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What is yout favourite Megaman serious?

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Posts: 146
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There isn't only one Megaman serious. But which is your favourite? Is it the classical Megaman serious, or the X serious, Zero serious, or the Battle Network.

Posts: 1402
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*Cough* Series *cough*

my favorite is either zero or battle network at the moment.

And if i'm right, there's another topic just like this in existence.

Posts: 808
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X series is my favorite by far, particularly X4, X8, and Command Mission. Classic series I also like quite a bit (particularly MM2 and MM6), Zero series I hate deeply, Battle Network series I have no interest in, Legends series I've never played, don't know if it's anything I'd be very interested in.

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Your spelling rules hardcore.

Anyway, my favorite Mega Man SERIES is the classic one.
All these extra storylines are bull.

Posts: 2438
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Legends. Action, adventure, story and kicking weapons. Only downside is that they only made three games in the series, if you count The Misadventures of Tron Bonne.

Second fave would have to be X. I prefer its depth compared to the classic series, though granted I started to dislike it after the fourth game since they suddenly took it into an entirely different direction. Still, when I finally rent Command Mission or 7 or 8, I'll have to see what the additional Reploid characters add to the set.

MMBN is cool, and I like playing the games. Fairly easy to get a grasp of and somewhat addicting.

Classic is nice, but they've basically stopped making the series now and it was starting to get a little freaky around 7 and 8 because Mega Man was going psy-cho.

Zero, interesting potential but by this time the novelty of putting characters into stasis for the next generation has kinda worn off. Plus Zero just refuses to die. He's cool and all, but I always preferred X. Some of the developments of this series ultimately lead up to Legends though, so I can't complain.

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Still, when I finally rent Command Mission or 7 or 8, I'll have to see what the additional Reploid characters add to the set.

I would strongly recommend checking out X8 before 7, or at least don't let 7 give you a bad impression of where the series has gone, because 8 is far better. (in my opinion, anyway) X8 is the game that renewed my interest in the X series after the disappointments that X5, 6, & 7 (especially 6 & 7) were to me.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Heh, sounds like we think on similar wavelengths then, Zero, 'least as far as X series goes. I might not be able to rent 7 anyway by now.

Now, personally I always preferred playing as X over Zero because I prefer my long range abilities, but talking with my bro who did play X7, he said X was pretty much unnecessary what with Axl having guns and being necessary to rescue most of the Reploids anyway. But of course I'll keep it in mind not to let myself get discolored by opinion should I play 7 before 8, thanks.

I just wish they'd continue with Legends, at least one more game. Ah well though.

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I hope CAPCOM murders Axl.
I honestly can't stand the little freak, and don't see why a robot would need to carry regular revolvers while almost every other robot in the world can turn their hand into a cannon.

Posts: 808
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:lol I don't mind Axl too much, at least in X8 and Command Mission. I do find the whole gun thing a little odd though.(that's one of the things I dislike about the Zero series) I'm usually more likely to use X before him, but I generally use Zero whenever possible, as I prefer his style of combat and just like that character (the X series version) better.


Now, personally I always preferred playing as X over Zero because I prefer my long range abilities, but talking with my bro who did play X7, he said X was pretty much unnecessary what with Axl having guns and being necessary to rescue most of the Reploids anyway.

I found myself usually picking X (once he's available) over Axl in that game as well, mostly because of his charge shot and the special attack that comes with the armor. But now that you mention it, I think there were some things you couldn't get without using Axl.

Posts: 5772
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Plus Zero just refuses to die.

ON A COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE... have you perchance sampled Zero 4? And by "sampled" I mean, you know, beaten it...

Posts: 2438
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No. oo Haven't even beaten the first one because I hate that one air level towards the end, beaten everything else but not that one thing because it annoys me. >> Don't have the other three either, just never got into the series. I didn't want to kill the Cyber Elves. Foolish me. But if you're implying that Zero does actually die, then I will be most pleased. ^^

I sound like such a Zero hater, but I'm not really. I just find myself annoyed that he got so popular as to basically be the star of most of the X games you got to play as him in, and then got his own game as well. He's cool and all, good design and a more intricate background than X (what with the Zero Virus and everything). But, I prefer X because that's why I play the games in the first place.

