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What'cha playin'?

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Posts: 520
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...that stupid cow can go...die...

(Playing Pokemon Silver)

Posts: 252
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milk drink


milk drink

repeat ad nauseum

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

On the subject of Peace Walker.

When Huey first arrived, I instantly started imagining his crippled butt drowning to death in a pool while his son made it good with his second wife.

Now I have ruined the entire character for anyone who remembers this happens.

Posts: 571
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Deus Ex and also Jet Set Radio Future

Posts: 2234
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God damn you Craig

Posts: 30
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I gave Final Fantasy 13 a try, but didn't like it that much! So I just continued to play Fallout 3!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Now that I'm down to the "achievements only" section of Darkside Chronicles, I'm starting to give thought to switching it over to a new game. I have yet to finish Rondo of Blood--- but the game I truly want to play is Sonic & The Black Knight. I enjoyed it for the most part and never ended up getting any further than the Knuckles boss battle.

Time to revisit, I suppose.

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

Labouring a little each day through Golden Sun: The Lost Age. I swear I tried to start that game 2 years ago and got tired of it immediately because it expected me to do an abnormal amount of level grinding. Finding the right entrance to the Madra Catacombs alone nearly gave me a stroke. But! to make up for that, I'm racking up countless hours of Team Fortress 2 after they had their half-off sale. I think my crowning achievement there is an extraordinary Sniper run that devastated a seven-man charge for the control point I was defending.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

It's 50% AMAZING voice acting and 50% decent writing, but the EVA tapes do more to make me adore Peace Walker than anything else I've seen. Why is it that the Metal Gear Solid games always become awesome within a 3 meter radius of The Boss. Hell, even The Pain can be taken seriously when she's standing there.

So... yeah. When I saw the ending to Peace Walker I was all "that told me nothing!"

Then the briefing tapes. Oh man, the briefing tapes.

Posts: 72
Trusted Member

I completed the story of Red Dead: Redemption, though I still have some of the stuff to get and don't have 100% on the trophies yet. I will probably try the online at some point over the weekend.

The story was great. It does a good job of pulling you in, and keeping you there. There's a definite sense of urgency to John Marston (the main character) to finish what needs done and return to his family. I won't spoil the ending for anybody that hasn't gotten to it yet, but I'm split on it. It's a very well written ending, I just don't like what it means for the game play afterward. If you've beaten it, you know what I mean.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Picked up Metroid Prime Trilogy yesterday. I skipped these games when they first came out. After playing throught the opening in the first game, I can 't help but beat myself up for missing out on this awesome title when it first came out! Insanely epic!!!!

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I'm playing Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, and like all Mario RPG titles, I'm loving it even though I'm like sorta in the 2nd area.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Labouring a little each day through Golden Sun: The Lost Age. I swear I tried to start that game 2 years ago and got tired of it immediately because it expected me to do an abnormal amount of level grinding. Finding the right entrance to the Madra Catacombs alone nearly gave me a stroke. But! to make up for that, I'm racking up countless hours of Team Fortress 2 after they had their half-off sale. I think my crowning achievement there is an extraordinary Sniper run that devastated a seven-man charge for the control point I was defending.

That's wierd, I found that the Golden Sun games were one of the only rpgs I've played that didn't require you to have to grind at any point of the game at all to be strong enough to proceed o.o The only problem with the Lost Age at first and figuring out where you need to go next, but other than that the game is fantastic.

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

The part that was frustrating me to no end was that obnoxiously-placed boss battle against Briggs early on in the story. That damned whistle he uses to bury you in a dogpile of pirates...the very thought of it vexes me.

In truth, Golden Sun is rapidly becoming my go-to example of everything I loathe about JRPGs: the taken-for-granted nature of why red-eyed emus and bizarre high fantasy creatures like to assault you at random and evidently bleed money, the uninspired self-righteousness of pretentious adolescents running about and playing at saving the world, the hours of mind-bending trekking through dungeons designed by sadistic puzzle makers, and far too much talking. If Jenna just shut her mouth for a change, we wouldn't have had to fight Briggs in the first place, would we?

Also, I disapprove strongly of Kraden reading the Twilight series while Felix, Jenna, and Sheba are fighting monsters. That's the only way I can explain his delight at seeing werewolves.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Well, I guess that's where we have our differences. In fact, Golden Sun was the first jrpg I ever played (bar Pokemon), so it was what introduced me to the stereotypes and from there my love of the genre. I will admit that some of the bosses are hard first time through, and Briggs was indeed a massive pain and challenge. In fact, one of the toughest parts I remember is from the first game where I attempted to do Mercury Lighthouse before the forest with Tret. Whilst it's not necessarily sequence jumping, level wise it's intended you do Tret's forest first, so when I got to the Saturos boss on the top of Mercury Lighthouse I was wasted. xD

But yeah, I was absolutely mesmerised by Golden Sun when I first played it, again because everything was so new to me, but at the same time it was so well polished. There was a lot of talking, sure, but the graphics were stunning, the musical score nothing short of genius and some of the puzzles really well thought out. I think the only major gripes I have with the pair of games, looking back, was that the battle system was too easy (over reliance of djinn and no real need to use any psynergy; the attack and djinn commands have your back) and the fact that there was little real character development, but other than that they were a real wonder.

