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Atomic the Hedgehog: A Post-Apocalyptic Sonic Universe

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The heavily fortified underground base once held great minds and concepts of war and peace unheard of to the common people. Within this fortress, was now housed one of the greatest of those concepts. It was meant for something grand. However, to the world's had goals of it's own.

The device was the most powerful supercomputer on Mobius, housing one of it's most brilliant brains. This project was known as EGGMind. Sadly, instead of dedicating itself to solving the world's problems, it instead coveted the world as it's own. The first action of it's mad goal, was to use it's power to gain control over all of the machines of Mobius in a bid to take control. When this failed, it launched every nuclear, biological, and chemical WMD throughout the world, causing a holocaust of horrific proportions.

Now, the last remnants of the human and anthroid Mobians struggle to survive against not only the myriad mutant predators and zombie hordes, but against the EGGMind's Robot Legion, which continues it's march to occupy the world's last bastions of power and civilization...


The sparks from the tools of the science robots finally ceased, as their work was complete. The first of a new model of soldier that will bolster the Robot Legion as never before, and finally tip the scales of power fully to the control of the EGGMind.

The new creation rose, it's weapon arm clanking against the table, it's red eyes shining in the near-darkness with a dim glow like twin lasers. Now it was time to test this latest model, before gathering the "resources" required, and beginning mass production...


The various bounty hunters and mercenaries assembled listened, as the Governor of Omegaopolis, one of the largest of the last cities remaining in the wasteland that was now Mobius.

"Our troops have enough problems dealing with the ravenous zombies, the nightmarish mutants, and, of course, the Robot Legion. This new threat…this 'Sun Flame Cult,' is taxing us, and other settlements, more than we can bear. Fortunately, this problem had a workable solution. Unlike the mutants, which are merely obstacles of nature, the zombies, which have no leader, and the Legion that has a leader we cannot find, the Cult has a very visible leader, whom the Cultists worship as a goddess. Her name is Nuclear Blaze."

Governor paused a moment to let these words sink in, standing almost at attention with his hands behind his back, his uniform worn, but as clean and pressed as possible. His short hair was silver, his only marring feature being the eye patch he wore over his right eye, and the adjoining large scar that went over the covered eye.

Vincent the Fox listened intently, his arms crossed. His leather armor was worn but still protective, his twin machine pistols dangled in their holsters at his side. He didn't appear to have any other ordinance or firepower. Yet, he had made enough of a reputation as to be one of the select people chosen by Omegaopolis for this job.

Governor finally continued, "Since our target was only the leader, we thought that only one bounty hunter would be enough. We sent for the best we could find. He went on the mission, but we have not heard from him in 3 months. We believe he has…failed."

Vincent, and probably everyone else, knew whom the Governor was referring to. Rumor traveled fast that the bounty hunter known as Gunmetal Gray had taken the job. He was not only armed to the teeth, but had powerful psychokinesis as well. If Gray failed this job, then Victor and the others assembled would be hard-pressed to accomplish it.

Governor continued, "The bounty on Nuclear Blaze, dead or alive, will be 1000 gems, or 100 rings, if you prefer. Our goal is to stack the deck this time, so that reward will be per person. Therefore, feel free to group together. In fact, I strongly encourage it, if Gunmetal Gray's apparent demise is any indication of the Cult's power."

Vincent smiled. It was a decent bounty for a difficult job. Finally, the gathering was dismissed, and Vincent began to make plans on what to do next.

Posts: 2232
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(OOC: Interested in possibly joining in on this, like the world idea. Any guidlines for character profiles and starting points? An example profile with your main would be nice.)

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Okay, example characters can be found on the "New Guy With Ideas" thread. At present, the location is Omegaopolis, one of the largest of the last cities and settlements on Mobius. This is the starting point, you could be one of the mercs in the gathering in the first post, or visiting the town, or a resident, or whatever.