Oh and he has a girlfriend. Or had one before he had to kill her. THAT took guts.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i don't mind the X series, but X7 and X8 severley dissapointed me. I just like the old 2D aspect.

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X8 is 2D. =/

Posts: 5772
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He was probably takling about 2D sprites. I PRAY he was talking about 2D sprites.


But if you're implying that Zero does actually die, then I will be most pleased.

I imply nothing. For that would be a spoiler.



I just find myself annoyed that he got so popular as to basically be the star of most of the X games you got to play as him in, and then got his own game as well.

You are aware that Zero was meant to be the star of the "X" series before Capcom got skiddish and had Inafune shoe-horn a new Mega Man into the starring role? Zero's importance is no accident.

Posts: 2438
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oO Hmm, actually had no clue, though it does make sense why X seems a lot less...developed, I should say, in some ways, than Zero. Now that makes a ton more sense.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

X8 is more of a 2.5D side scroller. i was talking about the sprites.

i really don't like the 2.5D look personally. although i have to say i enjoyed Command Mission's Cell shaded look.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member


and don't see why a robot would need to carry regular revolvers while almost every other robot in the world can turn their hand into a cannon.

Elementary, Watson.

The Buster system probably takes too much energy to use that Axl's system would have to shunt into his Copy Chip. If he's a prototype, his chip would consume more energy than later models.

My favorite is X series. I must be one of the three or four Axl FANS out there.

Posts: 146
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My favourite series are the X series. It's cool because you use armor.

Posts: 36
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...quite a simple explaination...

I like the X and Zero series the most. They're seem more serious than the other series (though I haven't played much of EXE/Battle Network or any Legends.) They also seem to have more story behind them than the classic series.

I really wish Capcom would conclude the classic and X series, though. Especially X considering there's a whole chunk of story between it and the Zero series (aka the true ending of the Maverick Wars and the whole Elf wars in general...) They sort of threw a wrench into it with the events of X8, though.

Posts: 111
Estimable Member

i think capcom are just becoming a big fan of using the x series to split everything off into alternate futures e.g. X5> Legends
X6> Zero
X7> Command misson

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

That could be possible. Personally, it'd be great if someone would try putting together a plot guide to sort out all of this, similar to the Street Fighter plot guide.

Posts: 111
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yano what.... i might just do that.... but thats unlikely since i have no webspace to call my own

Posts: 36
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Technically, the (Street Fighter Plot) FAQ I refer to resides on GameFaqs. So, in theory, you could probably just host it there...

Assuming you'd want to...

Here's the link to the FAQ:

Posts: 8
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Classic series all the way. My favorite thing about the series are the robot masters.

Megaman Legends was somewhat childish to me, but I got hooked on it and couldn't put it down till i finished it. I haven't played 2 yet.

Megaman X: I liked the first 4 games, but I did not like the names for the mavericks who appeared in 5-7. In X5 the american version they gave the mavericks some dumb names, the booklet shows their original names. I made up my own names for the mavericks who were in x5-x7. Names that would say what their power was and what animal they were named after.

The power battles were neat. I liked seeing the old robot masters in an updated graphics version as they might appear in modern anime style.

I :thumbsup :lol

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

I didn't mind the "Guns and Roses" names... well, with the possible exception of "Duff McWhalen" because I think of an impression of Duffman my cousin can do...

I'm contemplating doing a X series guide if I can get the time. If it goes anywhere, I'll expand it to cover the Classic and Zero series.

Though classic Megaman would probably be easier... not too much plot to worry about until Megaman 7.

[edit] Began working on the Megaman X plot guide yesterday. I haven't got very far, just to the end of X2. Still, the stuff I have covered has most like spanned about eight pages :crazy

I plan to cover this much for now:
Bass' ending in Megaman 2: The Power Battle
Megaman X
Xtreme <--I am here
Xtreme 2
Command Mission

It sucks that Maverick Hunter X will totally ruin what I have for Megaman X, but I'll manage, considering there's stuff form the other games that's already done that.

[edit2] Haven't really made much progress lately. I was working on some fan fiction, which I ended the first part at 22 pages. Needless to say, I need a bit of a break.
