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Wii: Excite The PS3...
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Wii: Excite The PS3-Owning Pessimist.

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No, really. I get to wave a little remote around and go fishing in Zelda. I get to play some sh*tty little novelty arcade game (that'll never get played fully in response to the arcade game Dad and I bought recently. Police 911 2.) The only exclusives thus far that actually sound like they may not suck are SSBB and Red Steel (Which supposedly sucks anyway). I get to play on graphics that are horribly outdated. And I get some gimmicky little Mii icon.

Why are so many people going so far as to personally flame me in IM ("I'm allowed to because it's offboard, you can just ignore me") because I own a PS3, then turn around and hail the Wii as the new Jesus? I've played one before, for the record. It was fun for a few minutes while I figured everything about it out and tried new things. And why are Wii owners so Holier-Than-Thou about it?

What did I miss that makes the Wii so much better than everything ese, except the cheapness (take that word how you will)?

I did a lot of research before hte Wii came out. I intended to own PS3 and Wii as two consoles this generation. But I'm strongly leaning towards PS3-360 due to lack of continued interest. so someone tell me: Why should I have any sort of continuing interest in them? What of it drives people to go so off topic as to attempt to flame me on totally unrelated things (Family insults are like water on a duck's ass to me. Seriously. Have I EVER made any sort of attempt to hide my contempt for my mother?) for preferring a PS3?

I'd prefer this thread to remain without some sort of console war. I hear too much of it in Chat and on IM. And before anyone asks, his/her identity will remain a secret. If s/he wants to post and reveal him/herself, s/he is welcome to do so.

Also: Prepare to get a lot of suggestions, features, and gimmicks shot down wiht a simple "No." and be prepared for me to not initially give any sort of explanation. Feel free to ask me WHY I think a feature/gimmick/whatever is uninteresting, and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Upcoming games that will be awesome, such as Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, No More Heroes, SSBB, Batallion Wars, Fire Emblem, Resi Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Dragon Quest Swords plus games such as Heatseeker, TC:SO, Metal Slug Anthology, Secret Rings and Wario Ware that are out already.

Virtual Console is fantastic, offering decent retro games that are playable on your Wii for a cheap price.

Weather and News Channels are gimmicky but nonetheless enjoyable.

Workable back playing for GC games.

Again, decent price compared to the other consoles.

A decent and new control method that actually feels fun compared to the somewhat cumbersome and frankly boring standard joystick method of controlling games.

Pick up and play ease that allows you to actually share playing your Wii with friends and family more easily whom otherwise not be interested in a games console.

Posts: 3468
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Upcoming games that will be awesome, such as Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, No More Heroes, SSBB, Batallion Wars, Fire Emblem, Resi Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Dragon Quest Swords plus games such as Heatseeker, TC:SO, Metal Slug Anthology, Secret Rings and Wario Ware that are out already.

never played any; no; sounds bad; never heard of it; yes; isn't that a GC game?; no; RE5; no; !; ?; isn't there one on PS2?; lolz, steering (RR7 sounds more fun); no.

Virtual Console is fantastic, offering decent retro games that are playable on your Wii for a cheap price.

When I can download them for free anyway?

Weather and News Channels are gimmicky but nonetheless enjoyable.

Firefox + + weather forecast plugin

Workable back playing for GC games.

I own a GC.

Again, decent price compared to the other consoles.

But I've already paid for a PS3 and have enough for a 360.

A decent and new control method that actually feels fun compared to the somewhat cumbersome and frankly boring standard joystick method of controlling games.

boring depends on the game more than the control, honestly. Moving things around sounds like something I'm not gonna do for hours on end. I like to sit down and relax while I kill things virtually.

Pick up and play ease that allows you to actually share playing your Wii with friends and family more easily whom otherwise not be interested in a games console.

All "Share my Wii" jokes aside; I don't have friends and I wouldn't have time to play with Dad anyway - Though he said Wii looked like something interesting to him, the possiblity of that probably went out the window with Police 911.

Posts: 2234
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Then don't bother buying the Wii then. Same reason I won't buy the PS3, the games don't interest.

Posts: 3468
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...that's it? THAT'S the source of so many heated debates in Chat, so much hate and flaming, personal attacks offboard, what-have-you? Christ, I thought the Wii atually...had any sort of real reason.

