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Black Rainbows

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Black rainbows
...blacken the view

In spite of the wrath between races of all kinds- be it humans, anthromorphians, androids or any being that could exhibit thought and existence- the debate between atheists and believers has been concluded for now. There is a God, a heaven, and a hell.

As predicted by pessimists and pacifists over decades, the world has indeed met its withering fate and succumbed to a dark finale. Whether this came about through natural disaster, human-manifested catastrophe, or wilful self-destruction of the living remains unclear.

The only fleeting memory that could be recalled by the fallen was the eruption of a rogue black voids, which swallowed everyone whole and cast them through overwhelming cascades of the Twilight Zone.

In a twisted turn of fate, it appeared only those who hadn't left a trace of sin in their mortal lives had been taken towards the light. The heavens as they knew it.

The rest, however, had been claimed as despondent slaves to serve the masters of the underworld.

There were few and far between in the latter group that did, however, hold a glimmer of hope.

In spite of being condemned to hell, they chose to challenge their fate.

Liberating fellow sufferers and ultimately, defeating the Patriarch of the Underworld would be the only way to set them free.


The Underworld

It was through a dark, damp and echoey hallway prisoners ensnared with chains with spears jagged into their backs found themselves being pushed further and further towards a destination.

Xell Rhinestone, a grey and white striped young dragon with determined pale blue eyes refused to show any suffering or anguish as he found whips lashing at his ankles, spears poking his back and prison leaders screech in his ears to hurry up.

"Please hurry up lizard... you're too slow..." a feeble prisoner female mouse said behind, receiving another five whiplashes on her ankles for talking which caused her to cry out in agony.

"C'm on outtcha git ya dirty gits!!! The Overlord's awaitin' ya in the Arena of pain, ya lilly-livered scumbags!!" an overweight alligator guard bellowed, as he opened some old croaky wooden doors which gave off overwhelming heat and red light from the outside world. The air greeting the prisoners felt like a blast furnace.

As the prisoners made their way to the 'Arena of pain', they found themselves within an encircled, stoned circular Romanesque monument crafted with marbled slate and pillars. The outside horizon appeared to be an inferno infested landscape which blazed to infinity.

Xell blinked morbidly as he took in the sight around him. The scene of horror was worse than what his parents used to read for him at bedtimes.

"A marvel of a sight, don't you think?!" a sadistic voice laughed which gained everyone's attention and automatically lured their gazes towards a statuesque throne which stood ten feet above them.

"Greetings Martyrs of the damned. I am Julien, Patriarch of the Underworld." The beast announced, as his dark silhouette was drawn out of the darkness and started materialise by the illumination of the inferno's light from the arena's periphery.

"So you've come for a reconciliation to the light side... eh?" the voice started, which belonged to a red brooded eyed vampiric purple beast that stood up from the throne and glared at the prisoners in front of him "Do you feel your damnation was unjustified?!?" he challenged.

The fires from the outside world appeared to roar more after he had spoken.

Everyone stood there, unable to deduce whether his question was rhetorical or not.

"There is no need to answer. Any sin great or small binds you here ultimately," he smiled inhumanely "However, a trial of redemption may purify your names and hail you to greater good."

"All you have to do is travel through the three circles of hell," the beast continued, making it sound so simple "The trial starts with slavery in the labour camps of the Medieval realm. How the world started- a slave master and his slave. Your mission will be to escape the slave camp..."

Xell blinked morbidly. They were already slaves. How real was this proposal anyway? What did this fiend have to gain from it?

"If you think this will come easy, your sorry deprived souls are sadly mistaken," Julien snarled, noting some dubious nature about the crowd staring back at him "Even if you do manage to escape the vicious enslavement of the Medieval realm, you still have a foe to face at the end..."

The vampiric beast jabbed an index finger through his upper lip as he momentary dedicated some though to the next sentence in his speech.

"I won't waste my time explaining the next two circles for I doubt you will even surpass this one," he laughed manically "If I do see you on the other side though, I'll kindly elaborate."

Before anyone had a chance to quip or deliberate, a black vortex suddenly materialised. The vortex stood as a hazy black stary background which was placed in between two pillars with firing torches.

"So, if you feel 'man' enough for the trial, be my guest and step through the vortex," he jested with his hands "Before I grant you access to the Medieval labour trial, all I ask is that you reveal your greatest sin committed, in a single sentence or paragraph."

With that, like magic the shackles suddenly snapped open from everyone's wrists and ankles, causing them to drop to the floor with a clatter and clang.

The slaves took the moment to ease their limbs from the burdened they'd been carrying, before gazing at the first candidate at the top of the line. It was the grey dragon. A quiet and forlorn one.

"My name is Xell Rhinestone and I killed a lot of people..." he said, blinking with his head turned over his shoulder as he waited for some approval before stepping into the vortex.

There was a single nod of the shadowy overlord, before the dragon stepped into the vortex and was rapidly swept away. Into another world.

"Next," Julien smirked, pressing his fingers together as he studied the next figure that stood in line to enter the vortex.


Okay so hopefully it's self explanatory. The aim of this RP is to redeem your sins by surviving trials and freeing other slaves on the way.

If you'd rather be an antagonist and fight against the protagonist good guys then that's fine by me but send me a pm first.

Otherwise just enter the RP. A recommended start is your character, brief description and their sin committed.

Feel free to ask any questions if there is any uncertainty. Either here or via a pm.

Edit by SilverShadow: I made it so your post no longer stretches the tables.

Posts: 481
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(OOC: I'm in! But...I have to think of something first...Part of me wants to put Reni in this, but I'm not sure it's right for her)

Posts: 369
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OOC: Oh fantastic! That sounds great :tup
There is nothing from stopping you to use Reni at all so don't hesitate hey? I have no qualms at all and personally think it would work well for her but since you were the one that knows her inside out the choice is yours obviously 😛

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

oc: I've had some ideas, but I'd like to see how many people are playing before hand, as it would require there to be a set of major characters first. I’ll pm you about it Bantlee ^_^

Posts: 2234
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Ooc: I definitely intend to join, but just one quick question for me and I'm sure any other people joining. I don't have any neccessary plans for them, but are characters allowed any magical/supernatural abilities? When I join I'll probably use a particular species for its natural abilities but just thought I'd ask.

Expect a IC post from me later.

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OOC: Hey Reithe. No probs. Hope you joining doesn't depend too TOO much on other peoples' major characters XD But it is up to you. Any questions feel free to ask. Even if it is a million times.

Oh fantastic, great to see you join Pach! I'm really thrilled. Yes, supernatural abilities are abselutely grand. And don't feel restricted or hesitate with what you enter with or how far you progress a scene/story. I really don't have a strict set of rules or fixed story line in my head that is abseloute. Neither a particular genre for this RP ie Sci-Fi, Fantasy. I wanted to make it open for people, but also provide mission, objective and room for character development.

What is absolute is that I do know some answers to some obvious questions people might have in their heads... obviously I won't be giving that suspense away. ie 'Why did the world end?' 'Why is hell offering redemption?' e.t.c

I'd much rather this RP evolved from what all players had to offer as far as story, species, abilities etc Just like 'Forest of the Future' and 'Knuckles Heroes'. Even 'Rise and Fall' worked well with what everyone had to offer. Oh, and 'Shadow's revenge'.

Also fortunately all the players I know at the MoFo including yourself have always been sensible and perfectly controlled with their IC's so yes. By all means characters with special/super natural abilities is great.

Off a tangent. Phew, but hey

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

(OOC: I've got something! I think. *muffles Reni's sarcastic remark*  Hush you. Anyway...Question...does this mean everybody is dead...or are they still alive?)


A purple hedgehog stepped forward. She had blue eyes and a rainbow birthmark on her left shoulder, and was wearing a yellow midriff halter top and cut-off shorts, as well as yellow sneakers.  Serenity still couldn't believe she was here.  "My name is Serenity..." And then the title and formal name came tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop it, "Crown Princess Serenity Alicia Acorn Hedgehog...DANGIT.  I did it AGAIN." Her  speech devolved into annoyed mumblings briefly before she turned back to the creature on the throne, her whole body screaming defiance, indignance, and injured pride. "And I. Have done. NOTHING. Wrong.  WHY am I here?  I shouldn't be here.  I help people...I FIGHT evil, I don't commit it...I just got a bad card!"


(OOC: Obscure Eek the Cat refference, FTW. XP @ "I got a bad card" )

Posts: 202
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oc: ummm sent pm.. yeah I think you're going to be a little upset with the size. I kinda went overboard. Again.

Posts: 369
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OOC: Upset? Nah. Like I said, was an amazing read so hopefully they'll be an opportunity for you to implement it in (:

They're dead now, then they'll be alive when they go on their trial unless they die during the redemption trial. And I remember Eek the cat XD


Expecting to hear the next compliant subject declare their name and greatest sin committed, Julien's gaze hardened with a wry smile as he found the next subject- in the form of a bright violet hedgehog with blue eyes- speak in a bolshie and defiant manner. Indeed there was always one so it shouldn't have come as a surprise.

A group of 4 black knight guards, whose species and identity were completely hidden by armour, started to close in on the prisoners on all corners of their gathering. Just to keep them under control.

"Oi you! Bite the hand that feeds it? You best show some respect to the overlord!"one of them quipped, showing a pair of red eyes through the darkness of his helmet.

