' PS1 and my copy of Door To Phantomile. Completed it in 3 hours, only missed two of 70+ hostages. Not bad considering it's been years since the last time I played through the whole thing.

Posts: 2915
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Actually making some progress on FFVI Advance. I've gotten to the first fork in the story, and am now playing Locke's side story. Hopefully I'll stay on this FFVI kick and actually finish it this time

Posts: 5772
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People usually lose interest during World of Ruin. But keep at it, because the ending? Completely worth it.

Posts: 5035
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Oops, sorry guys. I only made that remark because I remember anticipating ShtH soooo badly! I was disappointed, but yea...the game isn't horrible. I just wanted so much more. Besides I know how much I hate it when someone bashes a game I i'm sorry.

This weekend though...i'm looking to get some SFIV going. Championship Mode! Oh yes!

Posts: 1241
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Gone back to Call of Duty 4 to try and complete it on Veteran and 1000/1000 point that sucker. Also managed to run the cargo ship mock up in less than 20 seconds which is something I never thought I'd manage without sitting there for hours on end.

Still playing Chrono Trigger on DS. Robo + Apocalypse Arm + Dragon's Tear = lulz.

Also still playing Phantasy Star Portable on PSP. Beast Fighmaster for the win.

Posts: 2915
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I started playing Bioshock last night... Pretty awesome so far

Got up to the my first Little Sister... I decided to go the hard route and save all of them. It's my first play through, and I'm doing it on easy so it shouldn't be too bad.

Posts: 51
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Hmm, for some reason I keep losing interest in Bioshock after the part where you kill Andrew Ryan. Is it just me or does the rest of that game lose some of its oomph after that iconic moment?

Posts: 2915
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Just finished Neptune's Bounty on Bioshock... this game is so fun

Posts: 1241
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Beugy, you are so lucky I finished Bioshock long ago, because if you had spoiled a very important moment like that for me, in a game that is very driven by the story, I'd have been right royally p***ed.

Posts: 5035
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Beugy, you are so lucky I finished Bioshock long ago, because if you had spoiled a very important moment like that for me, in a game that is very driven by the story, I'd have been right royally p***ed.

XDXD! No kidding. silly, silly person.

Posts: 889
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Well you can kind of tell what is going to happen. Except the one plot twist in there, but for the most part the game is pretty predictable. I do agree that the game loses its luster after a certain point. It is a pretty good game overall though.
I finished Viking a few days ago and I have to say that the last battle was one of the most epic moments in a game. Awesome stuff there, which I would recommend whole heartedly to anyone who wants to play one heck of an action game.
Right now I'm trying to decide what to play now. I tried Operation Darkness again, but I couldn't pull myselft to play more then twenty minutes of it.

Posts: 1827
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Virtual On Onatrorio Tangram. Its good, really really good. Achievements are really easy though.

Posts: 571
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Just started the second disc of Lost Odyssey and my 360 rrod'd. So Imma have to fix it before I can continue my game.

Posts: 5035
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John Taylor wrote:

Virtual On Onatrorio Tangram. Its good, really really good. Achievements are really easy though.

YOSH!!! So glad you like it man. I wish I could somehow be in on this too. Guess i'll just hook up my Dreamcast and get me some VOOT 5.45. It's still good stuff. Just wish I had Apharmd Commander. ._.

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Currently playing Chō Aniki Bakuretsu Rantō Hen, an obscure Japanese SNES game.

Posts: 5035
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Currently playing Chō Aniki Bakuretsu Rantō Hen, an obscure Japanese SNES game.


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Currently playing Chō Aniki Bakuretsu Rantō Hen, an obscure Japanese SNES game.


Homoeroticism to the max!

Posts: 51
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Currently playing Chō Aniki Bakuretsu Rantō Hen, an obscure Japanese SNES game.

Dude. The chick at the bottom left. That is the most spankable boat (or is she a sub?) I have ever seen. Dude. *drool*

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Currently playing Chō Aniki Bakuretsu Rantō Hen, an obscure Japanese SNES game.

Dude. The chick at the bottom left. That is the most spankable boat (or is she a sub?) I have ever seen. Dude. *drool*

Looks like some kinda ship to me. Check out the muscly dudes posing on her.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Well I WAS gonna play Super Mario World 2 but I decided to replay FF9 (Been replaying all the FF's lately) and darn...I realize that I love this game. A lot. I think it may even top FF6 as the best FF (Or at least is just as good). And I really need the soundtrack to this, I love almost (Almost) every single track.

Oh and to any who try to message me on PSN (I'm looking at you HyperSonic) I'm playing this and can't message you back.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Well I WAS gonna play Super Mario World 2 but I decided to replay FF9 (Been replaying all the FF's lately) and darn...I realize that I love this game. A lot. I think it may even top FF6 as the best FF (Or at least is just as good). And I really need the soundtrack to this, I love almost (Almost) every single track.

