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Anger of the Gods

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Posts: 1631
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Mobius: before recorded history...

Millenia before the time of Sonic the Hedgehog and Dr. Robotnik, the planet Mobius was a different place. The atmosphere was much more savage, and massive dinosaurs roamed the land. The early Mobians lived together in small tribes, having little contact with each other except for battles for terretory. They lived simple lives, living in caves or grass huts, hunting for their food...many hadn't even developed a propper language yet!

Each tribe had a god that they worshipped, with it's own history and personallity. Many tribes made statues or totem poles of their gods, some made animal sacrifices, all venerated their deities as though they were real, living creatures, watching over them and their tribe. Of course, they weren't least, not until The Slave arrived.

The Slave was the collective name for them. They were organic experiments created by an alien race on another planet. Formless blobs of goo, they weren't intelligent, and acted on instinct alone. Their purpose was to read the minds of their owners and morph into the exact thing they wanted at that present time, keeping them happy for eternity. Unfortunately many abused their power, turning them into weapons of deadly power, and eventually all morphed Slaves were destroyed, and the formless were fired off into space, never to be seen again.

It was during this period of Mobius' history that The Slave drifted through the system. As they passed, they detected the thoughts of the primitive Mobians as they venerated their gods...they wished for something to serve, to worship...a wish The Slave could grant!

Using their instincts they morphed their bodies into the shapes of the deities the Mobians held so dear. They took the histories of the gods from their subjects minds, writing memories for themselves. They read the personallity, and wrote themselves an intelligence acording to the folklore. They made themselves sentient. They had no memory of their state before they changed, the memories they wrote morthemselves became their history.

They became gods!

Each Slave joined a different clan, acting just as the natives unknowingly instructed them too. Some tribes were peaceful, but others were visious and warlike, and most clans gave their god powers of some kind! It was a precarius situation...


For this RP you can create a tribe for your deity to rule over, and a deity itself. Try to create a bit of history and culture to the tribe as the tribe warlike, or peaceful, reclusive or friendly...?

Your main character will be the tribe's god, but you can add members of the tribe as other characters too, if you wish.

Although you play a god character, with various powers, bear in mind this is STILL AN RP, so no powerplaying etc. Give your gods some weakneses, and try not to make them all powerful, eg if your god's power is elemental, just make them proficient in ONE element, not all.

The tribes are Mobian Furries, but this is stone age, so no advanced technology please. Normal tribe members CAN have some limited powers if you wish, but nothing major...leave that for the god.

Start your IC post where your god is first making contact with your tribe and soliciting their worship. I will post IC below, in a seperate post, to make it easier to read.^^


Posts: 1631
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Topic starter

Kor stood staring up at Quelqatzchkur as he strode his path across the night sky. His eye was wide tonight...soon would be the Night of Howling. His myriads of cubs winked around him, their eyes flickering as they played.

The Wolf sighed as he stared up. Quelqatzchkur's eye was always reassuring to him...The Great One would never forsake them.

Kor was an impressive figure! He stood a full six and a half feet, and had a wide chest and powerful, strong arms. His grey fur was caught by the night breeze, playing around with it slightly, but it wasn't cold. He wore thin blue shorts and a small wastecoat, worn open across his massive chest, woven from some of the blue tear flowers that graced the crags of his tribe's home. Only the Chieftan and his bodyguard were allowed to wear the blue...the rest wore the green of the forest. He was one of the bodyguard, the first, and successor to the Chief.

Around his neck he wore a necklace of wooden twigs bound together with a creeper, and in his hand he held his six foot staff. His eyes were blue, and his face looked brave and noble. He glanced around at the crags of his home. His tribe lived high in the mountains, almost above the treeline, and streatched out in the valley below was a beutiful pannorama of evergreen forest and bare, rocky crag.

A short way to the north was the snow-capped summit of Luenear Peak, Quelqatzchkur's resting place. It was here that he lay when first he brought some of his children to this world, here he instructed them on how to hunt, and how to deal with the other tribes. Their tribe was a veryseluded one, shunning contact with the others, but they were also very territorial, and didn't hesitate to attack and kill trespassers.

As he stared up at Luenear Peak, he spotted something high in the sky, steadlily dropping towards the mountain. His eyes opened wide as he was a ball of burning white light, trailing fire behind it! It was dropping from The Great One himself!

His mind remembered the prophesies of long ago...

"...the tear of The Great One, burning bright as it falls, weeping for the unknown state of the chosen ones...then he will come, he will walk among them, he will lead them to the greatness they deserve..."

His mouth was open...he could hardly breathe in shock! He watched, transfixed, as the light dropped, and with a flash, landed high up on the mountainside.

Breathless with excitement, he quickly jumped down from the rock he was stood on and set off running down into the forest, back towards the camp. This was a momentus day!!! The Great Quelqatzchkur himself would be waiting for them up on the slopes...they mustn't keep him waiting too long!

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

Interesting idea, but I'm involved in three RPs as it is.

Bump for possible entrants, though.

