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A world of the future. (Mechs, Gundams, ACs, and the like.)

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Times were hard for people on both Mars and Earth. The two have two different governments that have been fighting for dominence for years, politicly, of course. And if you couldn't afford a mech, you wouldn't survive. Why? Let's just say government funding on both planets didn't go to the police much.

Year: 4567 AD
Location: Mars colony 10B AKA: Beta City

"And the winner of this year's Mechanical Armor class Robotic duels... Silver!", The announcer roared over thousands of roaring fans and spectators. "Yes! I did it!", Silver yelled, pumping fist into the air.

Silver sat in the local Bar, tended by robots. He celebrated the way most people did in Beta when they won that tournament. Confuse the heck out of the robots to get a free drink. The classic line was "Give me a glass that's half this, half that, and half that other one there.", No robot yet was able to overcome that and the, "It's $5.36. so I'll give you $56.27 for simplicity". So, after getting his free drink, he sat down and drank until...
"Newsflash, An earth missle was seen heading toward Mars, and was shot down withing seconds of entering the atmosphere. Mars and Earth are now at war, repaeat, war is upon us.
"Damn!", Silver said under his breath. He finished the drink and headed home.

Two weeks later...
"DAMN!", Silver yelled as he threw down his draft papers. He marked tomorrow on his calender: '2:30, Bootcamp with Bodysuit and Gundam.'

Okay, now you may be wondering what Mechs and the like are going to be used in this RP. You can use ANY type of Mech, ranging from the tiny to the towering. Mechs that I know of (and their discriptions) include:

Gundam: The "basic" Giant Humanoid Mechs In every way, Non-costomiseable, but most can be outfitted with advanced AI. Can be used in space. Used by both Mars and Earth.

Mech:These are about the same size as the Gundam, but vary in shape and size, weapons are centered on Missles and lasers. Weapon systems are costomizeable. Due to gravatational difference, these are only used by and on Earth.

AC (Armored Core): Fully costomizeable, from the head to the legs and everything in between. About the same size as the above two. A few could work in space, but wouldn't work very well. Used by mars.

ST (Standing Tank): These were ment to LAST. You can destroy all but the body of these things and they will keep on fighting somehow. They have at least one weapon on each part of their body, and A hover system on their main body and feet. Can be used in space. If main body or head is destroyed, mech will be in-operable.Non-costomizeable. Used by Earth.

Mobile Dolls: Mass produced, all have rifles and missles. Cheap, make up the infantry of both armies.

Mecha:These are about half the size of the above, but what they lack in size, they more than make up for in Speed and endurance. Work very well in space. Used by Earth.

MT (I still don't know what this stands for o_o; ): Ranging from Half the size of a mech to the size of a large van, they are non-costomizable. Come in all types. Some work in space. Used by Mars.

Complete AI: Large MT's that use AI, they act as a human would in that situation. Non costomizeable. Used By Mars.

Body suit/Mechanical Armour: Think of Samus's armour from Metroid or Master Cheif's from Halo. It boosts your strength, speed, ect. Weapons may be attacked, but are usually held in hand. Used by both.

Not used by either: (And can't be used by you)
Disorder Units: These robots have AI, and work in a swarm, they have one mind that connects them all, it would seem. All walk, but some can go into space if attached to a rocket at lift off, and can handle the heat of re-entry. because of this, they have been seen on BOTH planets.

Note: Furrys allowed, but I won't be using one here.
Another Note: Though many people who join will be fighting, many may just try to figure out how to start it. Also, if you DO want to be all of the disorders(Yes, ALL), then IM me and I'll give you the types.


Type of Mech(s): (You can have two)
Name(s) of mech(s):
Color of Mech(s):
Weapon(s) on Mech(s):
Attribuetes of Mech(s):
Color of Bodysuit:
Weapon(s) on or used with bodysuit:

Species: Human
Type of Mech: Gundam
Name of mech: Rage MKII
Color of Mech: Red and Black, Silver streaks on arms.
Weapon(s) on Mech: Double Swords, Rifle.
Attribuetes of Mech: Very fast, Has Gundam AI.
Color of Bodysuit: Silver, Black streaks on Arms, Red streaks on Legs.
Weapon(s) on or used with bodysuit: Plasma Sniper Rifle, Hand Rocket.
Bio: Born on Mars, he has participated in the robotic duels many times, but only won once so far. He has learned that in order to survive, one must fight sometimes, but now that a war has started, he feels that something isn't right.

