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What'cha playin'?

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Posts: 72
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I played through the single player missions in Blazing Angels over the last couple days, mostly because I noticed it on my trophies list as being blank.

Imagine my annoyance when I play through that ****ing game again only to learn trophy support was apparently never introduced for the game. So, it left me to wonder... WTF is it even on the trophy list?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good combat flight sim, but the single player missions in this game have difficulty spikes that are just plain ludicrous. One minute, you're dropping enemy planes and targets left and right. The next, you've got 45 seconds to shoot down 30 German bombers...

I didn't actually get shot down all that often, but missed the 'mission objective' quite often because of unreasonable expectations.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Just played some RE5 for the heck of it. Gonna buy a new game tomorrow. Well probably not new new, but something I haven't got to play that I've wanted to. Probably Uncharted, since that looks really good.

Posts: 513
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Recently got Kirby Super Star Ultra and have beaten through Meta Knightmare Ultra. Working on The Arena (got killed by Marx on my best run), and Helper to Hero (Damn Computer Viruses).

Posts: 2234
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Just starting to go through Infamous after owning it for so long and never having the chance to play it. Such a cool game, combining two of my favourite genres; post apocalyptica(ish) setting with the ability to be a superhero. Funnest sandbox game I've played yet, methinks.

Posts: 571
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Uncharted! Finally am playing something new, although its not THAT new of a game, but still is awesome so far. Just started the 4th chapter I believe.

Posts: 72
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I finally got around to starting Battlefield: Bad Company. It's been sitting on my shelf, unopened, since Bad Company 2 came out. I'm enjoying it so far, though the controls feel a little light. Okay, a lot light.

Posts: 149
Estimable Member

I just beat Contra 4 on Normal. Next up is Hard. Hoo boy.

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

Right now I'm alternating between Gears Of War 1, Red Dead Redemption, and Shenmue. What a cast.

Posts: 2915
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Got to Mexico in RDR. Haven't played it at all this past week. Working on completing Ace Attorney Investigations. Just wrapped up the first investigation in Case 4.

I also grabbed Dragon Quest IX, but only played 6 minutes of it. Got my character built and that was it. I'll save the rest for after AA:I is done

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Just beat Metroid Prime. I'm now playing CING's Again. Also, looks like the Hotel Dusk sequel is getting a western release. Can I get a "WHOO HOO"?

Edit: Wait a minute, I seriously typed "not playing"? How the hell do you do that on purpose?

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Western as in Europe to be specific. Eh, wasn't a huge fan of HD1, but I might download the sequel.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

ADD: Oh yes, actually I would be a masochist, since it's self-inflicted.

Heheheheh, sorry got the two mixed up, but still that's pretty insane!

Was playing LOZ Link to the Past, but when I turned the sysytem off the battery decided to crap out on me and I lost all my precious data! T_T. So to calm my rage I've been playing Bejeweled 2 all day! ^_^

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

After abandoning Golden Sun II in disgust and trading it in, I decided to pick up Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. It' good as I'd have hoped for such an entry in the series, but I'm still only two cases in thus far.

I continue to play Team Fortress 2 at off-hours so I can use my Sandman to smack hapless Engineers in the head while they're wrangling their sentries.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Uncharted, I think I'm at chapter 13/14 or somewhere in that range. Been such a blast to play so far, besides the damn seadoo driving up the currents with the exploding barrels.

Also gonna be started God of War III soon.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Western as in Europe to be specific. Eh, wasn't a huge fan of HD1, but I might download the sequel.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

This is why CING is dead, gentlemen.

Posts: 2915
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I had a legit copy of the first game! There's no way I'll pay the $50 to import it from Europe though.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

What the hell. XD @ me actually typing "I'm not playing Again" last page.

Of course I'm playing it. It must have meant "now playing".

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Recently got into P3P, trying to play it as both genders though I've gotten much further ahead as the girl protagonist. o.o
Also got Dragon Quest IX, but I haven't started it yet. Which reminds me that I still haven't beaten TLOZ Spirit Tracks either. Hmm...

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

I have abandoned Monster hunter Tri until I can get me a Classic Controller. The game is just too damn hard with the Wiimote.

I went to get P3P but it wasn't in stock! Oh well, I still haven't beat Peace Walker yet. Those damn AI fights are HARD, and I can't get the tune they play out of my head! I should really try to tackle this before I invest time in a 80+ hour RPG!

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Recently started playing Super Mario 64 DS and feeling quite nostalgic. Have 60+ Stars at the moment(it helps that I got to 120 in the original), and have unlocked all player characters.