Serenity looked back at the sinister knight with gritted teeth. The only elements occupying the silence of the moment was the burning fire of the torches and the faint howls of wind which picked up grit, dust and embers. Causing them to spiral within the atmosphere and space around them.

"My, my. Such strong words for a young female," Julien remarked, as holding his chin with interest as he studied the audacious hedgehog.

"You've clearly forgotten that you've fallen to my hands for a reason. Rodent," he began, his smile becoming more of an evil smirk "You're defiled. Tainted. Rejected by the heavenly kingdom and cast down to the underworld. To. Serve. Me!!!"

"...but I..." Reni began to protest. One of the knights stepped closer, holding a blazing sword close to her face.

"The heavens don't care what good you have done. You can't wash your hands after your have sinned.

"Now look inside yourself and tell me you've lived your whole life without once never having told a lie, cheated, or caused anyone any despair or worry?" he enquired "And what about your people that weren't born to the heir like you were princess? The suffering civilians with simple lives that work all day for minimum wage to fund their way and to pay their taxes for the greedy and gluttonous monarchy?" Julien questioned.

"Tell me, are you still willing to stand here and deny you've ever wronged anyone or the world around you? Or must I slay one of your fellow team members to get some truth out of you?" Julien questioned, his pupils becoming like black slits in a cat's pair of eyes.

Posts: 2234
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"Man, whatever," came a voice from amongst the crowd, surprising the tense scene that had been created. "I don't have time to put up with all of this today." The attention of the gathered onlookers was centered on a white coloured fox who was dressed in a sharp, black suit. Before he could get any reply from those who were in charge of this whole event, he continued to speak, following the same process as the dragon earlier.

"My name is Kenneth Lay, and my greatest sin was that I was a door to door salesmen."

There was a quiet silence, as the people around him wondered what the hell he was saying and if he was honestly serious. Cutting the tension short, Kenneth laughed loudly.

"I kid, I kid. No, I guess you could say I'm a confidence man, doing my fair share of cons and sinning. If you want to know my greatest sin, well..." He smirked a somewhat sinister smile, as if he was almost proud of his sin.

"I drove someone to commit suicide."

There was no reply from anyone else who had been gathered there.

The shadowy overlord simply nodded, and with that Kenneth's body dissapeared into the void of the vortex as he walked on through, awaiting whatever would happen next.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

(OOC: this all centered around one particular world, or is it multiple worlds and/or multiple universes?)


"The hand that feeds me, eh?  Yeah...feeds me maggot-infested sludge! Why should I even listen to anything you say?  I'm innocent!" She crossed her arms and glowered.  "And we're already dead.  So how could you slay anyone, hmm?"

"Very well...I'll just torture them until you admit to what you've done."

"But I HAVEN'T done anything!"

There was a scream from further down the line, and Serenity winced.  It appeared the overlord hadn't been bluffing after all.

"Ok, ok...stop hurting them!  I...I...I must have done something, but I don't KNOW what!  There, you happy?"  It was true though.  She could think of nothing she had done that would get her here.


Posts: 1866
Noble Member

OOC: Bah! I want to enter this, but I can't think of a character that really fits... Maybe I'll enter with... *fades into mumbles* Hmmm.... I may PM you about this, Bentlee.

Posts: 36
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[[ Hey guys, what's going on here? 😮 I thought about coming in since Bentleee told me so so hello :0 ]]

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OOC: Chronological order of OOc's.

Pach, love you character. I found myself laughing out loud at his cavalier-like personality and the attire he has sounds cool!

Ramza, oh don't feel restricted with what you enter with. I'm so chilled it's not even funny. But yes feel free to pm me when you're inspired with an OC or such.

Welcome Rubycored! :clap

Yes and be friendly to Rubycored everyone. I did indeed drag him here to Yuku and board Rping so pls be nice ^_^

IC later!

Posts: 56
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OOC: Hey everyone, I'm new. Bentleee dragged me here. c:

Please don't make fun of me, I haven't RPed in three years. <3;

PS, I have a question. How is the use of swear words viewed here...? >__> The character I'm choosing can be a bit of a pottymouth sometimes, but he doesn't abuse them. I just don't want to end up getting reported or banned if something slips lol. For now I'll avoid them.



"Stop complaining. You're going to drive everyone here more nuts than they already are." Another hedgehog had stepped up. He was white, clothed only with a large blue scarf, which trailed behind him as he walked, and a black cloak to hide his left arm -- his lack of a left arm.

"It's quite obvious that you did something wrong, kid. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. Now think harder, or you'll just make things more difficult - for yourself, and for everyone else in line."

The hedgehog glared at the overlord with his fierce, pale-blue eyes. "My name is Glitch. And as for my greatest sin? I'm an insensitive jerk. That's pretty much all there is to it."

Silence. No one laughed. Not a word - or even a whisper emerged from the group behind. All eyes remained glued to him. Glitch shrugged, smirking, "All right then. I too have killed many. Including my own sister. Most of those were actually.. accidents, if you will. But what's done is done. It's a shame, really--"

"You can shut up now. That's all I need to hear." The overlord motioned for Glitch to step forward into the vortex.

Glitch frowned as he followed his directions. "Rude." Without looking back -- This should be exciting. -- he stepped into the portal and dissipated into nothing.

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

[[ Welcome aboard, Rexcalibur 😛 i kinda remember you all the way from dA....

Btw, are there any actual visual representations (i.e. pics) of any of the characters being played here? just thought that it might be easier (for me, anyway( to have a better understanding of the plot progress if I know how some characters here actually look like to animate in my head... ]]

Posts: 56
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OOC: Haha I remember you too, Rubycored. c:

&& you have a good point; I think refs will make this more interesting/easier to understand. Otherwise I'm just going to end up picturing a bunch of different colored Sonics running around lol.

This is my most up-to-date ref of Glitchy if anyone's interested~


It's two years old though, so I plan on drawing him again/updating his design soon.

Everything will pretty much be the same but his spines, shoes, and gloves. I'll repost it once I finish it.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

(OOC: Good idea @ posting refs; Full body pic of Reni (beware, OLD but it's the only thing close to a ref I have in color):  The next one's newer and more accurate, but only head and shoulders:  )

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

            Throughout this entire fiasco, one member of the group had remained ominously silent. It wore a blackened leather cloak with the hood drawn up, two metal chains formed the draw strings, clanking about as the figure swayed from side to side. Every once in a while, its head would jerk to the look at something, almost like a squirrel on the lookout for birds of prey. Sometimes the hood would flip up and offer a view of a featureless mask without eye holes, surrounded by golden hair. It would sometimes bring a hand up and press on the mask, causing it to give off a series of clicks and a vacuum sound in response, but other than that, it made no sounds.

            It stepped forward, staring up at Julien, not saying a word. Several moments passed while the other captives bickered in the background. "Well?" offered the beast, growing annoyed at the thing's stare, "What is you name and your sin?" The creature made no attempt to talk, but looked behind it, making sure that none of the others were looking. Turning back, it reached up and removed its mask, showing the overlord. The others saw nothing, but the overlord saw a sight that made even him more than a little uncomfortable. The being replaced the mask, the sound of a vacuum and clicks resounding as before. "You may go..." the beast stopped for a moment, scratching his chin, "Sigil."

OOC: I have no pictures of Sigil, and Sigil would be very hard to draw based on what it is... Anyone who wishes to is welcome to make the attempt, however.

Posts: 481
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Serenity over heard what the other hedgehog had said last, and couldn't resist a quip in his direction, even though he hadn't actually said it about her, "Yes you are." She was also getting impatient.  She turned back to the overlord  "Can I GO now and get this whole test thing overwith?"

"You still haven't answered the question."

"I TOLD you, I DON'T know what my sin was!"  She thought for a minute. "Ok, so I'm a loudmouth and I'm impatient.  Nobody's perfect, right?"  She thought some more...only belatedly remembering something the overlord had said. "...And I'm NOT a rodent!"


Posts: 369
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OOC: I really like everyone's posts. I didn't expect such an interesting mix of characters.

Yes welcome to Rexcalibur. Pls be nice everyone, once again!

*anime fall* pictures? Gosh really having my work cut out for me *mumble grumble* I am joking. Here goes.

Xell and Julien respectively. Here is a scarier picture of Julien. I think *shrugs* Click here

Hmm design of Sigil? I'll dedicate some thought to it. Creepy creature...

Must think of an IC...

Posts: 56
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/cackle cackle

Oh I think Serenity and Glitch are gonna get along just fine in this. XDD

As for Sigil.. I love how his mask has no eye-holes and yet he can still see. That's so wicked.. but still creepy. :c hehe I'd love to try a sketch of him sometime actually. Though I have a feeling what I'm imaging is probably not the same as what everyone else has in mind XD. /shrug

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

OOC: Don't really want to start off with more than one character but I had an idea for a character I couldn't refuse to use.

Also, greetings Rexcalibur and Rubycored! It's always awesome to see new faces, and those who aren't afraid to rp at that! Any friend of Kate's is more than welcome to be a friend of mine. On the subject of curses I don't particularly mind them as I like to consider myself a mature writer, but at the same time random outbursts of slurs aren't really desirable. But at any rate I'm not the GM so the decision is of course down to Kate, just wanted to add my only friendly two cents.


