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Xbox 360 = Dreamcas...
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Xbox 360 = Dreamcast 2?

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Posts: 4607
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23 eerie similarities - then pivotal 10 differences. Right down to having Peter Moore spearheading the marketing. Yeesh.

This is humor, mind, so don't take it too seriously.

Posts: 403
Reputable Member

It was pretty funny, and actually interesting, too. Nice find.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

My Internet Explorer stopped loading when I tried to read the Soul Calibur 3 review. Not such a bad thing really though.

Mind you I though the original Xbox was a Dreamcast with a budget.

Online, Similar Pads erm... Shenmue 2 and it did become a refuge for what would have been Dreamcast games.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

It's weirdly accurate, only you can tell that the people who wrote the article are enormous Halo fanboys.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Pretty dead on, but all the laughs and nods stopped at #6 on page 2.

They crossed a line.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Mr Allard is coming for you! ^.~

*ahem* Anyway, that is scarily similar in quite a few ways, I'd call it the dreamcast with better timing and a hell of a lot better budget.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

I dissagree. the Dreamcast died young due to 5 things, hear are the five reasons the Dreamcast didn't last.

1. Dismay over poor western Saturn sales, SEGA's Saturn costed SEGA of America close to $500 million dollars, SEGA of America was on the verge of collapse in 1998, the company failed to release a console or any software in the U.S.

2.Abandoning software support for Saturn in Japan. The Saturn had succeeded in Japan with strong hardware sales and plentiful software,but by 1998, the PSone jumped ahead of it there after a few years of being in second place, even though 3rd party support was strong for the Saturn and hardware demand was healthy, SEGA released fewer and fewer 1st party titles for it in favor of Dreamcast.

3. History Repeats itself. In Japan, SEGA launches the Dreamcast in time for Thanksgiving 1998 after annoucing a "Dreamcast Friday" launch of February 5,1999, eerie simular to SEGA of America launching the Saturn during E3 1995 after annoucing "Sega Saturn Saturday" of September 2,1995. The permature launches with both these systems caught 3rd party publishers of guard and as a results the launch titles were unfinshed and horribly buggy and glicthy. "And the Japanese games playing public snubbed it for the insult it was to them" Qoute EGM issue #126 January 2000.

4.Growing Fear of competiton. SEGA knew that even though the Dreamcast succeeded in the west and in Europe,Overhype over Playstation 2 was growing at a massive rate and Sony seize the oprotunity by bragging that the PS2 would sell 1 million units it's first week, due to the fact that it already crushed the competiton in Japan, SEGA launched rebate offers and worked tirelessly to get going, the hard work paid off when Sony faced with unbearable demand for Playstation 2 sliced it's production in half to save money rescuing Dreamcast from a quick death.

5.Bankrupcy in Japan. Although things had been going well for SEGA in the U.S., things were not so good for SEGA in Japan, the 45 year old arcade company was going bankrupt due to tremendous amounts of money spent on building add-ons, like DVD-add ons,Zip drives, cameras,and watches! DC sales were slow in Japan and PS2 sales were huge, SEGA lost a total of about 1.7 billion yen close to a billion on Dreamcast alone, becasue they abandoned the Saturn there, they were unable to make up for the losses on DC. Peter Moore's idea not to bring a DVD add on to the U.S. was a genius becasue he knew that SEGA had a bad history with add ons.

The Dreamcast costed SEGA about $200 million to build, wheas Xbox costed Mircosoft about $800 million to build, for SEGA $200 million a piece on each shipment of DC units took huge chunks out of the company. EA didn't like SEGA, SEGA didn't need them because the 2K series proved to be moderately successful in fact, SEGA NFL 2K1 outsold Madden 2001!!!!

Mircosoft's Xbox 360 cost them less than about $500 million so it will cost them less and less to build 360, Mircosoft had spent over a billion dollars in a two year period designing the Xbox during 1999-2001.

The reason why the Xbox didn't catch on at first and didn't do very well in Japan is because during the first two years of it's life the Xbox had a low software library, and the GC was doing well, in Japan the Xbox had little Japanese support only SEGA,Capcom and Tecmo was bold enough to support a western console, but when Xbox live launched and when Nintendo failed to come up with an online service for Gamecube, the Xbox caught on and outsold the Gamecube.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Oops! You missed the whole point of the thread. I'm sorry. 🙁

As for the link itself, kinda odd how these things come about. Nothing I'da picked up on myself, let's put it that way. Then again, I rarely read into console type stuff and never owned a Dreamcast, so I guess I'm excused. =P

Posts: 76
Trusted Member

Difference; dreamcast had a huge lineup of great games at launch. Xbox 360 has (under?) 30 games with no big titles, unless u concider ninety nine nights a seriously huge title *hack and slash with good graphics :( *

My family is dedicated to getting this system, and i havent played a new game since mortal kombat gold on my DC *with a broken save game feature wtf*

I really hope it doesnt flop...

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Xbox 360 has (under?) 30 games with no big titles
What the hell are you smoking?

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I just knew Cycle was gonna come in and say something to that effect.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Hey, don't get me wrong. The only one of those that I would actually even consider buying, even for a moment, is DOA4. I just thought we needed a little reality check.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


I just thought we needed a little reality check.

I know. It was just an observation.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

I'd also like to point out that SoE of America has put their butts on the line for this system. They revamped Starwars Galaxies specifically for consoles, even though SoE of Japan stopped support of the game right after this happened.

I guess in layman's terms that means the 360 will have a very unique game launching in either late december or early january. I tested this thing, the game went from a learning curve that rivaled that of D&D to something that has elements of both a first person shooter AND an MMORPG that any elementary school kid can get. I really can't liken it to anything on the market right now. The action plays similar to planetside but there's a lot of elements of the old SWG left in.

Add in this almost KotoR like thing were you can start as a jedi but don't lay hands on a saber for probably a week or two of casual playing. The ability to have two characters per server, for those that want a crafter or entertainer to chatbot with. And, of course, this coming on the heels of Episode 3 and undoubtedly stacks of packages of all 6 movies on sale for christmas...


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I don't get it. Doesn't it kind of ruin the social aspect of an MMO when you can't chat?

Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Nice. Makes me want a 360. And some old Dreamcast games...
