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Ze unofficial Pokmon Diamond/Pearl discussion *SPOILERS*.

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Diamond and Pearl have just recently fallen into the hands of importers who are hard at work tearing the game apart and spoiling it for all us English speaking folk who can't import because we don't understand the funny symbols.

...So, who actually still cares about Pokmon (Besides me)? Are you going to get D/P? Which one? Are you visiting all the Pokmon sites to spoil it all for yourself, or are you going to wait until you have the game in your own hands?

Also, if you're going to talk about some of the new Poks or story events, make sure to mark them with spoilers for those who don't want anything revealed to them yet.

Posts: 1037
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I've just read all the current existing spoilers on the game.
I want this. I want this so badly. D:
WhenwillitcomeoutinEuropewhenwillitwhenwillitwhenwillit?? D:
I have to save for a DS >.< and a Wii.

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Avoiding spoilers would be an impossibility in the MFChat, so I've been keeping up with it, good to see some of the older useless pokmon getting some good evolutions. Oh, and I plan on getting Pearl, so I expect you all to buy Diamond and trade with me.

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I f*cking hate Nintendo now.
Becauyse Qwilfish doesn't get an evolution, whereas f*cking MURKROW does. MURKROW, goddamnit.

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I now have to choose which Pokemon to catch a lot...

In Sapphire I have over 150 Wailmer, including a shiny one. And I also have a shiny Golbat. You're jealous. Up yours.

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I have a shiny Crobat on Emerald, but no Wailmer because Wailmer sucks =.

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What I'd like to know is whether there's any continuity between this and previous games.

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None of the games have really had continuity excpet for RBY and GSC, but it's confirmed that Professor Oak appears in this game so I think the answer is yes.

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I've been up for a week working with understanding and comprehending everythng about these two new games. There are FAR too many ways to evolve Pokemon. But that will make life fun. Except the Elekid/Magby issue. I don't have time for that.

As for the continuity issue, it's hard to establish that. There are connections between each land to the previous games {The PC system creators, Professor Oak, travelers to and fro...} but as for actual story...naa.

Aside from that-I'm upset at how ugly Magmar evo turned out. Very. But aside from that, it's about time Eevee got the grass evo. Took forever.

Aside from those few notes, D/P will be a very innovative addition. Can't wait.

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All the new evolutions are fugly except for the Eeveelutions, Togeplane, and Elekibble.
Actually, like 90% of the pokemon this generation are screechingly hideous. I guess the designers made Pochama and then took a whole bunch of crystal meth and designed all the others =(

Posts: 4336
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The Pokemon design peaked at Gold/Silver/Crystal.

It started going downhill at Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald when they started looking less like Pokemon and more like Pokedesignfailures.

Posts: 3291
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how many pokemon are there now? i managed to keep up when there was about 200 of them, now there's far too many. o.x;

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"Stupid: This Pokmon cannot use hold items."

Also, images. All of them.


Zedian (00:00 am): COURSE YOU HSW

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cutest hypertext link error eva

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Why in the world does that send me to an italian newspaper homepage?

Btw, I like the new Pokmon. Most of them, that is. I still thing Regigigas's color scheme and those weird green bushels on his head make him look like a clown and nothing like the badassness that were the three original Regis.
And the grass starter's final evo is officially named Broccoli in my head.

Posts: 1355
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I call it Doritos.

..what? It's JP name is Dotaitos. >_>

On my way to retrieving the exact spelling of the name from Serebii, I stumbled upon his latest batch of shots from the show:

I am keeping that forever. Isn't it hilariously awesome?

In other news, a glitch has been discovered that assumedly allows you to go anywhere in the game, including the areas accessed by the future event-only items that lead to legendary pokemon. How? By surfing on the first door of the Elite Four. I kid you not. It most likely will be removed from any future prints of the game.

Posts: 899
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That sounds like an awesome glitch. They should keep it in future copies for two reasons:

1. An homage to the many glitches of the R/B/Y games.

2. I don't plan on going to some Nintendo promo concert or something just to gain access to a hidden pokemon. Unless we simply download the event via wifi from our own homes..

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IGN recently reported that Nitendo/Game Freak are well aware of the glitch to obtain Darkrai and Sheimi, and are working to fix it in future Japanese releases, and indeed English releases.


Nintendo on Pokemon Bugs
Don't you hate it when you get yourself stuck in a wall.
by Anoop Gantayat

US, October 24, 2006 - Nintendo has issued an official statement on a couple of tiny bugs gamers have been discovering in Pokemon Diamond & Pearl, the latest entry in the zillion selling Pokemon series.

Following the Japanese release of the games two weeks back, Nintendo states that two bugs have been reported. This will only make sense if you've actually played the games (and seeing as how Diamond & Pearl have only been released in Japan so far, we're sure that means just a few of you), but here are the specifics.

A: After entering the Union Room from the second floor of the Pokemon League, when you try to go up to the second floor of the Pokemon Center, you get stuck in a wall never to return.

B: In a special room in the Pokemon League, if you face the automatic entrance and use the "Naminori" skill, you get stuck in a wall never to return. Nintendo warns that you shouldn't do this, as it could lead to a loss of data.

Nintendo has posted solutions to both bugs. They're pretty specific, so for the few who actually imported the Japanese versions of these games, we'll point you in the direction of Nintendo's official Q&A page.

One of Nintendo's solutions, for those silly enough to have saved their game while stuck in a wall, suggests that players take the DS to a retail DS Station, which, starting 10/27, will be able to fix the problem. That's a first for the service!

The US versions of Pokemon Diamond & Pearl, due out next year, should have these problems fixed.

Sucks for all us English speakers who wanted these Pokes. Of course, with Wi-Fi pretty widely spread now, releasing the Event items to gain these Pokes shouldn't be too hard now.

Posts: 1376
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Dang it. They need to leave the glitches there. It took me forever to get Mew...last month,, I'm still working on getting all those crazy tickets so I can get my own Deoxys's..and shoot, we can just forget about Serebii...

and now they want me to deal with 5 more Promo events? Hell no ><

>>DP needs to hurry up, come out in America, and let me have my new Physical Sweeping day. Still can't get over all these new attacks.

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It'd be nice if Nintendo would have the smarts to distribute the items needed to get event only pokmon through Wi-Fi but I think we can all agree they're not that smart, nor do they want to stop our endless suffering.

I guess we'll have to be lucky enough to stumble on some silly Japanese person trading them over Wi-Fi.

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Well, I have a bit of news regarding at least one event Pokmon. Manaphy*. Normally, you were supposed to have gotten a event triggered in your copy of Pokemon Ranger, which would allow you to do a mission, which would then give you a Manaphy egg, which you could then trade to D/P.

However, English versions of Ranger will include the Manaphy mission (Along with the previously event only Deoxys, Mew and Celebi missions***) as a standard.

* Manaphy is also Manaphys confirmed English name.

** The new region Shinou has now become Sinnoh.

*** I'm not sure if these missions allow you to transfer the Pokemon to D/P, sadly.

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Only Manaphy can be transferred from Rangers to D/P. You didn't think they'd make it <i>that</i> easy, did you?

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Sadly, for a tiny moment, I did. :(

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Bad news, it seems the Manaphy mission is still going to be left out, despite all the other bonus missions being on the cart.

I really thought Nintendo had done something smart there. Now there's Manaphy, Arseus, Darkrai and Sheimi that are only available through events and they're never going to get all distributed unless the items are put on Wi-Fi, which would be a miracle.

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But isn't there a cloning glitch in the japanese D/P? Japanese players clone their glitch-obtained event legendaries and trade them over.
