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Megaman Battle Network 5 (Disscussion/ help thread)

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there has been news flying around lately about these two

There will be soul unisons. (much to some peoples disgust.)
and this colonel guy looks like the Colonel from X4.
(with a way cooler sword.)

Team Blues is set to release on Dec.9 in japan,while
Team Colonel is still TBA.

also, here's a link to the japanese site-
japanese site with really cool music

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Well, now that the game's been out for awhile, howzabout we revive this topic and turn it into a discussion/help thread? far is everyone?

Posts: 111
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Sounds like a good idea to me, im just past the end boss as of about 30 mins ago, so i can provide help for anyone stuck in the main game (of team colonel) if they want it...

but i have one question.... where the heck do you get the V2 of the virus's attack chips from ,and how do you get to bass?

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only way to get V2 viruses is going into Nebula base,jacking in to the BBS and going into the undernet area.
there is a secret (sorta) path that leads to a golden program. and he asks you if you want to go to the nebula area, by saying yes you V2 viruses infect the internet.

then you begin a liberation mission against shademan.

beat him under: 10 phases get blackwing W
11 or 12 phases (like me)get Shademan DS
13 or more 5000 Z.

and to get to bass? not there yet.
but the door after the Liberation mission can give you some good chips and a good netdealer. purchase Blackwing W for 28000 Z.

in order to get to Nebula 3 you need 140 chips in your library.
i have 17 left. (collect navi cust part really helps.)

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once i beat the game i looked up the lotto codes on gamefaqs, that helps with the NCP blocks and your folder, it gets you Django SP too and you can use that for the Piledriver PA, which can poison dark navi's (plus 300-600 damage, really useful)
and thanks for the info, i managed to find out most of that myself between posting and reading the reply...

any tips for getting alot of bugfrags fast?, i need it to get that gigachip

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GMDs in battle.

that's my advice.

oh and i'm on the Mission against Cloudman now. It's really really hard.

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dammit the Shademan-Beta liberation mission is hard, i got to him on the 12th phase but then he deleted everyone and colonel gave the order to retreat, so im back to square on now

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you can save during liberation missions you know that right?

i'm done with the cloudman one. now i have to find 40 megachips to get to the ungodly hard cosmoman one.

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i have 2 friends working through the opposite version now, one of them is the one that helped my get all the way to alpha omega, so pretty soon ill have caught you up i think. meh.

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cool. i'm not sure if i'm going to keep playing.
it's just too hard and too time consuming to get the extras.

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Isn't Alpha Omega from 3?

So...anyone else besides me think the GigaChip "Phoenix P" has the code P for Pointless? It's a suped-up Asteroid chip with a weak healing ability. I think the one Baryl gives you (the name escapes me) is FAR more useful.

Does anyone know if ElemRage changes types depending on the field you're standing on, or just the color of the blast? I know grass panels turn it green, but it seemed to affect the Elec viruses as though it was normal.

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In the Undernet, in a Locked mysterydata, is one of the two Navi Customizer's Expansions. However. In this area, there are TWO PMDs. One is in a niche. One is in a big square platform in the center. Go for the latter if you only have one Unlocker. It has the thing. The other one has a NeoVari.

Posts: 111
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i havent bought elm rage myself, but as i understood from the description, i think it just powers up by the number of panels that have an element assinged to them, so im guessing it'd be pretty useful in combination with tomahawk soul...
that thing about the EXP mem was a little random though, and the Gigchip colonel gives you is cross divide

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what chip does Baryl give you?
the one chaud gives you is Deltaray Z.

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Baryl gives you CrosDiv. does 220 and acts like StepCross for damage purposes.

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Deltaray can get you a possible 660 damage if you use it right.

(if anyone can teach me how to, that'd be great.)

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I've got Protoman, and I just got Megaman back. Not much to ask for help, just saying where I was.

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There's a guide to using it on GameFAQs. You gotta time it JUST right.

Posts: 111
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i had delta ray on 3, the secret is when the initial 'ding' noise sounds you press A then, and then when blues attacks, you hit A after every attack lands, but BEFORE he dissapears, its really diffucult but its fun to PwN friends with in net battles especially if they die right in the middle of the big triangle

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See, I reflexively MOVE when I hear the ping, because I know what's coming. At any rate, there's a cheaper way to get the BlackWing chip AND three DS chips; Shade, Bliz and CloudMan's DS chips are available through a bonus extra folder. Look in Oran/Nebula Area/Undernet(one of the three) for a Heel Navi facing northwest. He'll offer to give you something called "BadFoldr". Accept it. It packs four DarkChips, three DS Navi chips, VDoll and BlackWing, as well as a few other things. It's a great way to expand your library.

Posts: 111
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thanks, i just found that last night and i was gonna post it here myself, i have blackwing and shademan DS now so i dont have to worry about finishing the first secret liberation quickly, it just pushed my libary over 140 standard chips too, so the next murk gate is open too :D :D :D , also, anybody know where i can get a sword L, i already have the lifesword PA in my folder, but i have long and wide blades in the L code but now sword L, im just looking to boost the power of my folder a little

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i've had that folder for awhile. it really helps.

i'm at 38 megachips right now and i'm at 159 on the regular library.
I just finished the regular cosmoman mission in 6 out of 9 phases, the way you get an sp chip from them is to take them out in the first turn i believe. (that's how i did it.)
now for Protoman Sp.

Posts: 111
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actually you get th SP chips for finishing the liberation at least 2 phases under what colonel/blues recommends at the beginning, and that folder didnt have black wing in it actually :(

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well, i finished the protoman mission in 5 out of 10 phases so i got Z saver! most kickass chip evar! good homage to Zero too. surprisingly enough it works with proto soul to make a devastating combination.

Update on library:
Reg. chips:177
Mega chips:37
Giga chips:2

only 3 reg. chips left!

Posts: 111
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im well aware of the Z saver combo, my friend often pulls it on me in netbattles,

my game crashed and deleted all my data this morning, ive had to restart!!!!! OMFG

im only just beaten colonel at the end of scilab now

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Dude, that sucks. that sucks bad.

i wouldn't have even continued playing after that.
by the way, i finished the Reg. chip library.

now to find 3 more megachips.

Posts: 111
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ive finished my dark library again, and ran into otenko on the net, he's in Oran area 2 incase anybody's wondering where to trade in crossover points,
netted me 2 Django SP chips, Shademan, Shademan DS, Pulsar 1, 2 + 3, and an Ultra useful GundelsolEX.

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and that folder didnt have black wing in it actually

Odd. Could have sworn that's how it got in my library.

Anyway...which do you think better? BusterPak or BodyPak?

(Current Configuration: BusterPack, SuperArmor, AirShoes, Atk+1, Charge+1, Rapid +1, Undershirt)

Posts: 111
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buster pack, boy pack is good and all but it takes up too much room, i think with the souls, you can get most of the attributes from it anyway.
also the buster is an itegral part of how i operate.
im a 3 man, so i always had hubbatch in there anyway

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hey, anyone got any idea how Static works?

Posts: 111
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i was actually wondering that myself.... it being a bugchip is a clue i suppose..
ive only ever used it right once and i cant rememeber how that was, i just thought it was a tornado chip