Basicly, You all start of in the Boot camp of your respective planet. (Though there are more than one, all of you on Earth have to be in the same one, same for Mars.)

Posts: 57
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*Slight drool.* ...n_n *Doesn't even bother wiping it away.*

Name: Bardok Advent
Species: Human
Planet: Mars
Type of Mech: Armoured Core
Name of mech: Black Lightning
Color of Mech: Primary colour: Black. Secondy colour: Gold. Cold, blue optical sensor.
Weapons for Mech: Assault Rifle. Energy Blade on left arm. Single rockets attached to left shoulder. Four-missile pod attached to right shoulder.
Attributes of Mech: A bi-pedal monstrosity, this Armoured Core is designed to be fast and durable, able to dish out a lot of damage, while being able to avoid damage aswell, or if not, being able to withstand it. The power output for this machine is very high, and it's boosters allow it to fully fly for up to a few minutes, able to gain it access to high vantage points if necessary.
Bardok Advent was one of the previous winners of the Mechanical Armour class Robotic duels, even though he was more adept at performing in team situations, like defending the base. Bardok had acquired his Armoured Core back when he was only a teenager. He had been a young, care-free teenager, who decided to run off and join a rebel group on Mars, who were against Earth. That was when he first recieved Black Lightning, and he's had it for the past 10 or so years, but upgrading each time an upgrade was available. He quit from the rebellious faction years ago, and has now made a name for himself as a freelance mercenary, and is on the good-side of the law.
Though, now that the war has begun, he has put himself, and his Armoured Core on the line, to defend his home planet, Mars.

Posts: 153
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OOC: omg, Xellos is PERFECT for this.

Name of character: Justice Mk. VII
Nicknames: Xellos
Species: Gear (Full AI)
Planet: Mars
Type of Mech: He IS the mech.
Weapons for Mech: 2x shoulder lasers, 2x eye laser, 2x beam wrist blades, 2x chest energy rocket launchers, 1x gear core (You'll understand the last weapon eventually.)
Size: About 6'11"


Not shown above, two large jets in back allow flight and dashing.

Background: Xellos is the 7th model of the Justice Project Gears. It was designed as all the others were, as an intelligent mechanism of destruction, but he was the second fully functional Justice Gear. The creators of Justice strived to make a better one, but they failed. Mk. II through Mk. VI were all failures in some aspect and were dismantled or destroyed. But Mk. VII, Xellos, was perfect in every aspect but one: it's power core would overload it with energy if the body was heavily damaged, but the creators still called it a success and named it Xellos, after the lab that made him. Days later, Xellos was awakened by a dying scientist when Mk. VI went berzerk and destroyed everything, ending the Justice Project. After its first non-test awakening, he destroyed the inferior mk. VI with almost no effort. He now knows of the war, and joined the Mars army. He is ready to do the main purpose of his creation: destroy opponents.

Xellos is able to work in space, but will usually do so in the company of a Gundam.

IC: Xellos walked through the bootcamp. The strange looks he got weren't hostile, but more like "What is that?". Xellos headed for a target practice area, as he had been doing for days. The army was starting to bore him slightly. He hadn't destroyed anything but targets.

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Ok, this looks cool! I've not really had much experiance with Gundam etc, but I'll give it a try^^)

Name: Avian Kor
Spicies: Human
Planet: Earth
Type of Mech: Standing Tank
Name of Mech: Apocalypse Machine
Colour of Mech: Entire body is bright gold, with glowing red eyes.
Weapons on Mech: Lazer claws on fingers, pulse modulated lazers on each arm, two multiple-tube smart-missile rocket banks on the back attatched to the shoulders, twin rapid-fire rail guns on either side of the mouth, an EMP system launched from inside the mouth, and a Quantum Cannon embedded in the chest. (OOC: Well, STs are supposed to be armed to the teeth, acording to the notes up there^^ If this is a bit much though, just let me know and I'll remove some of it.)
Atributes of Mech: The Apocalypse Machine is roughly humanoid from the waist up, but it has a long neck and it's head is shaped like an eagle. It sports two long plumes of metal "fethers" streaching backwards from the sides of the head, a little like crests. It has large metal pads on it's shoulders, like a suit of armour, that stick out a good way from the arms and taper into points, and has two large, thick fins on it's back, containing it's powerful anti-grav thrusters. From the waist down, though, it sports not two but four large legs, each ending in a massive blunted spike where the ankles should be. It is armed to the teeth and it's armour is almost inpenetrable, but this makes it REDICULOUSLY slow at moving, and will quite often have to take a severe beating before it even manages to turn and face it's attacker.
Colour of Bodysuit: Flexible golden polymer.
Weapons for Bodysuit: Two pulse-modulated lazer pistols painted gold, an ornate golden dagger, the handle of which is studded with jewels (a family heirloom), and sometimes (not holsterd with the suit) a gold-painted D-32 Rapid-fire Pulse Lazer rifle (basically a lazer machine gun).
Bio: Avian is tall and thin, with a boney, slightly pale complexion. His hair and eyebrows are bleahed shock white, and his eyes are a cold, pale blue. His hair is long and straight, reaching to the small of his back, with a long fringe that obscures one eye and half his face. He is 27 years old.

