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Join the Bring Back Mega Man Classic Movement!!!!!!!

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Posts: 721
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If, like me, you long for the return of the ORIGINAL Mega Man, post here and help me get this thing started properly.

Seriously- X and Zero are OKAY, but I'd rather go back to the Classic series. Despite what everyone says, I feel there are still plenty of possibilities for this oldie-but-goodie series. Help me get the message across to Capcom.

I don't know anything about HOW to go about this, but I DO feel it's something worth doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.:thumbsup

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Mega Man: Powered Up! was Classic Mega's last and only chance to make a comeback, and it failed... both here and in Japan. Capcom currently has no plans for another Mega Man title, remake or otherwise.

Have fun with Mega Man: StarForce.

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Moral of the story: don't release Mega Man games on PSP.

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COME ON! There's GOT to be a way! Show some optimism here, people!

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i don't think so. it pretty much ran it's course. unless they connected zero with it, then i don't think there is much interest.

Posts: 4607
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Look, I'd love a new game set in that series too, but they'd have to release it for a console I actually OWN.

Posts: 1402
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i'm sure alot of people would, but again it more than likely just wasn't selling well enough to make yet another sequel. (sp?)

Posts: 1758
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What idiot decided to put Powered Up on PSP instead of GBA or DS? I've heard it lets you edit levels too. God, it could have been a triumph.

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Legends? We're talking CLASSIC here!!!!!!

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What idiot decided to put Powered Up on PSP instead of GBA or DS?

This "idiot" perhaps...

Also, MM:PU wouldn't have looked nearly as good if it was on the GBA or even the DS. Though, I have a feeling MM:PU would have also bombed if it was on the DS. The Classic version of Rock/Megaman isn't the one that's making the monies for Capcom. EXE is the money maker of the franchise.

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That's why we have to convince Capcom to bring back Classic. Battle Network makes more money BECAUSE THEY MAKE MORE BATTLE NETWORK GAMES.

Posts: 1789
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No. They make more money because more people are interested in the .EXE games than the classic ones. =P

The people who want another Classic Megaman game today are in the minority and that minority is even smaller in the West.

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You can't kill me for being optimistic, though, can you?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Optimism has no place in today's video game market, has she thought you nothing?

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No, she hasn't.

Posts: 1402
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That's why we have to convince Capcom to bring back Classic. Battle Network makes more money BECAUSE THEY MAKE MORE BATTLE NETWORK GAMES.

look at ashide bunni's post.


You can't kill me for being optimistic, though, can you?

optimistic is one thing, demanding is another.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

In addition, seeing that this is the same company who recently disbanded one of their more influential development teams that had a small and yet devoted fan following, what makes you think that if a small group of people complain to Capcom a lot that they will make a brand new Classic Megaman game?

Posts: 721
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Naiive idealism, I suppose.

Posts: 774
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Even if they did, what new and not completely ridiculous RMs would there be? I mean, R&F used two Robot Masters from 8. *recalls his old Robot Masters that Never Made It thread* I do not want to think of the results of Duct Tape Man.

Posts: 15
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Yeah I've been wanting this for quite awhile too. I just don't understand as to why they can't leave the original MM personalities of the characters alone and just come up with new stories and sometimes come up with a new game engine like they do with all those Mario games. Even the Sonic games are getting a nice face-lift. Obviously Capcom just doesn't have what it takes to come of with MM games that are made with love.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member


Even if they did, what new and not completely ridiculous RMs would there be? I mean, R&F used two Robot Masters from 8. *recalls his old Robot Masters that Never Made It thread* I do not want to think of the results of Duct Tape Man.

They managed to come up with quite a few X Man Robot Masters in the Mega Man Battle Network series, and those could be imported to Mega Man Classic.

Desert Man
Color Man
King Man
Beast Man
Number Man

Honestly I doubt it would take long to come up with 8 good robot masters (or more - I don't think the formula of 8 has to be a rule). I could probably do it in a few minutes, even with the many robot masters they've used.

Mirror Man
Laser Man
Quake Man
Rocket Man
Mirage Man
Diamond Man
Gryphon Man
Ninja Man

That's without even using standbys like fire, ice, electric, wind, and rock.

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Quake Man


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Beast Man

I think Toonami would Sue for using a He-man chatacter's name.



Posts: 5
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Toonami can't do a damned thing about it as it only airs the show. Mattel (which owns He-Man) could if it wanted to, I suppose. However, the executives probably figured out long ago that the choice of name was coincidental and not meant to infract upon any existing trademarks or copyrights.

In short, not gonna happen.

Anyway, combine Mirage (or Mirror) Man with Laser Man, and you essentially get Gemini Man.

Ninja Man? Already done, except "Shadow" sounded better and was used instead. Rocket Man's not bad, although I may just be thinking of the song by Elton John.

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

Gryphon Man is a creature, right? Could be animal based like Slash Man and most of the Stardroid Robot Masters from Rockman/MegaMan 5 on the Game Boy. Nope, can't have Beast Man, how about 'Prowl Man'? That's a name with animal instincts.

Posts: 3291
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'Prowl man' just brings images of stalkers to my mind. oo;

'Claw man'? 😛 hmm, too wolverine-sounding?

Posts: 211
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ColorMan as a Navi was most likely intended to be ClownMan. His arms seem to give that away. KingMan was just a remake of King with Man behind his name. The rest would work. But I dont think, unless they're going to complete the classic series, that they should make another classic game. Hell, I would rather have a remake of MegaMan 2 than to have MegaMan 9 not ending the series, it would give me more to make pointless theories about.

Posts: 509
Honorable Member

I never really cared for the classic megaman games. i prefer the new ones. but i would like sonic's classic sidescrollers back in bussiness!

my quote of the whenever: "when you drop a smart bomb you take the chance of hurting a rubber piggy!"

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

gotta lol at that. i never really minded the classic games, i just liked the X ones better. better plot really.

Posts: 111
Estimable Member

Ahh the classic games died when the released MM4 and he could charge his buster. it just broke the gameplay, you need less skill and practise to be able to beat them cause youre power levelled, it kills the fun of having to learn your way through it and as a result, can anyone name off the top of their head which RM's out of the last 3 NES games correspond to which game? i quite doubt you'll get them all right.

MM8 and RM&F were nice flashes in the pan, especially RM&F but they still couldnt get the latter to shift units when they released it on the GBA. Capcom just doesnt have the time and money to make a game that they know they already broke and that they know will be a flop. inafune said it himself. he'd love to make more if someone threw $15 million at him. but otherwise its just not gonna happen.

Speaking in realistic terms they already brought back the classic games. MM collection and MM powered up ring any bells? and we wont be seeing any more of those because they didnt sell well in japan and thats what matters to them as a company. you cant expect them to break the bank just to make a handful of diehards the world over happy.

I'd be all for it having a new game that ties up all the loose ends, like one that covers the cataclysm that kills off all the old light bots and paves the way for X. the same as i'd like a game about the Elf wars to tie X into Zero, or a game about the uprising of Slither INC that links Zero To ZX. but its HIGHLY doubtful that capcom will EVER put up the capital for it. we should just stick to fan fiction.
