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Your gaming embarassments

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Posts: 2234
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Admit it. There have been times when you've been embarassed when playing a video game. It may be because you're embarassed playing a certain game in front of somebody, or embarrassed by gaming full stop. There have been games where you've been embarrassed by the sheer content of the game. Cutscenes and characters, voice acting where you just bow your head in shame and shake your head from side to side.

And there are the gaming embarassments that are your fault alltogether. Humilating defeats or actions that you yourself took that led you to wear a bright shade of red on your face or just feel "...". Especially those that force you to be stuck on them for ages, just to finally do it and then think to yourself: "...That was it?"

To the wrong choice of move that led to a laughable suicide in Super Smash Brothers, to the incorrect choice of using crucial ammo and then finding yourself later being hopelessly screwed that you have to restart; what are YOUR gaming embarassments?

For me, I think I can speak for us all by saying that god damn Barrel in Carnival Night Zone for Sonic 3. A lot of people may claim it to have been frustrating more than an embarrassment, but surely it was embarrassing for you to have even felt such frustration when the solution was all too obvious?

Even more specifically for me- New Super Mario Bros for the DS. The first damn Goomba on the first damn level. When I booted that cartridge up I died to it twice; partly my pure cockiness that I could overcome it, but also the devilish music that makes the bloody goomba JUMP just as you're about to land on it. XD My friends laughed at this when I told them, but when I even allowed them to have a demonstration, they found themself doing the exact same thing. Dying on the first Goomba. What a tricky guy he was. XD

And now it's on to you. What are some of your gaming embarassments?

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

I can't at the minute think of any standout in-game embarrasments, but going up to the counter and buying We <3 Katamari with this boxart isn't the most fun thing in the world. Quite annoying when you consider that the US boxart is much more bearable.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Oh this could take a while to compile a full list. My haste and cockiness in games is my legendary downfall.

One embarrasement which is captured on MP3 file forever is me dying to the Tidal Tempest boss. Twice.

Most recently was this very morning. While playing Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (most I've enjoyed a videogame since Final Fantasy IX) I was on the mission where Diean and Kilvas ally to kill you.

2 hours of kicking and screaming later someone tells me that I'm supposed to talk to the bird king, not try to attack him and his glorious "Kills everyone in a single swoop" attack power.


Also remember in Portrait of Ruin I was using the Hive of Evil glitch to kill Old Axe Armors using the suspend command to make a save game, got to level 92... and then I loaded from my save spot after killing 1000 of them. So... I lost like 5 hours of effort because I loaded from the save and not suspend...


Posts: 2234
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Oh, Fire Emblem's a good note. It can be very embarassing and frustrating too to have had recklessly moved a unit in omfgraped range of the enemy just to have them killed. That mission you noted is an obvious one too, until you learn the trick. It's best to bring Tanith in that mission, use her to call reinforcements to position the Peg Knights in the Daein archers range so that your Phoenicis Hawks and Reyson can get closer to Kilvus without being obliterated. :D

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I ended up getting past it anyway. Now I'm on the floodgate mission where I embarrassingly allowed my own damned Wyvern Rider to kill me. >>;

This is not a good day for me.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Mine are plentiful.

First of all, I've never beaten the Labryinth Zone boss on Sonic 1. I could probably do it now, I just can't be bothered to try. Also, I actually bought and played Sonic 360 which is quite bad.

Halo 2 - I was driving the warthog (bad idea from the start really) with 2 of my friends in it as well. I think it was CTF on Relic, where I managed to somehow drive the Warthog into the sea with my friends, killing off any hope we had of retrieving the flag that round.

Never beaten Ocarina of Time without a guide either. Curse those dungeons.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

How about this?

I was playing Majora's Mask for the first time with the strategy guide. I was three temples in, and the Stone Tower Temple pissed me off, so I spent time getting all the masks and whatnot. So I checked the guide and saw that I didn't have the bomb mask. It's an easy enough one to get, so I got it, then went around celebrating and stuff, blowing myself and other people up and not really paying attention to the plot.

I then look to the guide and say "Hmm... what mask should I go for next? Hm... Ah! The Couple's Mask! **readreadread**

"....wait, what?! You can't get the couple's mask if you got the Bomb Mask?! ....Oh well. There are other ones to get like the Keaton... WTF! I CAN'T GET THAT ONE EITHER. Or the Postman's Hat!"

So I completely restarted my game, crying my eyes out 'cause I got so far and made a stupid mistake...

Oh yeah, I was stupid all right. Had I just gone back to the first day, I could have gotten that stupid Couple's Mask, Keaton's Mask, and Postman's Hat and gone on with my life.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1567
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Couldn't do Sabin's blitz for the life of me at the fight with Vargas. So I just kept leveling up until I was like at 33 or some obscenely high level until I figured it out.

Posts: 2915
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I never beat DK64 101% =... I'm almost positive I glitched one of the Banana Fairies out of existance... I EVEN HAD THE DAMN GUIDE >=|...

Posts: 2610
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Hmm, I really can't think of anything that is completely embarrassing, the only thing that comes to mind is crawling right into a guard without even noticing he was there in MGS 3. =/

Posts: 2016
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...I brought STH06.

Posts: 2398
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I bought Sonic Heroes?


Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Let's see... on buying games, I bought Heroes, Shadow, Secret Rings and played a demo of Sonic 360 that caused the machine to lock up. XD

On gameplay, I've rolled off the field many times in Melee thanks to Yoshi's egg rolling.

