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Mega Man Review Topic

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The point of this topic is whichever Mega Man game you want, be it from the original series, the X series, the Legends series, or even the new .EXE series.

My review...

~Mega Man X6~

Graphics: Despite this was made for a 32-bit system, the 2D graphics are incredibly detailed, shaded, and colored. The sprites are well animated, and the cutscenes add some spice too. 🙂

Gameplay: This is classic Mega Man. The ability to customize your skills and get new armor adds to the gameplay.

Difficulty: Later on, it gets REAL tough. REAL, REAL tough. Warning: Not suggested for anyone with a lackluster will to finish a tough game.

Replay: New Nightmare System customizes and randomizes levels, and the Soul System pushes you to increase your ranking. Rescuing all of the Reploids and finding all the secrets helps to. 😉

Overall: This game is worth the purchase. With three different endings, superb graphics, high replay, and a difficulty level that goes up as you play further through, this one's a keeper.

Grade: A

Review whatever game you wish! 🙂

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The game also has one of the most impressive armors I have ever seen and A return of an old one.

The music is one of the best that I have heard

The masters are alot more challenging than previous megaman X games

Control the same as X5 but with A better feel
especially when (Spoiler) playing as Zero

Storyline has changed a bit since X5 with newer characters

All in all it's A great game and proof that Capcom USA can't mess up A game completley

Posts: 13
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I'll do MMBN2
(I was gonna do MMZ,but its not out yet...and im not good at spoilers...)


Plot:Superb.Gospel is truly amazing,in my Organization could cause all those disasters.thats coool.Then theres all the side quests,etc.

Graphics:awesome.I think,for the Gameboy,these are Very good.Much detail.

Difficulty:It depends.Some points its hard,some points its not.

Gameplay:not your average Megaman Gameplay here,folks.More RPG style.

Overall:Good purchase.Keeps ya' entertained for hours.


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The most impressive armors? I thought they all sucked, I'll stick with the falcon armor. The blade armor is ok, and the shadow armor is terrible unless you find the advantage of being invincible to spikes worth it. I pick Zero over all the armors but he has no armor so it's hard to live with him. anyway I'll do X3
Graphics- just 16 bit so not very impressive but good for 1995
Gameplay- Creative enemies and bosses and has the oppertunity to do the one thing players wanted for so long. You can be Zero, not the crappy X4-6 Zero but the Zero with double Z-buster and a mighty saber slash. The armor is also extremely useful and being able to power-up one part (or all if you get the golden armor) an incredibly fun and useful thing
Difficulty- If you don't get Zero's saber or the Golden armor it's pretty tough
Replay- A good replay, you can try out each super adation and see how it gives you different advantages.
Overall- One of the best Mega Man games of all time. definitely worth the purchase. A great plot, good enemies, and excellent power-ups make this game awesome.
Overall grade- A++++++

Posts: 5772
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This is a great thread for recommending various Mega Man games to the un-initiated and the curious as it gives them a little info on the games themselves and their play mechanics. ^^

However, some suggestions:

-As this will be mainly for reviews, keep all story-related items and game strategies to a minimum as to avoid spoilerish material.

-Import reviews are welcome, but be sure you've played the game thoroughly and understand its gameplay mechanics before reviewing them.

As for me, I'll be back later with a review of my own. Perhaps I'll do one for the Legends series...they seem to be a bit under-presented lately. ^_^

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I was hoping that one of the Mods would take this and sticky it so everyone can give their reviews on the Mega Man games...:)

I might do one of Mega Man 8 later....

Posts: 13
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I can do a legends 2....just give me some time....

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ooh I wanna do a review ^_^

-- Rockman and Forte -- (SNES Version)

Graphics: For a SNES game the graphics on this are incredible, The Sprites are 32-bitish and very detailed

Gameplay: It can be fun but sometimes its insanely annotying, you can buy special upgrades for Megaman and Bass as you progress through it and you get the good old Robot master powers too.

Difficulty: Varying and depending on the character, some parts are easy and others are very hard, the games balanced out so that some parts are easier for Bass and others are Easier for Megaman

Replay: Two characters to play through with and 100 CD's to collect, this game has plenty of replay value

Overall: A good game, but not the best of the original series IMO, Worth it if you can find it, but its only in japanese which takes the story away unless you can read Japanese

Grade: B

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~Mega Man Legends (PSX)~

Capcom's finest blue warrior in his very first 3D adventure! Available first on the Playstation, later ported to the Nintendo 64 (not reviewed). This game, its sequel, and the spinoff Mis-Adventures of Tron Bonne take place in a time when the planet was almost entirely covered by water. Mega Man Volnutt is an accomplished Digger (someone who explores old ruins in search of treasure). He, along with his Spotter Roll Caskett and her grandfather Barrel end up stranded on a solitary island after their last adventure.

