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What'cha playin'?

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Posts: 1044
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Me is playing Mortal Kombat: Deception! Also Prince of Persia: Two Thrones!

Posts: 931
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Shadow of the Colossus.

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Advance Wars: Dual Strike on my brand new DS. The game's pretty good overall. It's the first of the series that I have ever played, so I'm not that great at it.

Posts: 1044
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I'm playing PONG! This game still rules!

Posts: 407
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I'm working on Shadow the Hedgehog. I wanna at least get the final ending or... whatever you call it.

Posts: 1789
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I'm now playing Osu! Tatakae! Ouedan! which is a awesome game for the DS. I highly recomend that you guys should import it.

Or shall I make a topic about it here?

Posts: 808
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All of a sudden I've found myself in a Soul Calibur II (GC) mood again. Toying with the idea of going through the Weapon Master mode again, now that I have a second memory card to start a blank game save on. So I'll most likely be alternating between this and Madden 06 (GC) for a while.

Posts: 1381
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Right now I'm playing Sonic Riders(stupid Sand Ruins story mode) and will be mixing that up with some more Shadow!

Posts: 2915
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I'm playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time....The best 3D game ever! Such an epic story!

Posts: 151
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Hey... I got into Ridge Racer 6 since I got it cheap (35 bucks) It ain't bad, worth the price to for a 360 game.

Posts: 4607
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Twiddling with Bionic Commando a bit. I've had the ROM for a while, I've just never really bothered with it that much.

Yay for Capcom. Yay for grappling hooks. Yay for blowing up Hitler's face in quite possibly the goriest death of NES history... in due time. I kinda need to beat Area 1 first, even if I could just move to Area 4. Also, I really need to work on those overhead segments, even if the last time I tried one, I only lost because I had no health whatsoever - something I've rectified by now.

Posts: 5772
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Spam the paratroopers in Area 1's underground for experience until you have at least two points of health before continuing.

Posts: 931
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I just played SotC projected onto the side of a very large building. The image must have been over 50 feet high.
T'was..... impressive. And all other promo campaings now loook weak.

Posts: 808
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24: The Game. So far, me likes. :D

Posts: 4885
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Alternating between Sonic Rush, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories and Castlevania Symphony of the Night as needed. Renovations and such are keeping me away from the other TV, so my PS2 is at the mercy of whenever I can get to play it.

KH/SR are replays, and I'm bored on both, but doing just to fill time.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Taking this time till KH2 to finish up a bunch of games I have been too unmotivated/lazy to finish ranging from KH:CoM, Jak X (hardly as good as Crash Team Racing), Parasite Eve, and Sonic Heroes Team Dark story (although I really, really don't wanna play this one).

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

Playing through Metal Gear Solid 3 again, and Megaman Battle Network 3 (I'm 3 games behind, how'd that happen?). And a little Resident Evil Zero here and there, to fill the void of RE4 which I can NEVER finish thanks to the discs messing up and me losing the receit so I can't swap it for a better copy. ;_;

Posts: 4607
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Actually, I'd spammed the two enemies outside of the comm. link several times to get three hit points before even entering where the paratroopers are, but sound advice anyway.


Castlevania Symphony of the Night


Incidentally, I just bought Dawn of Sorrow so I can continue from where Aria left off. I'd like to play it now, but homework gets in the way (shame).

Posts: 4885
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Remy. Where's Sonic Battle on your list? Come here Remy. Remy! Get back here. THAT'S A BAD REMY!

Posts: 1789
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Right now, I'm playing Dark Cloud 2, but I'm so early in the game that I haven't really created anything yet.

Posts: 1396
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Yesterday I finally completed Tales of Symphonia, a game which I would recommend to any Gamecube owner.

Annyway, having completed that I can move onto another console game, I may pick up where I last left KotoR 2.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Pokmon XD. Just started, and currently Ifrit (Flareon) is tearing through all in his way. Haven't missed a single Shadow Pokmon yet. ^_^

Also planning on S.Parts hunting on PSO.

Posts: 808
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I've suddenly found myself in an Armored Core mood again recently. Started a new file in Armored Core 3 which I'm playing currently, and when I'm finished there I intend to import it in Silent Line and continue on. Those are definitely still my two favorite games in the series (with Silent Line edging out AC3 by a little).

Posts: 1818
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Posts: 1789
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^You should post your impressions on Oblivion. I'm sort of interested in it but the first person view I've seen in the movies sort of turn me off. =/

Posts: 4607
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Maybe when it's actually out?