Never been able to beat Labyrinth Zone's boss. I just skip it with level select. XD

I'll think of more... god knows I've done a lot of stupid crap in games. XD

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

Oh when I started playing Tomb Raider Legends I got stuck on this section in the first level where you have to go through a sort-of-cinimatic boobytrapped room by pressing buttons when prompted. I tried button mashing every button on the keyboard I could think of (PC version btw), but to no avail.

Then my best friend came around, took one look at it and said "it's the down arrow"

Well, the arrow on screen was pointing downwards. It was so obvious

Yeah, that was quite embarrassing. He hasn't let me live it down.

Posts: 432
Reputable Member

I bought Super Princess Peach and playing it in front of people is sort of weird since it's so girly...


Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Playing DDR about 25 min ago.

I just fell off the pad and spilled my breakfast.

First off, I shouldn't have been playing DDR while eating at 11 in the morn.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

...I can't get all the emeralds on Sonic Heroes.

THERE, I SAID IT! :crazy

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

lol, me either @ mobius springheart

I still have the manual for the game too D:

I don't know if this counts for embarrassment or just pure awesomeness, but beating a boss in Sonic Heroes in 10 seconds... without touching the controller :D

Posts: 3756
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Falling into the Mystic Cave Pit o' Doom as Super Sonic in Sonic 2, shutting the gate after falling in. O_@; @ waiting 2 minutes for my rings to run out so I can finally DIE and start over

Posts: 3291
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you weren't the only one, i just noticed that the exact same thing happened to rockchick. 😛 (she even drew it. aww~ )

Posts: 235
Reputable Member

I have fallen off of a DDR cart at an arcade and into an ATM. Luckily there were only like ten witnesses, and I did hop right back up and finish.

A (for Extreme) on Expert, BTW.

Also, I bought the guide for Pokemon Snap! before ever playing it. Not so much a gaming embarrassment, but a waste of money.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

My grandmother beat me at Mortal Kombat. I was bored, and gave her the controller and said just press stuff. And she beat me.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

I brought Sonic Heroes and StH2006? Does it count?

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Oh yes another one I have (And a very frequent one at that) is in one setting going through Giruvegan and The Pharos in FFXII and then failing to save after all that.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

My mother bought me Finding Nemo (the game) on PS2.


Oh, and having Dad walk in on me playing the Team Rose story on Sonic Heroes. At least I had the presence of mind to pause it and demand what he wanted until he left, rather than continue playing like I usually do.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Not getting Apollo Justice before the Brits... Even though I should have had it yesterday.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

it's only slightly embaressing, but i never knew for months and months that when fishing in sonic adventure, you only needed to press down to help snag the fish. (if that's right, it's been an age since i've played the game)
i got a big blister on my left thumb from holding the button down, and also wondered why it was so hard to reel the fish/froggy inwards at the same time. >>;

Posts: 12
Active Member

I've never been embarased as such by the art work of a game and such(I don't really mind how childish the art looks) but one time I did something really stupid while playing Kirby Crystal Shards. In the game there is this enemy called glom that loooks like a giant frog that lives in a hole in the wall that jumps-out & bites you when you pass the hole (you can tell when it's going to jump by the eyes peeking out of the hole) and it first appears one star 3 stage 1. One day my friend, who hasn't lived in the same area as me since kindergarden, was visiting (we were about 9-years-old when this happened) and I had my copy of Kirby Crystal Shards out so we could take turns playing. But, it had been awhile since the last time I played the earlier levels so I was on Star 1 Stage 2 and I started freaking out because of a hole in the tree I was standing in which looked a lot like a glom's hole I had my Kirby standing near the thing for 10 minetes before my friend & my mom managed to get me to move the Kirby just to realise the hole was part of the scenery

Although slightly off topic another funny story I have about video games is that when I first started playing with the nintendo 64 (that's the first tv console I ever used) I kept having to get my mom to do the actual playing while I played back seat driver. The reason why was because my hands were too small for the controlers (one of my favourite games was Pokemon snap and it was virtually impossible for me to direct the camera, zoom-in click the shutter & often throw either an apple or a pester ball at the pokemon I was photo graphing because I couldn't quite reach all of the buttons)

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Super Smash Bros.Melee. I was fighting Luigi to unlock him in that Super Mario Bros. 2 stage. I'm using Fox, and the first move I use is his side-B. I immediately fall down a hole, losing the match. I had just lost an easy match in less than 2 seconds in front of people. lol

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Don't worry, one of our players died to luigi by a KO. And was using Pit.

I can't say I ever have an embarrassing moment in brawl other than that analog stick making me fly off the edge instead of dashing up or lightning. I use Pikachu so I guess that counts in some circles.


Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Since playing Pokèmon is considered childish and a game for losers at my school I'm always embarassed about that and try to hide it...
One of the reasons why, despite having a DS, I rarely play at school.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Sonic Advance for the GBA!

I had to have a friend from College to beat a boss using Amy (Can't remember the stage name but it involved bubbles, I think), who is the only character I struggle with on that game.

You could imagine the mocking my friends gave me afterwords! XD;

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

i know i'm supposed to be embarrassed whenever hsw repeatedly uses a taunt for 10 seconds in a row because i can't hit him, but i'm really too busy laughing my ass off
