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Continuity Theories

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Hey there. I've noticed several details that have allowed me to come up with a unique theory as to the relationship of the MM Classic and X timelines.

First off, in the Classic series, consider Quint. Dr. Wily traveled 30 or so years in the future (remember the time frame) to capture Mega Man. He then brought him back, remodeled him, and made him face the present Mega Man.

At the end of Mega Man 2: The Power Battle, Wiley unveils Zero as his newest concept for a weapon.

However, in Mega Man and Bass, Wiley's newest creation is revealed to be King.

In the X series (MMX to be exact), Dr. Light's computer files state that X is to be kept encapsulated for at least 30 years (this is why I told you to remember the time frame).

In the same game, the first Dr. Light capsule states that the armor capsules were hidden in case Earth needed a new champion (If? Wouldn't Mega Man be there?).

In MMX4, Zero dreams of being unveiled by Dr. Wiley.

Thus, I have come up with THIS theory:


When Dr. Wiley had Quint face Mega Man, he may have caused a branching point between two alternate timelines. Since Mega Man knew how and when Wiley would capture him, it may have made the future where Wiley creates Quint to never have taken place in the main timeline. Dr. Light, unsure as to whether or not Wiley would strike, could have secretly constructed X in both timelines, just in case.

In one timeline (perhaps the one where Mega Man would one day be absent), Wiley could have carried through with his plan to create Zero.

In the other continuity (say, the main Classic timeline), Wiley instead created King.

In the future with Zero, perhaps Zero does destroy all opposition, until his special virus jumps ship to Sigma, setting up the X series as we know it.

What do you think?

Posts: 143
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My theory on Megaman continuity is that Capcom likes to throw together games with no real cohesion and leave it up to us puny mortals to sort it out for ourselves.

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Welcome to the forum!

As for your theory, it sounds fairly plausible as far as I can see. After all, if Dr. Wily did use time travel in the 2nd Game Boy MM Classic game, then it wouldn't be too far off the mark as to allowing the possibility of branching timelines and such.

Although, I personally can't help but think that's either overcomplicating the issue or just dodging it. To my knowledge, most fans accept that it is all one timeline, and even with some slight continuity troubles here and there, it's fairly easy to piece together the general sequence of events, even with newer games that continue to add on like Mega Man and Bass. After all, the Robot King being one of Dr. Wily's robots doesn't necessarily exclude his creating Zero in the meantime - the implication I got from the Power Battles/Fighters games was that Wily might have to put Zero away in a capsule like Dr. Light did, or otherwise it would be near the end of his life and maybe after Dr. Light's death.

The reason Dr. Light's capsules in the first X game stated that "if" the world needed a new champion, is because X was most likely finished or perhaps even started after the original Mega Man is gone, for whatever reason. Maybe Mega Man was destroyed at last, maybe he went berserk and had to be shut down, whatever the reason, Dr. Light felt the need to make a new Mega Man. It could also be reasoned that Mega Man X was constructed using Mega Man's original body and upgrading it heavily, however X has never shown an indication that he remembers anything about himself being the original Mega Man and so we can infer that this means that he is not the original Mega Man personality and "soul" wise. Whatever the case, the original Mega Man was gone for whatever reason and Dr. Light created X as a new hope for the future, sealed up in the capsule to finish the testing that would determine if he was ready to be awakened to a new world - and accomplish the destiny of that future time.

Hope those comments add up to help contribute to something. Continuity topics are probably one of the most controversial, though one can construct a tentative timeline of events taking all of the games into account.

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Well, I just don't like the idea of Mega being gone....

Posts: 1402
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i'm not much of a Original MM buff, but you're theory does make alot of sense.

who knows? maybe you're right.

Posts: 211
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Quint is MegaMan, and from what I remember, 30 somthing years in the future (37.32 I think.. dunno).