Now, with the looming threat of pirates hanging overheard, they must work together to find the Refractors necessary to fix the Flutter and return to the sky to continue their mission to find the legendary treasure "Mother Lode".

Graphics: Despite the change from flat, 2-D backgrounds to polygonal landscapes, the trademark colorful Mega Man designs look very great on the PSX. There's a hint of pixelation here or there, but nothing to cry about. The actual textures that make up the cast of Legends are designed to make them look very much like anime, along with their comical facial expressions during cinema scenes.

The cinema scenes themselves look very well done, and help to illustrate something the other Mega Man games dished out so little of: plot.

The only drab parts are the underground areas. They tend to all look too similar to each other...making finding your way around difficult.

Gameplay: You control Mega Man from an 3rd-person over-the-shoulder view. Along with his Buster gun, Mega can find spare parts hidden throughout the game that can be made into optional special weapons by Roll (unfortunately, you can only have one special weapon equipped at any given time). The game also provides a lock-on feature much like Zelda for the N64 to help your aim.

The meat of the game is in exploring the various underground ruins that litter Kattelox Island, the setting for this adventure. There you run, jump, and blast your way past numerous Reaverbots until you can locate the large refractor gems necessary to continue the game.

Along the way, you'll pick up zenny from defeated Reaverbots and unlocked treasure chests that you can use to purchase equipment at the local shops, including Life Ups and new armor plating.

Difficulty: This game requires preparations to get through some of the trickier areas...going off to the next area without upgrading your equipment could mean your downfall. Thanks to Mega Man's ability to strafe however, most enemies and bosses are easily conquered by continously running and shooting.

Replay: Because it's an enjoyable romp, I can see people playing this game more than once. There are so many items and weapons to be found, and a few side-quests to find too. However, the game's fairly long (20-30 hours to complete I'd wager...unless you're a pro like me! ^_- ), so you won't be finished with it anytime soon.

Overall: Although most things have changed, this still feels like a Mega Man title, and it shows. If you dig adventure games, give it a shot. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised how engrossing it can be.

Grade: B+

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How about the X3 music?

Since you didn't do it then ill revew it.

Music: The Music in X3 is as unforgettable as all the other Megaman X games. The best part of the music is that it's hardly repetitive, and even though the music has to repeat, it takes a while to repeat, which means that they took the liberty to add more tunes to the game.

Best tunes: ending
intro stage
The factory (viles stage)

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If you wanna download Megaman mp3s, (Or some other games' Mp3s) go to MP3z

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Game: Mega Man 8

System: Playstation

Graphics: They don't have as much detail as the X series, but they are vibrant, cartoony, and noted in their own right. The sprites are nice, and some cutscenes spice it up as well.

Gameplay: No air dash, no Z-saber, no Zero, no anyone from the X games...this is classic Mega Man, with only you, your slide, your Mega Buster, and your faithful dog Rush. 🙂

Difficulty: Nearly IMPOSSIBLE to reach Dr. Wily, much less beat him. Bosses throw a tough curve too.

Replay: Classic Mega Man=classic fun=classic replay.

Stroy: Is not as in-depth as the X storyline, but it still follows a Sonicy twist...stop the archivillian Dr. Wily!!! ^___^

Overall: This is a fun game to play, but it can get tough.

Grade: A-

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Game: Megaman 21XX (THE Megaman Fangame)
Plot: You control X or Zero as you go through 8 Maverick levels, getting powerups and characters along the way, fighting some re-hashed and some brand-new bosses. But, it tryed to tie up the Megaman series plotholes, which only Capcom should do. 5/10
Overall Rating: 9/10
Graphics: The 16-bit Megaman X3 graphics give it a classic SNES feel. Even the custom sprites are done well. 7/10
Gameplay: The gameplay is great, nothing from the Megaman X series is spared. The 2-4 player cooperative mode tops it off perfectly 10/10

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I just completed Mega Man Zero, and I thought a review was in order.

