Just finished up Sequence 8 on Assassin's Creed II... The game is so freaking awesome The dual hidden blades make for some epic finishing moves on unsuspecting guards. I'm definitely going to try to go for 1000 on the achievements for this game.
I also finished up my first playthrough of Borderlands. I started my second one and was surprised how much harder it got... awesome
I just completed the Fade and Mage/Templar part in general on Dragon Age Origins. Game has been such a blast to play. <3 it
I just got my PS3 last Friday, which came with inFAMOUS and BM:AA, and I've been playing inFAMOUS and even though I've haven't got far, it's an awesome game!!
Playing a Link to the Past but...
Whoever thought the combination of dungeon masters (Or whatever the hand is that grabs you and teleports you back to the beginning) and Skull Dungeon would be fun...I hate you.
Just played the Bayonetta demo. It was awesome. Its like Devil May Cry made fun and good.
Just played the Bayonetta demo. It was awesome. Its like Devil May Cry made fun and good.
Heck yea man! Was this on Xbox360? As for me...nothing...too many exams coming up. =/ Looking forward to the Gran Turismo 5 demo on the 17th though.
yes it was. I cannot stress this enough: Bayonetta is made of awesome.
Think there is a PS3 demo.
I just picked up Assassin's Creed II and Dragon Age: Origins for PS3. I threw AC2 in for a bit yesterday, but did not have much time to play it.
yes it was. I cannot stress this enough: Bayonetta is made of awesome.
Think there is a PS3 demo.
Sweetness! Apparently the 360 demo[and game] is superior, btw. How'd you like the clock tower? I have the demo on PS3 and we don't get that stage. And yes...Bayo is made of awesome.
I have discovered through my obsessive playing of Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn that repeat playthroughs are--- broken. I just finished the battle in the volcano, and with the automatic 10 HP fireballs and the armored knight boss with 6 concuctions and a healing priest--- let's just say my entire party (Mist especially) are third tier.
I feel dirty, the game should not be played this way.
Finished up Assassins Creed II on Friday... So awesome . I'm going to try to go for 100%. I hit 10000 meaningless gamer points while playing as well so yayish.
After all the PW WiiWare talk, I was in the mood to play PW1 again. Started with flashed cart, all fresh =D
That said I'll be laying off the games for the next 2 weeks... yay for finals =( . Oh well, I'll have L4D2 to cheer me up when it is all over =D
Donkey Kong Country 3
I can't believe I just wasted 30 lives on Lightning Lookout. And I'm barely past the continue barrel. This level is pretty darn annoying. Not the worst level by far in DKC3, that honor goes to Rocket Rush. Guess I'll have to stock up on lives again. The game is okay but these random spikes in difficulty is tiring.
I'm soldiering through Zelda II. As the only Zelda with a lives system, it is naturally frustrating as all hell when you lose them. I'm currently in the second temple and made my way to the Blue Knuckle once and was immediately pwnt because I used up all my health on the way there. So far, it's been pretty fun.
Omikron the Nomad Soul on the Dreamcast. <3 A bit of Jet Grind Radio as well
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.
Let's see if trains are awesome.
Me too. @ Zelda. I'm about 2 dungeons in.
When I first saw the fan in the teaser, it irked me because too many DS games now days use that gimmick, but, honestly, in action I like it. Sure, we've used fans to put out flaming enemies before, but there's something unexpectedly satisfying about being able to blow out a flaming keese like a candle. >=]
Thanks to Christmas shopping and bargain bins, the wife and I now possess Sonic and the Black Knight. I intend to enjoy it out of spite that by default it should suck. Therefore I should enjoy it to be different. HA.
Plus the character designs are adorable. Will probably boot it up later tonight.
Also her family bought a Wii, so her brother who owns Fire Emblem needs it back--- so I have a deadline to finish, before Christmas Eve.
Okay so when I said laying off the games, I meant the 360 and any new games... Slowly working my way through case two of PW1. Picked up my copy of Spirit Tracks yesterday as well, and I'm looking forward to playing it... starting next Wednesday
Dragon Age, completed my first playthrough today, gonna start my second one.
Dragon Age, completed my first playthrough today, gonna start my second one.
Morrigan disapproves. -10
I'm still playing through some Castlevanias. Currently worked my way up to Portrait of Dawn. And I was playing Xenosaga III up until last week when I got a little preoccupied with real world stuff. Left off right after The Big Revealâ„¢ and the start of the second disc. I'll get back to it shortly. I just can't believe it took them 2 sequels to finally get it right...
Portrait of Dawn?
Is that some awesome crossover game where you get to play as Soma Cruz through PoR with the soul system, or Jonathan/Charlotte through the catholic castle which is not Vania?
