So top 10 worst gaming consoles ever. This is quite entertaining. And we think the PS3 was expensive when it first released. What could you buy for $2500 today? An arcade cabinet? Every single one of the competiting consoles and atleast two games for each of them? A used car? Yep...surely can. But back in 1985...a Halcyon. Madness!!! Check it out.
Also these commercial...hahahah! Just...hahah! Click away!
*looks at the list*
N-Gage and CD-I are on the list, to no surprise, but where's that piece of crap console 3DO put out before dying a slow painful death?
^ It (surpringly) had some good games that were actually worth owning. Best home port of Super Street Fighter II Turbo, I hear.
But... it also had Plumbers Don't Wear Ties (google it if you don't know).
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
*googles it* Well, I guess it can't be worse than Toilet Kids.....
LOL! Toilet insane! And Plumbers Don't Wear Ties looks like an interactive porno.
*orders it off of ebay*
3DO WAS a console. It was released by Panasonic in 1992 and they sold the lot to Goldstar in 1995 who tried to keep it going but gave up after about a year.
We were never disputing if it was a console, we were talking about the crappy games the console put out (minus a couple according to Psx.)
Oddly enough that lame console 3DO put the 3DO. Super Confusion! Didn't realize that was actually the company's name too. Ha!
3DO was only done in by the lack of software to justify the $300 (1992) price tag. Technically, it was better than any console until the N64. It had faster CPU and GPUs than the PS1. If Panasonic had been a bit more aggressive in developing it as full-on gaming console, it might well have kept Sony off the market as the PS1 was no match for it.
HyperSonic, you said you wanted to fight in Brawl, didn't you?
Well, my friend code is 0259-6660-4348.
If you tell me yours and state a time then we can set a few matches up, lol.
Heck yea man. Don't remember mine right off the top of my head, but it's in the Congregation of Communication . I can probably get some in, in about an hour or so to be honest.
Alright, I have it.
I have to be somewhere half an hour from now, though.
Yea I have to be somewhere soon too. Heh! Besides it takes awhile for the codes to register anyway, right?
I didn't know that. It didn't take too long when I was fighting Phil.
So, does it take around a couple of hours or a whole day or something?
Like an hour or so I believe. Unless people have lied to me before when they say hey've added me, which is probably the case. xD!
Alright, I'll check every so often and tell ya when you've been registered.
K that's cool. Not that big a deal though. I'm sure we'll be registered by the time we can play each other. 😛
It's sort of late and I have some stuff going on... how about tomorrow? Like... at 5 or so?
I'm not even sure if you're registered yet, though.
EDIT: You have been registered. I was unable to tell you this due to my keyboard being broken (it got better).
I'm so glad I wasn't alive back then. Well actually I was but I was too young to even understand what a video game was. So my first conscious understanding of a console was the SEGA Genesis.
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
So my first conscious understanding of a console was the SEGA Genesis.
Same here.