Dr. Wily created King first. MegaMan and Bass was before the arcade games, if you remember the reason King was created, Dr. Wily was going to bring back the old Robot Masters and use them against MegaMan. Therefore, even though you take back the CDs (if you arent lazy) he still brings back some and uses them against MegaMan. At the ending scenes of MegaMan and Bass, Wily shows Bass King II. ProtoMan comes in and destroys King II's plans, but that doesnt mean Wily isnt going to make one. Zero could be King II.

Quint is destroyed in RockMan and Forte: Challenger from the future. Even though most people dont consider it part of the series, it must be or else Capcom wouldnt have let Bandai make it. if Quint is MegaMan from the future, if he is destroyed, MegaMan will be destroyed 30 or however many years later because he died in the past.

Dr. Wily kidnaps him, turns him into Quint, Quint gets killed, the process repeats itself in history, MegaMan dies. Dr. Light believes that the world will need a new hero in the future, so he makes X. the first X game says 2114, so take away 30 years and you have 2084. thats when Dr. Light made X, take away another 30 years or so and you have 2054 (around there) That is when Quint comes back to the past or Dr. Wily goes to the future. somthing like that.

Zero and Sigma got in a fight before MegaMan X, and they both kicked each other's brains out, except Zero lost the Zero virus put there by Wily and Sigma got it. Things happen in such great ways in the MegaMan series.

Posts: 2438
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Okay, is THAT what people meant by Quint? I thought it was referring to the funky-looking guy in Mega Man 2 on the powered pogo-stick, which I believe did have something mentioned in the manual about time travel and whatnot, but never anything about him being the future Mega Man or anything like that. Are the two Quints similar to each other, or is the Quint from the game you mentioned different?

I have to admit though that I don't follow where you got those exact dates from, Bass. In X or any other game I've seen, they've been very non-specific about dates, usually using 20XX (MM Classic) or 21XX (X series). But then again I haven't played either of the Mega Man and Bass games and so I'm not aware too much about them.

Posts: 1402
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there was a second megaman and bass Game?
that's news to me.

Posts: 808
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It was a game for the WonderSwan, from what I've read.

From here:


In 1999, Bandai produced a "sequel" of sorts for the WonderSwan to Rockman & Forte which they called Rockman & Forte: Challenger from the Future. This game involved Quint/Rockman Shadow coming from the future with an army of advanced robots to attack the city, and Mega Man and Bass are called to action to defeat him.

A little more info here:

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Actually, Albert Einstein (one of my heroes) was one of the first to suggest that, at the point in time when an event occurs that can have multiple outcomes (in this case, the future capture of Mega Man to create Quint, and whether or not Quint ever faced his past self), several new universes are born to accomodate each possible outcome. Besides, since Wiley had Quint face Mega Man, that could have, in itself, kicked off the creation of several new timelines, INCLUDING one in which Mega Man, now aware of the particulars of the creation of Quint, manages to avoid said incident.
THUSLY, it's not outside the realm of physical possibility (even if it IS a video game), that Mega Man and Quint come from different timelines.
Heck, one could even argue that in an alternate timeline to our own, Mega Man actually exists!

Dang, time travel opens up some confusing topics....

(PS One of my theories on time travel: Imagine the space-timw continuum as a vast superhighway system. At each event, you can take a multitude of exits to other roads/ realities.
Since, theoretically, the past already happened and cannot be changed, yet time branches along various paths, if one were to travel back in time and alter it, they would not necessarily change the future for everyone else, alternatively, they may just be shifting which timeline they exist in, much as a car U-turns and takes a different exit.)

Posts: 211
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I like mine and the other ones that arent confusing =)
As possible as that could be, multiple time lines didnt change the Classic Series, X and Zero series. Everything falls into place too well for timelines being created at random here and there. From what I hear about time travel, going back to the past can only have profound effects on the future, not create paralell universes, but I never looked up to Albert Einstein so I wouldnt know.

Oh yeah, Terg, play MMX and look at the opening screen. it says 2114. What an important slip

Posts: 2438
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Those are "copyright" dates for the program/system being used - not conclusive dates/times of when Mega Man X is actually unearthed. The copyright may be recent, but it's by no means completely definitive of timeline.