(spoiler-free, of course)

~~Mega Man Zero~~

One hundred years have passed since the end of the Maverick War and the devastation caused by the SIGMA Virus. Humans and Reploids alike were finally free from the terror, and together built Neo Arcadia, a pristine haven where they could be safe. Soon however, the human government feared another rise of Mavericks from the Reploids that remained, and cast them out of Neo Arcadia. They were then hunted down to extinction. Several Reploids, led by a young woman named Ciel, managed to escape and together formed the Resistance.

For a while, the Resistance manages to oppose the Neo-Arcadian government. But now, the Resistance is losing the battle. No matter how hard they fight back, the Neo-Arcadian army continues to push through their defenses. Before long, their base within the old city will be discovered.

Ciel, ex-scientist and leader of the Resistance, leads a group of resistance fighters to a secret shrine where it is said a legendary Reploid with amazing powers was hidden. No sooner did they find the shrine were they discovered by the X-Droids and Golems who hunted them. The rebels were decimated, but gave enough time for Ciel to run further into the shrine, where she found the remnants of an ancient Reploid. The last of her group eradicated, Ciel uses her Cyber-Elf, Passy, to revive it.

Zero awakes with no memory of what happened prior to hibernation. Sensing danger, he agrees to help Ciel in her struggle against Neo Arcadia in the hopes of regaining his memory.

Gameplay - Based on the Mega Man X universe (which itself is based on classic Mega Man), you'll find plenty of run-and-shoot platform action here. Zero starts out with a regular Buster gun (looks more like a hand gun to me, but oh well...), but just before completing the introductory stage he gets his good ol' Z-Saber back. During the course of the game, you'll pick up two more weapons, the Triple Rod and Shield Boomerang. Each weapon can be powered up through use in battle, each time gaining a level and a new ability (Charge faster, longer range, ect.). You have the ability to have one 'Main' weapon and one 'Sub' weapon activated at any one time. 'Main' is handled by the B button, and 'Sub' by a combination of B and the R button.

Also of note is the "Cyber-Elf system". Cyber-Elves are bits of code that look like, well...elves. They're classed into three catagories: Nurse (for healing and life extension), Animal (help you out in a stage, like keeping you alive after falling in a pit) and Hacker (cut boss energy bars by half, or turn all enemies in stage into Mets/Mettalls!) Very useful to have and fun to collect, but the main drawback is that you can only use them ONCE, and they're gone forever. Some Cyber-Elves (the good ones, admittingly) require that you "feed" them a certain amount of Energy Crystals (collected from downed enemies) in order for them to "grow up". Only then can you use their powers.

Rather than the traditional 'pick a stage/boss' from previous games, you'll be given a selection of various missions to perform, with the ability to unlock more after completing a few. Missions range from "rescue the survivors" to "stop the supply train" and even "protect the Resistance base". Most missions end with a boss fight against a powerful Reploid belonging to the Neo-Arcadian army. Defeating a normal boss nets you a Cyber-Elf, while dispatching one of the 'Four Guardians' wins an Element. Elements (Lightning, Fire, and Ice) can be attached to your weapons for use against bosses, as they have weaknesses against certain elements (shades of classic and X here). Also of note is that as far as I've seen, all missions are interconnected to the 'main hub' or Resistance Base through tunnels, ladders, and the Trans Server (doubles as a transport system and Cyber-Elf management device), allowing you to return to them in order to find anything you might've missed the first time. Another thing is that some missions are TIMED events, but you're given an ample amount of time to handle whatever it is you have to handle, so I don't see it as a problem.

Graphics - Despite the new character designer, the characters look great on the GBA. Fluid animation (especially Zero) and nice-looking backgrounds round out the area. It looks very much like a high-end SNES game (and that's a compliment). Other than that, there isn't much else that can be said.

Music - Like most Mega Man games, there's one or two music tracks you'll find yourself humming for awhile, and several others that unimpress. But for the most part, they fit the areas they play in well. Sound effects are top-notch...what you'd expect. There's also some voice samples strewn about, but mostly it's just grunts and shrill screams.

Difficulty - Present. 😛 Actually, it was rumored for awhile that this game is the hardest of the entire series.

Wrong. The game CAN be difficult, but no more than any other X game (well...maybe not X6 o.o; fingers STILL ache to this day...). Give yourself some time with the controls, and you'll breeze through most missions easily enough. The bosses are another story though... 😛

Another thing I found interesting is that you can FAIL the missions you take that affects the game I don't know, as whenever I fail a mission (either by losing all my lives or by doing something stupid like trying to wrestle a energy pill from some stationary enemies during a timed event. 😛 ) I simply reset and load my previously-saved game and try again.

