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Rockman Zex announced for the DS

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Posts: 131
Estimable Member

IIRC that's actually not true. The GBA games are not required for that secret. I believe it's Spoilers (Select To Read): needed to get the Quick Charge item.

This next piece of information is a bit of bad news and something I consider spoilerish. Spoilers (Select To Read): Model X is only used for the intro missions when you first start playing. After a plot event, it gets replaced by Model ZX. There is hope however. You simply must beat the game on Normal or higher with both protagonists. (Who never meet at all, I might add.) Both save files must have the "Cleared" status. When this is done, you only need to start a new file to be able to use Model X throughout the rest of the game.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

chances are, i won't be buying a copy till this weekend, but whatever.... just a heads up to those that want to buy it.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Got mine. Impressions when I can be torn away from the madness that is Pokemon.

INITIAL IMPRESSIONS EDIT: It's MMZ, alright. Except you're human and can borrow the powers of two Reploid legends. You start with Model X and later gain Model Z as well, ending in a hybrid Model ZX that... well, plays exactly like Zero from his GBA games. Even the hair!

Wish I had headphones, I'm missing out in the music department (volume's a tad low, par for the course when it comes to DSlite).

Okay, gameplay. Um, well... it's Megatroid (Metman? lol). What it means is that each area is like a giant "room" or "space" with multiple entrances/exits, with some being untraversable until you obtain some skill or item that allows you to access them (yellow card keys to open previously un-openable yellow doors, yo). And getting from point A to point B sometimes means traveling across several screens-worth of "rooms". However, that headache is partially alleviated by Transervers.

During the course of the game you accept missions from Prairie, the Guardian commander (aka Signas/Maverick Hunters aka Ciel/Resistance). You can accept any mission in any order, and can even quit one mission so that you can accept another with the only penalty being you'd have to start the first mission from scratch when you return to it.

I won't bother detailing the story since I've only scratched the surface. Though I see Capcom didn't bother to dub the bit of voice acting that's present, choosing instead to use subtitles where applicable (i.e. FMV). Gutsy or lazy, I guess it depends on where you stand on the dub/sub debate and whether you trust Capcom USA to get it right if they tried.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

I can't wait for it to come out here... if it ever does. No PAL release date, we always get shafted with the Megaman stuff. Oh well at least DS carts aren't region locked, I may import.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

so the Z and X models play differently then the ZX model then? sounds cool, i can't wait.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Don't know about Model Z, you don't get to use it. But from what I've seen it behaves similar to classic Zero from the X series (weak or no buster attacks).

What (apparently) sucks is that you won't have access to Model X solo after the hybridization. But I hear you can unlock it after completing both Vent and Aile's Hard mode games. Or maybe not, I don't have confirmation.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

so you don't get to play model Z at all then?

i'm guessing that's because that geiru guy has it right?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

geiru, geiru, geiru...

Well, I refuse to talk about spoilerish things.

So, yes.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i got my copy!!! i haven't played it yet, but i'm as giddy as a young schoolgirl!! (NOTE:i'm a guy) but i'll have my first impressions in a while though.

EDIT: ok i like the game. a few problems though.

1. i don't really like the fact that you're not transported to your mission location... that's really annoying, but the fact is, i can't figure out how to get from Point A to point B without a map.

2.the ZX armor is awesome, but i think the saber takes a bit too long to charge. (being a little bit nitpicky there.)

3. not crazy about serpent, but whatever.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

A friend of mine has beaten it several times and believes you can get Model X seperate from model ZX after meeting certain conditions. Conditions unknown currently, we think it's beat it three times on norm/hard.

Also, I know what Ox is.

<span style="color:black;background-color:black"><font color=white>Spoilers (Select To Read):</font> Ox is Omega. You can fight Omega in a secret area. No real plot relevance, but has a different attack method from Zx, sounds like you basically get Zero's technique get abilities.</span>

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

No, just beat the game as both characters on either Normal or Hard.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

So I hear you can fight Dr. Weil's underlings from MMZ3 and MMZ4 by having either game in the GBA slot and traveling to a specific area?

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i don't know which area, but yes you can. you can fight 4 enemies from each game.

i'm almost positive you don't get anything for it, but it's extra content which is usually always nice.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member


So I hear you can fight Dr. Weil's underlings from MMZ3 and MMZ4 by having either game in the GBA slot and traveling to a specific area?

Area N. Take the lower route.

I'm warning. This may have spoilers but MAN is it awesome. Trailer vid to ZX. I don't care if it's already out. Why don't we get cool trailers like this?

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i can't wait, i hope it ends up on toonami over here, i don't think i could stand another NT warrior (where WB kept cancelling it then restarting it.)

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

^ Um, what?

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

they'd change the times that it played on, and then they flat out stopped airing it for awhile there. only to start again without advertising much.

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

I think Psx means that there's no ZX cartoon announced, that trailer is just to promote the game and nothing more.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

Wot Psx said. It's just a game trailer.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

My posse got my back, g.

Finally finished the game with Vent, now playing with Aile for a slightly-different-but-still-quite-the-same-gameplay experience. I managed to pick up Model O(x) with Vent as well, you're basically transformed into "Omega" Zero with an infinite Overdrive and access to all elemental attacks. Quite cheap, no wonder you can't use him until you've already beaten the game once.

Ah, Model X. I missed your Double Buster Shot. I MUST UNLOCK THIS POWER.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

oh, i was pretty sure i heard about an anime in the possible future on megaman network, but whatever. still a cool trailer though.

so you basically get to play Omega with all his attacks from Zero 3? i was kind of hoping that it would be copy X (Omega X was a nickname for him for awhile there)till' the real omega came around anyway.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

No, you get to fight Omega with all his attacks from Zero 3 (PROTIP: Sub-Tanks are your friends). But when used as a Biometal, it's just MMZ Zero with Omega's darker shading and 3 EX skills.

Mind, that's more than enough to wipe the floor with most bosses.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

well that's no fun.

hell, biometal ZX is enough to wipe the floor with most bosses.

EDIT: okay, so i got Ox. it's freaking insane, did you know that if you press R and down in overdrive (which i'm sure you guys figured out) that you get another three attacks depending on how much it's charged? (or not charged.)

either way, it's crazy as hell.

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