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Ale and Wenches: Disc 3

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THS climbed up from behind the counter from his last failed attempt at doing a handstand. Or, as some would interpret it, the last failed attempt at breaking his neck. He leant on the bar and gave Gingerbeard a swaying gaze. "Wassat?" he slurred. "Yeh wan' join me crew?"

The feline tried to return the stare, but struggled due to how difficult the fox was finding it to keep stationary. "Is that ghostie not ye captain?" The fox smirked at the question.

"Naw, yeh see, he's jus' me advissor, y'no? Yeh, ahm th'reel capt'n. M'namess capt'n THS." He reached out his hand as though to shake the fellow captain's, but his hand eye coordination had been decreased so much that he ended up hitting a bottle of larger across the pub into the head of someone across the room.

"Captain THS?" repeated Gingerbeard. "Ye mean ye're the guy who ran around na--"

"That joke's been done!" came a shout from across the bar.

The fox smirked. "'Nuffer person who's 'eard 'bout that, eh? Don't worry, ahm more r'strained now." He looked down below the cat's waistline. "Heh, I see you're not, though." He started giggling uncontrollably for a moment, then fell unconcious and hit his head on a shelf falling backwards, leaving rum bottles to fall onto his head and smash.

OOC: 100 posts~

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The cat grinned at the now unconcious fox. "Well then, I be guessin' ye captain approve! We be settlin' the deal in tha true pirate fasion then, and wit any luck, it be gettin' us inta tha navel base!" He winked at the more concious crew members, and yelled CHEERS!

He then proceeded to stub his cigar out on a very muscular stranger, and another stranger, whom had a tatto over his nose with a target, well, the tabby quaffed his rum.

Much brawling would probably ensue...

Posts: 841
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Trudi and Aiden were by now talking to Sven again, who was somewhat reluctant to give them their wages, let alone keep the tips, but eventually he gave in. Feeling quite smug, and glad to be fully clothed again, they headed to the exit.
Then suddenly, just as Aiden stretched out his hand towards the door, the ghostly apperation of Captain Fishears suddenly... well... appeared in front of them.

"OHO, that's where you be hiding!" he declaired loudly as Trudi screamed. "Now what you be doing in as despicable place as here?
"Working!" Trudi declaired triumphantly.
Fishears suddenly looked interested instead of the usual dissapointment fixed on his face. "Arr?"
Aiden started smashing his head on the wall.
"Oh. Well bad work's better than no work, as long as you get the money. Shame you didn't try pillaging though..."
"We get tips"
"Yeah. Get to keep 25% of them!"
"Well ye not doing bad, I give you that. Now get back to the Sexy Swan as fast as ye can"
"But we can't see out there!" Aiden interupted.
"oh aye, you'll have to follow me. But right after I'm going searching, so don't go holdin me up, aye?"
"Ay- YES" Trudi yelped.
The ghost faded through the door and the two followed, their pockets jingling.

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Walking through the blizzard, Aidan and Trudi were slowly following Fishears back to the Sexy Swan.

Aidan was looking around in the low visibility when he turned his head to see a sign that read "The seaman's shaft"

Aidan thought for a moment, then realised that this was the gay pirate bar he had encountered earlier that day.

He thought for a moment. "Wait here, I need to get something."

"What? Where are you going?! It's bloody freezing out here!" Trudi yelled.

Aidan opened the door slightly to see just what he was looking for: His compass attached to his makeshift mace. He slowly reached his hand inside and managed to pull the compass off the mace and was retreating his hand when the door flew open and knocked him back.

"Oh hi!" one of the guys from inside said. "back for more eh?"

"It-it's not what it looks like!" Aidan screamed and with compass in hand, dashed back into the thick fog.

He scrambled quickly back to Trudi and Fishears "Alright! let's go! Quickly!"

Soon enough, they had arrived at the Sexy Swan. Fishears just floated off again as he went off on his own quest. Aidan entered the Sexy Swan, and picked the icicle off his nose, with Trudi following behind him.

Posts: 841
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As Trudi entered the bar her eyes instantly zoomed to the trouserless cat's crown jewels. She screamed and covered her eyes.
"Ah, Trudi! We meet again my fellow comrade!" Trudi looked up to find none other than Nuch offering a hand to her.
"You're alive?" She said, taking it
"No, I am meerly an aftermage. No of course I'm alive" he kissed her hand because that's what toffs do.
Dazed, Trudi took in the rest of the bar. THS was on the floor, the topless cat was... there, along with Deck, Goldstein.... and Geo!
"Geo! You're alive too?!"
"Of course! It is a tale of tragedy and heroism! I was staring at the sky-"
"Shut up" Deck interupted. "We've got a new crewmate"
"Him there. The cat"
"Me name's Gingerbread! So you're the crew wrench!"
Gingerbread didn't get slapped. He got kicked. Where it hurts.

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It was nearing past midnight. The blizzard continued to rage outside and would continue to do so throughout the night. Despite it, the hustle and bustle of the port city continued, as individual taverns and clubs continued their business. The makeshift crew within the Sexy Swan each went about their own interests. Some continued to get bladdered whilst others went to sleep. Others still went about things that were... better left unmentioned.

Right besides the docks, the ice that had quickly formed on the water cracked. At first, it was incredibly small, insignificant, barely worth noticing. Yet it began to grow in size, as subsequent cracks in the ice formed. Suddenly, with an almighty crash, the ice gave way and broke completely, fragments scattering across the docks and other unbroken pieces of ice. A small circle area was left of water in the middle of the ice, and from this, a hand shot out from the water.

This was followed by several more bursts of hands from the water, all reaching to the sky. The first hand slowly came down, and seconds later, the head of the body to which the hand belonged to came out of the water as well. Well, well, me hearties. Its that time again time we got our revenge. Yo, ho ho

Daylight. The evening had passed with great event, and now the blizzard had ended. The day was beginning, and the people of Mikai Istou were continuing their daily errands.

The members of the crew had booked a mere couple of rooms, one for the men and one for the lady. As the members of the crew were continuing to sleep, for they had partied on well into the night, the ghost of Captain Fishears burst into the room from the ceiling and shouted at the top of his nonexistent lungs, wakening all present in the male room.

AVAST, YE SCALLYWAGS! he yelled. Some of the crew woke up with a jolt, but most simply ignored him and continued sleeping. It took another 15 minutes before all in the room gathered enough to actually start paying attention to the ghost.

Ive inspected the navy base and found out where me ship is. Thankfully its in good condition and hasnt yet been tampered with, meaning we shall need to steal it today. Fishears nodded. The crew yawned as they tried to stay awake. Anyway, I have uncovered the path that leads to the ship. It is heavily guarded which means we shall need all of our cunning stealth to evade the guards and security devices which the navy have set up. Running in charging will simply mean youll be getting massacred, you understand, yarr?

The crew nodded. This means that we should hopefully be building up your teamwork skills since what weve got at the moment be piss-poor. You screw this up, and theres no way out this time. Youll be captured by the navy and executed, understand? Rightio, time we got going!

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It was always better to sleep on solid ground, and in a comfy bed than on a ship, or stuck in a cavern so naturally Aidan really didn't fancy getting out of bed. After the ghost screamed constantly at the bunch of lazy buggers he called a crew, Aidan eventually sat up and put on his jacket. He snuck a towel, toothbrush, and pillow cover into his bag, as is the custom to take a few little "souveniers" from inns and hotels.

After finishing getting dressed, he ate a quick orange for breakfast (Don't want any scurvy now do we?) and headed down the stairs to the bar area ahead of everyone else who was still getting dressed and trying to steal bed sheets and bed mattresses and fit them into their bags. Upon entering the bar area, where there were already quite a few sailors and burly men on the booze.

He turned to the lady behind the bar "aren't there laws against drinking this early in the morning?"

The lady looked up from the till "I'm not sure, but as long as they're paying, I'm serving!" She then returned to counting the piles of cash she had behind the bar.

Aidan then tried to get some sense out of the drinking sailors. "What the hell are you doing?" he said to one of them. "It's like, 9 o' clock in the morning, and you're drinking beer?!"

"Oh, aye lad!" The pirate jubilantly replied. "It's 9am, time to hit the spirits and whisky!"

"AYE!" The rest of bar cheered in unison at this announcement.

