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What'cha playin'?

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Posts: 72
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PSO...I'm not sure man. I so recall some games in the past having cross-platform online[with PC atleast]. *shrugs*

Cross-platform with PC isn't what I'm talking about, though. You'll see in my post that I said the Criterion programmers said they found away around it by making both consoles compatible with PC as their way around the cross-console embargo.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

I think I'm near the end of Bowser`s inside story. It's been an epic, thoroughly humourous journey through the game.
And the Giant Bowser Fights... I mean... THE GIANT BOWSER FIGHTS!

I just love them to death.

That is all.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

PSO...I'm not sure man. I so recall some games in the past having cross-platform online[with PC atleast]. *shrugs*

Cross-platform with PC isn't what I'm talking about, though. You'll see in my post that I said the Criterion programmers said they found away around it by making both consoles compatible with PC as their way around the cross-console embargo.

Indeed, indeed. As for what i'm playing...considering im without my Wii and got Sonic Unleashed, SW Clone Wars, SW Force Unleashed, Wii Sports Resort, and Super Mario Galaxy for Christmas I won't be playing those. Guess i'll settle with Sega SuperStars Tennis.

Posts: 72
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I'm up to 87% on Assassin's Creed for trophies, and 95% for in-game stuff. I have all of the treasures and assassination missions from everywhere but the mountain pass and Venice, and finally got above 50 feathers so I could get the 1 weapon I was missing.

I dread doing the races, though. I tried the one in San Gimignano, and it was just horrible. I always have 1 or 2 gates left before I run out of time because I have to try and stay ahead of the guards, too. I wonder if I took the time to kill all the guards along the route before I ran it if they would respawn for the race.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

W...wait, you're racing against yourself, aren't you!? O_o;

'Cause if he's racing against someone else...

Posts: 72
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A guy challenges you to beat his time on a course. You have some ridiculously low amount of time to make 19 or 20 check points while avoiding the guards. Of course, it tells you where the next check point is, but not the one after that, so you could hit a check point and be facing the completely wrong direction.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

We beat Silent Hill last night, actually Tricia started a save game and we did it in a single sitting, kind of like Portal that one day we played it.

Story makes sense and I worked out what was going on about the time Harry finished the mall section of the game. Jury's still out on how I feel about the plot, but the game itself was nice. I'd rather wait for some FAQs to be written about how to manipulate the psyche evaluation to make different endings/paths through the game, than start from fresh right now.

While I wait, Tricia and I shall continue Black Knight and I alone shall start my epic journey through Tales of Symphonia 2.

Posts: 3756
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*sigh* You guys are so cute. =

Posts: 1195
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Finished Spirit Tracks a week ago. Overall, I was very satisfied. It was an awesome game. Good decent length, epic last boss fight, killer soundtracks, and Linebeck the III! Now I'm currently in Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story and sloooooowly working my way through Zelda: Link to the Past. There's still the matter of finishing up Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier, but gah, I am so unmotivated to do so - that game simple just isn't fun.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I almost threw ToS II out the window.

It keeps telling me I have 99% of the monsters. I have ALL of them -.-

I cross-referenced with Gfaqs as well. I have 1 OF EVERY LAST ONE. TOOK FOREVER TO RECATCH ABOUT 50 OF THEM. I HAVE ALL of them. This game is TICKING me off. I'ma start a new file. With all these suckers in my possession, I DARE them tell me wrong.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I almost threw ToS II out the window.

It keeps telling me I have 99% of the monsters. I have ALL of them -.-

I cross-referenced with Gfaqs as well. I have 1 OF EVERY LAST ONE. TOOK FOREVER TO RECATCH ABOUT 50 OF THEM. I HAVE ALL of them. This game is TICKING me off. I'ma start a new file. With all these suckers in my possession, I DARE them tell me wrong.

XDXDXD! Dang i'm sorry man. Probably just a glitch thing. GT3 had one sorta like that. Just write 100% on your TV screen where 99% is and everytime you go to that screen you'll see 100 and believe it.

As for me...playing Fight Night Round 4, after seeing I need 2GB of ram[which I certaintly don't have] to install the program that lets me put my face in the game. I'm doing pretty good. Hate i've gone so long without playing it though. >_<

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Heh, Twilight Princess is like that to me, DL. I've completed every single sidequest to 100% except for one: somewhere out there in the expanse of Hyrule, is a single Poe, floating about. And for the life of me I CANNOT FIND HIM. I've looked at strategy guides and FAQs, but those things are designed to be used while playing the first time, and are horribly undescriptive when mopping up. But no matter how many times I go to all the Poe locations, I just never see the guy. =(

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Just started Chrono Trigger on DS, also on the go with Muramasa when I get the time to play it.

Posts: 1241
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Just going back through Chrono Trigger on DS to get all the endings and level everyone to **.