Come now, I didn't just shoot down all Wii has to offer in seven statements, did I? I mean, it's ture that some (specially the first) are opinion-based just by the nature of the question, but is paying for free games and checkingthe weather REALLY counted as features? o_o

For the record, if I were so inclined, I could just use a browser on PS3 (Or use it as a computer.) and go to any number of weather forecasting websites...

Posts: 2234
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Nah, I was just counting things off the top of my head. I'm sure more people will come in and add reasons or expand on ones I've mentioned in greater detail.

Posts: 216
Estimable Member

I have nothing to add beyond what SX has already said, but whoever's flaming him in IM over his console preference is pathetic.

Seriously, at the end of the day, they're video games. They're not politics, they're not the United Nations or whatever. They're freaking VIDEO GAMES. Just play whatever you like and stop insulting what other people like to play.

Jesus Christ.

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

What I want to know is who the hell is doing the flaming? Seriously, who the f*ck is it?

IMO SX has some weird tastes when it comes to gaming... Then again, I've been a Nintendo nut since I was three... I've never owned a console that wasn't made by the Big N.

Just thought I'd add this little tidbit. My Circuitry prof plays video games (and no, not Pacman... He's a fan of Gears Of War...). One day before class, a couple of us students were talking about the next gen video games and systems... He straight up told us that he owns all three nex-gen consoles... All he does with his PS3 is play Blu-rays on it. He and his kids (aged 15 and up) all play on the Wii and the 360 more.

Posts: 4607
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Your problem is that you don't take any interest at all in the games that are coming out for it (and seem to favor illegal downloads in favor of the legal Virtual Console, but that's another issue). Honestly, if I can't make you interested in meaty games like Metroid Prime and Super Mario Galaxy, then naturally you won't like the console - not now, at any rate (maybe later on, when more's out for it).

But see, just about everyone else has the same problem with the PS3; name the games for it that are sweet or are looking to be sweet, but aren't coming to 360. You'll get a few (I'll take care of the easy ones: MGS4, FFXIII, FFXIII:Vs., Little Big Planet, maybe Resistance), but other than that, what is there? Not enough for me to justify a $500+ purchase (and, since stores are actually just dropping support for the 20GB PS3 altogether, it's more likely the $600 purchase should I make it).

So really, that's all it boils down to: different tastes. You can't stand mini-games and don't see how more meaty games are enhaned by the controls. I can't justify spending $500/$600 on a console. One's trash, other's treasure.

As for the name calling, I can't say as I condone it, but it's probably related to nobody seeing much use for the PS3. BluRay, certainly (and it seems to be doing well for itself), but I have no interest in that. Factor that in with the giant price tag and a hearty helping of Sony's arrogance (certainly earlier on, not so much now) and everyone's crazy to see Sony fall from grace (I honestly wouldn't mind; it'd make this console "war" more interesting to have it more balanced than "Sony wins, end of discussion").

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I already said I would not reveal his/her identity.

As for my tastes, I share my tastes with a lot of people. I'll find fun in practically any genre, though I prefer action type games, rpeferably with a lot of violence. The cutesey little Wii minigame thing really just doesn't appeal to me...and that's what they're advertising most heavily.

Posts: 4607
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They advertise it the most heavily because it's what's getting them sales; the non-gamers who take interest in Wii Sports. They're utterly enamored by it. I myself prefer a meatier game than that, but still break it out for "parties" and such.

If you were looking for something violent, I'll reiterate Metroid Prime. That series is easily one of Nintendo's darkest franchises, violence included, even if it's tame in comparison to, say, Unreal or something. It's not out yet, so nothing saying you'd have to buy it now and wait, but when it's out, it'd be a compelling reason, I would think.

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I've tried MP1 for GC...It's okay, but too puzzle-based. It was a long time ago I've played it, though, but it just didn't seem that interesting. For the record, I really don't care for alien shoot-'em-ups much.

Still, MP1 and 2 are good games.

Posts: 931
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The argument for the PS3 over the Wii here would make more sense if most of what's being said in favour of the PS3 didn't apply equally well to the 360.

Posts: 3468
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The arguement for me is Wii Vs. PS3. I already know my opinion, I already own a PS3. I want to know why people love the Wii so much, when I look at it and see a cheesy excuse for something that I want to invest time, energy, and money into, like a game console. This thread comes mostly from the realization taht more than one person openly hates me because I think the PS3 is better than the Wii. I don't understand what about the Wii makes people so pasionate about it. I don't understand why people will completely slam me for things that don't even have anything to do with taste in games, then say it's because I own a PS3, then turn around and worship their Wii. I want to know what I missed about it, what makes it so special.