Aidan just looked on in disbelief and turned to walk out the door, deciding to wait for the others outside, where it smelt (slightly) less of alcohol. And more of the fresh (though slightly salty) sea air.

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Trudi, funnily enough, had promised to stay off the alcohol for a while. Of course, this is one of those things when saying it is a completely different league to actually doing it, but so far she was actually managing it.

She staggered downstairs half asleep, shoes untied. Being she was in a room seperate from the boys, asleep, she heard the news a little later than the others. She went into the main bar, yawned, grabbed the nearest crewmember on the drink by his scrawny little fox neck (OOC Yep, THS), and dragged him outside.

"Oh, hey" she greeted breifly to Aiden, as she pinned THS to a wall as if she pinned half drunkards to walls regularly. Which she probably did.

Posts: 2232
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Awaking hale and hearty (well, when compaired to say, a tequila worm) Gingerbread listened half heartedly to his new ghostly captain well treating himself to his morningly wash.

As cats do.

Well it seemed that his first plan, though enjoyable and property damaging in execution, "Plan A: Start a bar fight, get arrested, stab guard, run off with Wench." had been a failure.

It also seemed, unless that was just the ringing in his ears after last night, that "Plan B: Storm the fortress, possibly get massacared, have a jolly old time." had been poo-pooed by the previous Captain.

And without any guidence, they were really the only things he was any good at coming up with, so, he thought, it was probably best if he got to know his new crewmates over a bottle of Grog.

Oh, he supposed, and learn about that "Teamwork" Bilge as well.

After heading downstairs and seeing that fun-filled Captain THS get yanked out of the door in such a brutal fashion, he thought mayhap it would be best to wait for backup before inevitably getting on the Wench's bad-side again...

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Captain Fishears phased through the ceiling, passing through to the ground floor of the inn after the assembled males bedroom. As he passed Captain Gingerbread and phased through the next wall to outside, he made a simple comment to the tall, underdressed pirate.

The barman demands payment for the rooms, so pay up. Trust me, laddie, from the looks of him that is what barman ye dont want to be pissing off. Fishears said, then disappeared.

He reappeared outside, eyeing the snowy ground and the light snow falling, before spotting the three members of his crew already assembled outside. Yarr, good morning to ye. He then spotted the trapped THS, and his eyes widened in mild surprise. Having fun are we, laddy? Good good, nice to see such spirit when we be walking into certain danger. Good for ye.

So then whats the plan? Aidan said, folding his arms. You said you surveyed the site, right?

Yarr, I be doing that. The way I see it, the best way of accomplishing our goal is the simple bait and run plan. Fishears commented.

Bat and rum? THS groggily spoke out. I like rum, but with bat doesnt sound like a good combo

Bait and run. One team plays decoy, makes a distraction big enough to take all of the navys attention while a smaller team recovers the ship. Then, we meet up at a point of the island, board onto the ship again, and sail away. Fishears explained.

Thatll be difficult, the sea seems completely frozen, Trudi frowned. And I dont know about you, but I dont fancy earning myself the attention of the navy on me whilst the others simply steal the ship, yknow?

Oh, of course, I understand that, lassie. Thats why you three are part of the Run team. Fishears said. Most of the others will be playing Bait.

Were doing charades? THS asked in a stupor.

A second later, the rest of the crew emptied out of the inn into the street outside, pushing their way through the snow to form a circle. Captain Fishears explained the plan to all of them, and set out the different groups that would be present in Boat retrieval mission. Understandably, a lot of the pirates had misgivings about being used as bait and distraction, but Fishears reassured them that if they did things creatively enough, everything would be fine.

The groups were as follows:
BAT: Lokki, Geo, Goldstein, Deck, Captain Gingerbread
RUM: Captain Fishears, THS, Trudi, Aidan

Fishears had decided upon these groups since they were the most practical. Lokki was a genius, and was most capable of coming up with a distraction plan where the group wasnt killed. Geo could be quite capable too, but at any rate Fishears didnt want them in the Rum group simply because theyd most likely give away their position. They werent the most quiet of fellows. Deck seemed to be more of a weapons expert at any rate (trays ftw), and as for Gingerbread hell, none of them knew him. Thus, in Fishears mind, he was certainly the best bait the group had.

The others had skills more suitable for not causing a mass distraction, but could also hold their own if they had to get in a small skirmish. Well, Fishears had doubts about THS, as it seemed he could barely hold his own liquor or breakfast, but Trudi would hardly ever take a hand of him, so he shrugged and simply went with it. And of course, Fishears was in the group in order to lead the team to the ship itself.

Ready, laddies? Time to get our ship back. Well meet on the east coast on thee island at 1200 hours. If ye arent there by that time, well then youre pretty much stuffed. So dont mess up, alright? Fishears smiled.

What of our plan? Deck asked.

Look to that chap, Lokki. He should have the brains to come up with something suitable. Fishears responded. Lets go.

Posts: 841
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Trudi cursed under her breath as they sneaked into an alleyway to wait. She shouldn't have left her luggage on the ship. Not the annialated one. No, the one they were trying to get to.

THS protested quietly, it seemed the urgancy of the situation had cleared his head a little. Aiden had his mace ready in case, and Fishears floated above, surveying the scene.

Fishears then gestured, and they quickly moved into another alleyway. This process carried on for some time, until suddenly they heard voices coming.

"So I says, I says 'Oi! I didn't know it was your mam!' And he was all bopping it and getting worked up! Like 'Man first you get my mam into illegal substances and s*** and then ya go and sl-'"

By now THS was in a bin (or trash can depending on which side of the pond you're on), Aiden had dived over a fence and Trudi was hiding under a box. The guard with questionable pastimes and his friend passed by.

Aiden emerged from his hiding place and peeked around the corner. "Oh my..."
"Aye, laddy, it be grim" Fishears whispered to them after suddenly appearing next to them.

Trudi and THS had a glance, to find hundreds of guards wandering around. And they were armed. Most of them were chatting, but a few were keeping an eye out.

They ducked back into the alleyway.

Now they could do nothing more but wait.

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Goldstein sat, wating for someone else to do something.
For a long while nothing happened.
Then, suddenly, out of the blue...

...More nothing happened.

Eventually, his boredom overcame his natural laziness and he leapt from the shadows in a dramatic fashion, soaring over the harbour and attracting the attention (And a few pistol shots) of the sailors and soldiers there, before coming to rest on the figurehead of a navy vessel, letting out a dramatic burst of fire, and speaking thusly in a bold, commanding voice not unlike a young Charlton Heston:

"I am the spirit of this harbor and this island, and you have angered me!"
The sailors looked upon him in disbelief, before some smartass in the back called back "...How?".
Goldstein had not prepared for this contingency, and so fumbled for an answer before speaking:
"There are those among you who have been breaking the, uh... the Sailor's code." Goldstein guessed, hoping there was in fact a sailor's code. "And those people must be rooted out and sacrificed in my name, or none of your ships shall safely leave harbour until they are!"

As it turned out, there was indeed a sailor's code, and this threw the Navy sailors into a frenzied brawl, blindly attacking each other and completely ignoring the pirates who were now slipping from cover.

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"...Well there goes the careful planning idea" Said Aidan, his voice muffled by multiple gunshots.

"Well at least noones dead yet" Shrugged THS.

Looking around, the distraction, however insane had worked, soldiers were fleeing to attend to the crazy goat. Aidan pointed to an alleyway almost in front of them. Aidan took the lead and dashed through the alley, everyone else following suit. He stopped just at the end of the alley and peeked around the corner.

"This is Aidan, I'm in front of the naval facility..." He said in a rough voice while holding his finger to his ear.

"What? Did ye be saying something?" Fishears asked.

"...It was nothing" Aidan hushed and looked around again.

"Looks like there's still a few guards in those watchtowers, but there's a lot of crates in between us and the next area, so if we stay low, we might make it through safely. Any questions?"

"Yeah." THS raised his hand "Who put you in charge?"

"Okay, I'll open it up, any better ideas?"


"Very well, everyone go prone!"

"What the heck does prone mean?!" Trudi huffed.

"Just start crawling" Aidan said as he lay on the ground.

"Seriously." THS said. "We're pirates not in the army."

Trudi looked around to see if everyone was ready. "Why are you crawling Fishears? You're a flippin' ghost!"

"Aye." said Fishears "but I can still crawl if I want to can't I?"