Also, lol WoW. Random Dungeon Finder is made of awesome.

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Playing the Wii version of Mario & Sonic At The Winter Olympics right now.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Playing Super Mario RPG. Didn't realize I made it past the Axem Rangers already, so i'm in Bowser's Keep attempting to get that final Star Piece. In recent news...Geno is the man! I just did an attack with him that did 9,999 damage. Like whoa! Glitch? Don't care...I won. lol

Posts: 147
Estimable Member

I was lucky enough to get a small HDVT for Christmas, along with Uncharted 2 and Sonic Unleashed. I had SU back when I owned an xbox, and loved it so much that I wanted it for my new PS3 slim. <3 Uncharted 2 has got to be the coolest game I have ever played. 8D

Posts: 3756
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Sonic Rush (late, I know. I played SRA first). Some of the bosses in this game are hard. I'd almost forgot what it felt like to be truly frustrated by a video game.

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Still playing Mario & Sonic At The Winter Olympics.

Posts: 5035
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About to get a game of Madden 10 in. Or maybe...i'll start my 4th run of NMH. Hmmm...

Posts: 3756
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Sonic Rush's soundtrack is pretty sweet, but there's only a few songs that really stick out to me as anything special at all.

The Mechsuit "final" boss is one of them. I think it's the FauxMichael vocals that do it.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Finished inFamous right before New Year's came and then started Sly Cooper. Having great fun with it so far and I'm almost 70% done. I just glad to be out of Mz. Ruby's place. After I'm done I gonna straight for Sly 2 and 3 which I got when Gamestop was having a buy 2 get 1 free deal.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

So, remember when I wanted an X360 about 9 months ago cause of RE5.


RE5 IS AWESOME..I hate spiders right now -.-..

Im not gonna go rez that old thread, I'ma just ask here. Why the hell can't I take weapons from my partner after they left the game (was playing co-op-offline. He had to go back home. Kept playing. Cant ACCESS. SHOTGUN. OR. GRENADE LAUNCHER!) And when he starts back up, he couldn't get all the weapons he had before.I'm confused and betrayed by Xbox's debauchery.

I'll figure out all the online stuff later, Im just mad I actually hafta connect it to my router -.- Why is there no wireless receiver INSIDE this thing? Ummmm I guessthat's all for now, since O'm not really gonna use it for DVD's and picture storage and wtf its like Windows 7 was loaded on mine lol.

Posts: 2809
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Just in case you don't know DL, MS has an official wireless adapter though new is about $100, but if memory serves, you can buy any usb wireless adapter and it will work.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

:I've been playing SMRPG, KoF '97 and recently Donkey Kong Country. Geez a telling why Rare isn't the powerhouse they once were...DKC is hard. xD! Still great, if not only for nostalgic purposes.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Played some Zombies Ate My Neighbors earlier with my nephew and also continued a little more on my second playthrough of Dragon Age.

Posts: 2915
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I now own a copy of the game I swore I wouldn't buy... MW2... That said I got the copy from an uncle for free, so

It's pretty fun, although parts of the multiplayer really tick me off. My buddy has a group of 7 or so cops who all play together... We were just beating on another team, up by 50 kills when one of them got a Nuke attack and wiped us all out, winning the game >=(

I'm also not a fan of being tossed in a game with people who are lvl 50 while I'm only 5...

EDIT: Couple of things, first being MW2... I ended up getting the game winning double kill in a match 2 days ago... while stunned... from a stun grenade I threw

2nd, played the Bayonetta demo... HOLY CRAP I NEED THIS GAME NOW.

3rd and last, 2 FREAKING FEATHERS away from 100 in Assassin's Creed 2... DAMNIT. I've been using the guide book maps to find them, but apparently I missed 2 =(... now to go back through all the towns and try and find the elusive ones. Why can't games just point them out when you are this close... even narrowing it down to a city would be helpful =(

Posts: 571
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Dragon Age- just about to do the landsmeet again.

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

After finally completing Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (with a trick that made the last chapter hilariously anticlimactic), I've started The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. I don't know if I've gotten quite good at Zelda games or this one's initial difficulty is scaled down, but the first two temples are pushovers. Also, skating into frustration in Ice Land in New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Yeah, it's hard not to notice how Zeldas have gotten easier over the years, compared to LttP or even OoT, but I think Spirit Tracks does get more challenging as it goes. I remember being surprised at how train collisions are a one-hit kill. It was refreshingly frustrating.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yeah, it's hard not to notice how Zeldas have gotten easier over the years, compared to LttP or even OoT, but I think Spirit Tracks does get more challenging as it goes. I remember being surprised at how train collisions are a one-hit kill. It was refreshingly frustrating.