Currently playing the DS version of Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

SSFIV, Bayonetta, Muramasa The Demon Blade, and Turtles In Time Re-Shelled. Does anyone have this for PSN? I need my other 3 brothers to join me. 😛

Posts: 571
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Uncharted, pretty far in, gonna try and finish this up soon.

God of War III, just started this bad boy. Silenced Poseidon.

Posts: 72
Trusted Member

After finishing up Blazing Angels and Battlefield: Bad Company, I've decided to keep going down the list of games that I bought and never got around to opening.

Last night, I threw in Dragon's Age: Origins.

I don't know why I waited so long to get going on this game. I knew I would enjoy it. It's a Bioware game very much in the formula of other Bioware games I've loved prior - Baldur's Gate, NeverWinter Nights, and Knights of the Old Republic. The mechanics are slightly different, you don't control your character by mouse click, and you don't click on powers to use them. It's slightly more standard console-y than that, with the powers being assigned buttons.

It's more KOTOR than it is BG or NWN, but almost every other aspect of it falls so much into the BG/NWN style that you can see the definite connections between them. You can tell that they're all from the same developer and done off what they've learned from the prior games.

I'm loving it so far, though I'm only a couple hours in.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Oh yeah, Dragon Age is pretty sweet.

Well, I finished Uncharted today. Such an awesome title with a very interesting story. Can't wait to try part 2 some day.

Now will continue from where I left off in God of War 3.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Incognito, you need to play Uncharted 2 as soon as possible, especially if you enjoyed the first one so much. I thought the first one was a good game, not exactly great, but Uncharted 2 just blew it and my expectations out of the water. One of the finest games EVER made. One of the best gaming experiences yet.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I managed to pick up a copy of Chrono Cross at a used video game store for a good price, so I'm playing it to see what all the hub-bub is about.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

If you've noticed a lack of Craig on the internet lately, Persona 3 is to blame. No other reason. I have clocked over 80 hours and am currently at the tail end of November (having survived execution in Kyoto).

To make matters worse, I today ventured into a neighbouring town to buy FES as I was sure I'd finish this game by the weekend and wanted to Game Plus the directors cut.

Also, Tricia is buying me a PSP for my birthday and Persona 3 Portable will be one of my first games.

Up to level 170 of TartarSauce and not stopping any time soon. I'd love to stay and chat, but finally Mitsuru's S.Link is available and she wont seduce herself!

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Out of my current Castlevania binge, I've conquered Circle of the Moon (a very fun game given that it was a GBA launch title, but it's got a lot of Nintendo Hard shades to it; also, I guess it helps I played it on a DS Lite, given the common complaints regarding lighting issues on a GBA) and surpassed Harmony of Dissonance (which was initially off-putting compared to CoTM, given the radically-different OST and how loosely Juste handles compared to Nathan; however, it did grow on me. Still, much easier than CoTM; almost too easy. The final boss was pathetic).

Am now on Aria of Sorrow. Ah, nothing but love for the art style. Much better than the 'anime' look they went with for Dawn of Sorrow.

At the moment though, CoTM's had the best OST of the GBA Castlevanias. Aria might overcome it with more playtime.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

If you've noticed a lack of Craig on the internet lately, Persona 3 is to blame.


wanted to Game Plus the directors cut.

Data transfer between P3 and P3FES is pretty bare-bones compared to a normal New Game +. If I remember correctly the only things you keep are your social stat levels (Academics, Charm, etc.), list of known Fusion spells (handy for filling in requests quickly) and Compendium progress (but all Personas will revert back to their base forms). You don't even get to keep your money. ;_;

Also, Tricia is buying me a PSP for my birthday and Persona 3 Portable will be one of my first games.

Sweet deal. Too late to score a Junpei hat, though (I think?). But wait... no Persona 4? You really should play that one before P3P.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

In keeping with the Shin Megami theme, I've gone back to finish Devil Summoner: Raidou vs The Soulless Gits. Lost my PS2 memory card though so had to start again. Hit level 18 so I could finally fuse my dear Jack Frost. Once I've finished up with this, thinking about re-doing Digital Devil Saga or Nocturne. Still have Persona 3, FES and 4 sitting there, begging to be played. I may never do it though because what I've played of 3 honestly did not interest me the way Nocturne, DDS or Devil Summoner did, and I doubt 4 will either.

Mental note to self: Ebay Devil Summoner 2 with Raiho plushie. <3

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Incognito, you need to play Uncharted 2 as soon as possible, especially if you enjoyed the first one so much. I thought the first one was a good game, not exactly great, but Uncharted 2 just blew it and my expectations out of the water. One of the finest games EVER made. One of the best gaming experiences yet.