OOC: Metal Gear Solid reference FTW. 😀

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OOC: I'll still refer to my character as Geo, and he still will be, despite my change of screen name. Just saying.

Geo leaned against a wall, embraced in shadows. As the Goat did the job that should've involved the entire team, he couldn't be surprised in the least: this wouldn't be the first time a Jew would steal something from him.

Indeed, he had little more responsibility than that task. As the other half of the crew was sneaking through to bravely take back the ship and become heroes of the day.

Leaning against the barrel, Geo couldn't help but feel useless. He never had a set task to do, and only joined the quest due to giving into his alcoholism; as if he was some novelty in God's grand plan.

And so leaned Geo, rethinking his entire life, as everyone around him struggled. What would Horatio Alger of done?

OOC: yea i don't get it either.

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Watching with a bemused expression as Goldstien enacted was was probably a carefully formed distraction, but was more than likely an utterly random pile of codswallop, Gingerbread stood back against the wall.

It seemed that the part of team Bat had been pulled effortlessly, no doubt thanks to his stellar involvement. This of course required a celebration.

And that meant Rum! Not the team rum, they were busy of course.

So he broke out the rum with which he would congratulate the team on a job well done. The fact they were deep in a navel base filled with panicing angry sailors was just a bonus!

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"Hunh," thought Lokki, "Well, that's pretty distracting alright. Should be enough to allow the other team to infiltrate the base, at any rate. So much for me having the brains to come up with anything suitable. Guess if Goldstein's got things covered here, I might as well go help out the infiltration team. First, however, I shall need some equipment!"

Lokki waded into brawl, dextrously dodging blows as he went, his intent being to steal and scavenge weaponry from fighting and fallen sailors. By the time he returned to the rest of team, he had managed to 'acquire' an officer's sabre, a pair of flintlock pistols, several throwing daggers, a rifle and a hell of a lot of ammo.

As he finished admiring his shiny new blade and placed it in its scabbard, he turned to see Gingerbread casually drinking rum admist the chaos.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!" Lokki politely enquired.

"Well, I figures we aren't needed right about now - no thanks to ye I might add - so I decided to 'ave a quick celebr'try drink o' rum in honor o' Team Bat's resounding success."

"Yes, because a drunken, boistrous, half-naked cat-man is a valuable asset in any stealth mission. I should have known. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to wander off somewhere and actually be useful." With that, Lokki turned around and headed towards the main naval building. He just hoped that Goldstein could keep up the illusion of a powerful maritime spirit long enough for the other team to do their bit. Then Lokki stopped, stunned as he was struck solidly in the face by an idea. "Powerfully maritime spirit..." he muttered, then dashed back to where Geo, Deck and Gingerbread were.

"Back already, are ye?" quipped Gingerbread.

"Silence!" shouted Lokki, snatching the bottle out of the pirate's hands. "Let me see that!"

"What in blazes? What're ye doing, man?"

Lokki ignored Gingerbread and focused on the label of the rum. 101 Proof. Perfect.

"Righty-ho chaps," announced Lokki, smashing the bottle over his head. "Sorry it's a bit late, but I have your plan right here. Deck, Geo, come with me!" He grabbed the other two and dragged them away down the alleyway towards the Sexy Swan whilst Gingerbread stared on, dumbfounded.

"Dude, wait up!" called Deckman after a while. "What's the plan?"

"Yeah, what's going on, man?" chorused Geo.

"We're blowing up the inn."

There was a pause.

"What?!" yelled Geo.

"Are you mad?" asked Deck.

"No, it's perfect, don't you see?" said Lokki, tearing off a strip of cloth from his tunic and handing it to Deck. "You two go round the back, break into the cellars and set a light to all the rum. If no-one sees you go in, the sailors will assume it's the wrath of Goldstein and freak out even more. Meanwhile, I'll go into the bar and make a scene to try and get out. Meet me back over at the naval base."

"How're we supposed to get in?" asked Geo.

"I dunno, pick the lock, shoot it open, smash the windows with a tray, divebomb the cellar doors for all I care. Here, take these!" He tossed one of his pistols to Geo and a dagger to Deck. Without waiting for a response, he burst into the inn and swaggered erratically to the bar in imitation of extreme drunkenness.

Lokki hiccoughed. "Why ello thar bartenner ol' buddy ol' pal," he slurred. "You 'eard all thish spiri' o' t' 'arbour nonshenshe? I saith 'tish t'endtimes upon uss... so's I'll have a bottle osh yours strongesh shpirits if'n I may! Migh' ash well go out wi' a bang, aye?" He laughed heartily and slapped the nearest partron heavily on the back.

The bartender stared disinterestedly at Lokki, not even taking a break from cleaning out the glass he was holding. "I think you've had enough, sir."

"Bah! Oh wells, there'sh ozer waysh of having fun." He flopped over onto a passing woman and clumsily groped her. "Why hallo darlin'... shince t' world's ending an' all, hows abou' yous an' I jess-" He was interrupted by being shoved onto a bar by a burly sailor.

"You keep your filthy hands off of my woman!" he bellowed.

"Argh! Assault!" cried Lokki, brandishing his pistol and firing a shot wildly into the ceiling. Most of the patrons screamed and shreiked at the sound of gunshot, then started fleeing. Lokki's attacker, however, pressed on, swinging a massive punch at Lokki's face, which he only just managed to avoid. Fortunately, there was a massive explosion from the cellars, which scared away everyone that was left, Lokki's assailant included.

"Excellent timing," remarked Lokki as he swiftly exited the inn, just in time for a second, much larger explosion to rock the Sexy Swan. As Lokki stole away down back alleys towards the naval base, he just hoped Goldstein would be smart enough to seize the opportunity to instill more fear into the sailors.

OOC: Sorry for not posting in so long, I've just been feeling a bit uninspired lately. And this post turned out way longer than I expected. I hope I'm not going too overboard, even if this is meant to be a silly RP.

Posts: 841
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By now Team Rum had reached the ship. They looked up. There were more officers on the ship. Fighting among themselves, but they were there. Crap.
"Well... I'm out of ideas" Aiden sighed. "Dunno how we'll get rid of that lot"
Suddenly there was a massive explosion from behind, and they looked back to find a massive firefall leap into the air.
"Ruuuuuuum!" THS yelled.
"Aye, it be the Sexy Swan" Fishears nodded.
Aiden, however, being the only member of the team who wasn't fixated by alcohol, looked back to the ship and laughed.
Around 3/4s of the officers on the ship had panicked, and either knocked each other out, jumped ship, or just fell off.
"Maybe this wouldn't be so hard" he kicked Trudi in the shoulder.
"Ow" she scowled, but looked up also. "Oh. But how to we get up?"
"By the ropes of course!" Fishears proclaimed, after failing to get THS to tear his eyes away from the burning inn.
"Uuh, kay" Trudi got up and ran to one of the ropes mooring the ship to the dock. She leapt up, then dangling upside down, started to climb. However, this turned out to be a fruitless process, as she wasn't very good at it.
Aiden sighed and stood up. "Oi!" he bellowed at the officers of the ship. "Let the ladder down!"
They ignored him.
"HEY!!! You know that you're more at threat from the spirit when on sea than land, right?!"
One of the officers looked round. He was a young lad, and clearly quite naive. "Really?!"
"Yeah! You never heard of the legend?!"
The lad's mouth dropped, and he couldn't throw the ladder down fast enough. He climbed down, grinned at Aiden, then said "Thanks. I owe you one"
He ran off, and Trudi and Fishears stared at the irony of the situation. Trudi slid back down the rope.
"So we're going that way then?"
"Yup" Aiden equipped his mace.
"But what about the legend?"
Aiden slapped his forhead. "Trudi, you have much to learn about life. Come on, and get THS out of it"
Trudi slapped THS to get him out of whatever wonderland he was in.
The then proceeded to climb the ladder onto the boat. When they got to the top, the remainding officers were still fighting. However, one of them saw them.
"Aye up, you're not supposed to be on here!"
The other officers slowed then looked around.
Trudi screamed and started legging it into the cabins, creating quite a distraction very much involuntarily. With a good portion of the officers giving chase, she ran into her room, locked the doors behind her, then sat on her bed.
She could hear fighting going on from above again.
Suddenly she realised something, which was a rare occurance.
"AHA!" she said happily as she took a long flat object out from the depths of under her bed/hammock, and then clipped the belt around her waist. She then withdrew the curved sword from it's sheath.
It's party time.