Posts: 208
Estimable Member

OOC I will take part, it will be a good way to start developing the personality of my character God Mirkatto. If you wonder why I put the copyrights of my characters, its because they are the characters from my story the only thing I will change from them for this role play will be that they are in Mobius and the only change with Mirkatto will be his origin, I hope you dont mind Wraith.

Mirkatto, Besoedel, Nag and Kujatsu are copyrighted Alex the Teknian.

In the dry plains of the Savanna there is a small primitive village inhabited with Meerkats, Echidnas and Cats. The village is surrounded by a large wooden wall that keeps intruders outside, the huts where made out of grass and sticks. The inhabitants lived in order and cooperation, the male natives hunted for food, defended the tribe or worked in the crop fields while the female natives took care of the young, got water from the lake inside the village or worked in the huts or crop fields as well. The clothing of the natives consist simply of a blue ragged loincloth or a ragged toga with a yellow belt for the males and a strapless ragged toga with a yellow belt for the females,
two teenager natives with primitive spears where walking toward the hut of the chief of the tribe.
"Im very excited Besoedel its our day to prove ourselves and become hunters" said Nag the Cat. Nag is a 18 years old dark purple cat, his eyes are yellow and his muzzle is white, his clothing is a blue ragged loincloth.
"Yeah Im very excited as well Nag, we have been training a lot for this day" says Besoedel the Echidna, Besoedel is also 18 years old, his fur is brown and his eyes are green, his dreadlocks reach his shoulders and his muzzle is flesh colored, his clothing is a blue ragged loincloth as well.They arrive at the chiefs hut.
"We are here chief Kujatsu" says Besoedel outside of the the chiefs hut.
"Go in" says Kujatsu the Meerkat. when Besoedel and Nag went inside they went down on their knees and bowed with respect at Kujatsu.
"You have grown a lot Besoedel and Nag, I remember those days when you where just cubs playing near the lake, and now you are strong and healthy" Kujatsu said smiling warmly while standing up from his ancient throne and walking towards them. Kujatsu is a 50 old Meerkat, his clothing is a blue robe with a yellow belt and the addition of jewelry consisting of necklaces and armbands.
"This will be your first time going outside to hunt for food, so beware of the wild creatures and other tribes, if you succeed and come back with your dead prey, you will have demostrated me that you are true hunters of my tribe, take care and remember, God Mirkatto will be watching over you always" he said.
"Thanks, we wont fail you Chief Kujatsu" said Besoedel looking at Kujatsu.
"It will be an Honor to make you, the tribe and God Mirkatto proud" Nag said looking at Kujatsu and then at the huge stone statue of the God Mirkatto behind the chiefs throne, the apearance of the statue is that of an adult Meerkat although a lot younger than Kujatsu. He has long hair and a gem on his forehead, his clothing is a tribal robe with a belt and jewelry, Mirkatto has three sacred weapons, his right hand holding the sacred spear, his other weapon was the divine saber and behind his back was the upgrade to the sacred spear, a huge sacred blade that when put together with the spear it becomes a huge divine cleaver. The strongest of his sacred weapons. Besoedel and Nag nod in respect to Kujatsu and their God Mirkatto then get up and walk outside of the hut and exited the village through the giant wooden entrance ready to hunt for food.

OOC I hope this post is okay, I will post more details and the abilities of God Mirkatto in my next post, dont worry that my character has 3 sacred weapons, I will respect your rules.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member
Topic starter

(OOC: Looks good Alex^^ This is an older RP of mine, but Alex contacted me via EZmsg to see if we could revive it. I'd still be up for doing this, if anyone else wants to join^^ Come on in :thumbsup )

Posts: 89
Estimable Member

could i join?

In a fortress construted by bones a clan of echidnas lived.
Shadowspear was the elder. He had a look at the 10 year olds around him. One had promising talent, his name was Hunt. Yes he would be the one to take part in the ritual he would become a full-fledged warrior of the great god Komar, lord of a thousand skulls!

Posts: 0
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Last post: (12/24/05 11:58 pm)

Your post: (6/11/06 8:45 am)

Enough said, rea

Posts: 208
Estimable Member

OOC: Hi and welcome pompousvampire.

Besoedel and Nag had succeeded in hunting a big lizard.
"He really put up a good fight" said Besoedel tired and panting.
"Yeah..." said Nag panting as well and grabing his left shoulder that got wounded in the fight, Besoedel wipes sweat from his forehead then looked at Nag.
"You look exhausted, take a rest while I gut the Lizard before taking it back to the village" offered the brown Echidna.
"Dont worry Im okay, just catching my breath" said Nag smiling at his friend. just when they were about to gut the lizard Nag noticed something falling from the sky.
"Hey Besoedel whats that?" asked the dark purple Cat looking wide eyed and pointing at the falling object.
"No idea!" said Besoedel looking shocked as Nag, the object landed in the lake making a huge splash of water, even when the two friends were far away from the lake they knew where it landed after seing the huge splash.
"It landed in the lake lets check what is it" said Besoedel then runned in direction to the lake.
"Okay" replied Nag then follows Besoedel.
