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if you were megaman

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if you were megaman what would you do with your powers?
i would protect the innocent and kick bad guy but:">

Posts: 1321
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As X,I would hunt down all of the mavericks myself and keep them from attacking humans. Then I would take command of all the reploids seeing how all of them were designed after me, and ensure that there would no longer be any rebellion.

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if I was megaman.........

but i cant be megaman caus i'm bass

cant i.....

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Answer the question or don't bump at all.

Posts: 13
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I wouldnt we posting on this topic lol.:cackle :lol

Posts: 5
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Nor would I, newthunder, because this is a ridiculous post... :cackle :insane :^^ :lol :b :] :evil

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OOC: Start posting things that ADD to the topic or get out of it. I'm not going to have any more of this crap going on, got it?

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LBT's right, if you look through NT's profile, all 5 of his recent posts are spammy one-liners, like most his posts. I mean, Its pretty sad when I can read through a topic, not even looking at the names of the posters, and I can spot a newthunder post. Cut it out, NT.

And on topic, if I were Megaman, I would change my name back to Rockman and paint myself green.:]

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Jack myself into the net, find the AOl blue woman navi and destroy her.

Posts: 7
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I would get Dr. Light to make my AI as good as this "X" project he's working on. And make sure he makes a Rush X. And run around in normal chlothes and then freak people out by transforming my arm into the buster. 😛

Posts: 37
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Beg Dr. Robotnik to roboticize Samus Aran... "because she LOOKS like a robot when she's wearing that armor, and it just wouldn't be right for a human, even in armor, to use that particular attack on a robot... eew, not Roll, no matter what all those fanboys say I should do, she's still my SISTER! :razz "

No, seriously, I'd probably tell Dr. Light, "Take this damn Megabuster off my arm and install it on yourself or something, I didn't want this job!!! Why can't I be an ordinary lab assistant like you originally intended??? And if you don't I'll just shoot you with it until they take it off by force!" Yeah, basically the whole X thing but with even more angst and violence, if such a thing is possible 😛

Posts: 774
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Well, if I were Rock, that would mean the other robot masters exist as well. I'd probably repeat the events of MM1 with one exception-I'd kill Wily for the greater good and allow myself to be destroyed by Light later on for doing so.

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Well, if I were Rock, that would mean the other robot masters exist as well. I'd probably repeat the events of MM1 with one exception-I'd kill Wily for the greater good and allow myself to be destroyed by Light later on for doing so.

But, were you a robot, Cy,
you could not kill a human being, no matter HOW evil.
Because we all know that's prevented by Isaac Asimov's
three laws of robotics, right? :nono

Posts: 1402
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or you could kill him.

Posts: 1037
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But, were you a robot, Cy,
you could not kill a human being, no matter HOW evil.
Because we all know that's prevented by Isaac Asimov's
three laws of robotics, right?

According to the zeroeth (does such a word even exist?)law, he could kill a human being as long as it is for the greater good for humanity.

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If I were Megaman, I'd be for finding out why the heck Dr. Light keeps removing my shiny new powers as soon as I defeat Dr. Wily. For pete's sake, they'd sure come in handy the next time Dr. Wily showed his face!

(It's my personal theory that Megaman's system can't handle that much extra software/hardware for extended periods of time, so it has to be removed for his own safety.)

My sister says that if she were Megaman, she'd go back in time and kill Isaac Asimov, just for the irony of it.

Of course, the three laws of robotics would get in the way, but... eh... it would be ironic if it could happen.

Posts: 1321
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Well, the three laws of robotics wouldn't exist yet when you went back in time to kill Isaac. :b
Mega Man supposedly loses his powers after each fight because Dr. Light thinks its safer if he loses his special powers after he's used them and he doesn't need them anymore.

If I were Mega Man, I would knock myself back to Nintendo where my head was too big for the rest of my body, then I would go to the future and talk in a really deep voice and scare all the robot masters in Mega Man 8.

Posts: 14
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I would kill dr.willy and make pace on earth.

Posts: 4607
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Except you CAN'T kill Dr. Wily because your programming doesn't allow you to. The closest you'd come to it is in MM7's ending, and even then you'd probably just be stuck having Wily at gunpoint because you can't bring yourself to kill him.

Posts: 6
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This is a abnormal thing for a girl to say, but...
If I were Megaman, I'd be ...Ultimate X!! :thumbsup

Posts: 4
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If I were Mega Man, I'd start a "Justice League" of:
Super Mario,
Metroid's Samus,
Castlevania's Alucard,
Metal Gear's Solid Snake,
Resident Evil's Claire Redfield and
Zelda's Link!! :cackle