(OOC Hey guys why aren't I at school yet)

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OOC: Beause of your absolute dedication to A&W?


While Trudi was running around distracting the remaining guards, Aidan took it upon himself to head into the cabin to check on the supplies. Everything they had stockpiled before seemed to still be present and accounted for. He picked up flare and ran back outside. He ran up to the tip of the ship. And lit the flare and waved it at the other team to signal them to get the hell back to the ship.

THS stared at Aidan with open eyes.

"...What? Are you still upset about the rum?" Aidan asked.

"...That's a stick of dynamite" THS said.

"A WHAT?!" Aidan screamed. He panicked for a few seconds and proceeded to throw it straight into the base. Coincidentally, it had landed in a small guard house, which was blown sky high by the explosion.

"Remind me never to come back here...ever." Aidan muttered.

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OOC: Lovely work, people.

As the battle continued, Capn Fishears did his best to assist the rum team. Although he couldnt physically smack the crap out of the navy soldiers, he was quite adept at scaring them instead. They thought he was one of the demons of Goldstein that would haunt them forever and ever. And in turn, they jumped overboard. Needless to say, Capn Fishears wasnt too thrilled with the prospect of being called a servant of Goldsteins, but whatever worked.

The navy soldiers were in a panic throughout the entire port city, including its denizens. As the soldiers desperately tried to capture the fleeing Jew goat, and fight the Team Rum on board the ship, the remainder simply went in a blind panic or tried to control the panic resulting of the rest of the citys people.

As the chaos continued, several other buildings in Mikai Istou exploded. Several more gigantic fireballs illuminated the sky, creating an even larger sense of panic. Captain Fishears turned to face them, his eyes widened in surprise. Well Ill be. Our chums are doing a pretty good job, eh?

More buildings detonated and exploded all across the port town, in random locations far from each other. It seemed strange though. It should have been impossible for the small Team Bat to be able to do so much damage as was occurring but regardless, it was convenient for the team.

Sod this, a navy commander remaining on the pirate ship said. All this hassle for one ship isnt worth it. He jumped overboard, panicking the remaining soldiers who too then jumped off the ship.

Yarr, lets be going, we havent the time to waste about. Lets meet up our allies and get out of this pickle. Captain Fishears said. The rest of the team nodded, and as Trudi hauled up the anchor and Aidan prepared to start sailing, THS quietly kept himself to a corner whilst he threw up overboard.

The pirate ship slowly started to move outside the bases port. Trudi lifted the sails up, and the large and beautiful flag of the A&W pirates beamed outwards, blinding onlooking soldiers with its magnificence. Aidan turned the ship eastwards, to meet at the islands coast and pick up their comrades. THS looked at his watched, marvelling how it was almost 12 oclock. Time for mid day rum! he declared.

Whilst the majority of the navy soldiers were clearly inept, there proved to be some hardened enough who were not willing to let the pirates escape. The navy bases supreme commander had issued several of the navy bases ships and personnel to give chase and to either capture the ship once more or this time, sink it.

The navy ships cannons fired, their cannonballs creating large explosions of sea to burst up around the pirates ship, as Aidan struggled to steer the vessel out of incoming fire. The larger, more powerful navy ships were gaining on the smaller pirates ship, about to overrun and destroy it. However, suddenly, from nowhere specified, fog set in across the sea and a fierce blizzard began to occur. The harsh winds pushed the navy ships off course, and the fog and snow prevented the personnel from being able to identify the pirate ship. However, most peculiarly, the blizzard wasnt affecting the pirates as it was only consuming the navy ships.

What the hell is up with that?! Trudi exclaimed, pointing at the random blizzard which had suddenly occurred.

Captain Fishears had his arms folded and he looked to the blizzard ominously. Im not sure. Not a lot is beginning to make sense now, He muttered. Maybe Lokki and the other chaps did something?

The ship continued eastwards towards the coast to pick up their allies and then sail their arses out of there.

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Trudi sighed, still frowning at the freak blizzard, but carried out her orders anyway. She was never a sensible girl, somewhat gullable and very superstitious. In fact the only thing she didn't beleive in was a god.
(OOC primarly because I don't)
As the boat docked quietly next to the coast, as the crew were being extra careful after their last experiance of docking, they saw something fly over from above.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No. It's a talking winged Jewish goat.
THS, being the only memeber of the crew to lend nothing to the sailing of the ship, was thrown onto the rowing boat and pushed off to collect the remaining crewmembers.

(OOC FILLERFILLERFILLERFILLER. Rite Pach where we going now)

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Aidan pondered as to why he was steering this ship. But then he realised that the members currently on board consisted of a rummed-up fox, a screaming off-the-wall woman, and a ghost. So he shrugged and put it down to him being the "lesser of four evils".

As THS sailed off into the fog, Aidan put down the rope ladders so that everyone could get aboard quickly and get the hell out of here.

Over in the distance, Aidan could hear the chanting of Navy officers in hot pursuit. "I hope everyone gets their arses here quickly." Aidan said "How many cannons do we have below deck?" He said as he tilted his head in Trudi's direction, who was trying to tie a knot to hold down the sails.

"Two, I think" Trudi replied.

"...Two? is that it?" Aidan said, expressing a funny look while doing so.

"We ditched the rest so we could get more grog on board." Trudi continued.

"What about cannonballs?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah, we got rid of most them for grog too."

"Oh for the love of..." Aidan slapped his face.

"Well, if we run out of cannonballs, we'll just fire some of our dispensible crew at them, we've got plenty of them." Aidan shrugged and returned to the wheel, ready for a quick departure.

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Trudi was probably one of said dispensable members.

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10 minutes ago!

Geo was awoken from his tear-filled Jesus-hunt as his old room mate ran by, partially on fire
"Oi, guv'nah," shouted Lokki, as he was trying to out evade some guards in hot pursuit, "That old mayor's auto over there is about to take the 301, and you best hit the o' apples and pears before you're left in the bloody dust!"
His training as a ex-cop who plays by no rules but his own rules which are no rules landed him a master's in foreign language, which included generic Brit. He knew his boozed and broken boned fellow informed him that the ship was departing and he best move it, lest he lose it.
While bending over to pick up a half-finished handle of Jagermeister (which he invented during his time-dimensional-warping), he overheard two angry guards shouting.
"Those damned drug runners!" Belched a portly soldier, who was angry at recently getting slapped up the face bya half-naked cat-man, "They come in here to ruin our town's high morales, and then they come in here and f**k with us! The nerve"
"Oi, drug runners?" Asked the stereotypically thin and weak friend, "I thought they were just half-assed pirates!"
"So did we, but Captain said they discovered 10 pounds of pure hash in one of the crew's cabins."
"10 bloody pounds? It must be some lower part of a bloody cartel!"
"Indeed, guvnah. Captain stored it over in that small guard house to use later as evidence so we can cut off those wankers' heads!" They then ran off in hopes to brutally mutilate the cat man.

"F**K!," thought Geo, as he finally finished picking up his bottle after two minutes, "THAT'S MY HASH!"

Having to think fast, seeing as though his getaway ride was starting to sail off, he sprinted as fast as he could (Which is remarkably hard for a chain smoker, mind you) to the guard tower near the shore. He picked a musket off a corpse, and kicked down the door into the guard house. Which smelled remarkably like a cypress hill concert.

He caught the guard, quite literally, with his zipper down. Can't blame the kid.

Drawing the musket to his shoulder, Geo yelled "Where the hell is my godamned herb?!"
The young soldier freezed in shock, seeing as though an ex cop who's off the force because he plays by no rules but his own rules which are no rules, "Your what!?"
"My ganja!"
"Excuse me?"
"Godamnit, man, hash."
"Oh! Please, don't shoot me, it's right over-" Before the rookie could finish his sentence, a large stick of dynamite flew threw the window nearest him, blowing the house (and all it's contents) to hell.

Geo woke up under a haze of cannon fire a couple of minutes later on a shore a hundered or so meters from the sight of the explosion. He quickly stood up to get his bearings straight, but fell down onto a broken leg. Cursing at his leg, his luck, and his hash, he started limping to the boat, seeing if anyone could help him. Apart from that Jew goat. Can't count on those people for anything.