Replay - The game seems rather short, despite having just as many stages as any other Mega Man game. o.o Or maybe I'm too good at these games now (yeah, that's gotta be it) any case, upon completing it, the game gave me access to a HARD mode. I suppose that's incentive for SOME people to go again. 😛 There's also the search for all the Cyber-Elves in the game (there's like maybe 20 of 'em). No word on multiple endings, though.

Overall - Aaah...I enjoyed this one. ^^ It's like...the same, only different. 😛 The storyline was simple but nice, the mood was definitely a dark one (Reploids bleed, huh? Interesting... o.o; ), and the boss battles were difficult but sweet.

Grade: A- (lost a little something because of the unremarkable music)

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Hmm...this sounds nice. I'll try it out.

--Battle Network RockMan EXE--
(Can also be known as MegaMan Battle Network)

Graphics: It's beatifully done and very colourful. The sprites are quite cute and well made. Every sprite is neatly done and the movements are absolutely perfect. I give the graphics a 10/10

Sound: As with every other RockMan game, the music is perfect. The music fits each situation wonderfully. The sounds are well done as well (except the RockBuster sounds like a small pea shooter). True, there are times when the music or sounds don't match the situation, but overall, the music is great. Sound is given 9/10

Gameplay: This game gives RPGs a brand new edge. It has everything an RPG needs, including level-ups, money, and battle phases. It also has it's own Weapon Copy System (I'm talking about the Navi Chips). I give gameplay an 8/10.

Difficulty: For such a great game, the difficulty is a joke. This game is just too easy. The only part of the game that gave me even the slightest bit of trouble was ElecMan EXE's stage. Difficulty: 5/10

Replay Value: I've replayed this game about three times now. But since Battle Network RockMan EXE2 and RockMan Zero came out, it's been collecting dust on my desk.

Overall: It's a great game. Truly, this game is worth every penny.

Grade: A-

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This game is good. Very good

Controls: Very tight ended, and easy to get used to. If you screw up, it's your fault. Not the games

Difficulty: High. Going through the game without using cyber elves is difficult. Very much so. Bottomless pits and spikes abound.

Music: I loved the music, it was perfect. From the sad, emotional music when Ceil finds the beaten and battered remains of Zero, to the glorified ressurection, complete with the ORIGINAL Zero theme from MMX, the music fits. Use headphones.

Story: Good. Very interesting, and a great ending.

Gameplay: classic Mega Man. If you like Mega Man, you'll love this game.


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why the fyck is this stayin at the top of the board, and that admin notes one, why won't they die!?!?!:?

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hypr knux: Don't bypass the censor

They're sticky topics. They're supposed to be at the top of the board.

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Plot: This is far better than the story of MMBN1.. The main villains have far better reasons to work in Gospel than the lackeys of the W3, and we get to see Netopia, a cool little place with a grand castle. The humour of the last game is still present too, with Lan calling Megaman 'Megadummy' at one point... We also get an idea of what the NetNavi Forte is.....

Graphics: Absolutley incredible, amongst the best on GBA... Check out the end boss, that's a masterpeice of spritework.

Difficulty: It starts easy, and gets far more difficult by the end. As before, Capcom supplies a quick, fun and easy tutorial on NetBattling for first time players, but I still get the feeling that this was made assuming that the people who buy it will have played MMBN1...

Gameplay: Capcom's 18 square battle system still seems rather fresh and new to the RPG genre, and a darnsight more challenging than most turn based RPG's.. Otherwise it's just regular running around and collecting stuff outside of battle....

Overall: Could do with so more Boss characters, I'd like to see King.EXE for MMBN4, or maybe a new final final boss other than Forte.EXE... There's only so many times you can take on a cool guy in a cloak.

Grade: 9/10

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Graphics: For all the flak it initially got, cel-shading has come a long way. It works superbly here...Rockman even jumps like his classic, 8-Bit self. The graphics are smooth, like the anime was brought to 3d.

Bosses: Unless you know and can utilize their weaknesses, save maybe one or two, you're screwed. More thought is required to play this game. you can't just go gung-ho with the good ol rock buster, you have to use special weapons.

Gameplay: A little confusing at first ('specially if you're like me and just jump in without looking at the controls), but after the first ten or so minutes, you'll get the hang of it. The Chip system is different from the BN mainline games, and the zenny you have to get to upgrade Megaman means lots of returns to levels.

Difficulty: Major ouchies at least the first time around. Some of the bosses will obliterate you in ten seconds flat the first time you fight them.

