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Adventures of Trom,...
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Adventures of Trom, Part I

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It was a depressing age for the country of Tromania, since 3210 when the ruler of Draconia, Xervous Dracon invaded the good country of Tromania. He rode into the capital city of Trom on gandala. His army of black knights were so large that the city fell in a mere half hour. The knights were killed, and the most important people in the city were thrown in a dungeon that was called the pit. Never to be heard from again.

Chaos was hell, life was hell. When the evil invader deemed him the Emperor of Tromania and Draconia. My ancestor, Tedarian Taus feared for the country he lived in.
As did everyone at the time, I mean the Black Knights became enforcers of evil. The "Emperor" made a law that a family had to pay a tax for everyone in their household. If they did not pay they would be imprisoned. If anyone showed resistance or refused.... they would be slain on the spot.
Even if it was right in front of their own children.

The black knights were rutheless.

This was the Era of the Black Knights. The fifty-nine long years the 'Emperor' Xervous was in power, it was a cruel life. But then came the new Emperor Xervous' after the first's death.
He has now been in power for eleven years, I think it is enough. I need to restore Tromania. But who know's how long that will take.

This is my mission, to restore Tromania.

"Taus", that's really all he went by. His experiences in the past had left his first name being a issue of trouble. He'd wasn't very sure why in hades he was starting this in Dagkurk. But he sure as heck, didn't want anyone to be plagued by the Black Knights anymore. Sure... the BK's were talented in sorcerory, superior swordsmenship, and tatics that only heartless machines would know and use. He shrugged the feeling off. He needed to drink something- calm down. He had too many feelings and horrid memories of the BK's. His swordarch master was killed for no good reason besides being able to have skill to take down a that's what he thought. His master was just that good. Taus gritted his teeth. His family, father and mother, grandfather, even his little brother were slaughtered for being related to the apprentice of Jerin Kevel'zan. His sister, Alladrial escaped. He hoped to find her one day...but this wasn't the time to dwell on memories. He entered the town as he did such.

"Argh..." he muttered.

The dirt path then transisted into stone, and he saw the tavern.

This is where it had to start.

OOC: Okay folks, this is Tromania - where good and evil collide, preferbally you must be a Tromanian/human.

A few standpoints is you can be good and evil, but no being a black knight or anything. Preists, farmers, hunters, fishermen, bartenders, or any other occupation you can be. Remember this aswell Tromania is deadlocked with the outside world. Nobody gets in, and nobody gets out.

Some of the basic languages one might know is Tromanian Standard English - which of course sounds like typical english.
Then there is Draccic which is a Draco's native language.

Draco's in a sence are raptors, that are actually intelligent. They can speak the top two languages above.
Then there is Balsausthar Dyakect, - only Preists may know this language.

Obviously the board rules apply, no powerplaying, god modding, yadda-yadda-yadda.
So let me post a profile to get you guys to understand.

For birthplace's you can make up a random name of a town just thing European-ish when making them. Also think of rpg's youv'e played for classes. If you have any questions PM me.
Oh yeah! You must be in Dagkurk. YOU MUST BE IN DAGKURK. Also classes that have man or woman are replaced with ''arch''.

Guidelines are a little rough, but meh. If anyone is interested in this lets get the ball rolling.

Name: Viridian Taus
Age: 29
Species: Tromanian
Appearance: Caucasian skin, crimson red hair with black highlights cut short. Dark blue eyes. He wears a dark black pants made of cloth, and steel boots. He wears steel chainmail under a maroon shirt with black designs on it. He has a black cloak and hood aswell.
Class: Swordsarch (Swordsmen)
Occupation: Former Duelist
Languages Known: Tromanian
Birthplace: Denicia Village
Current Location: Outskirts of Dagkurk
Weaponary: Long Sword
Gender: Male
Feeling of BK's: He feels that they should come to a stop now, before it is too late for Tromania.