He inherited his father's Mech manufacturing buisness when the man passed away nine years ago, and suddenly became one of the richest people on the planet! "Kor Robotics" was the biggest Mech manufacturing company in the world, with contracts to both the Earth and Mars millitaries, as well as hundreds of other customers. Inheriting this fortune was Avian's dream (roumours surrounding his father's death and Avian's possible involvement in it are yet to be proven) and he immeadeately commisioned a private Mech, designed by himself, for his own personal use.

His only cares are himself and his fortune, and when the Mars military cut their contract with Kor Robotics at the start of the war, he took it as a personal insult. He immeadeately signed himself and his Mech up to the Earth Army, making a large show of loyalty and patriotism to the public. His real motive, however, is simply revenge on Mars for insulting him and cutting his profits.

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Name: "Kairus"
Species: Human
Type of Mech(s): AC, MT
1. Celtus Alpha "Celtus"
An AC unit. Black/white scheme with gold trim and teal highlights. Uses the EGRET head, the ROOK body, slender arms and midweight legs that have one of the highest weight supports of the humanoid leg parts. Has been refitted with parts enabling it to function in space.

2. Celtus Beta "Beta"
A MT unit. A customized saucer/flight type refitted for space combat. Linked to Celtus' tactical computer. The two mecha often work in tandem.

Name(s) of mech(s):
Color of Mech(s):
Celtus Alpha: Most of the armor is coal black, with white as a secondary color. Optical sensor is fuschia. The breastplate is painted a blue-green.
Celtus Beta: "Beta" has a chrome paint job all over, designed to act like a giant reflective surface, good for deflecting laser weapons that don't hit straight-on.
Weapon(s) on Mech(s): Celtus:1x Beam Cutter (heavy tri-blade), 1x plasma rifle, 1x chain gun and 1x 3-middle missile launcher mounted on the back.
Celtus Beta: Orbital firing pods x2, basic energy shields x2
Attribuetes of Mech(s): Celtus is not designed for speed, although the powerful, energy-sucking boosters betray that fact. It's designed for shorter hunting missions, though if it takes flight too long or overboost, it has periods when it needs to retreat to recharge. NOT designed for defensive fighting, Celtus is raw offense.
Beta provides the defense. Linked to Celtus' tactical computer, it can be activated. It launches twin orbital pods which provide Celtus with cover fire (just in case) or it can activate its beam shields and become a giant, flying shield for Celtus.

Bio: Kairus once won a competition around ten years ago, then vanished. Rumors around the Nerve Concord networks said a Raven matching his description was involved in the Zio Matrix missile crisis on Mars. He has only resurfaced recently, only known by his registration name, as no one has ever matched a face to the pilot of the AC, Celtus. They recognize his emblem, which looks like a cross between a yin-yang, Celtus' color scheme, and a crosshair. Kairus himself is shrouded in mystery, as no one knows his real identity.

Name: Hal Merindis
Species: Human
Mech: AC
Bio: This is pure OOC. Hal is Kairus' alter ego. NO ONE knows about this, at least no one alive.
AC Specs:
Sililar to Celtus Alpha's, except "Hal" has covered over the body with peel-off paint in a red/blue scheme and renamed the lot Kaiser, to protect his identity. Also, he has covered over the emblem of the AC and put Celtus Beta in storage in his secret underground complex near Mars' equator. The plasma rifle has been switched out for a handheld chain gun, and the back chain gun has been switched out for a rocket launcher. The blade has been replaced with a smaller model.

