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Lamest Robot Master...
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Lamest Robot Master?

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I apologize if this was a topic already, but this board is like megadead (LOL PUNS) and I'm not crawling through that many pages to look for a topic that's probably been around since before the hack.

...Anyhow, like the topic says, who do you think is the absolute lamest robot master? They could have been pathetic to fight (BUBBLE MAN!), had a stupid design(BRIGHT MAN!), or just plain been a terrible idea (WOOD MAN!)

Anyhow, for me, it's always been Wood Man. I just can't fathom how in the hell Wily could think building a robot out of god-damn wood was anything even close to a non-retarded idea. Plus he had a lame-ass power to boot.(Come on, Leaf Shield was useless as all hell.) I bet Wood Man got picked on at all the Robot Master get-togethers.

After that, it'd probably be either Bright Man (For obvious reasons, he is a giant light bulb after all), or Metal Man (Simply for the redundancy of building a robot with the special power that he is made of metal. Duh. Oh, and dying from one hit by your own weapon is just wimpy.)

In terms of not living up to potential, that award has to go to Snake Man. I mean, he has a totally badass design (He's a snake, after all) but he's so ludicrously weak he actually takes negative effort to kill. You have to actually try not to beat Snake Man. For example, I must expend great effort every night to keep from destroying Snake Man in my sleep.

So yeah, get to posting.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


(Come on, Leaf Shield was useless as all hell.)

Remember those annoying little floor-hugging enemies placed in all the wrong places? Yeah, Leaf Shield was, IIRC, the best way to take them out. So there, not useless.

Besides, Wood Man had awesome music.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Any one of them that thought they could take on Mega Man.

By the way, don't diss Snake Man. He's my favorite Wily robot.

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Like I said in the original post: Snake Man looks cool, but he's the easiest Robot Master ever.

He's easier than Bubble Man, for chrissake. Bubble Man.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

If I didn't find gambling immoral, I'd wager YOU'D be easier to beat than Bubble Man.

Actually, I've always found Hard Man to be absurdly easy to beat. Oh, the irony!

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Leaf Shield = unlimited 1-UPs in Air Man's stage. It's actually an awesome weapon if used right.

Wood Man is supposed to have metal under the wood or something. I think they explained out the wood in the profile in Rockman & Forte.

I can't think of a single robot master I don't like. They're all cool, especially Snake Man (who would probably be harder, but still easy, if his room wasn't designed to make him easy).

Top Man might come the closest to beng sorta lame. The Mega Man X and especially Mega Man Zero have more lame boss candidates. Volt Catfish and Morph Moth come to mind, even if they had cool gameplay. The Zero series has that weak mutated polar bear in MMZ2 and a few others I don't even remember.

The hardest would probably be Shadow Man.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Top Man is pretty useless, but then he knows Top Spin, so don't mess with him ;P

Star Man is another one. One of the Trippy LSD induced masters of MM3 I think isn't he? Either way he's about as difficult as obaying the laws of gravity.

But my lamest RM ever vote has to go to Charge Man, the little train that utterly couldn't do anything.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Blah... I hated Burner Man and Tengu Man from Rockman and Forte. And the one that made copies of himself (I forgot his name, sadly).

Magic Man would be another choice, but his weapons turns stuff into items.

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Kaze, you...

...You just... insulted... Gemini Man.

You, ma'am, are dead to me. You hear me? Dead.

And I actually sort of liked Charge Man's design even is he was a total wuss. I guess it's just the fact that he runs on steam.
Top Man was another lame one, but he's nowhere near as lame as the big three. Same with other 'filler' robot masters like Crystal Man.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

I thought Aqua Man is one of the lamest. Other than beating Sword Man, his weapon has limited range and barely useful.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Wonder, don't start a thread asking for people's opinions only to slap 'em down when you don't agree with them.

What are you some kind of ?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

And if you are, are yah chargin yah lazer?

Posts: 488
Honorable Member


Snake Man looks cool, but he's the easiest Robot Master ever.

No, I think that title can go to Heat Man, who could probably be beaten with your eyes closed. Shoot, jump, turn around, repeat. I like to call him Mr. Zippo. Because he's a giant lighter, and he zips accross the screen. No name has fit more perfectly since the Pokemon named Seal.

In terms of lameness, I gotta give it to Dust Man. Everything about that guy is messed up. From the gigantic air vent that jets out from the top of his head, to the face embodied in his torso, to the screwdriver for a hand, Dust Man has it all. Actually, I don't know if he has a screwdriver for a hand. But it'd be awesome if he did. My eyes and memory may deceive me. And also actually, I think I'm starting to like him now. He's like the Hunchback of Notre Dame of Robot Masters.

And I'm one of the only people who actually likes Clown Man.

And Toad Man is automatically not lame because he does that jiggly dance.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Aqua Man escapes lameness because HE CAN KICK YOUR BUTT WITH WATER BALLOONS!!!!

But, seriously.... Hard Man.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

I'd have to go with Magic Man. If you had Tengu Man's weapon he was a total piece of cake. Then again, just about everyone in Rockman and Forte, except Dynamo Man, Astro Man and Pirate Man(EVIL MINES), were total wusses if you used the right weapon.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member


Kaze, you...

...You just... insulted... Gemini Man.

You, ma'am, are dead to me. You hear me? Dead.

I believe she meant Astro Man.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member


I believe she meant Astro Man.

That's the guy. He kept shooting green energy balls at me. Playing as Mega Man while fighting that guy was annoying. At least it was easier with Bass.

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

Well it's certainly not DiveMan. Nuh-uh.

Probably HardMan: the way he 'jumps' is sooooo dumb. I'll give him credit though, his rocket fist attack-thingy is quite effective.

Posts: 111
Estimable Member

Snake Man looks cool, but he's the easiest Robot Master ever.

What the? Snake man isnt all that easy until you've got Needle cannon or Hard knuckle under your belt. i thought it was quite difficult to take him on personally

Posts: 2
New Member

haha... okay, the most terrible design was definetely CHARGE MAN (Don't forget: his head is a train)... he gets followed by BLIZZARD MAN, that stupid guy on skiis... c'mon, he looks like a regular enemy from an earlier MM game... and then, as you all said, BRIGHT MAN; not only because of that bulb, everything looks strange, from his arm cannon to the torso...
but there are many bad designs in the later games MM 7-9... Cloud Man, Astro Man, Dynamo Man, Aqua Man... the designers creativity went wrong

and who is so easy to beat? okay, depends on the weapon you have; Crash Man and Shadow Man are easy as hell with Air Shooter/Top Spin... but with only Mega Buster Equipped I would say DIVE MAN (only swims from left to right) and TOP MAN
Snake Man is not that easy when you beat him first (what Nintendo told us to do)

Posts: 111
Estimable Member


Bright man would be so much better if he was based on Noal Bright from Gundam 0079.

Then he'd just be and uber-pimp, undefeated and known for his incredible @#%$ slap attack.