He had been watching and waiting, hoping to see everyone who was willing to volunteer jump through the vortex and the next destination before him, but he decided he couldn't wait any longer; after all he had no idea how long the offer would last. The Salamander had his opened phone pointing towards the hooded cloaked individual, snapping a photo before he vanished, and writing down some text so he could best use it to remind himself of the various 'players'. The photo and file were to join those of the other earlier volunteers;

- Xell Rhinestone, the dragon who had killed many people.

- Kenneth Lay, the fox conman who had driven a person to commit suicide.

- Glitch, the hedgehog, who had also killed many people, including his own sister.

A lot of killers. Did any of these people deserve redemption?

There was also the purple hedgehog Serenity who insisted she had commited no sin. Whilst her participation in the event hadn't been confirmed yet, the Salamander had little doubt that she would also play a role in the events to come. He had taken a photo of her, written her name down and also typed in Sin: ?

But the photographs and texted notes weren't just to be used as a little reference for the Salamander to consult over the course of the trials. No, for him they were of utmost importance.

The Salamander stepped forward. He was clothed in a great hoodie and jeans with a simple pair of sneakers, his age looking to be that of his early thirties. He pocketed the phone and stepped forward into the spotlight.

"Er, my name is Nathan."

The Overlord turned his attention towards the salamander.

"As my sin, I'm not too sure..." Nathan spoke up, his voice trembling in agitation and fear. He scratched the back of his head. "I mean, I know I've commited a sin and I'm sure it was a pretty bad one if I'm down here, but I honestly couldn't say what it was."

The Overlord looked towards Nathan with piqued interest. What was this poor creature's excuse going to be?

"I have a condition, you see. I have anterograde amnesia, which means I can't create new memories. There was an incident when I was younger, and since then I can't remember anything that has happened to me." Nathan explained.

Which was why he had to use his phone to take photos and notes of people and events. They were the only way in which he could remember things that had ocurred to him before.

The Overlord stopped for a brief moment, contemplating Nathan's excuse. He nodded, satisfied, and Nathan proceeded to walk through the vortex to the trials beyond.

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OOC: Aw thanks Ash. That's really nice of you to say that XD Like the sound of Nathan as well. Wow since when did you come up with the 'real' authentic and original characters? 😛

I don't know what the rules are on language either. I am easy going. I'll ask in the spam forum. ^_^

Yeah I wasn't going to introduce Wraith as a protoganist either but I thought I would to side with Glitch maybe given their similiar backgrounds. He has no powers though. He's weaker than a spider's elbow in this RP. Julien's the power suite in this one. If my own bunch becomes too much I'll kill one of my own off or whatever 😛

If I've misconceived someone's character, by all means let me know!



Julien watched as the last individual, in the form of a hooded salamander take his leave. With a funny looking device. Obviously the modern day cell phone. The vampiric beast deduced that given Nathan’s condition, he was likely highly dependent upon the device.

“Are you listening to me?! I.AM.NOT.a RODENT!!!” Reni shouted, demanding the overlord’s attention.

“Good lord,” a highly annoyed voice muttered barely above a whisper. A weakened and dishevelled looking creature simply looked on at the reckonings that had taken place. By far the biggest parody award of them belonged to the violet coloured hedgehog, who had been so truculent throughout the whole ordeal.

“Oh but you ARE a rodent!” Julien challenged, turning his attention back to the purple hedgehog. The surrounding fires growing more fiercely as he announced his words “a withering, mangy, creature of contempt. Your ignorance is your greatest sin. Every other force has a pathological hate towards your kind. Thus you have fallen…”

“Guards, just throw her in before I change my mind,” Julien stood up and announced, resisting the need to put his face in the palm of his hands at the prospect of getting nowhere.

At that, two black knights came in from the sides and lifted up Reni by either arm.

“I… hey! Get your filthy mits off of me!” she snarled, writhing.

“Stop struggling rodent… in you get… 1…2…” and with the third swing, the purple hedgehog found herself thrown into the black vortex- on the pathway to following the other candidates. Namely Xell, Kenneth, Glitch, Nathan and that enigma of a spectre-like being, Sigil.

The next few minutes were uneventful, with other creatures declaring their names and greatest sin a little more readily than the other individuals who tended to give wise-ass answers.

As the last candidate had made his descent into the dark vortex, Julien sat down on the throne and dedicated some thought to the candidates that had decided to embark on the mission to redeem themselves. The team appeared to comprise of the bold and determined, in the form of Xell Rhinestone the dragon. The scathing and unremorseful Conman, Kenneth Lay. Could the team really pull together with such a cheating fiend? Driving someone to suicide and so evidently so proud of that venture. How despicable. The results would indeed be amusing.

And then there was the feisty princess Serenity. Who never had declared her greatest sin. He hoped the burden of the upcoming dark escapade might push her to the limit. To unearth the greatest sin she really is hiding. And if it did come out in the process how would the rest of the group take it?

“Whatever,” Julien muttered, wondering why he even cared. Things probably wouldn’t end up that way at all.

The other most significant characters to date was Glitch and Sigil.

Glitch, a white-furred hedgehog with haphazard black striped spines. Julien wasn’t fooled by the donning black cloak which veiled the handicap of his left arm.

As feisty and as morose as he appeared to be, the Overlord reflected upon some of the mumblings of the hedgehog’s sin declaration. Namely killings… and his own sister. By accident? Either these killings all occurred at the same time and was thus one accident on his part. Or another possibility might be that these killings occurred on different occasions and were all coincident accidents. Or could it be that the white hedgehog had not been in control of these killings? Was there a dark influence of some sort?

The biggest enigma of them all was that spectre-like monster. A form or species that didn’t seem, at this moment in time, absolute. Could Sigil have ever been human? Or was he part human at this

moment in time?

He appeared to represent death on a new level altogether. It made Julien wonder why he’d even consider travelling to a lighter world if he was granted the opportunity.

One thing was likely though- whether his input to the team’s survival would be for, against or none at all remained to be seen. And it would be delightful to see.

An explosion of fire in the background caused sent a heat wave across the arena, which once again picked up and debris and grit. Flinging the stone and fragment shards across the nearly deserted arena.

“So you’ve decided come too?” Julien shot candidly as his eyes locked upon an undermined, withering cerulean creature who had stood and stared so passively all along.

Before the creature could answer, he gasped as he found his neck appeared to be ceased by an invisible like force into the air, and thrust with his throat into Julien’s grasp.

Despite his weakened state, the creature managed to endeavour some form of astonishment at his asphyxiated disposition.

“I know who you are rodent,” Julien shushed at the writhing creature in his hand “you’re Wraith. But your real name is Specimen 156. A cloned experiment who ‘just’ want to stand out. So you sought power which I gave you in exchange for your soul.”

Wraith simply stared back at him, helpless to do anything but.

“Stupid little creature. Your sins are so disgusting you don’t even have a greatest sin, do you?” Julien asked rhetorically, gritting his teeth.

He suddenly threw Wraith off the platform he was standing on, causing the hedgehog to hit the floor and skid a few meters.

“Do what you must if it makes you feel better. You’ll never succeed,” the vampiric beast laughed frankly “even if you did succeed, you’re a genetic synthesis of evil. Either way the only thing left in your future is nothing.”

Wraith got up, wincing at the new cuts and grazes that covering where the old ones were. As he was about to take the remaining steps towards the Vortex, he found himself stop:

“By the way, its within your own interest to know I still own your soul but your powers are no more. You have no more strength nor speed any greater than that of a sacrificial lamb…” Julien spoke, his practically eyes burning into the back of Wraith’s skull.

The cerulean hedgehog didn’t look back. He simply stepped inside the vortex, dematerialising from Arena of the Underworld.

Beyond the vortex

Through the cascades of darkness, the group of protagonosists eventually emerged within a vicinity that was, in fact, not all that much brighter.

Reni shuddered as a cold splash of water washed all over her face.

“Argh! Dgeeze that was uncalled for! Where are we?!” she demanded, unable to make rhyme or reason of their location.

“Hey, hands OFF the suit!” Kenneth growled, noting that one or two of the members had stumbled right into him. He got his own back by aggressively pushing them off.

“Whatever dumbass, bet it isn’t even Amani!” Glitch quipped back, only just about stopping himself from falling face flat on the ground by grabbing onto a nearby ledge. It felt like cold, damp stone.

“Hmmm…” Xell muttered, trying to distance himself from the chaos of the group members, which was hard given the claustrophobic environment “cold. Dark. Damp… stone…” he noted as he place the palm of his hand on the wall.

“If my deductions are correct, my verdict is that we are in a…”


At that bellow, four fierce spotlights suddenly flashed on with a fierce cracking sound and pulsated with a glare upon the group of protagonists.

At the exit, two bulky rhino prison guards stood there. Blocking the entrance with two demonic looking Doberman dogs, who drooled with aggressive growls.

“Well well Danny. We was told by the ‘umble overlord we was given us a bunch’o slaves to toy with,” the first black-masked rhino said, by the name of Flint, standing up and cracking a whip against the floor “well well wot a fine group we gots ourselves ‘ere then.”

The second rhino, by the name of Danny, stepped a couple of paces forward and unfolded his arms.