The other part of the arguement is my desicion to buy an X360 at the next price drop, NOT a Wii. I will go this generation without a Wii at all, like I did the Xbox last generation. I want more opinion before I commit myself to that desicion though, as a lot of X360 hits are crossconsole with the PS3, while Wii is unique.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

You'll get a few (I'll take care of the easy ones: MGS4, FFXIII, FFXIII:Vs., Little Big Planet, maybe Resistance), but other than that, what is there?
The recent trailer for Ratchet & Clank had me reaching for my Gold card. Then I found they'd raised the Canadian price to $700, and my common sense mechanism kicked in.

As long as Tekken 6 remains a PS3 exclusive, I'll get one as soon as the price hits $400.

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I lost R&C after the second one, though I may replay the series via Blockbuster. I haven't seen a trailer.

Posts: 1437
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If you don't find the Wii interesting, nothing anyone says will convince you.

Personally, I'm not interested in almost anything PS3 or 360 has to offer, at least not to the extent that would make me consider purchasing either one.

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

Buying a console for a game thats not out is the most retarded thing you can do. Hence why I haven't bought a Wii yet. The thing about Ps3 for me is Features =/= Price. There just arent enough worthwhile features to spend $600 on. now drop it to $500/$400 and i'll see.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Nintendo's effed up with the Wii something big, trading longevity for instant gratification. America's about 2 years from going fully digital, and yet the Wii only offers 480p in HD: the same as the PS2.

Not only that, but the lack in graphical power is going to keep solid third-party ports from landing on the Wii, which will keep its library far smaller than the PS3 and 360 over time. That and given the long track record of even phenomenal third-party games (Resident Evil 4 being a huge one) doing poorly compared to the first-party titles means that third-party developers aren't going to want to spend much time porting games over to a less powerful system with an unstable controller system.

Oh yes, and speaking of the unstable controller system, I have an important number for Nintendo if they want me to not pitch the Wiimote into the trash whenever I try to play Trauma Center, Call Of Duty or Cooking Mama: 1:1! If I make a movement, let that FULL movement translate into something! I don't care if a twitch of the arm screws me up in the end, I'd rather have full control rather than the creaky unintuitive crud you have going right now.

In short, the Wii's biggest problem is that it's looking more and more like Gamecube Mk. 2, especially since the last big game for it was Zelda and the next one is Mario, Metroid and Super Smash Bros. Deja-frickin-vu.

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I'm sorry, but even I have to disagree on it being the next Gamecube. What new things did the GAMECUBE try? Absolutely nothing; at least PS2 and alter the Xbox played DVDs, music CDs, and on the Internet. The Wii's problem is that it's TOO radical, TOO new, and changes TOO much. Nintendo's heart is at least into it this generation, but their minds seem to be less so: I don't care how well the Wiimote works, they've killed cross-console releases (Which I spend a lot of money on)by haphazardly refusing to simply update their grahpics. For those that don't own an HDTV yet (About 50% of American homes do, apparently, and of the other 50%, a good percent plans to buy one in the next 12 months) 480p graphics may work jsut fine, but being an onwer of an HDTV in my room, HD gaming is the future, it is worth it, especially when you consider how sharply LCD and Plasma TV prices are falling, to invest in a future purchase by buying an HD-ready console, even if you don't own and can't afford an HDTV.

The graphics are a turnoff for me, just because of how stupid it sounds to deny how rapidly America is heading to HD. I don't know of other regions' adoption, but in the US, HD is rpidly becoming a standard thing, instead of a novelty for the rich. In a few years, TV will be in HD. In that same amount of time, medium-size LCDs will cost what large CRTs sold for three years ago, or less. Graphics don't make a game, but deliberately underpowering your console and saying that it looks fine with cartoony graphics is one of the most cheap getouts I've ever heard of.

Additionally, I like the thought of using a console for so much more than a gaming system. Having 512MB of flash memory sounds pretty weak, compared to the Xbox 360's 20GB HDD, or even more to the PS3's 60GB (and OS capability). I don't want to rely on SD cards to save things for my console. SD slots are just a nice feature (PS3), not a main source of memory (Wii).

