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What MegaMan/MegaMan X game has the best music?

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Fact, not opinion:

The best megaman music is mostly from 2 (just about every song), some from X (Spark Mandrill, Boomer Kuwanger) and the opening and ending to 7 are both great also. Also have to mention megaman 3 intro :) . After megaman X2 it got quite a bit worse unfortunately.

Posts: 111
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*eats thrice436*
welcome to the boards!

anyhows, i sgree with you on the MM3 intron one (especially the version done by project X)
and if you go bakc a couple of posts and find my one about the MM3 weapon get music, ive found another place they used it, its sort of been converted into the MMBN5 battle music:cuckoo

Posts: 9
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I think your 100% right about this Megaman X does have the best music. On top of that I think that out of all of them X1 has the best music.

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<Eats Octopus>

mmmm, calamari, welcome to the boards

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What's up hypr knux What do you think about Megaman X Music.

Posts: 111
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actually its one of the main reasons i play the games. the music keeps you sane while youre fighting through the harder levels in the game, for example if youre fighting kaiser sigma at the end of X3 (which takes YEARS)tbh, MMX3 is what got me into rock music, i heard that the neon tiger stage music was nicked from a guns and roses song named my michelle and i went out and bought the album (being the nerd i am XD) it just went from there i guess and now im in a rockband. so i owe alot to megaman X's game music

Posts: 9
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That's cool. The megaman X music in my opinion is the type of music that it's worth hearing every day. I also found this website where you could buy video game music and they have The complete 5 disc package of Megaman X Music, which I assume comes with all the megaman X music, the price is in yens so I can't really tell you what it is. I once tried to download megaman x music but the music was in midi files that were edited so it wouldn't exaclty sound the same. I'll see if I could convert the price to tell you.

Posts: 111
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That'd be cool guy, but you can usually download some of the Megaman X music from P2P programs

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That's cool.

Do you draw anime at all. Or megaman X characters, have you ever tried to at all.

Posts: 111
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why yes, yes i do. although alot of them are just doodles and never even get scanned in. i like to think im a pretty good artist TBH

Posts: 9
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Megaman X Collections has got to be the best. Can't wait to play the new Megaman X Battle & Chase which was never released in the U.S. only in Japan.

I wonder if the graphics are going to change a little. From my point of view as far as I have seen I've seen the same graphics for the games that it contains

Well, I guess we'll find out when it's released.

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I adore it too

Posts: 9
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To all of you. Stay aware of Megaman X Collection
It's release is in January 10, 2005 Buy it!

New improvements:
According to the research that I have done.
Megaman X's first three games (Megaman X1,2,3) have cleaner graphics than the original supernintendo versions) therefore it's gotta be the best.

Take a look at the brandnew featured trailer at
Have fun those of you who are big fans of Megaman X

Peace out!

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

Hol-ly crap. I can't believe that this topic I made little over four years ago is still alive and kicking. Yes, Quick Man 007 is me. I was such a newb back then. :p Many Megaman music topics have risen and fallen, and this one is still running strong. Too bad a portion of the topic got lost, but I suppose I should be grateful that it's still around at all. I would like to take this moment to thank everybody that replyed, bumped, and just generally kept this topic going over the years. Cheers!

Oh, and I still like the music from Megaman 2. :)

Posts: 9
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Is anybody here! No one has posted any interesting topics yet, well let's talk more about Megaman stuff, or anything that's interesting.

Let's come up with topics

Posts: 4607
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We'll post when we want to; in the meantime, post on-topic, or not at all.

Posts: 3291
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don't double-post. this is one of the quieter forums, so people making new posts and topics is a rare thing. have some patience, or make one of these wanted new topics yourself.

Posts: 9
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Maybe I guess I should or shouldn't I.

At least you guys have been here longer than I have so at least come up with something

DOn't just stand there! You know your not the only one's I'm also trying to come up with topics myself in the meantime. Your part of this forum so you should.

BTW be a little more nice! to one of your members


See you guys later!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

People post when they have something to announce or discuss. Trying to force it leads to pointless topics that do nothing but clutter the board and serve to add nothing to the understanding of the series. When something interesting in the Mega Man realm happens, you can bet someone here will get something started.

If you simply can't wait, might I suggest any of the various GameFAQ forums dedicated to the Blue Bomber?

Posts: 1
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Because of me playing the first Megaman x game it got me interested into the megaman franchise.

My 2 most favorite musics in the games are the intro music to Megaman X 6 and Strom Eagle in Megaman X

Posts: 5
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Interestingly, the Megaman franchise seems to have some of the better soundtracks out of most games of its genre.

A few of my favorites in no particular order:

> Factory (Devilbat Schilt) / Rockman Zero 3
> Ending Theme / Rockman 7
> Forte's Theme / Rockman 7
> Zero's Theme / Rockman X3
> Title / Rockman X8
> 2nd Dr. Wily Stage / Rockman 2

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

The Abridged music from the PSX Mega Man X3 is cool to listen to. So are Classic Mega Man 4 and Zero 4, but the Jazz versions of X1 music really rocks. They're not in the games but they sound great!

Posts: 2
New Member

MMX hast great music in nearly every stage (SE, AA, SM, LO, Intro Stage, Zero's Theme), same in MMX (GB, BH, BB, TS, Dopller Stages)

the best music in Original MM has 4 (every Robot Master Stage), 6 (Tomahawk, Knight, Yamato, Flame) and of course 7 (Slash, Shade, Turbo, Freeze)

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