“Indeed. But enuff of that, ladies and gents. It seems yous all ares donning the incorrect uniform and all,” Danny said “now then, are ya gonna come lightly? Or must we fight?” Danny drawled, the dogs growling louder thereafter- preparing themselves for any oppressive backlash that might occur.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

(OOC: got Reni right on! XD The part with Julien getting fed up with her and just throwing her in....XDXD Brilliant.)


"Stupid vampire, monster, overlord, such-and-such...Sheesh...ya didn't have to DOUSE me..."  Serenity muttered under her breath, shaking off the water...though it seemed it had had a purpose after all, as one of her quills was blackened and singed from the uncerimonious way the firey guards had tossed her through the vortex. "And I'm NOT a rodent!" She always had to have the last word...even if he wasn't there to say it to.  She didn't realize he would be watching.  She sat there with her arms crossed, lip jutting at the injustice of it all.


(OOC: Heehee...she's pouting....XP)

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

           The creature of night and shadow stepped forward, swaying slightly in either direction with each step. Once it had come within five steps of the rhino known as Danny, it looked up at him, tilting its head to the side. Then, without warning, its neck jerked hard, but it seemed to be fine. It looked back up at the rhino, the sheet white of the mask marred by an intricately painted smiling face. The artsmanship was beyond beautiful, almost entrancing. In fact, the two guards had to force themselves to look away. From that point they avoided looking directly at the thing, returning their view to the others. It took this chance to walk past them. Not far, only walking enough to further examine the cave and its structure.

OOC: You are all welcome to put your hand to drawing Sigil. I would like to see what you might come up with. And if it helps, almost every time I picture it, it is wearing a cloak similar to an Organization XIII cloak. Not exactly, but it's a good enough base to start from.

Posts: 56
Trusted Member

OOC: Thanks for the welcome, Pachamac! c:

btw, how do you guys get the little quotes/sigs to appear under your
avatar? I tried changing around my sig settings, but nothing happened.


"Julien shot candidly as his eyes....."

Man, I totally misread that as "Julien shot candy out of his eyes".
>___> lol. Be expecting a gift from me soon, Bentley xD.



"Well, look at you two! Playing high and mighty," Glitch smirked at the
rhinos, "Makes you feel all tough and strong, doesn't it. I bet you
freaks have fun here. That's pretty disturbing, you know."

They finally turned their full attention to Glitch, completely unaware
that Sigil had passed right by them. Flint barked, "'ey, wot was that,

Glitch approached them with confidence. Once he was near enough, the
hounds snapped at him, to which Glitch snapped back, "SHUT UP!",
vehement enough to actually silence the mutts, though they still snarled
beneath their breaths.

Before Glitch could say another word however, Danny snagged him by the
collar of his cloak and lifted him to his face - Glitch was in fact just
a tad shorter than the others, even for his age of 29. Danny grinned
wryly, "Lookit what we got here! This one's pretty feisty. Think yer
smart, eh? Think you could git away wit these little jokes, eh?"

"Well... if you would... not choke me.. then perhaps I could.. answer.."

Glitch's smile never wavered, although he had a difficult time speaking.

Flint watched silently, still with an ugly scowl plastered on his face.
However the hostility in his eyes quickly converted to those of
perplexity once he noticed that Glitch's cloak had slightly parted -
enough to barely reveal the left side of his torso. "...the lil' grub
only has one arm."


Danny released him abruptly and nearly keeled over. Glitch straightened
himself and smoothed out his cloak back to the way it was before. He had
kneed Danny between his legs. Strongly. "What about it?" he said to

Neither of the guards replied back, though Danny muttered to himself as
he slowly recovered to his original stance. Glitch noticed the mutts
still snarling at him, though silently. He crept closer to one of them
and made a face - a hideous face, similar to that of a zombie with no
eyes. The mutt just glared back, confused, before turning away from him.

"Maggots. That's what you are." Glitch rose. "You honestly think
you're high and mighty when you're not. Look, the little freak over
there - he slid right passed you two. I mean, come on. It's just a mask.
What's there to be afraid of?" Glitch then turned his eyes back to
Danny, "Also. Don't ever touch me like that again. Or I will break your

Before the rhinos could say anything more, Glitch followed after Sigil,
ambling along as if nothing had happened. "Hey--hey!" he called after
Sigil ahead, "By the way, I uh, I didn't mean it! We can still be
friends, right?"

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

(OOC: Shot...candy...out his eyes?  Pffftt...hahah! What a mental picture....XDXDXD  Made me laugh, IRL.)

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

             The hedgehog ran through the gate, shouting after Sigil, but as soon as Glitch had passed through the threshold, the creature was gone. It was as if it had never been there to begin with. She white animal scratched the back of his head, beginning to turn around. Right there in front of him was Sigil, tilting its head to the side as if in confusion. "Whoa!" shouted Glitch, somewhat surprised, "Don't sneak up on me like that!" The creature didn't speak, simply reaching up to its mask a pushing on it once more, causing it to click a few times and issue the same vacuum seal as before. Its hands were wrapped in something like a silk-woven shadow that seemed to pulse under the surface, almost like spandex filled with worms. As it removed its hand from its mask, the flawless surface was replaced by another painted on face, this time of an artistically awe inspiring frown. A wave of sorrow and guilt washed over the hedgehog, but when he blinked the frown was gone and he felt fine once more.

OOC: My apologies in the case that I cast your character erroneously.

Posts: 56
Trusted Member

OOC: @Ramza: Naw you're fine.~

Just keep in mind that he's generally a sarcastic jerk and you'll be all right, haha. He's not typically one to show remorse over anything - at all - and he'll take others' issues, problems, depression, whatever as a joke for the most part - but you were okay here. c:

(For clarification, he still has feelings though, hehe. He just doesn't like to show them. HE'S VERY VERY SHY /shot)

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

[[ Dang, that's a lot of text to look through :noes: I guess i'll going to have to get used to it soon 😛

Don't mind me just yet, Might join in as a supporting character soon once I get the hang of the plot progress ]]

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

(OOC: Curse my muse...making me write at 3:30 in the morning...But I couldn't sleep until I posted something...)


Serenity was distracted from her pouting - which was getting her nowhere anyway - by a curious sensation...She had just been starting to get used to the absence of a heartbeat...and now here it was shuddering back to life. She placed a hand to her chest bemusedly. I'm...alive again? And why?" She shrugged. The fact that she was alive again was the only good thing in this whole fiasco...and it might be a mixed blessing at that. If she was alive again...that meant that she could die again...and who knew what that would do? Would she just end up back in Firey-Town with Mister Darkness? Or - and she gulped at the thought - would she cease to exist altogeather?

It was best not to think about that. She looked up as several of the other participants of this strange game began to explore the cave / harass the guards. She was certain harassing the guards was a bad idea...although it DID look kinda fun...if you were someone who could tempt fate and not worry about your abysmal luck causing all hell to come down on pun intended.

She glanced at her other companions - those that had not yet done anything - and realized...Am I the only female here? A shiver ran down her spine at the thought that she would be powerless if any of them turned their eyes toward her...and she knew she couldn't rely on any help from the Overlord of Fireyness...with her luck he'd probably enjoy watching it...She curled up slightly as these thoughts ran through her mind. Her previous pride and bravado were gone - for the moment at least.


Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Kenneth continued to pat himself down as best he could, trying to remove the dustiness and dry mud that had came upon his suit from the rest of his companions who had pushed into him. He had been momentarily blinded by the activation of the spotlights, but his eyes quickly came to adjust, and he began to look around at his companions once more. He stood back and took a lay of the land and began to mentally guage the other individuals. His mind was like a set of spinning cogs and gears, already devising plans and eventualities. Who best to manipulate if it ever came down to it...?

He took notice of Serenity. He casually walked up to her as the guards were already busy dealing with Glitch and Sigil.

"Hey there, my name's Kenneth. I see you found your way here, after all!" he said with a warm smile. "So I see you must have remembered your greatest sin thing, then, if you're here. If you don't mind me asking, miss, what was it?"


Oh god. Oh god where the heck am I?!

Nathan's eyes widened in horror as the spotlights focused on him. Everything had before faded to white before his consciousness came back to him. It was like he had just woken up from a deep sleep again. He had forgotten everything that had just happened to him and was only now aware of what was occuring to him this very minute. Well, until the next time he forgot, at least.

He looked around himself in a quiet panic. He'd almost gotten used to this, waking up in a sea of strangers, but it was nonetheless disconcerting everytime it happened. He didn't know who any of these people were. He didn't know where he was. He didn't even know why he was.

In almost practiced routine, he pulled out his cellphone and flicked the screen on. He began scrolling through the notes section, and to the latest note he had written earlier before his latest memory loss.

'Chance at Redemption- Follow the trials'

Was this the trial then?

'3 trials'

'1st trial- escape slave camp'

...this didn't look like a slave camp. But he had no way of really knowing for sure.

He just stood quietly out of the way, watching everything, trying to work out what was going on, and checkin his phone's photos to see if he could recognise any of the other people he was with.

Ooc: What do you mean by 'real' authentic characters, Kate? :3 And as for original, I pretty much nicked the concept of this character from a film. As long as no one recognises it then its all good, lol.