As for profiles, just set them up in your first post, or use one of your profiles from that thread near the top. If you set up a new one, just do it like:

Name: Vincent
Race/Species: Android (resembles Mobian Anthro Fox)
Age: 5 (appears 18)
Eyes: blue
Fur/Hair: red
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 93 lbs.
Clothing/Supplies/Ordinance: leather armor, leather belt with holsters, leather and metal boots, leather gloves, dual machine pistols with multiple ammo clips, "internal" devices include multi-tool, hacker cable, wrist blade
Background: Vincent was created by EGGMind to be an Infiltration Android. Unfortunately, the complexity of A.I. required to make Vincent convincingly "organic" was enough to allow him to rebel and break himself off from EGGMind's control, after becoming self-aware and realizing that he didn't desire to aid in the conquest or destruction of the world. Vincent quickly found that his skills might be best utilized as a bounty hunter. He has since made a good living and a notable reputation from his work, and has managed to, for the most part at least, keep his Android nature a secret.

I hope this covers everything!

Posts: 369
Reputable Member

OOC: Hm, gonna take a while to familiarise myself with all the opposing forces out there. Oh wait, just read your thread 'New guy with ideas', or something XD

My only question iiiiiisss... where did the zombie nation come from? It's a good idea, but we don't know their occurence. Or is all to be revealed?

What the hell. Entry point into RP is satisfactory enough. Let's roll the dice.

Name: Xell Rhinestone
Species: Dragon
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5
Weight: 70Kg
Special abilities: Flight, breathes electricity as opposed to fire.
Appearance: *is completely lazy* Just look at the picture here Xell Rhinestone


Amongst the assembly of bounty hunters and mercs stood a figure as still as stone. His magenta eyes blinked in a morbidly passive way as Governor reported a new threat upon the mobian citiziens and its importance to quell it. The reward wasn't short of handsome either.
100 power rings was a lot. And it was just what he needed... for another purpose. Not that that was anyone else's business.
Xell Rhinestone, the dragon took off his purple glasses as he stared into space, as if he was looking at the situation directly in the eye. Even though it clearly looked as if he was looking into space and was lost in his own world.
He put his glasses back on and cast a rare smile to himself, before walking off.

If he was going to undertake this Nuclear Blaze character, he would've preferred to have done it alone. Working with others was either somewhat damaging to his pride, or he suspected they'd get in the way. Nonetheless, if a telekinetic agent didn't even settle the job well, he concluded this Blaze foe wasn't going to be a piece of cake.
So he toyed with the idea of at least getting to know who his 'partners in crime' might be. Those who had any courage anyway and didn't decide to back out like pansies.

He wandered over to an Android looking fox, 4'9 in height. Like a shadow, he simply stood next to him- not even facing him, he began to speak.
"So..." Xell began "seems the Gray got trumped. Or Silver... would be his name?"

Xell wasn't sure what Vincent was thinking. Or whether he even had the ability to care for conversation.
"Had I had telekinetic powers, I would've manipulated the nemesis' fire right back into her face," Xell smirked "any idea as to how you might tackle the subject in question once you come face to face with the so-called Nuclear Blaze?" Xell asked, awaiting an answer. He would be amused to see any reaction, or none whatsoever.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

OOC: Right then, I think this is a suitable universe for Old!Crim. Lets roll.

Name: Crimson Darkwolfe
Species: Red Wolf (Canis Rufus)
Age: 64
Gender: Male
Height: 6ft
Equipment and Apparel: Wears a series of thick armoured leather belts down one arm, and across his chest. Leather and padded trousers. Hair is approximately 5m long in a braid, tail is 6ft long. Braid is tied to a heavy, sharp metal hook chained to the hilt of his sword.
Abilities: Limited energokinesis. Can redirect small amounts of energy such as fire or electricity or blasters. Only small amounts though.


Crimson was stood leaning against a wall, arms folded, watching the assembled mercs congrigate and form into groups, disscussing the mission and the bounty. And what a bounty it was, though he'd have done it for free, cults in this day and age were bad news, the citizens left had to stand together, not seperate into groups based on some... religious doctrine. It was lunacy.
Merc work may have left a bad taste in his mouth, but he had to get money to survive somehow, and if anybody was going to be paid for sorting out problems, it might as well be him. He scratched his nose slowly, squinting his eyes as he looked again around the room. A team would no doubt be a good idea in this endeavour.