Now reply with a profile or PM me one, and a IC post can begin this quest. =D

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

(OOC: Sounds pretty interesting...I think I'll try it out. ^^ Tell me if this needs editing.....

Name: Thacia Zeurodon (Thace)
Age: 27
Species: Tromanian
Appearance: Slightly pale skin, black hair with barely visible blue highlights, and pale blue eyes with a silver tint. She wears a long-sleeved white tunic with a deep V-neck and a shirt underneath, as well as black pants and boots. Her arms are always bandaged, so she wears fingerless, black cloth gloves and has a long, dull grey cape.
Class: Archer
Occupation: Bartender
Languages Known: Tromanian
Birthplace: Vracia Village
Current Location: Tavern of Dagkurk
Weaponary: Bow and arrows
Gender: Female
Feeling of BK's: Anyone who had just met her would have the impression Thace is absolutely terrified of the Black Knights. In her mind however, she loathes them with a passion that would startle any passive person. She wants to kill them all, but is quiet about ideas and opinions so as not to attract attention.)


She busied herself answering calls for beer and the like, even though business today was a little slow. There weren't many in the building on this day, but she was kept busy by the few who were inside, slouched in their chairs. Most were drunk and dirty. Thace wrinkled her nose as a man sat down on a bar stool and ordered her to fetch him some gin in a gruff, rude voice.

"Hurry it up...I ain't got all day." The man growled as she fumbled with the glass and the bottle.

As soon as he had his drink he ignored her, and she went to sit on a stool at the far end of the bar. Thacia made sure the man was not paying any attention to her before picking up a small green book. The spine was brown leather, and the pages crackled when turned. She grabbed her ink quill and bottle, jotting a few things down quickly.

Not many knew her to be anything else but the other bartender of the Dagkurk tavern. No one cared, either. She felt it was just as well, seeing as she had some secrets that would surely result in her death if they got out. Thace would never forgive the Black Knights. They had destroyed her peaceful life and her future in the span of one night, and they had left her feeling the sting of anger ever since.

One day...Her face unreadable, she continued to jot things down in her little green book. One day soon....

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He took a quick yawn as he headed foward, and grabbed the chrome door-handles of the doors of the tavern and opened it- only a bit, but enough. He tightened his cloak to conceal his face from any of the figures in the bar and slumped to the front bar, head facing down. He spoke to the barkeep quietly.

"Tromanian Dergy. On the Rocks." he'd mutter.

The room of the tavern wasn't packed, but there were enough people to notice his face if he took off his hood. "Black Knight in the corner of the bar. No cape, so he isn't magically trained according to master's log. But still, I'm sure as hell not going to attack him...not right now." he'd think as he recieved his drink.

"Thank you, Miss." he'd say as he took a drink.

Posts: 409
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She nodded, pleased to know that there were still people out there with manners. Some guy at a table near the corner yelled for another drink, and Thace hurried to meet his demand. She stashed her book and writing utensils away underneath the bar cabinet, making sure no one was openly watching as she did so. Then she grabbed another glass and a half empty bottle, poured the drink, and walked out from around the bar to the man's table.

Being a woman, Thace had heard her share of catcalls and whistles. It still disgusted her, though, when she saw one of the drunks reach out his hand toward her, mumbling something incoherent. Quickly she sidestepped the fellow, allowing him to tumble off his chair. She handed the other man his drink and hurried back to the confines of the bar, watching as the drunk got up, cursed, then proceeded to stumble out the door.

Now Thace was aware of the hooded man sitting on a barstool a little ways away. He definitely looked suspicious, she concluded, but who didn't? She made a mental note to leave him alone and give him his space.

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(OOC: We really need more people. XD)

He'd nod as he took another drink out of his Dergy and closed his eyes. How was he going to pull this off? How was he going to start a revolution when one black knight could take four or more top duelists in the nation.... and he twas' only one.
He wasn't sure how he was going to figure this just seemed so, ridicilous.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Okay...I've always been one for answers...but now- I'm lost?" he'd mutter as he took another drink.

What to do?