Again, the Wii is underpowered. It's not perfect, despite everyone's saying so (I found this out of boredom and research), and it still sounds like a novelty or a gimmick. A successful gimmick, but still a gimmick. Most of the advertising turns me off, and the whole Wii concept is made more to appeal to people new or not used to gaming; while both X360 and PS3 were designed with gamers in mind.

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

Any console will have issues when it over heats. And people said the DS was a gimmick too. Now, part of why I think the Wii is doing will is its price is great for the casual gamer. I think the idea behind the its HD ability is it was figured that many people who own it are probably buying it because its all they can afford and thus probably lack an HD tv.

EDIT: Another thing: this generation is going to be driven by console exclusive games. The PS3 is hurting due in part to many of its games being shared with the 360, andn ot having many exclusives. To win this generation, it wil lcome down to who has the most compelling console exclusive products to get you to spend money on their system.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh man I want to jump in on this SO BAD, after going over this over and over with my friends.(Wii owner btw) I've got my own opinions on both. Pros and Cons and I do plan on purchasing a atleast 2010. =P I'm kinda rushed at the moment though, but i'll be back to add to this.

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Well, to a Wii owner, most of PS3 and X360's hits may as well BE exclusives.

Posts: 815
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my god, this is like trying to convince an atheist to join a religion... Serously, an more arguing in this thread is just going to lean towards open flaming.

HD is still a ways off from being "standard"... Wanna know how I know this? Go into a college dorm... Almost all the kiddies have reg-def tvs... The 2 or 3 that have Hi-Defs got them from mommy and daddy. (Ya, I go to a University where there are a LOT of rich kids... the vast majority have standard def TVs...)

SX, let's just face the fact that you are never going to want a Wii... (besides, I don't understand why you'd care about the multi platform releases, unless you like owning a copy for each system...)

Posts: 3468
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Okay, just from your post, without any sort of research or anything, I'll tell you this for a solution: Read the first post again.

I've given up on the Wii. I don't want one. I won't pay for one. I'm going for PS3/360 instead of PS3/Wii like I originally intended. I made that statement in the very fist post, and most every post after it. I said from the first post to be prepared to have the best features shot down, and not to whine about it.

And, incidentally, college dorms, with the most overbugetted people in the nation, are typically poor places to test adoption of such things. That's why professional pollers, market research groups, and whatnot, don't go exclusively to College dorms.

As for the open flaming remark, if you'd read the first post, you'd have known that's why I made this thread in the first place. You seem to EXPECT that the person who doesn't like the Wii is just going to be flamed and discredited: If you had read the first post, you'd know that the whole point of the thread is to ask, without flaming, WHY this is so common and accepted to just be expected of PS3 owners.

Posts: 4607
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Well, if you've given up on the Wii entirely, then why the hell are you asking us to tell you otherwise? We won't convince you. It's your taste. Ours is different. Big deal. De gustibus non est disputandum.

On second thought, this topic can stay open - if it pertains to that last paragraph ONLY. Although that's definitely NOT the point that I'd gotten from reading the first post earlier, nor from rereading it. (Honestly, you make it sound like you want us to prove why the Wii's so much better without delving into console wars - a blatant contradiction - but nowhere did you say "explain why PS3 owners get flak so much". And yes, I read it pretty thoroughly.)

Posts: 3468
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Well, I worded it a bit vaguely, I guess, but I do intend the thread to be why the Wii owners can act so Holier-Than-Thou (I said that in the first post) to PS3 owners, and I look at the Wii and just see an underpowered arcade game with too few to-kill-for titles. Which, I recognise, is ironic coming from a PS3 owner. That's why I count announced titles, for all sides.

Anyway, thank you. It's not my intent to cause a flamewar, and it's vaguely upsetting that people so readily expect flaming from Wii owners to PS3 owners, that it's a real option to preemptively lock a "PS3 Is Not Bad"-type or "I Don't Think The Wii Is Worth My Time"-type thread to prevent it. Still, it IS expected, it IS common...Which is why I made the thread in the first place, anyway. Well, whatever. Thanks.

Posts: 4607
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Well, in that case, I guess it has something to do with Nintendo being rather downtrodden last generation whilst Sony was nigh untouchable. Now that the tables have (if temporarily) turned, Nintendo fanboys feel the urge to let off years of built-up steam, regardless of tact.