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THS sighed in his rowing boat as he pushed the oars through the water. The retaking of the ship from the navy seemed to have blurred past him - in fact, his involvement had been little if any, which he was slighty disappointed at since he had come up with the team names (well, he figured as such anyway - it was his statement that spawned them.). Oh well, at least The Rum was back now. He was fortunate to have got absolutely pissed at the Sexy Swan, but pull that sort of thing every night and people might start giving him - he shuddered - tabs. That sort of thing isn't healthy for a pirate.

The boat pushed up against the sand, and he stepped out, his boots squelching from the water within, and surveyed the crew. Some of them weren't really paying attention, and the grey fox...thing - I'm not entirely sure what THS is in this continuity, let's just say fox - noticed Geo limping towards him. At first he was going to ignore him, since THS was an arse like that, but then changed his mind, since he figured he might be rewarded with more rum. He went over to Geo and gave him support as they moved back to the boat.

"You guys just gonna sit there all day or are you coming along?" THS shouted back to the remaining crew members.

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Deck was too zoned out to notice THS appear with the rowboat, or to notice Geo limping towards the boat while crying about his beloved cannabis. He had randomly stopped running for the ship to just sit down and reflect on exactly how useless he was in this mission. Really, was he even involved with it in any way? He vaguely recalled making small talk with the crew, being put on a team with Geo, Lokki, and that Jewish thing, and setting a cellar on fire. But for some reason, he felt as if someone else was performing those actions for him, or he was having some sort out-of-body experience or something.

In short, he was probably drunk.

"Deck, what the bloody hell are you doing?! If you don't get over here, we're going to leave you behind!"

Deck stood there with a surprised look on his face. Not because of THS's outburst, but because he couldn't feel his hands. Wait, nevermind, there they are.

"Sure you will, Rummy," Deck replied with a smirk on his face. He ran over to the boat, hoping they would leave before he could get killed by a cannonball.

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The inland crew all ran for the boat which THS used to get back to Mikai Istou. As they all clambered aboard in a tight fit, apart from Goldstein, who simply flew back to the boat, they suddenly realised they lost the oar that THS used to paddle to land. In actual fact, the idiot simply chucked it in the sea as he got up.

Whatever should we do, guys? Deck said, as he tried to stop rubbing against Captain Fishears.

THS looked at the unconscious Geo, desperately trying to form a plan. His eyes squinted in an obvious display of thinking. Ive got it! We all magically grow wings and then fly to the ship!

That wont work, lad. Lokki responded, his arms folded across his chest. We could simply use Geo as a paddle.

Great idea! THS sounded back. Im glad I thought of it. Lets go. And with that, the group began to paddle back to the ship using Geos body.

Aboard the ship

Trudi huffed and puffed in frustration as the group finally climbed back onto the ship using the rope ladders Aidan had provided. They ditched the small rowing boat, not wanting to waste time hauling it up. About time you bloody guys got here!

Yarr, but they did a fine job distractin. Just a shame that these idiots had to blow so much of the port up. It was a fine good port to have fun in whilst, um, laying low.

We didnt do all that, olchap. Lokki said, his eyes somewhat widened. I only blew up one of them. I thought you guys did the rest with the cannonballs.

Some more of the houses exploded in the distance. The group turned to see the entire island alight with fire.

The whys dont matter, lets just haul arse and get out of here, ay laddies? Fishears declared, as the group took positions on the ship and began to sail away in a easterly direction, away from the burning island.

Mikai Istou

Chaos continued across the island. Within the relatively unscathed navy base, which took little damage compared to the rest of the island, the navy commander who ordered the pursuing ships after the A&W pirates stared off into the distance at the blizzard which had engulfed the navy ships, and how the pirate ship they had captured was sailing off into the distance unhindered.

What the hell is all this? he spoke aloud, mainly to himself so our next guy could hear him.

This is divine retribution, yo ho. Said a person from behind the navy commander. The commander quickly did a 180 turn, and gasped as he saw who it was approaching him.

You! You did all this?! But how? Youre supposed to be dead! he cried out.

The reports of my death, yo ho ho! have been greatly exaggerated. The mysterious geezer whose appearance was left undescribed and unelaborated grinned, and a second later there was a bloodcurdling crack sound, and the navy commander fell to the ground limp.

Aboard the ship, again

Half of a day had passed since the Mikai Istou affair, and the pirates continued to sail eastwards. They had, so far, been partying pretty hard with relief that they managed to secure their ship again and go on alive. So much so that they christened their as of yet un-named pirate ship The Great Dave. The crew mostly went about their own activities.

So, where be our next course, Fishy? Deck asked, staring into the great blue yonder.

Another island, of course, young Decky! Fishears enthusiastically replied.

No sh*t. But whats the island called? Deck responded.

It is as I said. Its name is Another Island! Its forebearers werent very creative, ysee. It was their second island discovery, and they thought thered only be two. So they just settled for Another Island. Fishears explained.

Whats there, and how long will it take to arrive? Aidan inquired.

Ah, as for whats there, youll just have to wait and see. We have a half day left before us until we arrived, so enjoy yourselves and converse amongst yourselves. Our pirate bond is becoming stronger, but of course itd be better if ye all knew who each was and what ye specialties are all about, including our newest crewmember who for gods sake needs to get some more clothes on, geez! Fishears finished, turning away in disgust when setting eyes on the other Captain.

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"Well, this most certainly does not sound like a blatant attempt at character development!" exclaimed Deckman in his sarcastic manner.

"What?" asked Trudi.

"Nothing, nevermind." He turned to Gingerbread. "So, Captain Newbie, tell us. Whatever happened to your pants?"

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OOC: Sorry about not posting for a while there, exams yaknow.


Puffing on another of is omnipresent cigars, the residant half naked punchbag/catman chuckled heartily to himself in a general piratey mannar.

"Well, me young lad, that be a long and unfeasible tale o' tha sea! It all began when I was but a lad, having bribed an old half deaf captain not to slaughter me and use me body as fishing bait, I had been taken on as the young mischievous cabin-boy of a small ship known as The Sinking Minnow.

T'was one o' me jobs ye see, to make sure all tha cannons be ready for firing. And I was very good at it too, we be tha' Minnow was a powerful ship ya see, but small. Tha' cap'ain was one fer big, BIG bangs, so we had all kinds o' balls.

We had heavy balls, small balls, balls tha were covered in spikes, balls that were toxic, balls tha would explode all over, and lostsa balls that were connected together.

One day though, while we were attacking a small island tha' the old goat..."

"Hey! I resemble that remark" chipped in Goldenstein, because having one person talk for too long was boring.

"Like I said, tha ole senile dawg thought this island was another ship, so we were tryin' ta plunder it. But I gots me trouser leg caught in a pair o' balls, and I got shot overboard along with them!"

"Excellent..." Aiden muttered "He has experience as ammunition."

"I landed on me head though, so tha' was alright, and I eventually got meself picked up by another crew, from where I launched me great and fearsome carreer, but tha's another story. I ne'er again wore pants after tha' day though, they be nothin but trouble." His tale finished, the hairy miscrient grinned at the crew, awaiting their reaction.

"Well..." Deck finally replied. "That didn't sound at all made up on the spot."

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"As long as we're interrogating the cat man," Geo asked, "just where do you fit into evolution?"

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"Where do a hairless, fangless, clawless monkey, ye swab?"

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Goldstein, overhearing the argument, turned to the miscreant time-travelling stoner and the horrible abomination against God and, very succinctly, told them to shut up or he could think of a few good places to put the mizzenmast.

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A while later, after various squabbling between crewmembers, a shadow loomed on the horizon.
Trudi, who was in the birds-nest again, leaned against the rail with excitement and yelled "ISLAND AHEAD!" to the crew below.
Fishears leapt up, realised that he couldn't do anything, sat down again, then realised he could do something and started shouting at everyone, assigning them jobs to help steer the ship to shore.

(OOC are we there yet are we there yet)

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Sure enough, Another Island was fast approaching them. The island came into view and the ship slowed down, as it settled next to the island. Anchors were thrown overboard to stabilise the ships position, and some planks were propped against the island to allow the pirates to walk onto the earth.