Overall: BUY IT. It is worth 40 bucks for this. The plot is good as the rest of the BN series, the gameplay harkens back to classic Rockman glory, and replay value has you going back for more upgrades all the time.

Rating: 10/10...this sucker set a standard.

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I am new to the Mega Man series, so I started playing with Mega Man: The Wily Wars. It is a compilation cart for the Sega Genesis containing Mega Man 1, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, and the exclusive Wily Tower which is only available in Wily Wars.

Mega Man 1

A lot of people complain that this game is too hard, but I found it the easiest to play. A mere 6 robot masters, and the Wily fortress only had 4 stages. I can beat it in one sitting. I immediately got hooked on Mega Man until....

Mega Man 2

....I played this sadistic piece of crap. This game was just ridiculously hard. You have a measly 4 energy tank limit, and you really need as many tanks as possible to beat Dr. Wily in stage 5.

I absolutely hated the 4th stage of Wily tower. Halfway through that level you have to try to stay on those moving platforms above spikes while those floating cannister things with eyes try to knock you off! Agh! Luckily Wily Wars has a glitch, and in the second to last spike room when I am on the left side of the room I can let those can things hit me. Then Mega Man starts flashing and is invincible for a few seconds and I just forget the platform and run to the exit. But the boss fight...oh Jesus Christ what sicko thought of this! You need full crash bombs for the boss, and if your finger slipped and you miss, WELL LA DE FU(KING DA YOU HAVE TO KILL YOURSELF OVER AND OVER TO GET A GAME OVER AND START FROM THE BEGINNING OF THAT STAGE AND LOSE ALL YOUR HARD EARNED ENERGY TANKS JUST SO YOU CAN REFILL YOUR FU(KING CRASH BOMBS!!!

*Dips head in a tub full of ice to cool down.*

Anyway, like I said, Dr. Wily in stage 5 IS hard and you need at least 2 energy tanks to survive. Why? Because those big balls of beige crap he shoot in your face take off a shi+load of health and are damn near impossible to avoid. You also need a fully charged Atomic Fire to defeat the second form, and if you die while your Atomic fire is low, well I guess you can either:

A.) Try to kill him with Mega Buster or Metal Blades
B.) Screw it all to Hell.

*Tries to calm down again.*

However, Wily Wars had Mega Man 2 permanently stuck on hard mode, so if you played the NES version and wondering why I found it so hard, now you know.

I was about ready to forget trying to beat the rest of the games. Mega Man 2 really did piss me off. However, my gamer curiosity lured me into Mega Man 3. Thank God that it did.

Mega Man 3

My favorite of all games in the compilation. The music r0x0rz! Sometimes I can't get the Snake Man stage theme out of my head. I found this game extremely fun and easy to pick up and play. A total of 20 levels (including Protoman), I got through all 8 robot masters and 3 Doc Robot stages in my first go without having to save.

It also has a better ending than the previous 2 games. Instead of the usual Dr. Wily begging then Mega Man walks home, Dr. Wily gets buried in rubble, and Protoman rescues Mega Man. Then, like a sopa opera plot twist, it is revealed that Protoman is actually Mega Man's brother.

Wily Tower

Only 3 robot masters, but the stages are hard. Luckily, they aren't too hard like in Mega Man 2. Instead of copying weapons from bosses you beat, Mega Man already has all the weapons from the previous games! All he has to do is decide which 8 weapons and 3 items to bring along, which adds to the challenge of picking the right weapons for the right stage.

You also get 99 energy tanks, but for some reason, when you use some of them you cannot refill your inventory. So going out of your way to pick up an energy tank is useless.

I found the first Wily fortess stage insanely difficult, until I realized all my weapons and items would be refilled by the next stage, while the other games do not refill them in between Wily fortress stages. I found this a relief, along with the fact that I can also re-equip between Wily fortress stages. Phew!


The graphics are good, but they can be better. The music is a nice techno soundtrack. So far my favorite is Mega Man 3, my second favorite is Mega Man 1, third Wily Tower, and most hated is Mega Man 2. I have reason to believe this game was meant for people new to the Mega Man series. Afterall, it was released 4 years after Mega Man 3, so any Mega Man veterans would be wasting their hard earned cash on the cart if they already owned the first 3 Mega Man games on the NES. But why Mega Man 2 was stuck on hard mode when this game seems to be geared towards beginners is a real shame. It really lowers the grade I am going to give this game.

Grade: B*

*Although this game doesn't deserve an A from me, I still consider this a must have. This game is a compilation of an integral part of gaming history.

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