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What's your favorite Mega Man game?

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I really like Mega Man 2, 5, and X. :rollin

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I like MegaMan 2,7,8,MegaMan X3,X4,and X5

-Quick Man 007

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Rockman & Forte, MM7, MM3, MMX3, MM5

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MM7,MM9(Rockman & Forte), and MMX3.

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Rockman and Forte (the first MM game I ever played),MM7 (the second MM game I ever played), MM5 (the first MM game I ever completed).

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X = X3

I still like Legends the most =P.

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I like the classic Mega Man 3 the best... even if it was one of the easiest games of the entire series... I just like it the most :b

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Well, I'm more of an RPG freak, but I do like Megaman, so.... Favorite would be Battle Networks.

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I've only played Megaman Extreme 2 (Game Boy Color) and Megaman Battle Network (Game Boy Advance, but I'm sure we all know that :] ) Out of those two, my favourite would have to be Megaman Battle Network.

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Mine will always be the classics as my prefered favorites.

Would be really cool as a 3D remake of an collectors addition. But for now I could only dream and make a few of the characters my self.

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Megaman 8 (Why must we fight! We are not enemies!)
Magaman X6 (I wonder what are those suspected areas he mentioned?)
Rockman and Forte (Blues dies) ... (Again)

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MegaMan 2 :)

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mm3 (gb) mmbn (gba) mega-man soccer (snes)

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MM5, MM3, MM2, MMX3 and MMX2 here.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 3& Knuckles! Oh wait...Megaman forum...uh...Well, Megaman 8 is awesome. So is X4, oh and Legends...and the first battle network! LoL, Megaman is more diverse than Sonic...

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MM3(nes), X1(snes), And Zero(gba)

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Mega Man 2... we have a lot of identical topics lol :)

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Id have 2 say...

X 1,2 and 3:lol

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x5 and legends 1 for me.:|

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MegaMan X3 by far. I loved every aspect of the gameplay and getting the golden armor and zero's saber was sweet. Even without those powerups, the overall armor was awesome and all the mavericks were well done.

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Probably MMX5, although it's hard to choose.

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MegaMan 2 is definitely my favorite megaman of all times. It was also the first one i beat, and it is the only one i have beat more than 10 times.

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Probably X3 and X4, the originals are always good too.

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Mega Man X or X4, for me.

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megaman battle network 3, tis beastlyness embodies (or digitised even)

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:thumbsup My fav MM game is probably MMX4!!!yes!MMX4 I giv it two thumbs up!!!:thumbsup

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i like mmx2 and mmbn2.
why i like the 2's?.....I HAVE NO IDEA.....

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My favorite game is MM5. Then MM&Bass after it.
This is my first post here so I must say "Hi everybody"
I can't wait for the Anniversary collection to come out so I can play MM5 again.:cackle

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MM9(Rockman & Forte)

I should eat you for that. Rockman and Forte (Megaman and Bass) is in no way Megaman 9. There is no Megaman 9. There probably never will be a Megaman 9, what with Battle Network's increased popularity.

Do you call FFX-2 Final Fantasy Eleven? No, you don't. Don't call R&F Megaman 9.

That said, I'd have to say Megaman Legends for my favorite.

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From the classic series, Rockman and Forte, by far, and from the X series, X4, by far. ">

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So far, MM3(NES version), and MMX.

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The only one I have is Megaman & Bass. So that's my favorite for now. I plan on getting more.

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megaman & bass ROCKS its my favorite considering I just got it a week ago

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My favorite's gotta be Megaman 8. Flawless graphics, nifty anime sequences (JUST TURN DOWN THE VOLUME), and cool music. Nice.

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Um, let's see. ~THinks way back~

Mega Man 2 (Definately!)

Mega Man 3 (hated Gemini Man)

Mega Man X4

Mega Man 8

Mega Man Network Battle is pretty good too.

I cna't decide too well..there's too many MMs.

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My Fav are Megaman X3 Megaman X5 Megaman X4 And Megaman 7

:] :thumbsup :b :lol

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I like MM2.

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Cool, but what exactly are your reasons? Not trying to be threatening or anything, but they'd be nice.

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Well... I've got a couple.

Mega Man X. It was the first of the X series. And it was also the first Mega Man game I ever played. And even today, it is still fun to play.

Mega Man 64 (Mega Man Legends). It introduced a different form of playing and I liked the story.

Mega Man X4. I liked the way it looked. And it was the first game I got to play as Zero.

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Well, I've only played 4: Legends, Legends 2, MMBN, and MMBN3 (Yes, I never played 2. A week ago I went and 3 was cheaper than 2 (go figure)). A hard choice between Legends1 and MMBN3, but I'd have to say Legends, because it was my first, I liked the story (Even thought I can't beat the 2nd form of the final boss) I liked the gameplay, and BN's random battles can get annoying sometimes. Also, even though I liked the battle system, it can feel a bit restricted (due to only having a 3x3 area (unless using chips).

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MMX it was my first Megaman game, but I was already a megaman fan. Either that one or MMX4 because the music brings back good memories

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My favorite out of the classic, X, and Legends has to be Megaman 3. I got it for Christmas back in 1990. Just a nostalgic game that reminds me of the golden age of Nintendo.

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MMx 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
