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A New Generation [Character, General, Adventure]

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It has been many years since the tyrant Robotnik's defeat at the hands of Sonic the Hedgehog. In that time, Mobius has been returned to the peaceful planet it once was, full of organic life and green nature. Robotropolis has been changed back to Mobotropolis. The Roboticiser, once a machine used for great evil, has been destroyed, never to change organic into metal again.
But in this time of joy, there has also been sorrow. The hero Sonic has passed on, and the past heroes have grown old as well. Although they now have children, who may carry on the legacy their parents started, should such a terror rise again.
It was another peaceful day in Mobotropolis. All the days were peaceful. The city shone like gold. You would never be able to tell this had once been the smoking, polluted city Robotropolis.
Miles 'Tails' Prower was taking a walk. It was the 50th anniversary of Robotnik's defeat, and later today there would be a celebration throughout the city, which he would be expected to watch.
Miles sighed. Today was a joyous occasion for most, but sometimes he felt sad because of it. He missed the old times, fighting evil with his best friend, Sonic. He missed him, there was no denying it. His death had kinda put an end to the adventures. He'd probably never feel excited again.
Suddenly, he heard someone scream. He ran towards the sound, and couldn't believe his eyes. He could see SWATBots attacking and capturing Mobians. But this was impossible! With Robotnik gone, who could create the SWATBots? It didn't matter. He had to help the Mobians.
"Hey, you SWATBots! I don't know where you came from, but you can just go back there!" Tails ran towards them, but soon became tired. He couldn't run much anymore. It was a pushover for the SWATBots, who captured as much as they could carry.
Hi. I've wanted to start an RP for a long time, but never had a good idea, until now. Remember, this is my first time starting an RP.
For this RP, I want you to think of the children a character of your choice (It can be your own, or a Sonic character) will have had in the years since Robotnik's demise. If you could use the following guidelines, that would be great.

Son/Daughter of: (Only one character is neccessary, but put two if you want)
Weapons (If any):

For example, here's mine.

Name: Zyke Legend
Son of: Allik Legend (A.K.A Allik the Aeon)
Age: 18
Species: 1/2 Aeon 1/2 hedgehog
Weapons (If any): None
Description: White hedgehog with his topquills up and his bottom quills down
Bio: Zyke Legend grew up in Mobotropolis, and is only used to peace. He has never been told of his father's past or of how he is different to his friends. He has always known deep down he was unique, but never known why.

You don't have to think of a progeny (Ooo, good word), you can use your own characters. But remember, they will be a lot older, so think carefully.
This RP will follow the rules shown in the rules section for joining an RP. And with that, let it begin.

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