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What'cha playin'?

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Posts: 5772
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Beat Pokemon Diamond's Elite Four, calling it quits with the whole 'marathon': Too much of a good thing. Decided to catch up on some handheld backlog with a game I've been looking forward to for quite some time by the name of Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled. Now, I've heard a lot about this game since it was (finally) released back in June, a lot of it not too positive. It seems, even with the many delays in development the game managed to ship with a crap load of game-breaking bugs. I've already experienced one in battle. Good thing I was only minutes away from my last save.

Be that as it may, I'm still enjoying the game. Music's great, the graphics are a nostalgic trip through time, and the battle system while flawed is not unlike Chrono Trigger's if obstacles and your characters' choice of weapon were a factor in whether or not you can strike the enemy in any given spot. And so far the script's been entertaining... all in all not too bad. I mean, if it weren't for the GAME BREAKING BUGS. Shame.

On the console front: I was playing FFIX but stopped at the point where you're supposed to go to Ipsen's Castle. Dunno. I lost interest once the airship completely opened up the world for exploration (although, the Ocean Chocobo did that hours before). It's like, "Yeah, I COULD go to Ipsen's and get the plot rolling again... OR I could grind Chocographs, find the world treasures, buy out the auction, feed the Kupo Nut-loving Moogle, grind for AP to catch up on my Abilities, grind Ragtimer to his inevitable death, look for more Friendly Monsters", etc., etc....

Aw, @!+! it.

Next up, a game I keep putting off for some reason: Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria. And even thought it's PS2, it looks so purdy on my 32" Insignia... ;.; Anyway, I want to get that game beat so I can finally get around to the spin off Covenant of the Plume. Though, I'm not very fond of SRPGS in general.

Posts: 5035
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Picked up Madden 10 today. Got it on Wii. Talk about a throwback. Madden 97[SNES] anyone? I'm loving it. Hope they keep this style and improve on the other feaures. I could grow to love this.

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started playing Grandia 2! ahh, been a long time since i last played it. ^^

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I recently acquired some Wii points, so I bought chap. 1 of Tales of Monkey Island. It's been moderately amusing so far. Heh, D'oro the Explorer.

Posts: 1827
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Just completed Prince of Persia. Managed to fluke the "Treat her gently..." achievement.

Quick warning: When you cleanse all of the levels of corruption. Make a save state before going to the Temple, if you want all the light seeds. I had 745 of the buggers. All gone... ;_;

Might get the epilogue.


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@ John Taylor
At 800 pts, the price is a bit hefty, but I thought it was worth it.

As for my self, I've been playing the very disappointing Oblivion... I say disappointing after I have played through Fallout 3 and have gotten used to the improvements. I ended up selling it D:

I also tried playing the new Watchmen game(s)... holy crap it sucks. I was going to do a coop game with Rico... only to find out that it doesn't have an online coop mode... wtf. I'm currently trying to sell the game. but no one has bitten yet =(

I did download the new TMNT XBLA game... it's awesome ... Definitely need people to do co op with though

Posts: 520
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Marvel vs Capcom 2...only with my brother though. Otherwise still playing BlazBlue.

Posts: 5035
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Nice, tigger. I picked up Samurai Shodown Anthology yesterday[finally]. Playing some SS1, mostly. Game is hard as heck though. Darn!

Posts: 571
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Played some Halo 3 co-op after a long time of not playing the game. Nothing much else really. Need to buy a new game sometime soon.

Posts: 327
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Picked up Klonoa: Door to Phantomile. Cutesy though it is, it's an enjoyable little platformer.

Posts: 5772
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Would that be original, or Wiimake?

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WWE SmackDown vs RAW 2009 on the PSP.

Trying to complete the "Road to WrestleMaina!"

Posts: 327
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Would that be original, or Wiimake?

Wiimake. Haven't fiddled around with the Wii controls yet, since I'm nearly out of batteries.

I will say this much: Sonic Unleashed could've learned a thing from this game about properly implementing branching paths in a 3D environment.

Posts: 1008
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I've been playing Phantasy Star Universe almost obsessively of late as I'm trying to get a Milla for my Gunmaster.

Console wise, I've been playing Chrono Trigger on DS, but haven't yet finished it - Lavos keeps on destroying me every time I go to fight him, plus there're still some sidequests to finish up.

I also played further through Okami after several months of procrastination. I beat Orochi and then was like "...sweet! More game! =D" So I'll definitely be continuing with that sooner or later. Oh and I've also been playing a bit of Tales of Symphonia and Skies of Arcadia every now and then as well.