Oh and to any who try to message me on PSN (I'm looking at you HyperSonic) I'm playing this and can't message you back.

Haha don't sweat it man. You go and enjoy FF9. I know how it is when you rediscover a game.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

WAHOO! I got Klonoa for the Wii!

It's great that I was given the second chance to play a game I missed on the original PS1. Outside of better graphics and English voices, is there any other noticeable changes from the original?

That said, I had to do a double take on Klonoa's English voice. He hit puberty! I'm so used to his childish quips. Its not a bad thing, mind you. The English voices from what I'm hearing so far are good. If anything, I appreciate the actor keeping the same little groans and shouts Klonoa does during the levels.

Posts: 4607
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You could, y'know, just change it to Phantomilian. Like I did. At which point he sounds like Klonoa again.

Playing that game too. Also, got an N64 a few weeks ago, so playing me some Majora's Mask. Before that, it was Goldeneye.

Posts: 2809
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I just beat my first playthrough of Mass Effect tonight and now to move onto Blue Dragon Plus so my DSi can finally get some actual playtime and not just the minigames on NSMB.

Posts: 1195
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You could, y'know, just change it to Phantomilian. Like I did. At which point he sounds like Klonoa again.

Oh, I know. I never said the English was bad. I was just thrown off by Klonoa's radical voice change, is all. I actually want to play it in English first to see how the voices fair before I switch to Phanomilian.

Posts: 571
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Currently playing LittleBigPlanet and nothing much else until my 360 gets fixed.

If anyone wants to play with me, my PSN is Petrifying_Inc. I don't usually play that much with that account, but add me if you'd like.

Posts: 5035
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Got in some Madden '07 on Wii today. Definitely considering getting 2010. Just gotta try and manage my many great games coming out this year. Saving up for my most anticipated of the year...and an IP at that, Bayonetta.

Posts: 889
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Definately waiting for Bayonetta also; its gonna be awesome...and we all know it.
I got a few good hours of Phantasy Star Online today. Still not good enough to beat the game but I'm getting pretty close. Also thinking of importing Sakura Wars (Taisen?). I found a pretty good english translation so I'm just trying to find a good deal.

Posts: 2915
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I've actually started playing FFIV DS again. Almost immediately I remembered why I had stopped though...

Golbez at the Dwarf castle was almost impossible to defeat D:... My Cecil was at level 40, almost 10 levels above what a FAQ recommended, and I still couldn't beat him... add to that the 15min it takes in cut scenes/ 1 pre battle, and I gave up... Until I remembered my supercard has a built in cheat function. Long story short, he stood no chance with my level 99 characters

So yeah, I'm going to finish playing this one, to prep for FFIV: The After Years on WiiWare , then hopefully hit up FFVI Advance.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Definately waiting for Bayonetta also; its gonna be awesome...and we all know it.
I got a few good hours of Phantasy Star Online today. Still not good enough to beat the game but I'm getting pretty close. Also thinking of importing Sakura Wars (Taisen?). I found a pretty good english translation so I'm just trying to find a good deal.

*high fives* Heck yea dude...Bayonetta is so gonna own. As for Sakura Wars(Taisen)...I thought I had ehard something about that coming stateside. Wish I could remeber exactly what it was I heard about it. I'm assuming you aren't in the states though, are you Abac?

Posts: 889
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I'm from the U.S.
Well they are bring Sakura 5 over. It doesn't seem like a game that will do good enough to warrent a release of the rest of the series. I'm just importing the first one to see if I like it. I really like the anime so I think I should at least enjoy the game.

Posts: 571
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Played the Wolverine demo, which I found to be pretty good. Might give that a rent. Also play UFC 2009 demo when my friends come over.

Posts: 5035
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I'm from the U.S.
Well they are bring Sakura 5 over. It doesn't seem like a game that will do good enough to warrent a release of the rest of the series. I'm just importing the first one to see if I like it. I really like the anime so I think I should at least enjoy the game.

I see, I see. That's what I always say...if you can't get what you want through conventional means...import! As for me....this weekend...I think it is finally time. Killing Time that is.

Posts: 4607
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Perfect Dark now. Fun title, just like Goldeneye - although the enemies on the roof in the Villa stage were a bit cheap. I should remember to SNIPE those jerks beforehand next time...

Posts: 2915
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Just beat FFIV DS. Yay. Now I can look forward to the Wiiware title.

I should probably take a break from gaming for the next week, as I have finals 😯

after the funtimes though, I'll probably fight through Final Fantasy VI. I have Oblivion waiting in my hold bin at work although I might skip it and just buy one of our copies of Fallout 3 instead.

Posts: 571
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Played some Resident Evil 5 Versus earlier. Probably gonna preorder inFamous real soon. That or UFC 2009.

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