I'm not massively looking forward to Dark Dawn for the 3DS though. It may capture the spirit of the originals and it may be utterly fantastic, but I can't stand the 3D graphics they've chosen to go for. Especially when the 2D sprites of the first two games looked so downright amazing, to go from that to this utterly atrociously ugly 3D is a real shame. I wish they could have gone for even more impressive 2D sprites but alas.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Still playing Metroid Prime Trilogy. I've made it the Omega Pirate boss in the first game, and I gotta say he is definately giving me a hard time. Oh, well I'm sure I can top him with enough time and patience. Also playing Pokemon SoulSilver!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Still playing Metroid Prime Trilogy. I've made it the Omega Pirate boss in the first game, and I gotta say he is definately giving me a hard time. Oh, well I'm sure I can top him with enough time and patience. Also playing Pokemon SoulSilver!

Yea MP is fantastic. It gets alot better though...just you wait. And this discussion on Golden Sun...oh man. Such a fantastic game. I'm looking forward to the DS version. But to get to the reason i'm here...finally got a copy of Bayonetta[50% off a new copy at a store closing....woo hoo! I'd highly recommend checking out GameCrazy stores...I think it's a nationwide thing]. Enjoying it so far. Finally got my Scarborough Fair set.


Posts: 30
Eminent Member

You are right. Metroid Prime has to be one of my favorite games now. I finally beat the boss (with like 40 energy left) now I'm looking for the remaining artifacts. I'm really excited for what may come next. I now really can't wait to try the sequels when finished with the first game!

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

3D Zelda is good and all...but after remembering how much I loved Awakening (Best Zelda game ever!), I am loving the Oracle of Seasons game. Map is pretty confusing and all but the game is pretty fun. I think it's a bit weak as far as character interactions go but from what I hear, Ages is better in that department so I guess I'll see. Got about 4 more dungeons to go and then I'll go start Ages!

Also playing Pokemon Emerald as well...I don't understand how all these older systems get more play than my big black box...

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Played some Tetris Party Deluxe in the car. Pretty fun, although my sibblings stink at the game, so vs was no challenge.

Posts: 571
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Jet Set Radio Future. Just having a blast playing this puppy.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


Was down in Springfield IL for a visit and found a TINY SMALL GAME SHOP, like---miniture. Inside it held Final Fantasy IX, the game I have longed for since arriving in the USA.

Also the friends we were visiting gave me Persona 3. But that's not Final Fantasy IX. So--- *PLAYS FFIX* <3

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Can enough good things be said about FF9?

No, great game.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Jeez Craig, if I'd known you were so hard up on playing FF9 I would have gladly mailed you my own copy. It's one of the few PS1 games I refuse to ever sell, along with my copies of Valkyrie Profile, Chrono Cross, Tron Bonne, Klonoa and a few others.

... of course, I'd expect to get it back. o.o

... or else... O.O

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Or he could have asked me, and I could have sent him a brand new copy from the shop I work at...

Finally got back into Ace Attorney Investigations. Case 3 😯

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Jeez Craig, if I'd known you were so hard up on playing FF9 I would have gladly mailed you my own copy. It's one of the few PS1 games I refuse to ever sell, along with my copies of Valkyrie Profile, Chrono Cross, Tron Bonne, Klonoa and a few others.

... of course, I'd expect to get it back. o.o

... or else... O.O

I've accumulated 3 copies myself over time and love the game so much that its hard for me to even get rid of one. XD Such an awesome entry in the series.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I've been playing FF9 as well lately, downloaded it off the psn for play on the psp =D

Still slugging through Peace Walker as well, and just finished the Transformers: War for Cybertron campaigns.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahahah! Sill Craigey! I've been loving and adoring Bayonetta as of late. I don't think i'll ever stop playing this game. Well once Blazblue CS comes out. And KoFXIII...and MK9, DJ Hero 2, GT5....*slapped*

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


I beat Disc one, loaded up disc two and NOTHING. NOOOOTHING. This makes me so angry I may very well stomp on Tokyo.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member



But no, really, I feel for you, Craig. =( My copy of FF8's disc 8 wouldn't work, and niether would disc 4 of Lost Oddysey. >=( All that build up for one epic endgame finale on the last disc and the discs refused to work.


Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I don't suppose it's not too late to return it? Failing that, resurfacing can sometimes save a bad disc if the scratches aren't too deep. But if it's something serious like CD rot, then there's nothing that can be done (unless you have a modded console, that is!).

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

The disc works fine on my laptop, which gives me a few more options. I decided to sidetrack them all and play the copy of Persona 3 I was given (I have learned the friends in question have FES and so donated the original to an RPG loving person who was intrigued but never played. Me).

Was having a GREAT time, leveling up in battles (good strategic system, horrible AI. The AI problem is enough to justify PSP version when I get a PSP) and I adore the dating sim--- more than the RPG actually--- but then I reached June 7th.

It's the night before a full moon. My gang are at Tartar Control and I am level 14. Firstly, going from level 24 to 36 in one hit is FATIGUING AS ALL LIVING HELL, and secondly I am not strong enough to fight the Level 36 guardian.

Once I realized this meant climbing 12 levels to level up and get back there, I turned the game off.

I understand two things:

1. I have the option of NOT completing Elizabeth's Request and simply ignoring "get to Level 40 tonight or fail"


2. I don't have to kill every Shadow on every level on my way up there.

BUT. I can't do either of those things. To progress the game and give up on the quest is like saying "I don't want to complete the game" and not killing an enemy which stands before me is--- well I just can't do it!

So, thanks to my own OCD, I am just annoyed and fatigued with a game I was otherwise enjoying quite very much. ---Certainly enough to speak all this technical jargon after a lone day of gameplay.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I suppose it's fortunate on nights before a Full Moon your party members won't leave Tartarus when they get tired, so you can stay in and grind as much as needed. Also I recall the Level 36 boss uses Wind attacks a lot, might be best to equip a Persona that resists it if you don't have one already. And in an emergency having access to Cadenza (Orpheus + Apsaras fusion magic) to heal your party in one go could save your butt because at this point, Yukari's a bit of a flake when it comes to efficient healing. In fact, you probably shouldn't rely on your party members to save your ass until you can get better Tactic Commands.

Eh, unless you're a completionist missing a request or two isn't going to set you back any. Some of the rewards are pretty sweet but nothing you can't do without.

I am just annoyed and fatigued with a game I was otherwise enjoying quite very much.

Yup, sounds like a Persona game all right. It's a temporary feeling, come back to it in a few hours.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

You're right about the "few hours" thing, I went back to it a little while later, got myself the Toy Bow, grinded up high enough to make some decent Chariot persona (Valkyrie) and went to town. Was purely luck based, though. With a game which has (to point) focused so high on stratergy, it's disappointing to see such a free-for-all boss.

It's dead now, so who cares.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Just wait until the normal enemies start spamming OHKO spells higher up. Word of advice: ALWAYS have a Null-Dark, Null-Light Persona (or one of each) on you at all times, once you can craft one. Homunculuses are fairly rare and they can be used up by your party members, so you shouldn't rely on them to save you from Mudo/Hama skills.

Nothing is more frustrating than investing an hour or two climbing Tartarus only to have the MC wiped out by a random instant death attack.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

The first time I got insta-death'd was also the first time my protagonist went "unconcious". I more or less rage quit the game for the night when I realized my main character was the only one who needed to die for my party to be wiped out.

I'm still adapting to the comendeium and fusion systems, finally got myself a system so that I have a lightning, fire and ice Persona of whom I can switch and critical at the start of a back-attack battle. I'm kind of screwed if the enemy gets the jump on me. Also need a wind elemental. Badly.

---going on vacation. Will do the June story event when I return. Looking forward to it.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Well Craig, I've got all of FFIX; tried to play through it once, but it never stuck. I'd be willing to mail it to you for free.


Ever since playing Symphony of the Night on PSN, I've dedicated myself to playing through all of the GBA/DS Castlevania games.

I'd beaten Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin by the time I found the others. Going through Circle of the Moon now; will then do Harmony of Dissonance, Aria of Sorrow, and finally Order of Ecclesia.

(huzzah for DS Lite and its ability to play GBA games)

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Pokemon Leaf Green

Nearly had a game over due to an army of Dugtrio. Had to run through the Diglett Cave so I could go pick up HM Flash so I tossed a repel and stuck my Level 26 Wartortle out front, figuring I could run through with ease. I knew Dugtrio are in there but they're so rare, I didn't figure to run into any. Hah, every 10 steps, I encountered a level 31 Dugtrio which somehow knocked out my starter thanks to my attacks missing. The others didn't fair quite so well either but I eventually finished off yet another one before escaping to go heal and stock up on more Repels. Of course the second trip, I didn't encounter a single one...meh

I guess you could say I do NOT want to see another Dugtrio but as irony would have it, my second most powerful Pokemon would be a Dugtrio.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

