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20 Reasons you've played too much Megaman...

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Posts: 1402
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You knew, unlike hypershadow77, that I was referring to the CHARACTERS, NOT THE SERIES!!!

okay, i don't really know who you're talking to there, but if a series of games sell better than another, than that generally means that people like them more.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

When I referred to "compiling a list of valid reasons why Megaman Classic could beat etc.", I was saying that, in an in-universe battle between the characters, I could name a bunch of reasons why the original Mega Man could beat X or Zero; I wasn't talking about a contest regarding the series' popularity.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

see now you're wrong there too. since ANY reploid that is built is stronger than the original megaman.

let alone X who is considerably stronger than most reploids.
and if we REALLY wanted to get into it, since Zero got upgraded when he was rebuilt in X2, He's even stronger than he was before. and even then he was stronger than the original megaman.

this point may be mute,(sp?) but remember when in the animated series when MM fought with Vile and couldn't even scratch him? then X came into the picture and scared him off.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

I'm talking the games. And, since WHEN did they SPECIFICALLY say that Reploids are more powerful?

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


I'm talking the games.

yeah and i already gave you reasons. Reploids are more powerful because not only can they think like humans, they are of higher quality than "robots".

unlike megaman who was rebuilt into a battle type bot, X who is more advanced, was built as a extremely advanced "Robot" (term loosely used.) was built that way from the start.

oh by the way intro to X1 was where it was said that X is more advanced.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

"Advanced" doesn't always equal better.

Besides, who's to say that Dr. Light didn't do as good a job REBUILDING Mega Man as BUILDING X? The guy DOES know what he's doing.

I actually have about 100 points and counting just on the Mega Man vs. X part, but we've already taken up too much of this topic.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


"Advanced" doesn't always equal better.

Main Entry: 1advance
Pronunciation: &d-'van(t)s
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): advanced; advancing
Etymology: Middle English advauncen, from Anglo-French avancer, from Vulgar Latin *abantiare, from Late Latin abante in front, from Latin ab- + ante before -- more at ANTE-
transitive verb
1 : to accelerate the growth or progress of <advance a cause>
2 : to bring or move forward <advance a pawn>
3 : to raise to a higher rank
4 archaic : to lift up : RAISE
5 : to bring forward in time; especially : to make earlier <advance the date of the meeting>
6 : to bring forward for notice, consideration, or acceptance : PROPOSE <advance an idea>
7 : to supply or furnish in expectation of repayment <advance a loan>
8 : to raise in rate : INCREASE <advance the rent>
intransitive verb
1 : to move forward : PROCEED <an advancing army>
2 : to make progress : INCREASE <advance in age>
3 : to rise in rank, position, or importance <advance through the ranks>
4 : to rise in rate or price <advancing wages>
- advancer noun
synonyms ADVANCE, PROMOTE, FORWARD, FURTHER mean to help (someone or something) to move ahead. ADVANCE stresses effective assisting in hastening a process or bringing about a desired end <advance the cause of peace>. PROMOTE suggests an encouraging or fostering and may denote an increase in status or rank <a campaign to promote better health>. FORWARD implies an impetus forcing something ahead <a wage increase would forward productivity>. FURTHER suggests a removing of obstacles in the way of a desired advance <used the marriage to further his career>.

take your pick...


Besides, who's to say that Dr. Light didn't do as good a job REBUILDING Mega Man as BUILDING X? The guy DOES know what he's doing.

uhhh, he did. read his journal.


I actually have about 100 points and counting just on the Mega Man vs. X part, but we've already taken up too much of this topic.

between me and the other forumers here, we can more than likely disprove all 100 of your reasons.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

I'm sorry to interrupt but can we all please return to listing reasons (the silly type) someone has played too much Megaman?

Reason I have absolutely no idea what the number is: Last time there was a blizzard you blame (and thanked) FrostMan.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


I'm sorry to interrupt but can we all please return to listing reasons (the silly type) someone has played too much Megaman?

i would have no problem with that. it's just that sometimes topics do get sidetracked, and debates do come up. and this one hasn't yet been settled.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

About X being the first "free-willed" robot... According to the story, didn't Mega Man CHOOSE to be converted into a fighting robot DESPITE Dr. Light's objections? Didn't he have to CONVINCE Dr. Light to convert him? Sounds pretty free-willed to me.

And the first domino falls...

Back on topic:

You wish you had a Mega Buster to deal with annoying people like Hypershadow77.

You don't mind Mega Man 8's voice acting anymore.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

you keep changing the subject. while yes you are technically right that megaman developed a will over time (see end of number 7) you keep taking one little thing about every one of my posts and change the subject to that whereas you aren't looking at the main subject to prevent yourself from being wrong.

i'm not even being mean about this, you basically said that you have 100 reasons why MM could beat X. i challenge that saying i and the other forumers (though why they'd want to is completely beyond me.) can disprove your reasons, then you immediately go on the defensive and avoid the topic that YOU brought up to avoid looking like a liar.

also, calling people annoying is the same thing as flamebaiting.

fact is, i can't stand it when people say they can do something and don't. To quote wonderbat "put up or shut up."

i honestly wouldn't even be debating (i use that word loosely again, as normally it takes 2 or more people to debate in this case it's only 1 person.) this if you weren't so pompous about it. naturally i could just let it go by and pretend it wasn't there, but the fact is is that you did this on about 3 topics already which is borderline spamming. i'm giving you the attention you obviously so desperately want and you're not even putting up anywhere close to a reason why MM would beat X.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Alright, drop it, both of you, regardless of who started this. If you're so desperate to keep arguing this, make a new topic instead of continuously posting it here, where it's off-topic.

End of discussion. Continued posting of this argument can and probably will result in warnings that count towards a ban.

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To quote wonderbat "put up or shut up."



Posts: 1402
Noble Member

Off topic: yeah, i remembered, it worked perfectly in this situation too!

On topic: okay, i'll stop, i've made my point several times over anyway.

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A great Megaman Fan-Site

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Spam? In MY regrettably under-untilized Megaman Forum!?

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No. It's an Ad.

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I suppose you think that excuses it?

Ads go in the Spam Protection Forum in the advertise here thread and/or your sig. No exceptions.

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