That's my take on it, anyway.

Posts: 3468
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Hmm. [identity hidden to protect from offboard flaming] gave me an iteresting opinion on why Nintendo's blatantly disregarding HD, processor power, decent sound, and what-have-you in favour of cute little trinkets, gimmicks, gadgets, and features, and it may be finance-related. Nintendo's gotten beaten to hell with the Gamecube, and the N64 didn't end on a happy note either (Though, it did make 'Nintendo' a household name, and gave me and millions of other kids hours on hours of enjoyment), so instead of monster media powerhouses, they're going for selling millions of units that appeal due to price (and thus, lower-budget features, like the Wiimote and whatnot, in favour of HD graphics and what-have-you). As we've already seen, selling hundreds of thousands of high-profit units can be less aeffective, or at best, as effective as selling millions on millions of lower-cost items.

And the millions get more from the people who download VC games, due to lack of reason, Google, or VBA, or just having a lot of money.

Both Microsoft and Sony are swimming in money. They can afford to (and have) lose/lost millions on development and launch.

Maybe Nintendo can't?

Anyway, I'll repeat again that [identity protected] gave me said idea, I haven't done any research to determine just HOW rich Nintendo is, though I reckon the DS hasn't undone the Gamecube.

Posts: 4607
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Actually, as I recall, ironically enough Nintendo made money with each GC sold, as opposed to Sony and MS. So no, they're not swimming in money, but they're still making a profit. Still, I believe said "profit" was shrinking, and they were having problems selling things in Japan, so they went all-out to design things to appeal to the Japanese market. The DS' insane sales over there are undoubtably the result.

That said, the HD adoption rate over there probably plays into effect, too. You wouldn't happen to have that, too, would you?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

This is how the Kitty rolls.

Buying a console 101.

1 - View franchises I like.

Wii: Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Resident Evil, Star Fox, Smash Bros, Pilotwings
PS3: Sonic, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts.
360: Sonic, Maybe Jet Set Radio or Shenmue if they make more?
DS: Mario, Castlevania, Mega Man, Zelda, Resident Evil, Star Fox, Pokemon
PSP: Castlevania(remakes), Mega Man(remakes)

2 - View oldskool games I want which I could get through it

Wii: Story of Thor, All N64 Games as I never owned one (OoT, Mario 64, Lylat Wars specifically), Streets of Rage trilogy or just 3, Sparkster
PS3: If they do the PS1 downloads, I may get Parasite Eve at last... that's all I want that I don't already own on PS1
360: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
DS: Resident Evil 1
PSP: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood.

3- Promising new talent?

Wii: Wii Conductor, ParaPara/DDR with arms
PS3: That one game which is like Tales of... but with better sword fighting.
360: Dead Rising
DS: Phoenix Wright, Trauma Centre, Brain Age, Elite Beat Agents, Hotel Dusk
PSP: ...LocoRolo?


Add all up and find the best buys. Top 3 are Wii, DS and PS3. PS3 requires games which aren't out yet. DS and Wii have games which are out.

Logical conclusion: See if current titles on Wii/DS are good? Twilight Princess and Secret of Rings get good reviews. Buy Wii! Sonic Rush is best Sonic game since S3&K, BUY DS!

Wait for Metal Gear Solid 4 and Resident Evil 5, decide if they're good or not when they're out. Alternatively? Wait 4 years and queue up for 3 days in Organisation XIII coat with my Oblivion Keyblade and buy a PS3 at the KH3 launch party.

That's my console selection process. It works for me. Very fair and not bias in any way.

Unclouded by that whole HD bull, hell price isn't even a factor. I'm seriously considering buying a PSP for that Castlevania Remake and then never buying anything else for it.

Though, yes. I don't care too much about new games until they're out and I know if they're good or not. I trust franchises.

Posts: 3468
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Craig, buy a PSP. I love mine to death. <3 Also, Playstation Store has PSP PS1 ports for like, five bucks. ACEX and MGS:PO, both games that sounded like they could have serious control issues, are great for handhelds. Both series that I love.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

PSP: Excite the DS-owning pessimist.

I need a reason, so far Castlevania remake is all I care about. The MGS things hold no sway on me as they're not really part of the continuity, I ignored Ghost Babel despite owning the thing it was on for the same reason.