I know my Dad's going for the 360 version (it's practically the game that'll make his 360). Me, I might look into the PC version once I've built that new PC.

Anyway, I tried Bionic Commando again, although this time hacked to retain the Nazi references from the original Japanese game. Still not very good at it, even if I'm armed with FIVE hit points.

And then I tried the arcade game. It's even harder, but it still has that tune from NES Area 1 I like (albeit on Stage 2). Besides, on MAME, difficulty means nothing when you've pretty much got Free Play.

As for Dawn of Sorrow, I've gotten two of three endings (working on the Good Ending right now - the Sound Test will be worth it, since I find the music in this game to be much better than people made it out to be), started Julius Mode (don't have Alucard yet, but I think I'm still in the Wizardry Lab somewhere right this second so of course I wouldn't), and have yet figured out how to clear that row of spikes in the Underground Hell that's preventing me from going to the bottom left area. Bat Company followed by Puppet Master, maybe?...

Posts: 151
Estimable Member

ahh oblivion... I want you so bad!

But for now the 360 version of Burnout Revenge is taking my time, Im glad I got it, and it was a freebie! Its way better than the xbox or the ps2 version. Stunning in Hi-Def and Live is even better. Might pick up GRAW soon, but if not Oblivion is next on my list.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Shadow Hog: The Bone Ark summon will get you passed that point with little fuss.

Posts: 1396
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I know my Dad's going for the 360 version (it's practically the game that'll make his 360).

That's pretty much how I feel, I have no other reason to a 360 yet, and it's one of my most wanted my comp would cost more to upgrade to the level required for Oblivion than getting a my knolege at least. <.< Even so, I could just buy the game on 360 and ask my mate to let me use his console until I can afford to buy my own.

Posts: 808
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Finished with Armored Core 3, working on Silent Line now. Been quite a while since I've played these, I'd almost forgotten how awesome they are. :cackle Also been playing some of the original Armored Core on my laptop when I'm not in the vicinity of my PS2.

If I'm still in an Armored Core mood by the time I finish Silent Line, I'll probably either move on to Nexus (been a while since I've played it, maybe I'll like it a little better this time) or go the opposite direction and start a new file on AC2.

Posts: 931
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Contemplating getting a new graphics card for Oblivion, as it looks like the game Morrowind would have been if it had lived up to its grossly overinflated reputation.
That's a good thing.

Posts: 1818
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Posts: 4607
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Speaking of Oblivion, Dad got his X360 copy today. Sure, the PC version should be better (mods, for one), but it looked pretty snazzy from what I saw. Which was character creation and rat-killing, but there's a lot more to it that I'd seen in videos, so...

Posts: 808
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Messing with Armored Core Nexus now after finishing Silent Line. Alternating between grumbling incessantly about all the annoying changes they made to things and blaring the spiffy opening video at obnoxiously loud volume levels. :cackle (probably my favorite opening video in the series) There are some things I like about this game, but they changed a lot of things that take a bit of the fun out of it. Hopefully Last Raven won't suffer from the same issues... (I'd guess it wouldn't, since they fixed several things in Nine Breaker... Now if only there was something to do in NB besides arena battles and training missions...)

Posts: 2915
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I just got Tetris DS yesterday... pretty awesome!

I'll be playing Metriod Prime: Hunters tonight... The stupid store I stopped at yesterday didn't have and copies... So I had to stop at Target on my way to work...

Posts: 931
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Oblivion? Pfft.
Ok, so I did get it, but anbother game of greater importance, in development for longer, came out today.
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth for the pc.
I've been waiting 4/5 years for this one...

Posts: 1789
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Right now it's:

which is a game that is part of the Survial Kids series. It seems pretty decent so far.

Posts: 808
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Finished the storyline on the AC Nexus Evolution disc, moving on to the Revolution disc now. (which I love, remakes from the original PS1 games was something I'd wanted for years, not to mention all the spiffy new missions based on events from the original games) Once I finish with that I'll probably go back to disc 1 and start from the beginning again (with the clear game save) to try and unlock some of the other missions I haven't played.

On the subject of AC Nexus, I've found that it's growing on me a bit after playing through the storyline on the first disc again. Some things like the heat/energy issues and the toned down machine guns still bug me a bit, but I managed to come up with better ACs than the first time I played through it, so it wasn't as much of a problem after a little while. And if you can get past those annoyances, it's definitely a great game with quite a few nice improvments over previous games in the series.