Sweet. Once I finish up God of War III, I'll be sure to get to it since one of my buddies has it. Yeah, I really liked the first one a lot and from what I've seen of the second game, it just looks so much more awesome.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

On Shin Megami Tensei still, is Persona 3 Portable worth a play even though I played through Persona 3 FES multiple times. I was going to get it, but shied away when I thought about why I need another version of Persona 3. So any thoughts?

Finally got a classic controller so Monster Hunter Tri here I come!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

On Shin Megami Tensei still, is Persona 3 Portable worth a play even though I played through Persona 3 FES multiple times. I was going to get it, but shied away when I thought about why I need another version of Persona 3. So any thoughts?

Probably not. The only real, valid (and non-fannish) reason to pick up P3P even if you already own the other two games, would be for the portability. Even with the new streamlined gameplay changes and the addition of the fem POV, it's still Persona 3.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I've beaten P3P as the chick, and found that I couldn't be bothered to resume where I left off with the dude. I've still got shiny new game plus data, though. o.o
Maybe I'll resume it at some other point, but I've still got SoulSilver and DQIX to keep me company.

... I should totally start The Answer in P3FES, though. <.<;

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Breaking with the Persona trend...

Playing Pokemon Emerald and seeing how far I can go with just 3 Pokemon (Gardevoir, Lombre and Combusken) and some HM slaves and so far...easy going. I don't have a way of dealing with those pesky dragons but hopefully one of my 3 can learn Ice Beam and we should be good to go.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Well the portability is the soul reason I even wanted P3P in the first palce. Though I will put it off for now. I may pick it up in the future. It wouldn't be the first time I bought a game I essentialy already had.

LOVING TRI, which has put me in a Monster Hunter mood. So I've been alternating between Tri and Freedom Unite and couldn't be happier!

Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising.


Posts: 800
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dragon warrior 9 will start tomorrow. officially stoked.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

omg she's back *hugz*

I'm visiting as it's summer vacation and I'm slightly hoping for some inspiration to get me to work on things for the Sonic community. But, it's hard to get into things right now.

Uno Rush

Good God, they made another one?!

Actually, Uno (and the "new" versions that keep popping up) and Uno Rush are the only reasons I decided to pay for Gold membership.

To be on topic, for this week, I've been playing Star Ocean (and I'm starting to think that I've got a long way to go before I beat that game--at least I'm on the 2nd disk now) and the Street Fighter version of Uno as well as Uno Rush on my 360. 😀

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

Having completed Ace Attorney Investigations, I can now return my attention to Chrono Trigger DS. The leaping between time periods like the Feudal Age and the high-tech future makes me wonder if the creators of this game were inspired by Lord British.

Posts: 149
Estimable Member

What I'm no longer playing: Contra 4. It took a whole lot of energy, persistence, and cussing, but I conquered Hard mode... On my pink DS. Couldn't believe I made it because I used all my continues just to get past level 5 (so evil!) This feat had apparently rendered me speechless, so celebrations consisted of crotch-grabbing and thrusting towards the DS. Must say I'm a bit disappointed that the reward is just simply some extra text. I thought it would be more like the Alien Wars and unlock The True Ending.

What next? I'm thinking I'm gonna try getting my Wii online and get Contra Rebirth because I just played every other Contra, so why not complete the set? I say "try" because I have no freaking clue what I'm doing when it comes to setting up online connections. Hopefully it's as simple as the PS3...

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Recently started Jeanne D'arc, marking my first foray into strategy RPGs.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Still playing Monster Hunter loosely, but I've focused my attention on a game i haven't played in a long time. POKEMON XD! Man oh man I forgot how much I loved this game!

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Still working my way through Case 5 of AA:I. Can't wait to see how this all gets tied up. I'm also working my way through DQIX. Seems like it would be more fun with a couple buddies, but since I lack friends with DSes and DQIX, I'm going at it alone. That said it is still 100 times better than FFXIII...

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Still playing Devil Summoner. Level 35 on case 5.

Installing Starcraft II at the moment though, so we'll see how much attention any other game gets after this. =P

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Finished God of War III the other day and pretty fast actually. It was an awesome ride though. Probably play it through again to get some trophies I missed and collectibles.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Yeah, God of War 3 was amazing but just a bit too short. The PS3 has easily had the best exclusives this generation bar none. Now go get playing Uncharted 2! >=D

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Blazblue Calamity Trigger...until I acquire Continuum Shift, this weekend. But i'm hoping to buy the Soldner-X games off of PSN. Anyone play those? They look absolutely fantastic, and i'd love to add more to my shmup library. And this time to my other system. ^_^

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Still playing Again, and it's pretty good so far. The characters are frustrating me, though. They keep insisting on searching for a serial killer when it became apparent from very early on that much more is going on here. Le sigh.

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