...I'm totally looking forward to next month and Metroid Prime Trilogy's release this side of the Atlantic. 8D

Posts: 520
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Chrono Cross at the moment. I already feel like a giant jerk in game (Let's try and save Kidd from the poison...screw the consequences!). The game is kind of easy but I'm headed for Fort Draconia now so I figure things might get interesting. Game sadly can't hold a candle to the original but it has its certain charm.

Posts: 5772
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I know what I'll be playing today. Also SegaCD Snatcher.

Posts: 5035
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Snatcher...isn't that kinda like that 3DO game with real people and stuff? >_> Maybe not. As for me though...took a break from Samurai Shodown Anthology and am on Madden 10 Wii alot. Want to finish my newest save file on NMH. Just so I can start another one for the countdown to Desperate Struggle[which is so going to blow anything else on the Wii out of the water, btw].

Posts: 1827
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Gears of War (Disc crapped out again! YAY!)

Halo 3.

Boom Boom Rocket.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Randomly picked up The World Ends With You from a second hand store, knowing that a number of friends thought it was a good game.

My friends are either jedi's or hate me. I'm on the W2D7's final boss. Oh damn it's too hard. Too hard. I can't win. I'll never win. Never victory. Always failure.

My soul screams in rage and anguish.

Posts: 874
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Right after watching 'Inglorious Basterds', I rented Wolfenstein. It has a gun that makes a loud "BWWWEEEE" sound as it reduces Nazis to ash. If you need to know how awesome that is, know that it is "VERY AWESOME".

It's been a good week for 'killin' Natzees'!

Posts: 220
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Playing through Resident Evil 4 again, and catching up on some good old fashioned fighting (MvsC1&2, Powerstone...)
Oh, and Jet Grind Radiooooooooooooooooo.

Posts: 3756
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The other game I bought with the 2000 wii points I acquired recently was Kirby 64: the Crystal Shards. It's probably my favorite N64 game, I kid you not. The combining powers gimmick is just so damn cool.

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*on the Xbox 360

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Randomly picked up The World Ends With You from a second hand store, knowing that a number of friends thought it was a good game.

My friends are either jedi's or hate me. I'm on the W2D7's final boss. Oh damn it's too hard. Too hard. I can't win. I'll never win. Never victory. Always failure.

My soul screams in rage and anguish.

You know you can just flip the difficulty over to EASY if the game's giving you trouble, right? Or don't you have that option yet? I forget when you get it...

... anyways, true head vein bursting RAGE is W3D3 and W3D5 bosses. They were the first to force me to EASY in order to win.

Posts: 520
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Doesn't even the game tell you about that? I've forgotten now...^^

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Beat it today, yes. Those two bosses you mentioned took hours and me breaking out the fix + pin to get 5 heals.

After getting the pin from W3's GM the game became broken, though. 250+ damage times 6 is crazy.

Now... can someone please tell me what was up with that ending?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It was all a dream?

lol naw, but you won't learn the full scope of what happened until you play it again and find all the Secret Reports. It starts to make some sense, then. Also... Another Day. PLAY IT. Unless you don't like Tin Pin Slammer... in which case, er... no, still play it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Yessir. I'll start tomorrow. Right now I've played so much, I'm afraid noise symbols will eat me while I sleep and my dreams will be polluted with red eyed japanese schoolgirls endlessly chanting about the redemption of Shibuya.

Playing 12+ hours of a game in a single day does strange things to my brain.

Edit: Played Another Day to the point where I beat Shooter and had no clue what to do from there. Can't get into Pork City anymore to fight the secret boss and am not strong enough to defeat the Boss Rush mode in the final room.

Is there any Tin Pin related story to go? I don't want to go through all of this again, but I want to make some progress and short of EXP farming to finish the boss rush, I'm spent for ideas.

Posts: 1195
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Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.

I'm not even close to thirty minutes and I'm joygasming over every single freakin' thing in this game.

Posts: 72
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I have been back into Saint's Row 2 for the last week or so, for some reason. Next week, I plan to pick up Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Posts: 520
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For all the issues I have with the plotting of Chrono Cross, the game is still good and the soundtrack is awesome. Better than Chrono Trigger (Which trumps it in story though)

Well ain't that a...I can't believe I was 80 percent done with the Dragon God and I lose to a BlackHole. Would have won if I had tossed a trap for it (I had five of them). This sucks.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Edit: Played Another Day to the point where I beat Shooter and had no clue what to do from there. Can't get into Pork City anymore to fight the secret boss and am not strong enough to defeat the Boss Rush mode in the final room.

Is there any Tin Pin related story to go? I don't want to go through all of this again, but I want to make some progress and short of EXP farming to finish the boss rush, I'm spent for ideas.

If you don't have access to Pork City after it's been closed off to you then that means you're not quite done with Another Day yet. I think you're supposed to talk to Rhyme next at Miyashita Park to continue. Unless you're talking about the second time you battle him, in which case there should be one more Tin Pin battle in that same area. Afterwards, you have to visit the Shadow Ramen shop to open up Pork City... er, I think.