Posts: 4607
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Super Mario 64 DS was my bread and butter during the cruise I went on. Now I've moved onto Sonic Rush, for however long it'll last me.

Oh, I also picked up Unreal a while ago. Not Tournament or 2, just the first one. Didn't seem like a bad deal, for a fiver... though when it comes to DM, I'll stick with UT2K4. Or Quake. The first Quake.

Posts: 808
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After an extensive amount of time spent with Armored Core Nexus as well as playing through AC2 and AC2: Another Age completely (finding out I don't suck as much as I thought I used to in the process), I've run out of Armored Core to play. :| So I'm back to pacing about franticly while waiting for an official release date on AC: Last Raven.

In the mean time, a recent power outage inspired me to dig out ye olde GameBoy Color, so I've mostly been alternating between Zelda: Link's Awakening DX and Tetris. Plain old 1989 GameBoy Tetris. w00t. :D I've been using the Super GameBoy at times though, since I get tired of staring at that little GBC screen after a while (not to mention trying to find decent lighting). With LADX I've been alternating between the two, since it's much more comfortable viewing on the TV, but the colors look far better on the GBC.

I've had LADX for quite a while, but I'd kind of forgotten about it, so I'm just now getting around to going through it. Definitely pretty good so far, making me think again about picking up the Oracle of Ages/Seasons games some time to satisfy my GameBoy Zelda fix (although I'd be confined to the GBC for those).

Posts: 2610
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We <3 Katamari.

Super clearing all the level. I'm about halfway through, but some levels are giving me trouble.

Kingdom Hearts 2.

Trying to keep playing my proud mode file which I started a week ago and haven't touched since. o.o

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After bending the f***ing laws of physics to soup up my Out-of-the-box Dell PoS to play Oblivion, Every store in the area has sold out of copies.

So right now I'm playing Tetris DS, which keeps kicking me in the nuts after 150 lines.

Posts: 4607
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Good thing they added Infinite Rotation.

Although, when you think about it, that's also kind of a bad thing, since the challenge is kinda killed.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

AC:Last Raven is slated for like June something I thought. I went to Wikipedia at school one day and I though they had the official date. Maybe not though. Anyways i'm playing Sonic Rush til my DS battery fries.

Posts: 2915
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Like Bat, I'm hooked on Tetris DS... I've gotten to around 180 lines in Marathon...I just want to hit that 200 mark...

Btw Batty, if you're ever on Wifi, give me a shout. I'd like to play against someone I "know"...

Posts: 808
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AC:Last Raven is slated for like June something I thought. I went to Wikipedia at school one day and I though they had the official date. Maybe not though.

I've heard a few people mention June, but Agetec hasn't said anything officially yet other than "spring". Game stores and other places are known for coming up with fake release dates, so until Agetec says something official, it's best to ignore what anything else says. Hopefully Agetec will annouce an official date soon... (like at E3 maybe)

Anyway, pretty much had my fill of Tetris for a while. Managed to get 132 lines on the last game, which I think is the most I've gotten to. No idea how good or bad that is for the original GameBoy Tetris. Still been playing Link's Awakening DX, although I've taken a few breaks from that to mess around with Gran Turismo on the PC emulator with the Xbox 360 controller. (w00t for gas/brake with analog triggers!)

Posts: 1789
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Since I commute on the train and bus system, I am now playing:

a lot. It's pretty addicting.

Posts: 5035
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I wanted to get that game when I first heard about it. Never got around to it though. Looks great though.

Posts: 2915
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ZeroSky, you too!?! I've been playing Zelda DX on my PC for the past couple of days. I'm at the 4th or 5th dungeon. I'll probably beat it tonight...

Posts: 808
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It's probably going to take me a while to finish what I'm doing with it currently, since I've found myself playing it through three times at once. I've been playing through a section on the Super GameBoy, replaying it on the GBC to see how it looks, and then replaying it again on a PC emulator to see the colors on a bigger screen (and also to get a game save on the PC). Not necessarily always in that order. Just finished the fourth dungeon on the PC, off to do the same on the SGB and GBC soon. Kind of weird, but it's a nice way to get familiar with the game at least. I've been playing it through with the red clothes acquired in the color dungeon too (which I was pleased to learn work fine on the Super GameBoy as long as you aqcuire them with the GBC), so I'll most likely end up playing through the game again when I finish the current files I'm working on, since it'll probably drive me nuts not to have a completed game save with the normal clothes. Heh. :lol That'll also be nice to make things slightly more difficult, since things are a bit easy when wearing red.

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