Also Rex, for the quotes/sigs under people's usernames and avatars, head on over to the Evc and the Custom Title thread. Request what you want written there and a mod should hopefully come round and add it.

Posts: 162
Estimable Member

A youngish-looking woman with a sword at her waist was towards the back of the group heading for the vortex. Her answer to Julien's question is not the truth, though she believes it is. "I have killed people for what I believe in," she said simply. She stood unashamed, pale grey eyes looking directly at Julien. She had waited patiently for her turn, one hand resting on her sword's hilt. Having a partial soul of its own, her sword had been condemned along with its wielder, the bond between them unbroken even in death.

Julien knew it was a lie. She had done far, far worse than merely fight for her beliefs, but a faint whisper of a thought from the sword informed him that the woman no longer had the memories of that time.

The upcoming tests would drag the memory to the surface, or perhaps she would fail. Only time would tell. He waves her through, and she follows the others into the vortex.

((please pardon my inclusion of reactions of Julien. If I misrepresented your character in any way, let me know aand I'll get rid of it.))

Posts: 369
Reputable Member
Topic starter

OOC: Reni is so stubborn! I think I chuckled too at the prospect of her being thrown in forecfully xD

Shot candy out of his eyes? Julien is a truly talented mad. xD

Oh yeah I meant they were really original characters Ash. Well I haven’t drawn the similarity from any films. I must say I love how pensive your characters are.

Welcome to Shylarah who has joined the RP . And I know Ash will remember James who is joining the RP as well so look out for his post.

Hope you’re not too lost Rubycored. I feel bad. Asm me for a summary any time hey!

Will update Julien's scene/watching eye soon. Just wanted to continue the ball rolling with the protagonists. Rex and I have a plot with that. Aw a picture Rex? You're too kind ;-; I owe you lots already!


Camp cave

Xell, the dragon, watched the revelations unfold in front of him. He’d learnt a lot about his group members already. And this was in spite of the fact he didn’t know their names or sins yet seeing as he had entered the Vortex before anyone else.

He noted the swiftness of the spectre-like phantom, Sigil simply drift through the prison guards and their lap pets. However, he didn’t inflict any harm upon them either.

‘Er, so what is this guy?’ Xell thought confused. He found him disturbing to say the least.

He was also surprised at the actions of the brash and bolshie Glitch. He had no hesitation in approaching the guards, who in turn, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. Only for the vertically challenged aggressive hedgehog to get his own back.

‘Ouch,’ the dragon thought wincing.

Consequently, the rhinos seemed momentarily subdued and the Dobermans stood practically motionless- in the process of rechanneling some aggression to carry out their next attack.

Xell turned to look at a black suited white fox. He remembered shouting at someone to get their hands ‘off’ his suit. And then Xell suddenly recalled the character and supressed a growl.

‘Kenneth Lay. Devious disgusting conman,’ Xell thought as he glared at him in a revolted manner. He hadn’t met Kenneth directly in the real world. Xell did remember the company he used to work for were sold pirated ammunition by Kenneth at a discounted price. The ammunition had not been tested nor had sell-by-dates been checked thoroughly. This consequently cost a platoon of army men their lives and Xell had friends within that army regiment.

He hoped that the purple female hedgehog was not going fall into danger any time soon by interacting with that fiend. She did look sullen and alone, but the dragon didn’t care much for offering solace anymore.

The other individual who caught his attention was a salamander type creature. A reptile like himself. But dressed up in a hoody, jeans, and some shoes. He appeared to have panicked for a great deal of time once the spotlights had hit him and he bizarrely appeared preoccupied with his cell phone. Typing away, or scrolling away, frantically…

‘What’s his problem?’ Xell mused, as he moved his head to one side with a frown.

The last individual to take Xell’s attention was yet another hedgehog. Weakened and flaked out as he appeared to be clasping a stalagmite protruding from the ground for dear life.

‘Didn’t even survive the journey? He’s just going to be too weak man,’ Xell grumbled in his mind. He suddenly cast his gaze as a nearby portal opened. From the dark cascade if light, a woman stepped through. Carrying a remarkable looking sword.

He didn’t remember seeing her earlier but assumed that perhaps the portal had cast people through to this circle at different times. Would there be more arrivals he wondered?

“Ok ya filthy mites! Enough stooped pet tricks!” Flint announced, cracking the whip fiercely against the ground which earned everyone’s attention, including Xell’s.

A bolted gate of iron bars suddenly came crashing through the support pillar of the ceiling, slamming upon the ground and sealing the exit.

Glitch wiped the dust and debris that flew in his face as a result of the occurrence.

“Oh how impressive,” he muttered sarcastically, as he trained his right hand upon the bars and tried to shake it. He quickly withdrew when he noted the bar heated up and nearly burnt his hand.

“… the gizmos just get more impressive all the time!” he shouted, trying to shield his wincing expression.

Sigil simply floated in the air, rocking his head from side to side at the situation in which the team found themselves incarcerated within.

“So, we have ‘oh many ‘ere then…?” Danny said more to himself as he mentally counted the group members around him. A dragon, a fox, 2 hedgehogs (bar the floored one against the stalagmite who looked too pathetic to participate), a salamander, a woman… and a ghost. That made a total of seven potential threats.

“7. We can ‘andle that. We shouldn’t really be countin’ that dead rodent over there…” Flint said pointing at Wraith who appeared to be half passed out “and them gals! Gals are SO weak! Pa ha ha ha! And what about them lizards over there? Gawd Danny boy this’ll be child’s play ‘n all!”

With that, the antagonists split themselves up to attack the group members.

The red Doberman leapt towards Kenneth and Serenity with his teeth bare- ready to rip them apart.

The orange Doberman pounced towards the sword baring woman, Lani, with absolute kill illuminated through his eyes.

Danny made his way towards Glitch and Sigil, pulling out the whip- about to deal a blow to take out Sigil and Glitch respectively…

Flint similarly made his way towards Xell and Nathan.

“Interestin’ lookin’ contraption yous got there lizard. Whut is it? A baby’s rattle?” Flint remarked snidely, pulling back his whip and aimed to lash Nathan with it.

Posts: 162
Estimable Member

She drew her sword to defend herself, her long white hair following her motions as she dodged backwards, slashing to attack the doberman's leading paws. Regardless of success or failure, she placed her left hand on the hilt alongside her right and turned the blade to swing downward, aiming for the dog's neck and a clean kill. It was clear that she is an experienced fighter, and very likely that she had possessed this particular sword for long enough to become very familiar with it.

Posts: 56
Trusted Member

OOC: Oh wow! I love how you developed the relationship between Kenneth and Xell here, Bentley!

&& I love your portrayal of Glitch here <3.

Shylarah... this might seem like an awkward question, but in all seriousness... is your character busty? Or regular-sized?

Glitch actually has a phobia of giant..... you know. XD So I'd like to know in case they interact.

That goes for you too, Violet!



Glitch's eyes were on the woman - what lucid movements! She definitely knew
how to handle herself. Unlike certain others in the group...

Serenity and that other hedgehog.

He twitched his mouth upon turning his eyes to Serenity. Kenneth will end up doing all the work to keep the
two safe. She looked so
weak. So powerless. So... useless.
And that other rodent... What in the world was he
doing here? He can't even hold himself up! How pathetic!

Glitch shook his head. They'll be hindrances, all right.

"'oy! What'chu lookin' over there for, eh!? Yer opponent's right 'ere!"

Danny held his whip high as he dove in after Glitch. "Lil' runt's gonna
pay back for what'chu did to me earlier! Ain't no one's gonna make a
fool outta me like that!"

Glitch grinned. "Oh. You again."

He clenched his hand, firmly - his sword. He was missing his
crescent-bladed sword. His eye twitched in anticipation as Danny neared.
How was he to fight now? There was nothing there for him to grab - not
even a generic pole laying around. He couldn't punch. He couldn't kick.

Need to keep my eyes peeled.

Danny was in range now -- and lashed his whip directly at Glitch.

"Gotta thank God for thick gloves. Though that still hurt."

Glitch had caught the whip. His hand wavered in the air as Danny's eyes widened, bewildered. "Got your toy," he taunted.

Danny growled. Without hesitation, he charged in--and slammed Glitch
into the iron bars behind him. The metal instantaneously heated up, searing his flesh. Glitch let out a grunt before stumbling
forward. Danny stepped back, grinning wildly. "Got yer back! Heheh!"

Before Glitch could even reply, the rhino rammed into him yet again, twice
as hard as before. Glitch grunted once more and released a minimal
amount of blood from his mouth before falling to the ground. Hesitating,
he attempted to roll to his side and stand himself up -- but Danny's
large crushing foot against his large spine prevented Glitch from making
any further moves. Danny's smile now crossed ear to ear. A disturbing

"All talk 'nd no action, eh? Who's the maggot now!? I don' even need my whip to take care of ya's!"

"Cheap... cheap shot, buddy," Glitch coughed out, "..have to resort to... stage tactics to win. Tsk. That's... shameful."

"Keep yer mouth shut!" Danny crushed Glitch's spine even harder. A crack rang through the air.

Cringing, Glitch still managed to reach forward; the tip of Danny's whip barely touched the ground, but he had failed to notice. Glitch let out another
cough of blood before he managed to grip the weapon -- and pulled
with all his might. Danny merely inched forward, enough for Glitch to
roll out of his crunch and stumble back. He turned his
head to Sigil, whose face-- whose mask had been watching Glitch the
entire time, curious, as if it was analyzing his movements.

