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XBox LIVE Gamertags

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Posts: 2915
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Yeah, so I searched throught the acadamy and didn't see I'm starting a new topic...

Yep, it's finally happened...My roommates and I, after a fierce battle with my school's IRT (okay, it was one quick phone call and they were really nice about it...) finally have our XBox LIVE up and running...

Gamertag: Ireland236

Explanation: Our dorm is Ireland and 236 is our room #...

If you see someone called Killa B (with a triforce symbol) that would be me...

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Actually, we did have topic about this, pretty sure it was before the Great EZHack.

As for my XBox Live Gamertag:

Spiner Storm.

Posts: 3666
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Don't expect me to be online all to often (although if you poke me and I ain't busy, I'll probably be willing), and likelyhood is that ye'll have to add me since I generally can't be bothered (c.c;;), but my Gamertag is as follows:


I'm available on Halo 2 and Timesplitters: Future Perfect. Yes, fear my extravagant collection of online titles.

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

I go by P Simian. For those that are interested, here's my gamercard-thing.

I'm mostly on DOA4 at the moment, though I sometimes turn up elsewhere.

Posts: 2915
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Yeah...stupid me forgot to include what games...mostly Halo 2 for me (my name is Killa B, symbol is a triforce)

A warning for those with sensitive roommates like talking I'll apologize right now

My one roommate will also be playing some NBA Live 05 and Madden 06...

Posts: 4336
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Xbox Live Gamertag: SlySonikku

Games that I play for the time being: Halo 2, DOA4, and CoD 2.

Posts: 151
Estimable Member

Im all over with my 360.
Getting Full Auto later this week if anyone wants to play.