I'm pretty far into Spirit Tracks by now. The last new weapon is epic.
Portrait of Dawn?
Is that some awesome crossover game where you get to play as Soma Cruz through PoR with the soul system, or Jonathan/Charlotte through the catholic castle which is not Vania?
o.o ... noooooo~... but either of those would make a pretty good hack.
*sigh* I really shouldn't be posting so early in the morning...
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue is running on my PS3 as I type. Oh man...so great.
I was really bored last night so, I dug out my playstation and, started playing Tactics Ogre.
And I've beaten Spirit Tracks. Great ending, very epic. Overall, this was a damn good Zelda. Fixes a lot of PH's problems, and it feels different enough to be fresh. The writing is suberb and there's a subtle increase in movement and vocalization that really bring everyone to life. The Link and Zelda interactions were very cute. Also, you don't realise how much you missed the instument bit until it's back. ^^
So, Trish and I are teaming up to play Sonic & The Black Knight and so far we're really enjoying it. Like, more than anyone would think we would. Trish even said it's as fun as SA2 was. Though maybe that was sheer nostalgia bursting through her vocal chords. It fixes all the stupidity of Secret Rings (the tilt control and the SHOVE double jump and such, less gimmicky with the Wiimote in other words) and the game looks gorgeous.
Voice acting is decent, even though it's still 4Kids. Lisa Ortiz is a bit annoying this time, but I still think she's a great actress and so I shall forgive her.
The music, though. Holy crap the soundtrack is amazing. Celtic remixes of Believe In Yourself and It Doesn't Matter are highlights, but the Shadow/Knuckles cutscenes timed to their SA1/SA2 themesongs works surprisingly well.
Only thing that's bugging me at the moment is the sword mechanic. It's difficult to work out the correct way to swing to make the right things happen. Fingers crossed it comes with time, took me about 4 hours to work out I could double jump, which makes things a lot easier... and the bullet time thing with the B button is kind of cool.
So- yeah. I like the game.
Also, in the 4th chapter of Fire Emblem, I have about 10 days to finish it now. Daaaamn.
But after Christmas I can play my copy of Tales of Symphonia 2 which I found in a Best Buy markdown bin for $15. It can't suck for $15!
Dragon Age, completed my first playthrough today, gonna start my second one.
Morrigan disapproves. -10
I actually got Morrigan in the sack, twice.
Now she possesses my lil dark spawn.
WOO @ Zelda II. I was waiting for those one-eyed, four-legged jumping spider things to show up and they just did and they are totally BADASS. ^^
Blaz Blue. Oh my goodness. This game is...ridiculous. I'm finally getting around to the deep deep inner depths of the game and the combo system is straight crazy, yo. I'm in a state of amazement actually...Arc System Works should be awarded. Seriously. Favorite game of the year. Beats out SFIV which is unheard of. The underdog wins. Which means I do too. "Coming next week...the return of BANG!"
Finished the story for AC2 tonight, and found the last glyph. Now all that is left are 66 feathers, 73 treasure chests, and 1 ****ing weapon (which I assume is the one you get for collecting 50 feathers).
lol @ NotU... I just ordered the strategy guide so I can find all the damned feathers... I want to 100% this game
Dragon Age, playing as an Elf now and chugging along real fine. Just saved the Arl and about to try and head towards the Dwarves.
Super Mario Bros: Lost Levels
The physics in this game are awful. Running is tantamount to suicide because it feels like every stage is covered in ice. If the physics weren't so annoying, the game wouldn't be such a pain. I guess this is why it took so long for us to get it.
lol @ NotU... I just ordered the strategy guide so I can find all the damned feathers... I want to 100% this game
I'm not overly worried about getting 100%, exactly. It would be nice to get a platinum trophy for once, though. I never seem to get all of the trophies. AC2 is the closest I have come so far, at around 85% of the trophies, so I thought I might try to push for it.
Doo doo dooo....
One more battle of Fire Emblem left before it's over, just need myself 3 hours of spare time to endure the ending so I can get my ratings.
Oh, and for those who have played FE:RD, I killed Lehran in 2 turns. Because I am that awesome right now. I spent all my final battle bonus EXP on the Heron as no one else needed it.
I recently played through the first Assassin's Creed on PS3, now however...I'm reliving the spirit of Christmas with Shenmue!
Armored. Core. 4. Man! So so good. I'm at the end finally. Itching to try out For Answer. Hope to find some people online to go against. Anyone here have AC4/ACfA for PS3? I'm lonely.
Maybe I'll pick it up after Christmas, could do with a mech game seeing as Virtual On is too big for my current 360 HDD.