Posts: 9
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Name: SX the Kitsune/Chao (Just SX)
Species: Kitsune/Chao, damnit. o.o
Planet: Maaaars
Type of Mech(s): AC
Name(s) of mech(s): I dunno. o.o
Color of Mech(s): A camo pattern, dark blue and black (Matches his mostly dark blue fur)
Weapon(s) on Mech(s): Moslty all long-range artillery and long-range missiles. Only a small machine gun for close-range fighting.
Attribuetes of Mech(s): Very slow, but heavily armored. Very long range.
Color of Bodysuit: Dark red.
Weapon(s) on or used with bodysuit: A large pistol or submachine gun is what he always carries, but he prefers a sniper rifle.
Bio: SX is an agless being Ultimate LifeForm created hundreds of years ago by a military conspiracy...Just look up my Carnival Island topic...Important parts: Created by Earth military. Highly trained in warfare. Weakness...He's very weak to the cold.
Recent, or for the Rp. Great friends with Silver. Usually quite cocky and social when not in combat. In combat he becomes quiet and professional. Still Earth's military.

SX stared at the draft card. Man...This sucks...Wonder if Siv got nailed too?

Posts: 1321
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Name: Rizio Hernan
Age: 32
Species: Human
Planet: Earth
Type of Mechs: Mad Cat Mech, Full Body Suit
Name of Mech: Mister Stomp
Color of Mech: Gray
Weapons on Mech: Heavy Lasers (both arms), Long-Range Missiles (both shoulders), Twin Machine Guns (torso), Twin Small Lasers (torso)
Attributes of Mech: Average Speed, Medium Armor
Color of Bodysuit: White
Weapons Used with Body Suit: Rapid-Fire Pistol, Light Machine Gun
Bio: That there body suit covers the entire body in armor, hiding the face of my man Rizio. He's cool. Don't step. Rizio's a captain in the Earth military Army branch. He hates generally everyone, but he REALLY hates people from Mars because one time this guy from Mars spat on his cool suit. Let's just say that guy may or may not have been beaten with a bat in a public area.

Posts: 5035
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Ok let's see what I got:

Name: Diego "Gunner" Blod
Age: 24
Species: Human
Planet: Earth
Types of Mechs: Virtuaroids
Name of Mechs: Primary -Cypher Secondary - Apharmd TKO
Weapons: Cypher - Laser Blade w/optional firing systems on right arm. Daggers in his left hand. Energy Blaster on his chest. TKO - Double Gatling Gun in both hands. Missle pods at the ankles. Grenade launchers in the shoulders, and laser cannons on the neck.
Attributes - Cypher: Extreme speed and very weak armor. Ability to transform into a jet. TKO: Insane offensive capabilities. Very Slow. Long range.

Picture of TKO:

For some reason the link wouldn't work. *shrugs*

Posts: 1631
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The room was massive, nearly 40 feet high, and 50 long! It was oval shaped, with large, ornate double doors at one end and a huge glass window at the other. The massive scale of the scene made the small desk and chair in front of the window look completely out of place! The whole room was painted a bright yellow.

Avian was stood behind the desk with his back to the door, staring our at the cityscape framed in the massive window. The Kor Robotics skyscraper was one of the biggest in the city, and the director's office was right at the top! As he stood staring out at the dizzying drop, clouds floated lazily past the window, obscuring parts of the metropolis briefly.

There was a loud knock at the door. Without turning round, Avian called out in his silky, soft voice: "Come in."

The door opened and an older man stepped in, grey hair, his eyes rimmed with thick glasses. Avian still didn't bother to turn round. "You're late."

"I know. I'm sorry." replied the other man. "It took longer to work out the details than I thought."

"But it is finished?"

"Yes. We've cleared everything. The Apocalypse Machine is fully cleared by Earth Force to take part in it's opperations."

Avian smiled slightly, his thin lips creasing into an almost sinister expression. "Good." he murmered. "And it's all ready to go?"

"Yes, we finished all the mods this morning. All tests check out far beond our expectations. All it needs now is a pilot!"

Avian turned to face the old man, his long hair waving with the movement. "Good work Roy. Have it ready for launch within the hour. I'll take it to the army camp myself. Everyone in the city should be able to see me as I fly past."

Roy nodded. "With all the publicity we put on your signing up with the Earth Force most Earthers think you're a hero now. They love you!"

Avian turned back to the window, chuckling to himself. "As they should." he muttered under his breath. Out loud, he replied "My my, they do? I'll have to live up to that then. Let me know when Apoc is ready for launch, and inform the general at the camp I'll be arriving shortly."

The older man nodded and left the room.

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Wraith please post a profile. o.o

Posts: 57
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OOC: Um, SX, just so you know, Wraith does have his profile posted. Scroll further up on this page. =P

Bardok Advent was in a higher viewpoint of the Mars bootcamp, looking down upon the soldiers beneath. "Some o' those poor souls won't last a day," he said with a grim expression, tipping back his black cap.