Another Island

It was, to say the least, very strange. Everything on the island had been elongated. Everything seemed to have been stretched. There were extremely narrow, tall buildings sparsely spread out across the island, representing a small village. The trees were narrow as well but stretched high into the sky. A rabbit passed by, and it too was vertically stretched. There were occasional totem styled poles also stretching up into the sky. Everything looked as though they had stepped into a circus funhouse of mirrors.

What the hell? asked Deck, sharing the rest of the crews surprise for the island.

Captain Fishears simply smiled, folded his arms, and floated in front of the rest of the crew.

Well laddies, dont be doing anything fishy on this island, yhear me? Me and my old pirate crew were on good terms with the people of this island. In fact, theyre on good terms with practically all pirates, since they dont want any hassle. Theyll give us some hospitality and some supplies for our future journey, so dont mess with them. Captain Fishears advised. As it is, I think ye can relax for a little while on this island. Do some exploring, meet some locals, whatever. As for me, I needs to talk with the village elder. Captain Fishears hovered off towards the central building, allowing the crew to relax as they desired.

Which was probably a bad thing.

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Trudi frowned at the sight before her. The grass was tall and thin also, reaching up to her elbows, and the trees seemed to go on up forever.
She poked a blade of grass and it bended as grass does. She then experimented by pulling it, and it broke far to easily. Brittle.
She realised that she'd have to be careful here.

"Hey... doesn't that mean that to the locals we look short and fat?"

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That they do, lass, Fishears replied, walking up to the central building, and phasing through the door granting him access to the building. Anyway, Ill meet you all out here. I shouldnt be too long,

Fishears entered the building and slowly began to hover to a receptionist within, not expecting anybody to follow. Before him was a tall woman, extremely slender to the point that she would look anorexic in normal conditions, but hell, it wasnt normal conditions on this island. She wore glasses, and turned to look up from her paperwork to the ghost, shrieking in surprise.

Yarr, be calm, little lassie. Its only me, Fishears. The ghoul spoke.

C-C-Captain Fishears?! she stammered in surprise. Y-Youre dead!

Yarr, it be an ironic pickle, I do admit. Anyways, I need to talk with the island elder. Be he in? Fishears enquired.

Y-yes. Top floor. The elevators right over there, she began to point, but Captain Fishears shook it away.

I dont be needing elevators anymore, and with that, he hovered through the ceiling. As he ascended the many floors, he gave the other inhabitants of the building a good unexpected fright. Until, finally, he reached the top floor of the gigantic skyscraper, into a large office. It looked fairly typical, actually. There was a wooden desk at the end of the room, where behind it the wall was nothing but glass, giving an amazing view of the island. The room was filled with bookcases on either side, decorated with potted plants in between. A giant, stuffed bear stood in the corner.

Yarr, greetings Elder. Fishears said. He surprised the tall gentlemen in a business suit at the table, who in turn screamed like the secretary before. But, he managed to regain his composure far quicker then her.

Hmm. Its been a long time, Captain. I see youve had quite an adventure? the new gentlemen asked.

Yarr, it hadnt been very impressive, Ill admit. Me old crew died, ysee, so I had to assemble a new one. Theyve got promise, tho

A new crew? Ha, Im sure the other Captains will be impressed with that The gentleman stifled a laugh. Along with your condition.

Never mind that. What have those old sea dogs been up to? Have they found thee treasure yet? Captain Fishears asked.

No, not yet. The gentleman replied. Theyve been moving about a lot, though.

ey? Captain Fishears asked.

You know Mikai Istou? The island nearest here. Its just been destroyed and taken over by one of the Five Great Pirates. The gentleman remarked.
Yarr, me crew was just there, getting back mee ship. Fishears admitted. But then he stopped for a moment, confused. However, we didnt take over thar island?

You was there as well, Fishears? The gentleman replied, incredulously. His eyes were widened in surprise. There was something not entirely correct with their own interpretations of the story. The gentleman then smiled, realising. I wasnt talking about you, Fishears. Another of the 5 Great Pirates took over it. Recall the Jolly Helpers, and their Captain?

Fishears was stunned at the mention of that name. The gentleman smiled.

Of course you do. They were whom created such a freak blizzard there for a few days. Anyway, they were the ones who destroyed a lot of the buildings and the Navy HQ there itself. The gentleman relaxed in his seat. Of course, I dont know why exactly. Maybe hes just getting antsy that none of them have found THAT treasure yet.

Yarr so that be why, then. I thought it be most peculiar with the random blizzard occurring and getting rid of those navy ships. I suspected it might have been him, yet I thought he was on the other side of the world Fishears spoke, wracking his nonexistent brain around these new revelations.

The gentleman shrugged. Im not sure myself. But from what my intelligence has said, the other four Great Pirates are well, not exactly happy of course. Its true they havent found the treasure yet. Whats more, it turns out that someone betrayed them and took the map they recently discovered which might lead to the location of the treasure, once and for all. The gentleman looked directly in Fishearss eyes. You, ah, wouldnt know who the traitor is, would you?

Fishears looked away. He then turned, and began to float away to the far wall. Well, thanks for the info, Elder. Me and my crew need to be on our way. We havent got much time at all to waste on small talk speaking of which, can we have a few supplies for our voyage?

Of course, Fishears. Help yourself, my old friend. The gentleman smiled, then went back to whatever business it was he did.

Fishears floated through the wall to outside, to see whatever mess his crew had gotten up to since he last met them.

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"I wonder if there be a tavern in this here town?" Ginger said.

"I think we'd better wait until Fishears comes back before we go to any tavern, he said we shouldn't get into any trouble." Aidan replied.

"Come on, what harm is one rum going to do?" THS protested.

"That's how it always starts..." Aidan sighed.

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THS had gotten up to little mess since he had reached the island. Hell, there had been little opportunity to do much at late, really. Not that this was really a bad thing - he had only been a pirate again for just over a week (although it felt like months to him), but already he had started to make up for all the time he lost being a detective. What was really bothering him now was how long ago it was since he had a rum - which, again, probably wasn't long, but as has already been established seemed much longer to him. He was a bit hesitant to getting one, though, as during his last hangover he kept seeing numbered dots and had a strange compulsion to touch them. Bugger knows what that's about.

Anyway, he presently found himself walking around the thin alleyways with the rest of the crew, but due to the ridiculous way the streets were built, they had to, for the most part, walk in single file in order to get anywhere. He was vaguely aware of someone saying the word 'tavern', and was reminded of his need for a drink. However, he was reminded by Aiden that the crew would be better off staying put and waiting for Fishears than getting pissed again, and so decided to stay put unless someone else made the first move.

It was odd how he kept to Fishear's authority, really. Probably because he had no reason not to, he guessed, even though with Pach gone there was probably a space free as the ghost's favourite, although it's not something he would easily get, or probably get at all. Not that he cared that much. All this free rum was worthwhile over having to try and navigate all over the place, although he wondered how you could, hypothetically, kill a ghost - he had heard of some guy who used rootbeer against them, but it was probably just a myth or something. The half naked cat seemed to think highly of him, though, so that's probably something to use.

Completely forgetting about his earlier decision, and decided a bit of social time could be helpful, he said, "So, who's up for a round of drinks?"

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Gingerbread had been slightly puzzled at the location, THIS was Another Island? He had thought Another Island was on the other side of the world, and upside down. Not that he had wanted to go there, but it may have explained where that invisiable reef had come from. And those mysterious appearing rocky causeways. And of course that damnable cliff that was on no map. Still, those events were really no cause to mutiny, after all the good times, where they? Must have been blown out of proportion.

Stupid tar and feathers...

Of course in any case where the words "Round" "Of" and "Drinks" are mentioned in close proximity, Gingerbread popped up with speed that would defy the laws of both physics and continuity.

"Aye lad!" He shouted heartily "Ye can be countin' this ole feline in on tha!" His previous navigational gripes forgotten.

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A round of drinks? came a voice from above the group, surprising them somewhat until they turned to notice it was Captain Fishears. Damn him and his entrances. Alcohols good and all, but I think you need to lay back a bit on them, laddy, Fishears said, looking at THS in particular. Any other person would have thought you had a problem.

THS folded his arms and looked elsewhere.

You were quick, Deck commented.

Not right. Just that ye laddies are too slow at doing anything. Seriously, you must have moved like, what? A metre? Fishears retorted. Anyway, the elders granted us use of some of his supplies for the rough journey coming up.