:O! Really? You might pick up AC4? That's awesome man. Will warn you though...if you've never played it...it's fairly in depth. Sucks that VOOT is too big to download for you though. I'm glad to see your interest in mech games though. That's quite refreshing.
Just beat the second temple in Spirit Tracks, loving the game so far. Definitely wish I could use the D-Pad to move Link, but I can adapt.
I also played a little more of my second playthrough of Borderlands. I'm still the sniper... with a higher level of proficiency in shotguns than sniper rifles... yeah... That Zombie Island DLC is on my queue, ready to download when we get our internet set back up.
My guide for Assassin's Creed II came as well, so I'll be wrapping that up in the next week or so.
Armored. Core. 4. Man! So so good. I'm at the end finally. Itching to try out For Answer. Hope to find some people online to go against. Anyone here have AC4/ACfA for PS3? I'm lonely.
Dang, I have AC4 on 360 and was getting ready to buy For Answer. If you ever happen to get it on 360 I'd be happy to play.
I just finished Phantasy Star Online. Took me 3 or 4 years but I finally did it. Dark Falz is one huge beast, but not very hard.
Armored. Core. 4. Man! So so good. I'm at the end finally. Itching to try out For Answer. Hope to find some people online to go against. Anyone here have AC4/ACfA for PS3? I'm lonely.
Dang, I have AC4 on 360 and was getting ready to buy For Answer. If you ever happen to get it on 360 I'd be happy to play.
I just finished Phantasy Star Online. Took me 3 or 4 years but I finally did it. Dark Falz is one huge beast, but not very hard.
Dang! Everyone has it for 360. I surely would love to play you man. =/
The last few posts are a perfect illustration of why console-specific networks are a bad thing.
Anyways, I recently finished Drawn to Life for the DS.
The last few posts are a perfect illustration of why console-specific networks are a bad thing.
Anyways, I recently finished Drawn to Life for the DS.
Agreed. The problem is, neither company wants to allow their console players to play against the other guys because then they won't have that particular 'draw' for their own console. The developers from Criterion said quite openly that they wanted to make their game (Burnout Paradise was what they were working on at that point) cross-platform compatible and the only thing stopping them was the console manufacturers (Microsoft and Sony). Supposedly they found a way around that, by making both cross-compatible with the pc version, but I never against a pc user, personally, so I don't know if it ever actually worked.
Cannot say I am surprised. All the big name companies have a tendency towards telling everyone what to do and getting away with it.
Lame! I can't even begin to think of how like...incredibly awesome cross-platform online play would be. In a perfect world...in a perfect world. u_u
Buuuuut i've been playing SFIV, BlazBlue, KoFXII and Armored Core 4. Haven't touch GT5P in quite some time. Or the time trial/demo. Hmmm...
Hm... wasn't PSO cross-platform at one point?
I lost interest in Castlevania for the time being (sorry Shanoa) and I figured HEY, MAYBE I SHOULD PLAY AND BEAT SOMETHING NEW FOR A CHANGE? Thanks to the Spirit Tracks hype, I'm giving Phantom Hourglass another go after initially being rebuffed by the control scheme and placing it on my "get back to later" pile. I've just now gained the first Pure Metal and I've acclimated fairly well with the controls (but I feel guilty from all the abuse the touch screen is getting lately). Once I finish this I'll try out Spirit Tracks.
PSO...I'm not sure man. I so recall some games in the past having cross-platform online[with PC atleast]. *shrugs* But oh my gosh...just got done playing and watching some BlazBlue. I wish I could upload my replays to youtube. They are disgusting. I know some of those I play are breaking their controllers. They've gotta be. "They call me the Divine Lightning of Justice!"
Just snagged Silent Hill: Shattered Memories for the Wii this Christmas. I am enjoying it thoroughly, though it took a few hours to get the "point" of the game, exploring all the murder scenes and the morbid memories seemed to be inviting me to play detective or work out what was going on or to fit it into the puzzle of the game at large.
Turns out it was all for effect, making 2 hours of my game more or less for oogling the scenary.
Right now I'm getting a Shenmue vibe with a far more involved story exchanged for the vibrant and interactive cast. I'd take a full Japanese town over an empty midwestern one any day. Still, given that I'm familiar with the first game---and the third game--- it is starting to slowly bug me how unfamiliar I am with events. I was assuming, until now, that it was just Silent Hill 2'orizing the first game's plot. But after seeing photographs of Cheryl/Heather and confirming it to be exactly what she looks like in SH3... I have no dang clue what's going on and am just whimsically ambling towards answers.
Oh and the ice world running sections are suck. There's no entertainment value in them at all.