I'm playing Metroid Prime (it's going around, I guess). Beat Meta Ridley and I just failed my first attempt at the Metroid Prime. I found Ridley to be really underwhelming. I usually find the guy pretty terrifying, especially in Super Metroid, but his fight here was just cheap and boring, not the slightest bit intimidating. Metroid Prime phase 1 was thrilling fun, though, and I got through it on my first try. Phase 2 smeared me, though, mostly because I hadn't a clue what to do to him.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Recently got my hands on a Wii (finally!). Didn't get a chance to get much yet, but I've at least got a WiiWare title (Cave Story!!) and a Virtual Console thing (Kirby 64!!) so I'm cool until I can get Brawl or something else I've had my eye on.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Kirby 64 was the first thing I bought on Virtual Console. ^_^ Love that game so much.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

Transformers: War For Cybertron. Story is wonderful, and the online play is addicting.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Slowly making my way through my backlog.

Beat Jak And Daxter last month and am now playing Jak II.

On the handheld front, beat Luminous Arc. Thought the ending sucked,
and the game is way too easy with the way you can abuse the leveling up
system. Now starting Luminous Arc 2, which I've been told is superior
on all fronts.

Posts: 149
Estimable Member

Neo Contra. I'm actually playing all of them, but now I'm on Neo Contra. Amazingly, I beat The Alien Wars on Hard on my first try (although I did beat it first on Easy and Normal to warm up.) Shattered Soldier gave me serious problems though... Took me more than a full day to beat it again. I had forgotten that NC is still friggin' HARD, except that you can earn way more extra lives and at least one extra weapon set is just plain cheating. I came back thinking I'd pick the standard loadout and go with 3 lives "to make it a decent challenge" and gave up after continuing 4 times on one part.

Oh well, next up... is Contra 4. I decided to pick up a DS Lite, for $70. Not bad... Only thing is that it's PINK. That's all they had. God damn it. Whatever, my masculinity is secure.

Also, I've been playing Motorstorm: Pacific Rift almost every night lately. I've finally gotten to the point where I can regularly place in the top 3 online.

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

DS = Nostalgia

360 = Street Fighter IV, Star Ocean, and Uno Rush

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

omg she's back *hugz*

Uno Rush

Good God, they made another one?!

EDIT: oh yeah, forgot what thread I'm in... finished Parasite Eve, gonna EX Game is next. Meanwhile, I'm also getting into Persona 3 Portable w/ apparently full-of-exuberance FemC.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

I haven't been in here in awhile! Let's see what everyone is... HOLY CRAP @ stickghost! Playing all the Contra's and not cheating? You must be a sadist! There was a time when I could storm through a Contra without cheating (especially Hard Corps since it was the first Contra I ever played), but I seriously doubt I could do that anymore (I own Contra 4, but I'm embarassed to admit I haven't even played the thing!)

Speaking of games I own and never played, Chrono Cross! I've had this game for A LONG TIME and I never even once placed it into my PS2! I had every intention to do so. I had just played through Chrono Trigger the other day (PSX version. The only version I own and I love it dearly despite load times), and was itching to finally start the critically adored sequel. Then I went out and bought Monster Hunter Tri yesterday! So I been playing it! ^_^ It may be the best MH game ever created, I haven't played very far yet. Maybe I'll get around to Chrono Cross one of these days, maybe. There's just too many damn games out there!

Posts: 149
Estimable Member

Just played Contra 4. For the first time. On Hard. Total elapsed time from turning system on to Game Over: approximately eight minutes. Needless to say, I'm gonna turn the difficulty down next time. Needful to say, HOLY F___ THAT S___ IS INTENSE. You have to monitor TWO screens at once! Enemies on one screen CAN shoot, throw grenades, or otherwise induce death upon you when you're on the other. I'm gonna be busy for a while I think.

ADD: Oh yes, actually I would be a masochist, since it's self-inflicted.

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Phantasy Star 0.

By god I love it when SEGA prove they aren't always less enthusiastic and passionate than a unic panda.

If you played PSO on the Dreamcast then this is like an upgraded version of the gameplay in portable form. Seriously, it even has that odd timing mechanic to the combos. I'm loving the hour or so I've played so far, and look forward to the next. It has an actual plot this time, and I'm enjoying the cute aesthetic.

Buy this if you miss PSO! Though with DQIX, Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, Monster Hunter Tri, and upcoming FF: Four Warriors of Light and Phantasy Star Portable 2, the multiplayer action adventure/RPG genre is really getting crowded.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

shining the holy ark on the sega saturn

this rpg has the worst sound ever, i have to mute it to play it XD but really its fun i love the story and characters, i never finished it cause i was young when we had it and couldnt read that well i was too young. now i'm discovering things for the first time and saying "oh that's what's going on now i get it" ha ha.

anyway its fun i like it, too bad they dont make the dungeons and dragons style rpgs anymore.

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