Danny cracked his whip as he approached the two once more.

Glitch grinned, eyes still on Sigil. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us, buddy.

Posts: 162
Estimable Member

((she's actually got a fairly small pair, so he should be okay. *giggles*))

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

"Woah there, woah!" Kenneth exclaimed loudly, stepping backwards and just narrowly avoiding the red doberman's lunge as he pushed Serenity safely out of halm's way. The doberman quickly spun on the spot and turned to face the pair once more, lunging again with a great ferocity. Serenity looked frightened and yet at the same time rather indignant at the creature. Kenneth just looked pretty annoyed, really.

"Bad boy, bad!" Kenneth shouted, smacking the creature sharply on its snout as the doberman came inches away from biting Kenneth's face. The creature was stunned, not really sure how to react to what had just happened to it. A second later though, it began to growl even louder, its sharp teeth baring. Kenneth backed slowly away from it, and turned towards Serenity, checking to make sure that she was alright. At that instant, the doberman jumped towards Kenneth.

"Oh, c'mon already! SIT!" Kenneth shouted out in indignation. He punched the doberman, forcing its head to crash into the floor with an incredible force. He then bent down and picked up an appropriately shaped piece of debris. He inspected it for a second, and then looked towards the doberman. It was still conscious, and now even more than a little annoyed.

"Oh why don't you just go and fetch, huh?" Kenneth spoke, throwing the bone shaped stone into the distance. For some strange and inexplicable reason, the demonhound seemed to actually believe it was a bone, and was enraptured in the illusion.

Serenity stared dumbfoundedly at Kenneth's handling of the situation. The fox just turned around and walked back to her. "Yo! You alright?"


"Oh man, what??" Nathan cried aloud, a second before his face was stung by the force of Flint's whip. It sent Nathan flying back, crashing into the wall, and forced the salamander to drop his phone. Although he was dazed by the incredibly painful force of the blow, he had enough sense to know he had to recover his phone. He quickly scrambled to it and picked it up, checking it over to make sure it was okay. Thankfully it was.

He pointed the phone towards Flint, and took a photo of him.

Name ?
Not a nice person

Just for future reference.

Nathan jumped away from the wall just in time as another crack of the whip imploded the section of wall that Nathan had just been standing in front of. This was certainly turning out to not be his day at all.

"Oy, oy oy! Only thing y'can do is run away? Stop playin' wit yer rattle and face me!" Flint shouted aloud.

Nathan did not want to get anywhere near the rhino. He ran the very opposite way of the rhino's approach, passing Xell and moving as far back as he possibly could.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member


Serenity had been about to reply to the fox's query about her sin with a resounding, "Non'yo'!" when the battle started, taking her completely by surprise... She watched dumbfounded, as the hellhound lunged for them...only to be intercepted  by Kenneth.  She found herself unable to do anything but watch, and cursed her inactivity. As the dog chased the faux-bone off into the distance, she stood up, brushing herself off.

"Yo! You alright?"

Hmmph. Guys.  Always thinking of her as nothing but a damsel in distress.  "I coulda handled that fine myself, FYI. But you had to be all macho and go rushing in!"  Secretly, she was embarrassed at herself for NOT being prepared to go rushing in. "And what are they doing?" She motioned to the guards. "I thought we were supposed to be slaves.  What's the point of having slaves if yer just gonna try to kill them, eh?"  She asked the cave in general.

But the dog was coming back.  She glared at it.  Now that she was over the surprise, she was ready to join the fight.  She prepared to dodge whatever attack it might make...


(OOC: Bleh.  I meant to reply to this last night.  Oh well.)

Posts: 369
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Topic starter

OOC: Lol, Xell’s just jealous of Kenneth’s suit I’m sure x3. Thanks Rex, glad you approve of his reason for a grudge xD Glad I got Glitch right too ;P

Flint... not a nice person [logged on phone]. You don't say xD That was gold.

Camp cave

Xell gritted his teeth at the chaos that broke out within the cave.

Right now, he was up against a whip-lashing happy Rhino who was adamant to deal the salamander, Nathan, another blow.

The dragon felt the motion of Nathan as he made a mad dash away from the attacking Flint.

“Stop!” Xell commanded, stepping in front of Flint before the Rhino could advance any further towards Nathan, who by now had his back against the wall and was shaking in his shoes.

“Oi, ‘nother lizard! Ya blinkin’ scaly! Taste the wrath o’ ma whip boi!!!” Flint shouted, bringing back the belt, ready to crack it upon Xell’s head.

Xell used his wings to push himself back- but found he fell a bit short as a sharp burning sensation slice across his forehead.

He was able to use his immaturely small wings to glide, but not to fly.

The dragon nearly stumbled over as his hind legs landed to the ground. He wiped his eyes after his vision momentarily became red and blurred given the blood that seeped into his corneas from the gash left on his forehead.

“’ere be dragons… not!” Flint jeered “you call yerself a dragon? Can’t even fly ya fiend!!!”

After bellowing, Flint came forwards again, about to deal Xell another blow.

Xell snarled- his bloodied face suddenly adopting a look that portrayed a crazed sense of anger. The dragon leapt forwards and tripped the rhino up by swinging his bulky tail in a semi-circular fashion.

“….oooooooooiiii… gaaaaargh!” Flint hollered as he found himself capsize and let go of the whip in mid-air. Xell reached out and grabbed the whip before Flint crashed to the ground in a daze.

Xell walked over with a bemused and cold frowned look, before kicking Flint such that he rolled onto his stomach with his hands out stretched. Xell ceased his hands and tied them with the whip.

“I’m tired of you bastards, your whips, and YOUR lapdogs,” Xell snapped, blood still dripping off his forehead. He wiped it clean once he had secured Flint.

“Now you stay here whilst I kill your ‘best mate’. And your other lapdog. Seems wonder woman already killed your orange mutt,” Xell smirked “when I get back, I want answers… in fact…”

Xell looked over and Nathan and motioned for him to come over.

“You, I don’t know your name. Do me a favour pal and ask this jerk how we get out of here,” Xell spoke to Nathan, before running towards Glitch and Sigil’s direction who seemed to be struggling against Danny.

“Hey, do you need a hand?” Xell asked Glitch, noticing a couple of pools of blood on the floor which caused him to pull a face- the realisation that he coughed it up after seeing his blood stained mouth.


Raverwar fire palace

A short distance from the ‘Arena of Pain’, where the reckonings had taken place for the protagonists stood a prominent mountainous physique of tall shard towers. Within the centre of the stone-stalk like peaks, which stretched towards the infinite blazing skies, stood an authentic castle-like palace.

Although generally scorch black in colour, the whole alcazar was dotted with torches and flames from its windows and tower peaks. In the infinite firey distance, a lineage of volcanic eruptions could be seen and its roaring undertones from the distance added to the burning melody of hell.

The infinite bloodshot and orange skies swerved in endless slow motion with the odd smoggy cloud drifting in its wake- along with the spontaneous cracks of lightning and thunder which rippled the skies. Soaring in the high skies amongst this blazing haunt were black dragons, flying like shadowy demons. Every now and again they would plummet towards the Underworld’s grounds to prey upon a slave.

Naturally the prey of the underworld wouldn’t die to escape their fate but instead, would find themselves reborn into the fires of hell over and over again. Serving the punishment they earned for defiling the world they previously lived in, in one form or another.


Julien stood within the highest tower of the palace. The peak of the domain was so high it was almost in line with the clouds and lightning bolts which thundered outside.

He had spent the last few minutes sitting down and looking out into the 1st circle through a looking glass, which hung from a couple of gold chains into a wishing-well of fire. The looking glass was dismembered with black burn marks, chinks and cracks. Nonetheless, he could see the group as clear as crystal. He could monitor every move, speech and action of each character in his game. His twisted demented game. A game that would start off easy, but become increasingly hard.

The best aspect of the redemption trial was that he could set the rules. Test their strength, knowledge and endurance. More importantly though, he wanted to play mind games. He always preferred to play with his enemies- like a cat did with its food- before ultimately, killing them.

Of course, he didn’t have to use the looking glass. He had a 3rd eye. A vampiric eye within the palm of his right hand which gave him the power of foresight. To see into great distances and other dimensions if he stretched it long enough.

However, that was too tedious. As it was he was relishing in what he was seeing so far.

The group was struggling against the rhino guards and the Dobermans. Although one Doberman had been slain. So swiftly severed by a clean blow dealt by Lani. She was the woman who claimed to have killed people for what she believed in. He knew it was a lie though. Never mind his psychiatric degree and expertise on a living creature’s mind, body language and behaviour but he knew right away that that was not the real reason. He didn’t particularly know why she held back either. Still, he trusted there’d be some sweet revelations in all due time. All he had to do was watch.

The prognosis of surviving the scene wasn’t too bad for the group so far though. He had underestimated them perhaps. It would’ve been so dull if they died now though so he wasn’t disappointed to see some promise from some of the players.

He stopped and got up from a minute; sensing a dark aura coming towards his domain.

He whipped his head to look over his shoulder and his ember-like red eye locked upon a shadowy miasma that seeped from underneath the wooden oak door.

