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What MegaMan/MegaMan X game has the best music?

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I like MegaMan music.So just for curiosity,I wanna know what MegaMan/MegaMan X video game has the best music.
I like the music from MegaMan 2.

-Quick Man 007

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I love all the boss music!

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I can't decide.

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I think I like Megaman X5 music best. I'm not a big fan of megaman music, but they did have some good techno in the last level.

~~echofoxx 2k1

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But MM5, MM6, MM7, and MMX3 are all high on the list.

MM3 wins because, although the others have such msterpieces as Gyro Man, Flame Man, Slash Man, and Gravity Beetle, MM3 had Snake Man, Magnet Man, Hard Man, Spark Man, and a bunch if others.

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Yeah, MM3 for me too, for tunes.

As for songs, I love "Electric Comunication" from MM8, though it got cut here. And "The Answer" from X6. I gots ta finds me an mp3 of it, or, or...I'll die! Of food poisoning! Yeah, that's it!

Checkout I love these guys' remixes of the entire Megaman 3 game. Best remixes I've ever heard, and there're a lot of great ones out there.

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MM3. No contest. That opening song was the greatest.

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Without a doubt, MM3 had the best music, bosses, etc. of any megaman game EVER

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gotta love protomans theme...

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Me too QM! :D

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Sorry.... but I just can't resist that monster intro song for Megaman X1! It's simply... awesome. I can't get it out of my head, and that's not very good. AAARGH! I still have my dammed Super NES and that game, constantly starting over just to play it ALL over again. What a great game.... :insane

Do you think I'm crazy?

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yup mm3 definately had the best music especially sparkmans stage and yes exerlain we do think youre crazy!

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I like all the Japanese RockMan songs, like One More Chance, Makenai Ai Akitto Aru, etc.

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mmbn2 intro


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Have any one listned to Megaman X 4 - Makenai Akigatto Aru (Japanese Opening)?

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If you get imesh you can find lots of megaman music.

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The first three Megaman X games had AWESOME music.

Megmaan 1-4 for NES had great music, too.

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That would be Mega Man 2 for the Classics.
Mega Man 7 is groovin in its own right
Mega Man 8 gets high marks for Tengu Man's theme (Saturn Version)

Mega Man X would be the best of the series to me music wise.

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The Rockman X4 intro stage music rocks. I haven't played many others, apart from SNES and NES games...

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x5 intro movie music was just great that was the get weapon music from megaman3 and also the music for megaman's ending on marvel vs capcom, so it must be good for capcom to keep using it over and over like that and i also liked the x6 ending music (I.D.E.A.)

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Definately megamen x5, dynamo's theme.

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I'd say MM3, MM7 or MMX3...prob MM7

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*eats lordofgalis*
welcome to the boards

mmm brains!:x

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Sorry, gonna have to with Gravite Beatle, and Stormeagle :

but it's so hard to choose
all the music got me pumped to play that game :thumbsup

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pls pls QQ :*(
not to be eating me
i will bring more to you liking
btw Alairion not aleirion QQ :eek

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i loved the boss music from the megaman games. so cool.

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I'll have to go with X3

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i think megaman 8 has the best music

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Either Megaman X3 (Zero theme!) or Megaman X5 (Zero theme!).

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I like the Megaman 2 music. :)

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Megaman X2's intro stage music and X5 train/Grizzly Slash level.:idea

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first of alli have to start with saying boomer kwanger and storm eagle musik pwns joor mmx5 crap
crap crap crap
that aside
mmx3(havent played recently)
has pretty good muzik to my knowledge
and mmx7 should be banned from the states, its a disgrace to all that mmx holds holy

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that is godage rite there
listen and bow the music bestowed to thou be thee aka god

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i say MMX4 but thats just me

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I liked the title of MM2,
and MM4's title was okay,
but in overall music, I like MM1 best.

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I agree about MM3 too!


Hello, ma!

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I'm not really sure what my favorite would be for music in the X series, but in the Classic series the music in Mega Man 6 is definitely my favorite. (although there are also a couple tracks from Rockman & Forte that I like a lot)

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I like mmx4,mmx5,mmx6,mmx7(ending song lazy mind)and mm8

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Ah, yes, I almost forgot about X7's ending theme, that's definitely one of my favorites.

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megaman 2 and mmx3 had the best music

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Why are they the best?

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So many songs to name. Here I go. I love MegaMan.
Megaman series:
Most Megaman 3 songs. (Spark Man, Intro, Gemini Man, etc.)
Few Megaman 2 songs.
Megaman 6 - Final Boss song. Very catchy.
Megaman's 5 and 7 didn't strike me too hard with the music. Never played 8.
And finally Megaman 4's FINAL BATTLE MUSIC. Oh my god... what a fighting song. You walk in, you hear one quick note then Wily's energy bar fills up ever so slowly, then BAM! The song goes crazy!! Along with Wily's attacks this song sounds like it could have been the final fight between Megaman and Wily. I LOVED THIS SONG.

Megaman X series:
Megaman X - Title Screen song (really cool.), First Level Song (Awesome song, like the song is telling you "The Second Blue Bomber has arrived!"), Storm Eagle, Spark Mandrill, Boomer Kuwanger, that's it.
Megaman X2 - Bubble Crab, Flame Stag, Magna Centipede (oh that song kicks ass), The Zero Theme Song (WOOO! First time I heard that song, I had to fight him so I was like "Friend vs. Friend. With a dramatic song behind it. AWESOME!!").
Megaman X3's Zero theme was cool.
Megaman X4's first level Megaman X song was cool. Didn't finish the entire game.
X5's water level was a revamped version of X2's Bubble Crab song. Awesome!
Didn't play X6 or X7 yet.

Those are my picks.

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don't feel so bad. X4 was hard to beat.

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i liked MM3's music the best. I never felt MMX had that great of music.

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It is really hard to choose..., but I think that the one from willy's stage from mm2, and the beginings and endings of MMX, and MMX3

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I loved the NES Mega Man music. I always thought Mega Man gave a great name to the original Nintendo, with great graphics and music in comparison to the other more crappy games. ESPECAILY Mega Man 2 and 3, but the Wily Fortress boss music in Mega Man 3 was just my favorite.

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