His ears perked as he caught a conversation nearby." Nuclear Blaze?"
The mature wolf grunted and smirked, and glanced at the dragon and android. "Hmph, and you don't suppose that the late Grey's overconfidence might have been his downfall, kid? If a blowback was so easy, we wouldn't be here now, would we?"

Posts: 369
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Xell swiftly whipped off his glasses and shot the owner of the smart-ass comment a look of thunder. Being addressed as a kid, furthermore, did nothing to quell his annoyance for the individual that decided to barge into the conversation. He wondered where he had come from. He never noticed him in the crowds earlier on.
Except upon fixing a hard magenta eye upon the figure, he was unpleasantly surprised to find the figure, who was a mature crimson coloured wolf, was a good half foot taller than him.

To correct this inferior complex, Xell swiftly flapped his wings so that he was hovering a little over a foot or two off the ground, as if floating effortlessly in mid air.

"The late grey had telekinetic powers for crying out loud!" Xell ranted "legend has it he was able move and manipulate firing meteorites of rocks and crumbled building facets with his powers! Why would a purple kitty cat have posed such a problem?" Xell said pointing at him demandingly.

"...perhaps you're right. Overconfidence maybe did seal his fate," Xell finished that conversation before the wolf decided to chip in with another comment "anyway, stranger, I'd be curious to know what your approach might be. Do enlighten us," Xell smiled, as he landed on a nearby rock and glanced at the figures below.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Crimson raised an eyebrow slightly at the dragon's floating attempt to puff himself up, and shook his head, tapping out listing on his fingers as he spoke. "Infiltration. Research. Caution. Slip inside her cult and find out exactly what I was dealing with before I even considered making a move, kid."

The tall wolf stood up strait, adjusting his belts as he looked at Xell, appraising the cocky dragon with his cold, calm blue eyed gaze. "The name is Crimson, Kid. Keep in mind, power isn't always the first resort."

Posts: 369
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"Thoughtfully planned," Xell remarked with a mutter, trying to keep his cool "so well ordered. Perhaps, too well ordered..."
The dragon tilted his mandible upwards as if to roll over the thought with a cold smile, before looking back at Crimson.

"... and are you confident your 'organised' planning will fair you well against all the chaos, in the form of EggMIND robots and zombies... let alone the cult and the Nuclear goddess who will attempt to incinerate you before you even have a chance to contemplate a means of infiltration?" Xell enquired.

"...and for God's sakes. Stop calling me kid!" he snorted.

Posts: 2232
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"Do you even see these grey furs kid?" Crimson replied, snarkily as he pointed to his greying hairline. "And don't just assume I rely on planning. I'm cautious sure, but I've lived long enough to be flexible too."

He sighed and adjusted his belt again, scratching an eyebrow wearily. "And for goodness sake, try to calm down, there's no point getting annoyed at an honest answer. This world has gone to hell in a handbasket long ago, and if we keep arguing and fighting each other like this, we are never going to save it."

Stepping toward the dragon, he offered out a paw. "Maybe I wouldn't call you kid, if you gave me your name, young'un."

As he did this however, out of the corner of his eye, he examined Vincent suspiciously. Robots. Aurora forsaken hell-machines. Why was the indignity of one being in this place allowed?

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OOC: To answer your question, Bentleee, the zombies are just one of the many gross and horrendous mutations created by the combination of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons to bombard this world. The zombie plague that was created is simply the most virulent and prolific mutation. While relatively easily to deal with, their sheer numbers are their strength.

Hope that helps!


Finally, Vincent spoke up...

"Don't forget, this is Gunmetal Gray we're talking about. Just because he's out of contact doesen't mean he's dead. We have to consider the possibility that this is may be a rescue mission as well as a target incapacitation. To say nothing of the fact that Nuclear Blaze's power can be radioactive. What doesn't kill us fast will kill us slow if we're not prepared. Therefore, I recommend starting with purchasing anti-rad meds."