Not saying that it's wrong to go by that and it's certainly more accurate. But the copyright might not have been renewed since 2114 within any given number of years, so it is not conclusive.

Posts: 211
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Except Light should have been dead by then. I'm not saying its impossible, but 2114 does seem to be a little bit.. old for him. I mean, of course Wily never dies, but I doubt Dr. Light had any plans of making himself last to see that the future sucked. (or in his case prospered) Even though it may be possible that his hologram projectors are him, Its probably just an AI security system made in his image.

Posts: 2438
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Think I might've made myself sound differently than what I was aiming for, it's clear that those copyright dates are for a program that Dr. Cain is running (since he enters in the password and everything in MMX1's opening screens), not for any programs of Dr. Light's. I agree, Dr. Light is effectively dead by the time X is awakened, what with there being a century's difference and all.

But Dr. Light's journal entry said September 20XX, so that makes it more clear that the later dates on the first screen were in the future after he was dead.

As far as I'm concerned, the holograms may have his personality but they aren't necessarily "him" either - his journal entry made it sound like he knew he was going to die and would not see X.

Posts: 111
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In one timeline (perhaps the one where Mega Man would one day be absent), Wiley could have carried through with his plan to create Zero.

this is going a bit far back through the thread but anyways

i think your theory just simply isnt true. since the reason bass turns agains wily is because he creates king to succeed where he failed. in the second arcade beat em up, when we see the silouhette of zero at the end. bass is still turned agaist wily. so its safe to assume that in the same timeline, wily made both king and zero.

Posts: 211
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Well I guess we can assume that X was awakened around 2114. I know thats probably not when the first X game was though, because X's programming and such was duplicated to make more Reploids, except they could turn evil (Like Sigma for instance). Zero is most likely awakened some time around then too, I mean, if he was running around free as evil as he was, there shouldnt be too many humans left digging up ancient labs. So.. Classic Sigma Zero Fight scene, and Sigma gets the virus, Zero gets repaired, yada yada.. X series starts. That sounds like it would have taken at least 3 years to all really happen.. maybe more. so still, 2084 seems like the date he would have been built, unless in that as always video game convinience, Dr. Cain didn't find the capsule the 30 years it needed to be sealed, and instead found it later.

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Then again, everyone is entitled to their own theories.

Posts: 211
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Yours is just as good as any I have ever heard. Sure beats all those "ProtoMan is X" Things. :

Posts: 1402
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But... you mean he isn't?/sarcasm

Posts: 36
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I know this is going to go a ways back in the topic, but...


Even though most people dont consider it part of the series, it must be or else Capcom wouldnt have let Bandai make it.

So does the same apply to the Zelda CD-I games made by Phillips? I highly doubt Nintendo would actually have those be part of the Zelda storyline. Though stranger things have occured, like just about EVERYTHING applying to the storyline of Star Wars...

Though I'll admit the theories are pretty good. There was one flaw I found between the Megaman and X series that seems odd: what makes "Protoreploids" (what I sometimes refer to Megaman and co. as) different from Reploids, besides being stronger and more advanced? I think it was supposed to have been a personality issue, but they still seem so much alike...

Posts: 111
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The fact that doctor cain wasnt good enough to copy completely, thus the abscence of viral immunity, the fact the the reploids werent stuck in diagnostic chambers for several decades to clean up thier system perfectly? when you think about it there are plenty of explainations

Posts: 36
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Just a pointless comment, but the date of 2114 almost suggests that X has been in operation for nearly a century (probably closer to 3/4 of one) by X8. I remember either the manual of MMX:Command Mission or X8 stating that it was now the 23rd (22xx) century. I always thought the Zero series took place in the 23rd century, but I guess not...

[edit] Also explains why X is so tired of fighting by X7...

Posts: 111
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*cough*parallel universes*cough*

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I just find it hard to believe that ANYTHING- not even ZERO- could take out Mega Man. He's just too good.

Heck, I don't even WANT to to believe it!

PS: Please forgive the bumping- I just came back and REALLY wanted to reply to this.