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

The reason why most people opt for VC compared to illegally downloading the games is because most people like doing things legally. I'm not saying SHAME ON YOU, YOU ARE GOING TO BURN IN HELL, because frankly, I do the same thing.

Legally buying a copy of stuff lets a company know 'Yes, I enjoy this product. If you make more/ a sequel, I will buy it'...

I have all the Sonic SatAM epis on my Computer... yet I'm still buying the Box set...

Plus, most people prefer to play games with a controller rather than on a keyboard...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Darn i'm lost in the mulitudes of posts that have long since been posted since mine earlier. Anywho...i'm in no means trying to take any developer's side(even though i'll probably lean more towards Nintendo =P) but I see Sony trying to do another "PS2" on us gamers. By the time the PS2 came out Dvds had not yet begun cathcing on just yet. The PS2 comes bundled with one and luckily everyone wants this "DvD" thing, regardless of price. Now in '06-'07 they decide Blu-Ray and HD will be the future. That may be the case, just not yet Sony. =P Honestly I believe the PS3 will be, if anything, like the Xbox of the previous generation, by having some exclusives that set it apart from the competition. How far it sets it apart I can't really say.

Now we'll look at Nintendo. They may have realized in this day and age a new piece of hardware is not just about better graphics and new games but what you can do with it(hence Sony's DvD on PS2). So Nintendo, being as bold and sometimes dumb as they are, came up with a different way of playing games. Apparently, this has caught the attention of gamers more than a new approach of viewing entertaining media. How long this "motion-centered" craze will last could depends on how long Nintendo can continue the hype. Or so I think. Honestly my number one reason for purchasing the Wii was backwards compatiability(pawned GC) considering many of my favorite games were on GC, yet again so are many on PS2(which I also pawned[Dumb-story on my behalf and I tremble at the thought of it, everytime]).

So the PS3>Wii. And Wii>PS3. Gaming has evolved into more than just best graphics + best gaming series = best console. Oh no I believe a new era of gaming is upon us and it'll push developers, publishers, and masterminds to their limits.

BTW, Dreamcast>>>>>>you all. *banned*

Posts: 3468
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I'd be willing to participate in a discussion like that, Craig, but not in the PS3/Wii/X360??? discussion. Still, I have a lot of reasons. But I will say that MGS:PO is canon, and Ac!d 1 and 2 are fun, if different in the bad way.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Indeed, discussion on why you personally like one system over another(AKA the _____ is better than the ____ topics essentially) is always fun. You discover common games you and others like. You discover new games you didn't think you'd ever play. The thing is, back when all a console was all about graphics and games you pretty much could say one was better than another(and even thats pushing it), but now they offer SO many more things, that "better" console is essentially the one "you" prefer. "Better" is in the eyes of the beholder or more appropriately put, "Better" is based on the shape of the controller. =P

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

I'm going to come right out and say people flaming over what video game you play are flaming alright. However I'm unable to think of what sort of descriptive piece of grammar that should be added behind the aptly placed 'flaming'.

Everyone has reasons for buying what they buy. I have my tired old PS2 cuz it has games I like and some I even still play. Wii has been awesome to tote over and let the kids mess with, not to mention drunken wii sports.

I have a PC with around three grand invested in it. Why use have I for something that resembles it without the internet functionality or multitude of programs that a PC has? I don't. But I conjure other people without PC's or with aging ones WOULD have a reason.

Just no reason to whine around about what console someone has. Again, the word for that is a gamer coined term called "Rtard".


Posts: 1758
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It's really quite simple. What system has games I want? Nintendo delivers on my tastes. Yours are obviously different.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Wait, the PS3 plays games?
I thought it was just a low-end Blu-ray player.

...Or a high-end George Foreman grill.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Hmm. [identity hidden to protect from offboard flaming] gave me an iteresting opinion on why Nintendo's blatantly disregarding HD, processor power, decent sound, and what-have-you in favour of cute little trinkets, gimmicks, gadgets, and features, and it may be finance-related. Nintendo's gotten beaten to hell with the Gamecube, and the N64 didn't end on a happy note either blah blah blah blah blah.
I would say it has more to do with them selling 35.6 million DSes and deciding to stick with the extremely profitable formula of selling things for more than they cost to make, and worrying about fun, innovative gameplay before fancy 3D graphics.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

3. Which next generation console will you be buying in the next 6 months?

[ ] PS3
[ ] Wii
[ ] Xbox 360

Posts: 874
Prominent Member


Wait, the PS3 plays games?
I thought it was just a low-end Blu-ray player.