Julien turned around fully and smiled as the aura slowly but suddenly adopted the form of deranged, toothy clad face with ominous eyes.

“Weh-he-he-hell. You must be Frostbyte. Hells’ favourite pet,” Julien said with a vampiric toothed grin as he walked up and stroked its intangible head “I’m guessing one of our heroes left you behind… the nasty NASTY owners…” the beast spoke, adopting a melodramatic tone of sympathy.

The miasma nodded frantically, and so receptively to the overlord’s inference.

“Now… who was that owner likely to be… hmmm?” Julien said, taking a step back and held his chin with careful consideration.

The overlord suddenly stretched out his arm, opening his fingers which revealed his 3rd ember-red eye from the palm of his hand.

Frostbyte looked on obediently as he observed the 3rd eye staring back at him from the looking glass’ reflection. A couple of seconds later, a scene materialised. It was the scenario in the arena where the white hedgehog, Glitch, was standing there- declaring his greatest sin.

"All right then. I too have killed many. Including my own sister. Most of those were actually.. accidents, if you will. But what's done is done. It's a shame, really--"

“He’s your host? And you are his parasitic disease, aren’t you?” Julien asked with a deranged and yet charmed smile “and you made him kill. Kill countless individuals including his own sister… didn’t you?”

Frostbyte simply nodded frantically, his smile widening which revealed a full top and bottom arch of super numerous shard-like teeth.

Julien studied the dark spectre with an unreadable expression, before closing his eyelids significantly and smiling like a gleeful child

“Hmn,” he said simply, turning around to walk towards the veranda window and out into the violently burning skies.

“Frosty… wants… him baaaaack,” the creature spoke. For the first time ever.

The purple overlord simply looked over his should, his mouth disguised but his one eye wide open from the side of his face to look down on hell’s pet.

“You’re so needy, you parasite,” Julien blinked, almost seeming as if his burning eye was talking “but go.”

The vampiric beast turned around again to face the dark shroud.

“Go back to the group. And feel free to invade. To roam… to infest… from person to person within that group,” Julien’s spoke, his voice full of revelation and evil intent as his eyes widened “I want to see them suffer and bleed, laugh and cry… until they blow out their own minds! Do you hear me lapdog???”

“Yeeeeeees master. Overloooooord,” Frostbyte cackled and practically drooled at the same time “they’re mine. Mine to play. Frosty’s toys. For Julien’s game.”

“That is correct,” Julien smiled wryly “now get out.”

Frostybyte gave a yelp of acknowledgement, like the sound of a defiled lapdog, before dissipating into thin air. Travelling towards his destination: the 1st circle where the group of protagonists currently were. Ready to possess the first vulnerable creature available.

Posts: 162
Estimable Member

Lani turns to face the next-closest enemy. That would be the rhino attacking Glitch. Without a word she takes a running start and closes the distance from behind the creature, leaping up and swinging her sword downward with both hands. Unfortunately, even the sharp blade of her sword can't do much against a rhinocerus's thick hide. All she manages is a long, shallow slice down Danny's back -- but at least it turns the beast's attention onto her and off of the injured Glitch. She gets lashed across the shoulder for her troubles, but manages to keep from losing her weapon to his whip as she retreats. To the side, she can see the dragon called Xell approaching, and she does her best to keep Danny's attention on her so he won't notice as well. She knows there's no way for her to take the rhino down alone.

Posts: 56
Trusted Member

OOC: ;A; Frosty! <3 That got me so excited, omg!

Also, as I was reading the fight between Xell and Flint, as Xell was getting the upper hand, my iTunes, which was on shuffle, started to play a song titled "Smashing the Opponent". How funny XD.



Glitch smirked at Lani, impressed, then back at Xell, ignoring the strip of blood trickling down his own chin. "Well. This is embarrassing." He cringed at the sound of Danny's whip cracking again as the battle between him and Lani persisted. "'s there a sword," Glitch continued, "or a pole.. or even a goddamn stick over there you could toss me?"

He turned his head towards Sigil, whose mask was now seemingly mesmerized by the lucidity and determination of Lani's attacks. Slowly, Glitch began to rise, still keeping his grin, apparently unaffected by the minimal amount of blood he had lost moments ago. It wasn't enough to bug him just yet -- and after going through Hell with Frostbite throughout his entire life, he was used to this. "I'd hate to just leave things to these two."


Weakly, Wraith continued to struggle lifting himself using the stalagmite he clutched onto. He slowly lifted his half-opened eyes to the scenes played before him: Kenneth and Reni barking at the remaining Doberman. Danny and Lani caught in a stalemate. Nathan prodding the fallen Flint. He then turned his attention to what lied before him - the other demon dog, nearly hacked apart by clean cuts. He shuddered.

A rustle of winds swept across the open area behind Wraith, but he paid no mind to them; his attention was still locked on successfully standing himself up. He froze however when a menacing voice emerged from these winds.

"H-help... weakling... you look like you need..."

Wraith cautiously began to turn around, his hand nearly slipping from the rock. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but no words - not even a breath came out. His eyes continued to weaken, and he could hardly see the dark aura hovering before him. Its smile was almost wide enough to completely separate the top of what appeared to be its face from the rest of its body.

The black wisp twirled around Wraith for a moment, as if to examine him. It halted mere inches in front of Wraith's face and cocked its intangible head at him, with his white eyes so sleek and his grin ever so wide, still concealing the fangs within. "H-hello there.... Wraith. You look weak. You look like you need some help."

Wraith half-opened eyes barely widened in bewilderment. Could this be one of Julien's tools...? Why is he...--

He couldn't hold his eyes open much longer and they drooped to a close. Wraith slowly began to slide back down the rock he tried so hard to stay atop of. Frostbite continued, "Do you want some help..? Do you?" His grin cracked wide open - and a disgusting whirl of saliva splatted before Wraith, who remained unresponsive. "Do you want to have some fun with Frosty? Do you?"

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

             The whip lashed into the creature, but rather than send it flying away, or injuring it in the typical manner, Sigil was cut through like pudding. But it was more than that. The thing's entire body turned into a gelatinous liquid on impact and wrapped around the whip, turning it black and corrupting it even further than hell itself could tolerate. Danny dropped the whip before the black liquid touched him, and the weapon was fully enveloped. Soon after, the creature reformed into its former self, the mask its usual sterile white, but the whip was gone, as if it had never existed to begin with.

Posts: 17
Active Member


Hey all,
finally I’m ready to join. I’ve had to set up a new account because I’ve since
forgotten my password and the e-mail account that the username was linked to.

For all
those that may know me or may have read some of my posts, I was formerly known
as ‘Eclipse James’.

for the invite, Kate. Ash, good to see you again. Okay, let’s get this thing

excuse this slight altercation, as I started writing this before all of the
recent updates. Don’t worry, this post doesn’t affect any of the current
proceedings in the slightest, I promise.

occurs just after Lani enters the vortex.



The Underworld

of Pain’ -
After Lani’s departure

As the
young swordswoman’s form disappeared into the vortex, the edges of Julien’s
lips began to creep upward, forming an inhuman grin demonised by a set of

“My my.
Quite the turnout we’ve had. An amusing, if not pathetic, lot we’ve had so
far.” Julien tilted his head to his side, speaking to the armoured figure
standing upright beside his jagged throne.

you say so, Captain?”

The figure
stepped forward into the light to better hear his master. Save for his canine
head, the captain was fully clad in an ornate set of black armour accompanied
by a red cape with silver trimmings; a symbol of the highest status amongst all
of Julien’s Black Knights.

captain’s forlorn eyes surveyed the scenery below the balcony and saw nothing
that brought any joy to the warrior. There was no honour in this; just a
meaningless existence for all parties involved, more sad and lonely souls being
subjected to the cruel musings of a man with too much power. The same man that
he had sworn his allegiance to.

An armoured
hand rose to the captain’s mouth as he cleared his throat, before hesitantly
replying to his master, “Yes, lord. There is much that can be said about them.”

A short burst
of laughter erupted from Julien before he calmed down and rested his face on
his hand. His eyes didn’t turn to his subordinate as he continued to address

Captain, is that all you have to say? You need to learn to enjoy yourself.”

The captain
solemnly glanced at Julien, there was no enjoyment to be derived from this, yet
it seemed as though his master was expecting a response. Like numerous times
before, he steeled himself in preparation to shout cruelties at the remaining
slaves below, feigning enthusiasm. Before he could manage such a thing, he
noticed Julien’s gaze shift onto the arena gates.

SOMEONE, HELP!” the screams carried the echo of the corridor leading into the
arena, accompanied by a lowly black knight who came careening toward the open
centre, pushing past his comrades standing watch at the mouth of the open gate
and clumsily dropping his searing iron pike onto the ashen sands of the arena
floor.  The rookie knight tripped on his
own weapon and dropped to the ground, he turned back to face the gate and
frantically began crawling backward like a frightened child.

The captain
leaned over the edges of the balcony in cautious anticipation while Julien’s
posture remained unchanged.

The knights
facing the entrance began to take steps backward as they shakily kept their
weapons focused on a form emerging from the darkness. Slowly the figure
approached, taking it’s time between steps, each one accompanied by the subtle
clinking of what sounded like broken chains.