"Looks that way," agreed a fully dressed soldier to Bardok's right, a liuetenant. She had dirty blonde hair, and pale silver eyes. "Though, don't underestimated half of them. They're tougher than they look."

"That so, eh, McKay?" Bardok turned to her, his back towards the soldiers below. "Well, I'l take your word for it. I just hope they can hold their own on the battlefield."

"Oh, they will," McKay replied with a smirk, "you can trust me on that. For instance, look at that guy down there."

Bardok arched a brow, and he turned back around to have a look. "What guy?" He had asked aloud.

"The mech."

"Oh," Bardok blinked. "A Gundam, eh? Well, it surely does look impressive, but I might have some doubts about the pilot."

McKay's smirk broadened. "Have news for you, Advent, from what we know, that mech is the pilot."

"Say what?" Bardok spat. He had heard of AI systems before, but never actually came across one. He had no idea how well they performed in battle. "Great, just great."

McKay kept the smirk, "I'll see you later, soldier," she had said, "until then, keep in mind of what who, and what, you'll be working alongside with."

OOC: I'll add a character description for McKay later.

Posts: 383
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OOC: If you were talking about Siv's mech, it's not it's own pilot, It combines its thinking with siv's, like how it was in Gundam Wing... (forgot who the pilot of the Gundam with AI was >_>)

Unknown location:
"Sir, you were correct, the war has started." "Good, good. Record everything. All should be ready in a month or so..."

"Will Xellos and Silver both report to dueling grounds. Repeat. Xellos and Silver report to dueling grounds.", The loudspeaker boomed. "Great... I wonder who this "Xellos" is..."Silver said to himself, getting on his Bodysuit, and swithching weapons to non-leathal modes. He started toward the dueling grounds...

Posts: 153
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Xellos grinned. Finally, something that could fight back. He headed for the dueling grounds. It was interesting to him that many thought that he stood no chance against a gundam or armored core, usually because of his size. Of course, none of them had seen the arsenal the gear had inside himself.

Xellos stepped into the field.

"Nonlethal mode activated. Power output... 75%."

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

OOC: It was Wing Zero. Heero's Gundam had AI. :)

IC: Diego was fyling around in Cypher's jet mode. He sees the battle has begun. He flies in a little lower. A white mech with red and green designs. Cypher's been spotted. Diego rises up and heads back to base. He contacts Avian. "Do you copy?...Avian? It's you read me? Over."

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: just a thought HS2003, where are you here, Mars or Earth? Just so I can place Avian in the timeline.)

Posts: 104
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OOC: I'm finally here!

Species: Human
Planet: Earth
Type of Mech: Mecha
Name of mech: The Kitten Squisher ( I know. I am insane)
Color of Mech: Blue and yellow, with a red cape-ish thing on it's back.
Weapon(s) on Mech: Two machine guns on it's wrists, and a laser staff-ish thing.
Attribuetes of Mech: It has two boosters under the cape, and is extremely fast.
Color of Bodysuit: Dark blue with green streaks on back and a black skull in the middle.
Weapon(s) on or used with bodysuit: Two laser pistols and a plasma blade.
Bio: Kyan is 19 years old, and is quite young by robot dueling standards. He has straight blonde hair that goes down to his shoulders, bright blue eyes, and kinda tan skin.

He is quite skilled in the arena, and is saving up for something, but nobody really knows what it is. Wishes the war would end, mainly because it sidetracks him from his mission.

He's pretty nice person, but gets a tiny bit ahead of himself when winning. He looks older than he is, so he's able to pass as an adult.


Kyan got up, waking from his sleep. The same nightmare had occured that night, too. "Ugh... Why does this ame thing keep occuring?! I need to find him fast..." he muttered to himself. He noticed that the draft notice was on his door. 'Damn it.... I can't waste my time in the army! But then again... I don't really have a choice...' he thought to himself. He walked outside, got his Mecha and body suit ready, and left for boot camp.

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(OOC: I'm on Earth.)

Posts: 1631
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(OOC: Ah kk sry. Just had to make sure.)

Avian lazily flicked a switch on the reciever in the cocpit. "Yeah I hear you. What?"

He was angry. He had arrived at the army base ready to be treated to the hero's welcome he deserved, but instead he was quickly filed, sorted, and told to "Move along" just like everyone else! Just like everyone else! Didn't they know who he was???