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

The tall wolf grunted with a hint of distain as Vincent voiced his opinion. The mechaniod had a point however, distasteful as it may be to listen to such a... son of a toaster.

"Agreed." He nodded. "Even if this cult leader is nuclear in name only, better to be prepared..."

Posts: 369
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Xell raised an eyebrow at the Android, in the midst of reluctantly shaking Crimson's hand.

"Xell's the name," the dragon said "monosyllabled and simple. Kindly remember me that." he said sternly.

He turned to the Android, who 'recommended' they purchased anti-rad meds.

"Aight then. Guess robotboy knows best," the grey dragon said "If we're gonna equip ourselves for this bizarre venture, what else are we gonna need and where are we gonna get it?" he enquired.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Been awhile since I've done an RP. This seems like a fun one to get into.

Name: Max
Race/Species: Mouse
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Fur/Hair: white with medium-length black headfur in a ponytail
Other appearance details: No tail. Doesn't like telling the story about why it's gone.
Height: 4' (and extremely self-conscious about it)
Clothing/Supplies/Ordinance: dark blue halter-top, jean shorts, combat boots. Carries two medium-caliber handguns in a shoulder holster, a double-barrelled sawn-off shotgun hung from a loose strap and a belt filled with ammo mags, shotgun shells and a combat knife.
Background: Little is known about what Max did before she started freelancing. What is known is Max's abilities with a firearm, her agility and the crazed sociopathic glee she displays when she's shooting. Her abrasive, foul-mouthed and greedy personality and an explosive temper all make her unpleasant to work with... that is, until the bullets start flying.

IC: "What else are ya gonna need? How 'bout a set of testicles?" offered a small figure off to the side. The wolf, the dragon and the fox all looked towards the source of the voice and saw a short female mouse staring at them, a snide grin on her face.

The wolf shook his head in disbelief at the insult the small rodent had just thrown at them. "Excuse me?"

"I said that none of you have any balls. Talking about infiltrating a cult, talking about how to work around the chaos, blah blah fing blah. Sound like a bunch of greenies to me..." The mouse paced back and forth as she continued to harangue them, her handguns bouncing against her chest as she paced.

"Anywho, the reason I busted up your little tea party is to offer my services to you guys, because it sounds like you sorely need them." The mouse moved towards the wolf while talking. "Y'see, bypassing chaos is a bad idea. Chaos can be a good thing, provided you can make it work for ya. You start enough s and you'll throw them all inta a panic."

She stopped when she got right next to the wolf, looking up at his face while making a gun shape with her right hand. "And then you can just walk right in and 'bang'." She mimed the action at his face as she said it, pausing to blow on her index finger afterwards.

"And that's where I could come in." She took a step back, straightened up and pointed a thumb at herself. "The name's Max and starting s*** is what I do."

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Crimson tilted shook his head sighing in exasperation, but with a hint of a smirk on his muzzle as he did so.

"I suppose there is something to be said for a distraction." The wolf replied, pointedly to the rather angry little mouse.

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Vincent responded, "First off, I'd apprieciate it if everybody stops referring to my 'synthetic' nature in public. I'm not exactly proud of it, so most people don't know, and I'd like to keep it that way. Causing some chaos might work, but we still need to exercise caution. I admit I don't really need anti-rad meds, but the three of you might, so as I recall, the best place to find what we need is at the Omni Emporium, in the market district of the city."

The fox was impresssed by the gathering of hunters that had accumulated in such a short time. Each new arrival made the odds of success calculated in his computerized mind even better. Maybe this wouldn't be such a difficult job after all...

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Crimson snorted again, looking at Vincent with distain, but a little begrudging respect. At least he's rightfully ashamed of it, the wolf thought to himself.

"Agreed, it would be best if we stopped by there and stopped up on supplies before heading anywhere."

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

(OOC: this looks interesting. I'll have to see what I can come up with as far as character(s) No, I'm not puting Reni in this. I don't really think she'd fit, much to her annoyance with me. Anyway...I'll be back when a character presents itself to me...)
