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X series are my fav...
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X series are my favourite Why I'll explain you

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The X series have alway been my favourites becase zero is in it and he kicks a** and X gets new armor each game.

X the ultimate warrior peace out.:D

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

I agree Megaman X is the coolest!
The coolest armor he ever used was the Ultimate armor. X is also naive.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

No offense, but this sorta comes off as an answer to a question no one asked... try a little harder to make something worth actual discussion.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

how come X never keeps the armor? Why in gods name does Sigma always comeback? where's doctor Cain? again, why in gods Name do X, Zero, and UGHH Axl need three separate people telling them what to do over Lame intercoms?
Why is the sky blue?

Are those good enough for disscussion?

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

In order:
1. In X5 and X6, X kept one armor from the previous game (Fourth Armor in X5 and Falcon Armor in X6). Other then that...IC wise, X would probably put it away forever or something due to his pacifism, and OOC wise, because the games wouldn't be very hard with that function, would they?

2.Sigma, according to the manga, has something called the Nucleus, allowing him to regenerate from anything. Gamewise, it's explained in X3, I believe, that Sigma existed as a virus after contact with Zero, so he could come back as long as a facility existed to build him a body.

3. It's widely believed that Cain's dead.

4. Fanservice.

5. Shorter lightwaves, blue on the spectrum, come at us when the sunlight directly hits the Earth's surface, a phenomenon known as blueshift. Conversely, during dawn/dusk, the sun's light hits the hemisphere at an angle, allowing the longer rays, seen as red, to be seen, a phenomenon known as redshift.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


Posts: 36
Eminent Member

I agree with the assumption Dr. Cain's dead. We never see or hear anything about him past X4 (he's only briefly mentioned in the Sigma/Zero battle cutscene, and that takes place before Megaman X.) My guess is that he died sometime before X4. If he didn't die then, he's probably still dead, considering that the X series takes a long time (it started in 21XX and now its 22XX in X8...)

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Which could very well stand for 2100/2299 or 2199/2200. See, there's a reason they place those Xs there.

Posts: 111
Estimable Member

you sure you dont mean 2100/2199 and 2200/2299 ?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Same difference, bee.