That's games in general, really. Or so I think. I swear...I do not remember DKC being so damn dificult. 😛 Then again it has been awhile since i've platformed. lol But Super Mario RPG[but of course the last RPG I played was Golden Sun in like '03 or something xD!] is killing me too. However after this weekend[but I actually haven't played anything since Tuesday] no games for me this semester. Seriously. If you guys see me post in her saying what i'm playing...come find me and slap me repeatedly please. Thanks!

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

Here's a few of the games I'm into right now.

Bayonetta: Got it a few days ago. I'm pretty far into it and I can safely say that this game is awesome. The enemies are pretty weird though, and not too many strike me as being cool. Some really bizarre stuff in it.

Star Wars Force Unleashed: Got it as a Christmas present and with the reviews I wasn't expecting much. Well there are some cool things here, but overall its nothing great.

Assasin's Creed: Another present. So far I think its alright. I hate having to hold down RT to fight, why not toggle? The missions are mostly the same and traveling can get pretty boring. I do like the story; its very weird but kinda interesting. For being a couple of years old it has some really good graphics (I happen to like nice graphics).

Sakura Wars 2: Playing through the first episode I had a really big issue- the bad guy from the first game is back. I thought it was pretty stupid and lazy to reuse him. I mean we kicked his demonic butt and he comes back? Seems like a little kid's cartoon... but all of a sudden a masked demon comes up behind him and kills 'em off. I had a huge grin when that happened. This might be a good game after all.

Posts: 2915
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Finally completed Assassin's Creed II ... realized there was a segment in your DNA profile that identifies how many feathers remain in each district ><<br />
Can't wait until the DLC comes out.

Now to finish Zelda

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Bayonetta is not my game of the year. Nor is it game of the decade.

It is game of the whole damm millenium.

I'm a big fan of people being allowed to have their own opinion, their likes and dislikes, but if you disagree with my Bayonetta statement, you are just flat out wrong.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Triple Triad in FF8 is one hell of a drug...

Well minus some of these stupid rules (Random, Plus, Elemental)

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

"Over the top" is not adequate to describe the ruthless 'Jesus Christ killing vampires and Hitler while riding a rocket sled" insanity of Bayonetta. This game goes over the top and it JUST KEEPS GOING. AND IT NEVER STOPS.

This game makes the Devil May Cry games blush. It makes God Hand look conservative. It makes Kratos do a double take.


PS: Do NOT do a torture attack on the Joy angels while your non-gaming parents/girlfriend is in the room. It will be awkward. Trust me.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with the Bayonetta's sentiments. It's the first time in ages I've played a real hack and slash action game so I'm having to take time to get to grips with it, but Bayonetta is just so god damn awesome.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Forza 3 and Resident Evil 5.

Playing through Resident Evil 5 with a mate at the moment. Quite enjoying it.

Posts: 1241
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Finished Bayonetta's story. It is the most amazing thing I have ever seen or played.

Posts: 2723
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I'm splitting whatever time I have between occasional bits of Spirit Tracks and Bowser's Inside Story on DS. I've recently beaten Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. The ending made me sad, especially after seeing the beginning of KH2. I still need to beat the remaining few paths for Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor and making some headway in three different "Tales of" games (Eternia, Abyss, and Legendia).

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Was playing Guilty Gear Isuka as the Great Sol Badguy on Arcade Mode.

Realized that I haven't played that game in such a long time... I-I'm so rusty... I

I LOST TO JAM (Sweet sweet Jam)! ;__;

[cough] Good times! ;;

Posts: 72
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I finally got my in-game 100% on Assassin's Creed, though only 91% in trophies.

I started Saboteur on the PS3 Friday. I still have Dragon Age: Origins to open, but everything I read indicated that Saboteur is shorter. So, I'm doing that first.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Opened my copy of The Conduit tonight, after hooking my wii up to my new Composite to VGA converter... yeah, I'll be selling it. Although the crappy resolution on the converter didn't help, the game just felt really clunky.

Posts: 571
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It is, I couldn't stand playing the Conduits singleplayer. The multiplayer was okay, but not worth purchasing the title for.

Posts: 1008
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Now I just have to do the Epilogue to get my proper, happy ending. ;~;

Posts: 5772
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It's only happy until you realize that there will never be a proper Lunar 3. ;_;

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

I still haven't beaten that game...sad

Hopefully Zophar isn't as annoying to fight as Ghaleon, ugh.

Posts: 1008
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Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I finished coop Resi 5 with a mate. Only I had to rejoin the game after there was a connection interruption. And as far as the game is concerned I havent done it. ;_;

Also: Sheva is a pretty cool guy eh? She looks awkward throughout cut scenes and doesn't afraid of anything.

Also Bayonetta came in the post today.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Beat Sly 3 last night, and since I've only played Kingdom Hearts, and that was a long time ago and can't remember much, I'm gonna replay it before I go on with the rest of the series. Of course, my playthrough of the KH series will be interuppted next week when Mass Effect 2 comes out!! So looking forward to both!!!

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