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Adventures in Phantomile (A Klonoa RP)

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(This RP can go anywhere, as it currently stands. Anyone is invited, and the goal for now should be to just have fun.)

It was mid-day in the little village of Breezegale, a small burg built around a giant windmill. The clouds up above rolled gently through the sky, casting the occasional shadow on one of the wood houses and shop stands. Various animal-like people actively talked and traded among the sandy streets; others walking into and out of buildings and carrying groceries or other such merchandise. One person in-particular stepped out of a local shop, his arms weighted down by bags of food but appearing happy despite this. He said his good-byes to the proprietor as he walked out, pushing the door closed with one foot but managing to keep balance with the other as he did so. Soon he set out along the road, apparently heading back to wherever his home was to relieve his arms of their strain. His white and black hair blew in the wind as his bushy tail brushed along the ground behind him, though his eyes seemed fixed upon the sky with a child-like curiosity. However, this state of tranquility was broken when the sound of shouting met his ears, perking them slightly.
"Monster portals are opening up on the outskirts of town!" a man exclaimed, panting heavily as sweat poured down his face. In that instant the peace of the village was broken and people began to run every which way, one knocking into the boy and spilling the items out of the bags he was carrying. This wasn't the main concern for him anymore though, as he dropped what remained and continued running along his destined path.
"Figures I picked today to leave my swords back home." he thought to himself as he darted through the mobs of erratic villagers. Just then he felt something move under his foot, tripping him and causing him to fall to his face on the ground. He lifted back up and coughed slightly to get the dirt and dust out of his mouth, then looked back to see one of the feared monsters standing behind him. It had a round, black body with a pair of rocket turrets where arms would normally be, and tank-like treads in place of feet. Its eyes narrowed as it looked at the boy with a sharp-toothed grin, some clicking being heard as one of the rockets flew out, traveling in an arch before landing next to the boy. It sent him flying back and rolling across the ground, but the blast itself was too weak to cause any serious damage. He managed to get back to his feet and take off running again, the metal creature following slowly behind.

(OOC: Feel free to insert your own character at this point if you want to take on the monster)

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

OOC: I'll join this, though I admit I know very little about the Klonoa universe. >> Enlighten me, what sort of weapons are allowed, guns, magic, explosives?

Posts: 4607
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OOC (mostly because I never, ever RP): from what little I've played of the series (basically just the first game, and via emulation at that), you play as a black cat/rabbit thing with a giant ring which has the ability to blow anything up (think blowing up as in balloons, not blowing up as in the latest action thriller from Hollywood). Klonoa can then use that enemy to throw it at another foe, or use it for a double-jump. He's also capable of limited hovering with his giant ears (gameplay-wise it's akin to Yoshi's hovering from Yoshi Island onward, if a bit more limited in lateral movement).

Plotwise might be spoilers, so just in case...

How any of that pertains to the RP I neither know nor really care, but I will say it was a damn fun game.

Posts: 8
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OOC: Basically you can use any weapon. In the games weapons are quite varied, with Klonoa usually using a wind bullet ring, beam sword, hammer, spike balls, etc. Then there's Guntz and Pango who use guns and bombs respectively. Don't think that it's a limited universe; let your mind wander. And just about any anthropomorphic character will fit in very well with this world, which is one of the main reasons I picked it to do a roleplay in.

Posts: 8
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Guess this idea can be considered a failure.
