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What'cha playin'?

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Posts: 1656
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just finished bioshock2 ...... is it me or they made this a lot easier then the first one? anyway it was fun long and very satisfying.. flawless to say the least.

Posts: 800
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what about the terrible death/penalty system? what about the way that the Bioshock games have never had particuarly good shooting? What about all the RPG elements that were stripped from System Shock 2 that could have helped add depth to the Bioshock games? What about the way the story is nowhere near as strong as the first one?

flawless is a strong worrrrd, because no game, film or album/song can be flawless

Posts: 571
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not sure about any game being flawless, but at least really really awesome.

Posts: 5035
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xD! Nice pic incognito. But yea...SSFIV for me. My I love this game. Still has that SFIV A.I. in some instances though. But it's great kicking my friends' butts all over the place with ____. xP

Posts: 571
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Nice. Well I'm currently replaying Red Dead Revolver for the time being, since I can't get a new game yet, and I've been eagerly anticipating Red Dead Redemption.

Posts: 520
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Playing Jet Force Gemini...and wow does the machine gun suck in this game. There's also this Tribal stuck atop a wall and I can't jump up there and rescue it, meh. Surprised this game didn't get a M rating, hahaha.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Thanks to this I went to the local K-Mart and picked up a brand new copy of Final Fantasy XIII for $29.99 + tax today (saving a cool 30 off the MSRP). Wanted Bayonetta too but they were out. Welp, guess I know what I'll be playing for the rest of the week. 🙂

Posts: 72
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Finally picked up Modern Warfare 2 and jumped straight into the multiplayer. I made it to level 13 pretty quickly using a combination of classes, but mostly sniper load-outs. I also did surprisingly well with the riot shield. Surprising, because it's a defensive load-out, and I tend to be more tactical stealth.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I beat 358/2 Days last night around 2:30 AM, and again, I had to be in at 8 AM. It was great fun and had a good and bittersweet ending. I'm about ready to go play KH2 now.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Wow! Thanks for that Psx! I'm going to get Bayo today! :O

Posts: 513
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I have decided to spend my extra free time this summer revisiting my collection of Gamecube games in the hopes of finishing those I shelved the first time around.

So far, I have:

Completed the last few missions in Soul Calibur II's Weapon Master mode.
Got pissed off by Starfox Adventure's Test of Fear. AGAIN.
Got my 9th emblem in Billy Hatcher(Is it just me, or is this an unusually hard modern platformer?)

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Just picked up a PSP. Mostly for watching TV on the go and emulators though. We'll see if any of the games catch my eye.

I've got a growing backlog of games that I eventually need to get caught up on though =|. Luckily, aside from SMG2, there isn't too much I'm looking forward to over the summer. Fallout New Vegas is the one Fall title that I will NEED to get. So this summer I shall be playing:

Borderlands - 3rd DLC pack




Penny Arcade Episode 2


No More Heroes 2

Ace Attorney Investigations

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Just beat Resident Evil 2 this morning, both scenarios (LeonA-ClaireB) and earned all three weapons in the process. Will start on ClaireA-LeonB soon. I fear nothing any longer, for I have a rocket launcher.

More than I can say for Nemesis, of which I am stuck on, as the clock tower boss fight keeps ruining it for me.

Tricia is playing Wind Waker. She was on the Triforce Shard quest, until she discovered the Nintendo Gallery mini-game, now she's collecting every single figurine in the game. This may take some time.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Dante's Inferno- ending up getting to play this since a buddy of mine had it. Pretty sweet. I just beat the Gluttony level. Craving RDR. Hopefully I'll be able to buy it.

Posts: 800
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about to begin my journey through the max payne games (again)

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I'm playing Sonic Unleashed. I'm liking it so far[only done the tutorial and daytime levels though. lol]. Chip is a cool little addition. I like how easily Sonic makes friends. Really fits his personality. *crosses fingers* Let's hope I can continue to enjoy this game. At the Apotos shrine right now.

Edit: First boss[?] thing down.

Edit 2: Ok...NOW i've fought the first boss. I gotta say i'm thoroughly enjoying this game. :O I mean's no materpiece, but i'm really like Chip and Sonic's relationship. Really awesome seeing Tails too. I'm waiting for Tails to get jealous. 😛 And Amy...classic. I wonder who else will show up.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Portal is available for free, legal download in Steam's official website. After years of hearing how good this game is, but unable to play it (because I had an old computer that wouldn't be able to handle it), I managed to grab my copy and will get on it.

I also got Earthworm Jim, Rayman, and Mr. Driller from my DSiware.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Bought No More Heroes 2 and Resident Evil Darkside with leftover ACEN money.

Someone needs to tell Suda that you cannot parody Gurren Laggen. Gurren Laggen is the embodiment of parody. To parody a parody is mind bending. IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.

Just finished NMH2. What a beautiful game. The only problem with it is that it's meta-message is too clear and too depressing. The gaming industry has changed, nothing will ever be the way it was, Suda has no place in this new world. Despair, true believers, for there is no end to the trite repeatative ad-nauseum.

Edit: Playing through RE:DC right now, and holy crap. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a game more for the music alone. It takes one of my favorite game soundtracks of all time and spruces it up to the nth degree. Fighting Birkin is all about hearing that themesong <3

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

I beat Dante's Inferno awhile back, a solid title. As good as I thought it would be. Now need to get some money so I can rent a game or something cuz I won't be able to have enough to buy one for awhile.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Since my 360 up and red ringed on me, there has been no Super Street Fighter IV which upsets me greatly.

Been playing WoW, building up my Ret set on my Paladin, and power leveling my Mage through the power of dungeon finder and heirlooms.

Also, Ace Attorney Investigations is dragging me in. Currently on case 4.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'm starting to have my first taste of annoyance from Darkside Chronicles.