...Or a high-end George Foreman grill.

Thanks for the months-old joke. Got any jokes about the Pope being dead while you're at it? Maybe a K-Fed riff? I'm sure we haven't heard them a thousand times before.

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Low-end, Bat? I don't know about the PS3 YOU have a lot of experience with, but my own PS3 plays them perfectly. o.o

Anyway, 'fancy 3D graphics' and 'refusing to use anything more modern than a generation or two ago' aren't the same thing, Cyc. I'm not saying if it doesn t have 1080p it won't work. I'm saying it just seems spiteful and/or stupid to limit the Wii to such a low definition (480p isn't even considered HD. It's still SD.)

Posts: 815
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Whoaly cow SX... I think by 'low-end', Bat means cheap (as in $$$)...

Posts: 216
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The problem I have with the Wii is that nearly all the games rely solely on the novelty of the controller.

Try this: take any Wii game. Now think: "Would this game still be just as fun if it used standard controls?" For most of the Wii's titles, no. Red Steel would still suck. Rayman would suck. Warioware would suck. Excite Truck would suck. The controller's only going to get the Wii so far. Zelda rocks whether you're playing it on the Wii or GC, but I've played it on the Wii. The controller does not add that much to the game. It really doesn't. I've played a large amount of it at a friend's. Personally, I'd rather use a standard controller. Show me what this controller can do, Nintendo. I'm not impressed. Impress me.

I want substance in my games. I don't want to fing play WarioWare again. I played it on the GBA and I played it on the DS. They were easy as hell. I'm tired of minigames. I want games with depth. I want games that would kick ass whether they had motion sensing controls or standard controls.

And while you're at it, Nintendo, get some halfway decent titles on the Virtual Console. No, I'm not going to use the "ROMs are free" argument. I understand why some people would want to pay for games legally. The VC has Zelda, but we've played it. We've played all the different versions of that game. Give us something new. Give us big-name titles, like Earthbound or Chrono Trigger. Give us some good, lesser-known titles. Get some fing good games out on the VC.

Make the Wii worth it to me, Nintendo. Get some more games, because Zelda is all you have right now. Fix your VC. Show me what this controller can do. And for God's sake, GET YOUR ONLINE PLAY READY. IT'S 2007.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Anyway, 'fancy 3D graphics' and 'refusing to use anything more modern than a generation or two ago' aren't the same thing, Cyc. I'm not saying if it doesn t have 1080p it won't work. I'm saying it just seems spiteful and/or stupid to limit the Wii to such a low definition
I really don't care what resolution it runs at, as long as I'm having fun.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

But Cyc

It's HD!!!!!!!1

Honestly I don't see what the massive appeal is of HD. I haven't been able to compare HD-SD quality pictures iRL, but judging by the comparison guides I've seen, it makes things a bit crisper and - hooray! - darker. I'm only moving to HD when it's required, I reckon.

Yay, topic tangent! Sorry guys.

Posts: 3468
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Tangent, but related enough, THS; HD/SD is oneof the things between Wii and PS3 (there, I tried to keep that neutral) so it should be discussed, as it can affect the discussion as to "is this thing the PS3 has over the Wii a useful thing or not?"

Jsut as long as it isn't the tail that wags the dog, so to speak.

And I've always said graphics don't make a game fun, but honestly, a really fun game with really poor graphics < a pretty fun game with amazing graphics. Graphics don't make a crap game good; it just makes it shiny, realistic crap. However, gameplay can't fully excuse poor graphics.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


The problem I have with the Wii is that nearly all the games rely solely on the novelty of the controller.

That's silly. ALL games rely on the functionality of their controller, be it novel or conventional. That's like saying "I don't like DDR because it relies on the dance pad," which is a convoluted way of saying "I don't like DDR because I just don't" (which, is, of course, a perfectly valid opinion, but why not just say so in the first place?).


Try this: take any Wii game. Now think: "Would this game still be just as fun if it used standard controls?" For most of the Wii's titles, no.

Try this: Take any PS3 game. Now think: "Would this game still be just as fun if I had to control it by stabbing my hand repeatedly with a knife?" For most of the PS3's games, no.

In other words, your point is meaningless.

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