A rough journey? Any rougher then what weve already been through? Aidan asked.

The roughest bit of seas so far. We be heading to the Gredalst Gate.

The Gredalst Gate? some of the others murmured aloud, surprised. Some had never heard of it before, but other simply kept silent, knowledgeable in its existence.

Yes indeedy! Ysee that bit on the World Map, the small gap inbetween two bits of land that our sea route goes on? Thats the Gredalst Gate, or as otherwise known, the Gods Gate, separating two parts of sea. The Western Sea and the Central Sea. Most peculiarly, these two seas have widely contrasting currents, and these create seriously rough weather where these two seas meet. Its the same for all meeting seas. Anyway, we need to be best prepared for it, understand? Captain Fishears explained. The group simply looked at him, with dumbfounded expressions. Bloody hell.

Anyway, lets just get going and pick up the supplies. You see that big building over there? Fishears stated, pointing to the second largest building on the island, other the skyscraper the Captain had been in moments before. It was also the widest of the buildings on the island. Go in there and pick up whatever you think youll need. You might be surprised with what theyve actually got in there I know Im always surprised.

OOC: Basically, you can have your characters continue to interact as they go into the building and pick up some supplies. Feel free to be creative here; there could be some really wacky things that the crew could find or pick up.

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Trudi was the first in there - her curious nature meant that she couldn't wait to go in there.
She walked in, and was amazed at the sheer height of the place. It was like... like some kind of massive futuristic shop which sells things on a wide scale. With a fancy name which meant big. Big, Titanic... Macro! Yes. Macro.
She browsed in bemusement at the things for sale. A wierd box of lights which seemed like a moving picture, a cage, a cage with a boy in it. The boy was calling out for his mother, apparently after being a silly sod and playing around with the items on sale and getting stuck, and the mother walking off so she could shop in peace.
She picked up a bladeless sword handle, oblivious to the DO NOT TOUCH plastered on it.
A man ran up to her. "WHAT, CAN'T YOU READ?!" he shouted, snatching the object out of her hand.
"No I'm illiterate" she scowled.
"Oh. Well it says DO NOT TOUCH"
She walked on, oblivious to yet another thing - all the windows in the store exploded, due to a paradox. The paradox that somehow she read the computer screen on the island with the massive rabbits and monkey balls but it turned out she couldn't read after all.
She carried on, picking up food and non-alcoholic drink on the way. She remembered her father telling her about the importance of oranges when you're out to sea and got some of them too. She also picked up the swordless handle.
She couldn't read the prices. Good job that they were for free.

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Aidan had decided to take a look around the second floor of the building. It was a lot more extravegant than the other floors, as it was full of all sorts of ornaments and rarities, it was sort of like a museum.

Aidan had stopped at a small stall that was littered with various weaponary. The shopkeeper gazed at Aidan, the glare in his eye (He only had one eye, as he was wearing an eyepatch) instantaneously telling Aidan the guy wanted his well earned (?) gold.

"Ah, my boy you have fine taste coming to my stall, only the finest munitions and weaponary for sale here!" the man announced.

"Yeah, whatever" Aidan shrugged off the man's jubious shoutings and glanced at the table, and catching the glimpse of a very fine mace. Aidan picked it up and faced the man "I shall take this fine weapon" he declared.

"A fine choice my lad, may it serve you well" The man replied.

"Do I get a receipt then?" Aidan asked.

"A receipt? Do I look like a receipt kinda guy?" The man said, glaring sarcastically.

"Fine then, tell me one thing, how did you lose your eye?" Aidan asked curoiusly.

"Oh this?" The man lifted up the eyepatch and revealed a perfectly healthy eye, "It's just for show, it makes you look more experienced y'see, it's a good sales technique" The man grinned.

Aidan grinned too, and slowly backed to search for more goodies.

At the other end of the floor, Aidan came across a huge stall full of used ship parts. He looked around and found a glorious cannon that would be perfect aboard the ship.

Aidan looked at the desk and saw another man, who also wanted the cannon, but the owner wasn't parting with it cheaply, Aidan would have to resort to some underhanded tactics to get a deal here...

Remembering the man who gave him the mace, and shuffling around in his pockets, he found a thread of string and a small peice of leather. A few holes and knots later, he placed his new eyepatch over his right eye and proceeded to the counter.

Aidan now put on a stupid pirate accent to complete the image. "Errhoy thar lanlubber matey, I be one veteran sea-dawg, and I would like the honour of swipin' ye cannon...thing" Aidan said.

The man at the counter gave him a strange look. "You don't sound like any pirate I know..."

"Err..." Aidan rolled his eyes "Yarr, I be from oop north...yarr."

"Well, that explains it then" The man nodded, "I'd be happy to give my pride and joy to someone as wise and bold as yourself matey, I'll even throw some cannonballs in as well! Enjoy it!"

"Wait, so are ye goin' to help me carry it back to me mighty ship?"

The man laughed. "Oh come on matey! An old sea dog like yourself should have no trouble with a cannon and a few canonballs!"

"Yarr!" Aidan triumphantly replied "Yarr indeed..." and so he began pushing the cannon down the escalator (Is that even possible?) with some cannonballs slung over his back.

Nevertheless, Aidan was amazed the power of one eyepatch and a crappy accent had on his bargaining skills. "I must remember this technique..." he thought to himself.

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Hey guys, just some fun pirate trivia;
According to a well known source (read: drinking buddy), pirates wore an eye patch so they could switch the eye that's open.

When going into the darkness of their ships, theyd switch the patch, going to an already-adapted eye.


Geo spent many-a-coin on Grateful Dead ponchos, moon pies, and replenishing his hash stash.

Where did he get the money?

On the way out, Geo noticed a pirate behind a counter selling weaponry. He was going to passs him by, but noticing his eye patch, Geo thought he was a very experienced and worthy pirate to buy from.

Trading in his lazer gun for a Leone-esque revolver and shank, he happily trotted out, wrapped ina tie-die poncho and a Viking hat.

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Topic starter

Captain Fishears waited outside the building, his corporeal form hovering above the thick grass on the ground. His posture was that of the Thinker, as he was engulfed in deep concentration relative to the new information he had just acquired. Four of the Five Great Pirates were moving, and they had become agitated with a traitor stealing the only lead, a map, that led to the possible location of the greatest treasure in the entire world.

He continued waiting as his crew inside gathered supplies, his mind racing with questions and issues involving the past and the present, but more importantly the future, and the danger they would involve themselves in. He then moved out of the somewhat awkward posture, and floated high into the air, surveying the surroundings and the destination they would need to take to move to the Gredalst Gate. He could just see something in the distance, an area of blackened sky which signalled the Gates location. Spots of bluish grey could be identified through the fog, parts of the statues that composed the gate. He nodded to himself, confident on which direction to go in.

He then descended to the ground, and first floated to the supply building, telling all of the crewmembers to hurry up and get their arses onto the ship, before they would begin sailing onwards to the new dangerous destination.

However, suddenly

A loud KABOOM resounded across the island, shocking Captain Fishears and everyone on the island momentarily. The ghost spun around, searching for the source of the sound, before spotting a small burst of fire nearby with smoking pouring from a nearby area of grassland. Capn Fishears then turned to the sea, to spot an oncoming ship launching cannonballs at the island! Their aim was their own pirate ship, and itd only be a matter of time before a cannonballs aim struck lucky and hit the ship.

Egads! Fishears called out. Avast, me hearties! We have before ourselves a very perplexing problem, Fishears said, as some of the crewmembers rushed outside the building, to find Fishears having adopted the Thinker pose again. Those Navy dogs have found us already! Yarr, what should we do board them for battle!

Thats not a Navy ship commented one of his crewmates, who stared at the oncoming ship through a telescope. Its another pirate ship!

Capn Fishears blinked. At first, he thought this would make things easier, tackling some other lowlife pirate crew when he came to a depressing realisation on the possibility of which pirate crew it could be.

Yarr Fishears muttered, before deciding on the next course of action. We set sail! Well meet those scurvy sea dogs, and show them just what us A&W pirates can do! He declared.

OOC: It only took us 6 months to get to an actual Pirate v Pirate setting :O

Posts: 841
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Trudi was equipped with her sword this time, so she didn't waste time to climb the ladder and begin letting the sails loose. The others leapt on before it left it's mooring place.