And as if that wasn't bad enough, he and his beutiful machine had been dumped into the Interstellar Panzer devision as a simple Private! A person of his caliber deserved an immeadeate rank of at least Captain! This ment that he would be taking orders from dumb commoners that were nowhere near his status!

He had been fuming about it all through his standby duty, and had been considering using his influence to weasel his way out of the army after all. Now destracted from his thoughts though, he put the idea on hold as he waited for this "Diego" person's report...

Posts: 9
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SX studied the draft list...Hey, Siv is here...Okay, barrack 3 too...Heh...I'll set a small suprise for him... SX walked over to the bunker and looked for Siv's bunk...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

"Whoa..dude. Avian you sound pissed. Settle down. Anyway you have any information on a white mech with green and red looking designs? He's not an AC or Gundam. I think he may be like my 'ol Cypher...a Virtuaroid. Anyway I was calling to tell you i'm heading back to base. Hold on...whats that?" Diego zooms in on his vision screen. He sees an army of MTs. "Hey uhhh..Avian i'll be there after me and Cy wipe out this puny army of MTs. Over."

Diego switches Cypher into combat mode. He jumps up and flies in the open area. Diego drops right into the middle of them. One MT takes a knee and places a huge cannon on his shoulder. He fires an extremely dense beam of plasma. Cypher dodges it w/ease. Cypher jumps up and comes down with his blade...cutting the MT's body in half. Ten other MTs kneel down and shoot. Cypher dodges them all making the MTs accidently shoot fellow MTs. Cypher shoots a huge energy orb from his chest and wipes out about 30 MTs.

Diego is having a good time. These guys are no problem for him. Diego shoots a barrage of energy pellets and daggers disabling a huge amount of the MTs. "Hey Avian dude. You need to see me man. Me and Cy are unstoppable. It's incredible." Diego's radar picks up an unidentified unit coming in due West North West at a fast rate. The unit is about 10 miles away. Diego quickly finishes off all the MTs. Cy's energy is really low, though and if Diego switched into jet mode he would surely be spotted.

"Uhh...Avian I think I may be in a bit of a rut here." *in an uneasy voice* "This guy I picked up on my radar is approaching fast...v-very fast. My energy is low and you know my armor is very weak. I think I might need you help. Over."

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

The smoking remnants of the AC and the flames fromt he wreckage highlighted the gleaming metal of the AC Celtus. The figure reclined in his cockpit, raising his hood over the helmet he wore. "Mission accomplished. Computer, send a message to Balena. Tell them their orbital research platform has been secured and where to send payment. Hrm?" A light marked "NEW MISSION" was posted. He pressed the button and a message of unknown origin displayed across the screen.

All Ravens.
This is a request by...

The name was blurred out. Kairus couldn't make it out.

...We need top Mars Ravens to enter the new war. Please enlist as normal troops so as to not arouse suspicion. We will keep in contact."

"Accept Mission?"

Why the hell not? Kairus smiled behind his helmet.

Later at the Martian recruitment base...

"Merindis, Hal."

At the boot camp, a transport plane touched down at the airstrip. A blue-and-red AC was driven out on a gantry-truck assembly, as the owner, "Hal Merindis" walked to the office to report...

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(OOC: Already posted this once. Let's see if it works this time ><)

Some action at last! thought Avian as he powered up the cocpit systems and prepared to move. He considered calling for backup, but decided not to bother. The Apocalypse Machine would be able to handle it.

A loud roar filled the hangar as the mechs systems activated, steadily rising in pitch until it became a deafening screech. The machine's optics flickered for a few seconds, then faded into a firey red glow.

Avian looked around through the VR interface, an almost insane grin on his face. "Okay baby," he muttered, "let's go kick some Marspawn butt!"

He opperated the controls and the massive metal obelisk moved, standing up out of it's crouch and stepping towards the door of the hangar. Each step landed with a heavy boom on the concrete floor. Once outside, he activated the thrusters on the Machine's back, and the beast rose into the air.

He had already triangulated Diego's position from his radio calls, and so he immeadeately blasted the thrusters to full power. Gleaming in the bright sun, the Apocalypse Machine complied, roaring off over the plains in the direction of the battle.

Avian casually flicked on the radio again. "Aw," he crooned, "poor little Diego has bitten off more than he can chew and needs old uncle Avian to help him swallow?"

"What???" spluttered Diego on the other end, obviously offended.

Avian narrowed his eyes and his voice became hard. "It's ametures like you that'll get us all killed in this war, mister Diego. I'm coming up on your position now. Watch and learn, punk!"