I love the game.

I really do.

It's so dang fun, and I know I'll enjoy it more on harder difficulties. But please, for the love of heaven, stop making me waste my ammo and energy on boss battles. The fact that they're entirely scripted is really jarring. I unload the big guns and then suddenly it has full health again and I have to wait for the scripted event for it to die.

Worse yet when they're clearly infront of me but with no health bar.

I'm currently stuck on the Nosferatu boss, not because of a lack of skill or even ammo/herbs, but because I'm trial and erroring my way through the battle to find out when it's acceptable for me to use the magnum on him. Each time I do it just wastes bullets and the battle keeps on going.

I drained his health on the swing set one time, and kept swinging like four times, and he eventually killed me. I was like "bullcrap! You're dead. Your health bar is zero!"

I am not fond of these scripted boss events.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

I've been too distracted to come into this thread and say that I'm playing Red Dead Redemption because I've been too busy playing Red Dead Redemption and oh my god Red Dead Redemption is flipping AMAZING.

Now I'm going to go back to playing Red Dead Redemption.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I think he's trying to tell us something.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Just finished Darkside Chronicles with the bad ending.

Not a clue how I'll earn the good one. I was aware of the limitations and unloaded all 40 magnum bullets I'd earned to that point.

But I will persist. I want to earn the achievements.

---I just read how to get the good ending. The answer is "second player"


Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

As soon as I read that, the intro song to Bubble Bobble played in my head. D:

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Re-set-up the Wii since moving house and started playing No more Heroes 2, since we finally got a local release. Mmm. So good. Just moved into rank 8.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Oh hey, finally sat down and beat FFXIII... freaking waste of time. Ending was dull. I ended up hacking my save file, adding Gil and CP so I didn't have to level grind at the end. I was planning on playing it a little more and grabbing some easy achievements, but I ended up corrupting my save file and failed to make a backup... THE FREAKING ONE TIME I DIDN'T MAKE A BACKUP. Eh, saved me another hour or so.

Posts: 528
Honorable Member

Suuper Mariooo.... GALAXYYY


Posts: 72
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I started Red Dead: Redemption last night. I only planned to play it for an hour or so. 3 hours later, I finally shut it off and went to bed.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ooo, NMH2 is out in Australia? Time for Yahtzee to review it. I still fondly recall how damned much he enjoyed the first game.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ooo, NMH2 is out in Australia? Time for Yahtzee to review it. I still fondly recall how damned much he enjoyed the first game.

I can tell you...NMH2 is a better game[attention to detail, fighting mechanics, polishing] but it seems to have lost a good bit of the charm the first had. COnsidering i've only put in a 6th the amount of time into 2, than I have 1...I like 1 better.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Super Mario Galaxy 2. Currently at 70 stars. This game kickass, but that's not really a surprise, now is it?

Posts: 528
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Im at like, 30 stars. Its awesum.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I finished KH2, and therefore the KH series til Sept., Monday, and I've been playing Batman: Arkham Asylum since. It's an awesome game and I love the silent takedowns! I just beat the twin Titan boss.

Posts: 571
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Playing GTA4 again for the heck of it since I can't get anything new for awhile.

Posts: 520
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Was playing Chrono Trigger but seeing as I've beat it 6-7 times by now, blazed through it with ease. Still can't believe how much it still goes for on the SNES but whatever, finally nice to own the actual copy. Also playing through Kirby 64 which has some nice music but is insanely easy...and kinda short.

Now if I could only find a copy of Harvest Moon for the SNES...*sighs*

Posts: 528
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A couple days. 2 finished Super Monkey Ball games on my iPod touch. 1st one - difficult and long. 2nd one - easy and short.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. Got to love the insanity effects.

Posts: 520
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Super Mario Land 2. Game is giving me a fair challenge...doesn't help that to play like I want, I have to use the claw approach. Or maybe it's due to the fact that I tend to dash through the stages...whatever the case, I die quite a bit.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Super Mario Galaxy 2 since last Wednesday, 50 stars in so far and loving each and every inch of it.

I will say I miss Rosalina and I really don't like it when I can't move the camera.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I'm playing the Megaman Zero Collection. I never played these games on the GBA, and they are pretty good! You'll have to forgive me if I just play the easy mode, the actaul games are a tad difficult!

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Since I've beaten Arkham Asylum, I've been playing Mirror's Edge. It's a fun game, but sheesh, I've died alot and it can get frustrating alot of times. and I mean a lot!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

You remember me whining about Darkside Chronicles. I hit the expert learning curve and rode it to the finish of Hard Mode. WHAT NOW. I am one mission away from Clear S ranking Racoon City and getting the outfits. I am too scared to try VERY HARD mode. But for now, enjoying my shiny linear launcher.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Resident Evil 5, just playing another game for the heck of it until I get something new. Probably go rent something since my thirst for new game blood is at an all-time high and yet my pockets are seemingly a lil on the empty side.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I really want to play the new Metal Gear Solid game, but I don't own a PSP so I can't. Still playing Megaman Zero Collection on DS. Also playing Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands!

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Metroid: Zero Mission. It's a remake of the first Metroid, right?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Well, yeah. Arguably superior to the original, I might add. Of course, that one's on the cartridge too waiting to be unlocked if you think you can... handle it.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. I bought a psp pretty much just for this game, and godamn is it worth it.

Big Boss <3 <3 <3

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Heh, I thought about buying a PSP to get Peace Walker. I may still do that, maybe. Got tired of Forgottem Sands and started playing Fallout 3! I never played this game before and I must say it is pretty incredible!

Posts: 571
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Deus Ex The Conspiracy, in the mood to play this since watching the trailer to the new one. Something to keep me occupied for awhile.

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