As the ship began to sail, and Aiden hurried to equip the second cannon (who knows how he got to the ship in time), and the other crewmembers ran around doing assorted things, including panicking.

Trudi wondered why she wasn't panicking too, but she just shrugged it off. Maybe when she was armed with a sword she didn't panic so much. Or maybe she wasn't really paying attention to the emergancy. Yeah. That's it.

The two ships began the chase of their lifetimes so far

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While everyone was scrambling around trying to figure what pirates were supposed to do in this kind of situation, with random shouts of "Check the pirate handbook!" and "Repent our sins! Our judgement is nigh!", Aidan was lying on the floor, totally exhausted after pushing a huge cannon up the walkway onto the ship, and just about making it on board so that he wasn't left behind.

"Ugh...I hate manual labour. It's so...physical" Aidan moaned as he lay on the floor.

"Are you going to lie there all day?!" Lokki snapped, "we're gonna be blown to peices if we don't prepare for a counterattack!" he continued as he ran above deck, maybe to panic in unison with most of the crew.

Picking himself up, Aidan peeked out of a looking hole in the side of the ship to see the enemy vessel attempting to circle their very own ship. He picked up a telescope that was rolling about the floor, and put it to his eye to survey the enemy, but he couldn't see anything out of the telescope. It was just black.

"Ohhh..." Aidan lifted the stupid makeshift eye patch he was still wearing and took a proper look through the telescope. Not much to see unfortunately, one guy on the wheel, one guy in the crows nest, a bunch of pirates on the deck with swords incase they got close enough that boarding would become an option, and at least 3 cannons ready to fire. He couldn't see a figure of authority anywhere, so he figured the captain was below deck or somewhere. Wherever he was, it was clear these guys were pros.

Putting the telescope down, Aidan went to figuring out how to load the cannons. As he was picking up a cannonball, a bang was heard, and a cannonball came whizzing across the sky. Aidan looked on as the cannonball tore a nice big hole straight through the sail. Startling Aidan and making him drop the cannonball.

"Well, this is a bloody good start..."

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Goldstein sat in the crows' nest atop the ship, watching theb attle unfold below with a telescope.

This is because he figured someone was always supposed to be watching everything from the crows' nest. It was also because this job involved little actual work and there was no ladder on the mast so he was really the only one who could get up there.

Spotting a pirate climbing aboard, he yelled out "LOOK OUT FOR THAT GUY" rather unhelpfully before the enemy pirate was hit in the stomach with a cannonball.

"...Nevermind then!"

Posts: 841
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It was also because this job involved little actual work and there was no ladder on the mast so he was really the only one who could get up there.

Trudi gets up somehow! She's usually up there where she isn't bothering someone with her gobbyness. I think she climbs using the sail or something.


Trudi screamed and dived to one side as a cannonball shot at her face.
"BASTARDS!!!" she screached, giving the pirates the finger.
They laughed at her and fired another cannonball.
Trudi dodged and swore with a bigger, badder word, followed by more swearing using the hand.
More looked around and laughed.
This cycle continued for a while, and after a bit the whole of the other ship were laughing at her, taking turns to try and hit her. She countered this with worse and worse language, some of it in a lanugage most of them have never even heard of before. This didn't bother them though. They didn't need to know Romany to know that she was absolutely furious

They didn't notice Deck take aim with the existing cannon, either.

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Deckman loaded the cannon with what appeared to be an ordinary cannonball, and took aim at the pirates that were laughing and shooting at Trudi. Finding his target, he fired.

The cannonball hit one of the pirates in the chest and exploded all over the rest, smothering them in some sort of searing hot, yellow, lava-like substance. The ones that were still alive weren't laughing anymore, but Deck couldn't contain a smirk.

Trudi gaped. "What the hell did you just shoot them with?!"

"I've always wanted to shoot someone with a ball of molten cheese. What, is that abnormal?"

And before Trudi could figure out that he had stolen her beloved stash of cheese and turned it into lava, Deck ran off to find some more ammunition. He wondered if he'd ever tell anyone how he managed to transmogrify a cannonball into a cheesepuff of flaming death in such a short amount of time, or if it would just keep it one of his own little secrets.

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Topic starter

The A&W pirates faced off against their strange attackers. Thus far, the attack was a complete surprise and seemed entirely irrational, other then the obvious possibility that these pirates just wanted to loot the A&W crew. But, to attack Another Island like that, which was a peaceful neutral territory for any and all pirates just seemed... odd.

Captain Fishears hovered above the two ships, watching the battle unfold below him. Of course, in his youth and his life he would have gotten royally stuck in and showed these newbies a thing or two about how to properly tackle other pirates, but, well, he was dead, and couldn't exactly hit any of their attackers. Which was a major drag, but whatever.

He decided the best he could do was intel. Maybe freak out the other pirates a bit so as to give their team a fighting chance. So far, whilst some of his crew were doing pretty jolly good, others were just freaking out and running about. Which pissed him off to say the least.

Cap'n Fishears dived down, his ghost passing through the hull of the enemy ship and into the lower decks. He shocked the enemy pirates here long enough for another one of the Aidan/Deck cannonball combos to fire and smash the enemy pirate ship square in the side, killing a few of the enemy pirates who were loading their own cannons. Fishears laughed.

He continued to scout around the ship, finding anything useful that could determine who the enemy was (of course he had checked the enemies sail and flag first, as it was traditional for pirates to put their emblem and mark there, but curiously this ship had no mark). Fishears continued wandering the enemy ship, squaring plenty more pirates and wasting their time as they tried to slice him in two.

He phased into another room, which should have been the Captains quarters. However, no commanding officer seemed to be within, or on the ship at all. Which, again, was most peculiar. He was surprised at how well the enemy pirates were acting (lol) without anyone to commandeer them.

Eh, who the hell does this ship belong to he mumbled to himself, looking around the room, before finding a piece of scrap paper on a nearby desk. He hovered over to it, and gasped as he saw what was written upon it. It was an insignia of the typical skull and crossbones, but what was frightening was the addition on it which made it a personalised pirate symbol: A SANTA HAT. Fishears winced at the thought, and then floated out of the room, and back outside, to see the latest on the fight.

It turned out, miraculously, through the efforts of Fishears distraction, and those who could be bothered to fight, especially the cannon usage, that the A&W pirates had won. The enemys ship was badly damaged and they were taking in water, as such, they began to flee, sailing off and away from the fight. Deck and Aidan tried to continually shoot the departing ship with more cannonball, but missed. The enemy ship eventually disappeared.

Well, bloody hell, chaps, I cant believe its not butter. We actually won! Lokki declared, enthusiastically.

Well, it werent so much a draw as a stalemate, me reckon, Fishears interjected, pointing to their ruined sail. They did quite a bit of damage to us too. Nevertheless, you peeps did a good job, and Ive got tae admit, Im quite impressed indeed. Now, lets get a new sail from Another Island quickly and sail to Gredalst Gate, before anymore tossers come along to ruin our trip.

OOC: What the hell, I swear there's a bloody conspiracy involving those ridiculous posters in the No More Heroes RP always bumping up their topic to be above A&W, regardless of whether they have a new post or not. }:O

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While everyone cheered in jubilation at their victory, and the inevitable breaking out of the rum and grog to celebrate, Aidan remembered the massive hole in the sail a cannonball had made, and as everyone would soon be too wasted to care (and probably haven't noticed anyway), Aidan took it upon himself to get it done.

He wasn't much of a sewing expert, but he had managed to just about patch it up using someone's pyjamas and a large pair of boxer shorts. It didn't look pretty, but at least there wasn't a hole anymore.

"Hmm..." Aidan thought as he looked down. "Maybe I should have given those boxers to Captain no-pants down there" He said as he stared at Ginger. "Oh well." He then again stared out to sea to see the enemy ship just sail over the horizon.

"Aww, it got away" Aidan sighed as he landed back on the deck.

"What's so bad about that?" Lokki inquired, "We won didn't we?"

"I guess, but I wanted to pillage and loot the ship, you know, like real pirates."

"Maybe we should pillage the next town we come across?" Deck suggested. "Then we'd be real pirates."

"I guess." Aidan shrugged. "Well someone take the helm and I'll go and check if we suffered any more damage, and don't start drinking if you're taking the wheel, there's probably laws against it."

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