Posts: 464
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I've been playing ALOT of Sonic.

Just got Sonic Advance, and hoping I can find the PC version of SADX or figuring out one of those ways to get a free full version download. I've also been getting extremely frustrated with SonicUnleashed.

Posts: 327
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Fire Emblem for the GBA.

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Dissidia Final Fantasy- loving every minute of this game.

Posts: 72
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Just picked up Batman: Arkham Asylum. I haven't had time to actually throw it in yet, though, and probably won't tonight.

Posts: 2915
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Same here @ NotU

I've had a few minutes here and there to spend with Professor Layton. <3 of course

Posts: 1827
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Slowly getting through Arkham Asylum. Up to Killer Croc. This is nervewracking!

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Actually had the chance to play some of the Ghostbusters game on 360 last night...... And now I wish I hadn't wasted that time, and had instead played through some Batman.

Posts: 1827
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Arkham Asylum: Cracked the E. Nigma and solved the Greatest Mystery (not that hard to figure out really, as it turns out).

Love this game. Love the soundtrack.

My only real criticisms of it are:
The good guys with the exception of Batman, Oracle and Jim weren't all that likeable I'm looking at you Cash.
Harley's outfit: I mean a skin tight red and black suit wasn't sexy enough?
Posion Ivy boss was disappointing and predictable.

Colliding into things when jumping.
The Party. There was no cake.
Final Boss was easy.
That ending.

But on the flip side:
Loved the Riddler.
Scarecrow is far too cool in this game.
The way you unlock a bio. Trust me, its like Braid for Batman nerds.
The Clayface cameo.

Posts: 72
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I haven't gotten that far into it yet, I just got the first claw enhancement. That is the best way I can think of saying where I am with-out spoilers.

Riddler is great. Scarecrow is pretty cool, even if his level (first level? Might have another later?) was pretty easy. And, despite my criticisms I list below, I really am loving the game.

My criticisms so far:

Bane's boss fight was boring and predictable.

Hamill is awesome as Joker, but the random stuff he says over the P.A. system is too fast, too often, and repeated far too often. Considering the style of the game, the programmers should have made his P.A. comments farther apart. About the 30th time you hear the announcement about an 'inmate dressed as a bat', or 'he may act stupid, he may sound stupid, but don't let that fool you, he *is* stupid', I just wanted to shut him off.

Posts: 899
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Still taking a break from Crisis Core, Sonic Chronicles and Yoshi's Island DS.

Last weekend I saw that all of my Sonic Mega Collection data had been deleted. I spent the last week getting S3&K back and making a perfect game in a Sonic file and a Knuckles file. Currently working on Tails. It amazes me how much I've improved since I was a kid. I always used to have my but handed to me by Marble Garden Zone. Now I can make it to Sandopolis Zone Act 2 before I start feeling like I'm being challenged.

Posts: 571
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Dissidia, beat almost three characters lil story parts in the story mode, not very much since I haven't had the time I want to play the game, but slowly getting new characters n new stuff.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Muramasa: The Demon Blade. WooOOOoOOow! Vanilla Ware is the real deal. Makes me want to try and fin Odin Sphere now. I'm only about an hour or so into the game as the female character and it's wonderful. Such a unique game. If you own a Wii and are looking for some bad@ss-ness, check out Muramasa. No kidding.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Muramasa: The Demon Blade. WooOOOoOOow! Vanilla Ware is the real deal. Makes me want to try and fin Odin Sphere now. I'm only about an hour or so into the game as the female character and it's wonderful. Such a unique game. If you own a Wii and are looking for some bad@ss-ness, check out Muramasa. No kidding.

GET Odin Sphere. The game is SUPER hard (even on easy) and it has some loading issues (understandable given the graphics in that game, just as gorgeous and detailed), but it's awesomely awesome. I plan to get Muramasa once I finally commit to finishing the other games I have yet to finish.

Posts: 520
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Warriors Orochi: Aka mash the attack button a lot.

Posts: 72
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Warriors Orochi: Aka mash the attack button a lot.

I love that game. I still plan to get Warriors Orochi 2 at some point. To be honest, it is one of the few reasons I keep my 360 around, since they have not made one for the PS3 yet (though they made them for the PS2)

Posts: 520
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They made Warriors Orochi Z for the PS3...too bad you have to import it, meh. It is pretty fun, just wish there were more battles to play.

Posts: 571
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Still playing Dissidia, thinking about getting a call of duty game for my 360.

Posts: 2915
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Finally got a chance to sit down and play some Batman ... It is way too much fun =D

I've also been playing my way through Professor Layton. I've got 95 puzzles under my belt so far.

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