“Oh no...
Not ‘im... anyone but ‘im” the large crocodile slave driver clutched his whip
tightly to his chest with both hands as the figure came into the open and fully
revealed itself.

With the
shackles of a common slave, broken but still clasped, around its feet and an
equivalent iron collar around its neck, the rabbit stood there in silence. Its
body was covered in deep, dark purple fur, save for its white muzzle, but
that’s where the commonality of its appearance ended. Its eyes were a strange
orange coloration and its cruel, jagged teeth were locked into a carnivorous
grin. It would not be out of the question to believe that there was some pack
animal blood within this creature, as well as something else.

Knights!” the captain snapped his men out of the stupor set upon them, “subdue
that slave!”

“Belay that
order.” Julien spoke casually to his knights, but not without authority. He
turned to his subordinate “I appreciate your enthusiasm, Captain, but the
situation doesn’t call for it. You may stand down.”

I must insist that-“

“I said,
stand. Down. Jacob.” Julien’s eyes flared.

Captain Jacob silenced himself and formally nodded to his master before again
fixing his gaze on the occurrences on the arena floor.

The rabbit
broke the uneasy silence by unceremoniously hacking its throat to clarity
before seemingly addressing the arena itself rather than the Patriarch sitting
at the throne atop of it.

“My turn.
My name is-“

“We know
who you are, Ren.” Julien’s voice echoed far beyond the reach of what should be
possible for the low, annoyed tone he was using. “We’re also quite aware of
your... crimes. Why are you here?”

chuckled, “Why? [/iba3a210]You’re not interested
in hearing, how?[/iba3a210]”

“Honestly I
couldn’t care less.”

The rabbit
kept its face pointed at the Patriarch, but allowed its eyes to meet with the
uneasy gazes of the black knights surrounding him.

“I would
have thought it was obvious. I’m a slave now, like any other, so I wish to
undergo the Trial of Redemption.” Ren’s voice sounded the way one would imagine
stones and smoke to sound if they were brought to life.

“We both
know that’s a highly unlikely goal for you to meet, Ren.” Julian spoke as if
addressing a troublesome child.

shrugged, “Well then I guess there’s no harm in allowing me to try, now is

eyes narrowed, “You’re up to something.”

The grin on
Ren’s face returned, “So what if I am? Would it make any difference? Besides, I’m
harmless now, remember?” cheekily he turned to grin at the knights for a
moment, “even if these quivering morons don’t seem to think so.”

Julien was
beginning to grow agitated, “If you honestly think I’m going to allow you
anything, you’re a bigger idiot than I’d originally thought.”

“So you’re
afraid then.” Ren’s words set more tension upon the black knights. “You cannot
deny me the Trial, Julien. To deny me out of caution would mean demonstrating
to all of your subjects that the grand Patriarch is admitting caution shown to
a simple slave.”

Jacob was
about to shout back at Ren when Julien rose from his seat in anger. The shadows
around the overlord grew as Julien’s vampiric form seemed to attain an
unearthly glow of its own, overshadowed only by the intensity of his eyes.

WHELP!” Julien’s voice was truly booming at this point as he raised a single
finger to point accusingly down at Ren. “I. AM. PATRIARCH! I have the power to
deny anyone or anything, I please! I alone hold the right to pass judgement of
any soul!”

Ren stood
in silence, his grin had faded, replaced by a look of grim determination.

A brief
moment passed with only the sounds of a distant, raging storm and the echoes of
Julien’s voice hanging in the air. Those sounds died down as the ambience
returned to its original state and Julien sat back onto his throne.

said... I will allow you your request.”

looked at his master in disbelief, was he really going to allow Ren, that
monster, any concessions?

spread his hands out at his sides, like a showman opening for a circus, “You
will undergo the Trial of Redemption, alongside the others.”

A smile
returned to Ren and his eyes widened, “I knew you’d-“

once again Julien pointed his finger at Ren, “You may only do so under one
special condition...”

This was
unexpected, but Ren took it in stride, “’Special condition’? Just for me? Oh
Julien, you spoil me.”

grinned his inhuman grin once more, un-phased by Ren’s show of bravado,
“This... Your second act of defiance has made it very clear that I have been
far too lenient in allowing you the existence of a slave. It’s too good for
someone like you.”

Ren’s smile
faded while Julien’s seemed to grow, “An eternity of slavery awaits the others
when you inevitably fail the Trial, but not for you, no. For you...”

eyes flared with sinister intensity, “...the torment I have in store for you...
will be legendary.[/bba3a210]”

his brow remained furrowed, Ren’s face clearly expressed his sense of unease.
Silence hung in the air as Julien eagerly awaited a response.

mused the overlord, “Do you accept?”

Jacob kept
his eyes fixed on the dark rabbit; his hand resting on the hilt of his sheathed
sword, ready to heed the call to arms in case anything suddenly went awry. His
hand tensed as he noticed the rabbit begin to chuckle.

Ren finally spoke up “You know me, Julien. I’m not one to do anything half-heartedly.”

His arms fell
lazily to his sides, accompanied by a flashing of jagged teeth.

“I accept.”

With a smug
sense of satisfaction, Julien casually snapped his fingers, causing the
energies of the vortex to flare with a new breath of life.

“The Trial
awaits, Ren.”

giving each of the black knights one last wicked glare, Ren strode into the
vortex, vanishing as his form was enveloped by the swirling mass of its dark

The knights
shared a collective sigh of relief and then moved on to scolding their clumsy
comrade who had just earlier came running into the arena frantically heralding
the arrival of the dark rabbit.

shoulders heaved as he let out a short burst of laughter. Jacob didn’t relax,
he couldn’t. Even after the monster known as Ren had disappeared through the
vortex, the tension brought about by his mere presence still clung to the
captain. Why had Julien allowed that terrible thing a chance at the Trial? Why
would he willingly leave his loyal subjects at its mercy?

“My lord”
Jacob’s voice brought silence to Julien’s laughter and a look of discontent
immediately befell the overlord’s face, “with all respect, I believe we should
be displaying more caution with all matters regarding that... thing. There’s no
telling what he’s capable of now that he’s no longer under the watchful eye of
my black kni-“

backhanded the captain with an inhuman level of force and pulled Jacob’s gaze
down to meet his own.

“Are you
questioning the Patriarch’s judgement?”

Julien, I only-“

eye’ of your black knights, is it? Was it not that very same ‘watchful eye’
that allowed that vermin to appear before me in the first place?”

“I don’t
know who among my men is responsible for such a thing, Lord. But an
investigation will be-“

“Do you
trust me, Knight Captain?”

Jacob chose
his words carefully, “You are the Patriarch, Lord Julien. I have sworn my allegiance
to you, and you alone, but by taking up the mantle of Knight Captain, I have also
accepted the responsibility of ensuring your safety.”

Julien let
go of the captain’s collar, allowing Jacob to kneel before him.

“Even if it
means I must openly object to my Patriarch’s orders to do so, I will do
everything in my power to ensure that I am content with your safety.”

An almost
mocking laugh came over Julien as he condescendingly patted the captain’s bowed

“You’re so
easy to play with, Jacob, have I ever told you that?”

He pulled
the captain back onto his feet and resumed his seated position with one leg
crossed over the other. “That’s what I like about you. It’s refreshing to have
an underling who’s loyal, an independent thinker and easy to manipulate, all in

honoured, lord.” Captain Jacob didn’t allow himself to lock eyes with his
master as he hid his look of disdain.

“That said,
Jacob, again I believe I must tell you that you worry too much.” said Julian,
crossing his hands atop his lap, “Ren hasn’t been a threat since his
apprehension. You better start telling your men to better maintain their
composure at all times, or I will see to it that each and every last one of
them be brought before me to explain themselves. I’m willing to bet they’ve all
been telling one too many tales of their ‘close encounters with the devourer’
to even know what’s real and what isn’t.”

“You saw
the way he was acting, my lord. This is Ren we’re talking about, he’s got to be
planning something.” Jacob grew increasingly more anxious with each syllable, “the
inhibitor curse... what if he’s found a way to-“

highly unlikely, Captain.” Julien motioned for a nearby servant to fill an empty
glass he had at his side. A small shambling figure in a servant’s garb outstretched
its gaunt, quivering arms, covered in bruises and all manner of lacerations, to
grab hold of a dark bottle and pour a red, shimmering liquid into the patriarch’s
glass. Jacob swirled the liquid around as the servant hastily retreated into
the shadows.

“Though don’t
think I haven’t taken that into consideration. Ren is brilliant, but a rogue.
He wouldn’t have appealed for the Trial unless he felt that he was ready for
something. If lifting the curse I placed upon him is part of his plan

Julien held
the glass up to his eyes, “then I need only set my own plans into motion.” The
inhuman smile returned, “He was no match for me before, no other time will be
any different.”

patriarch took a long, decadent drink as his knight captain stared, with great
contempt, at the vortex.


[bba3a210]Vortex Warp[/bba3a210][bba3a210]

No-one has
ever been able to describe the experience of travelling through a vortex rift,
mainly because the experience is so very sudden and abstract that it feels as
though the time in which someone is inside the void has no existence; it’s
simply a blank moment in time between entering and exiting its very core. Wherever,
or whenever Ren’s consciousness was floating right now, he knew that he was
somewhere within that indescribable nothing. After all, he had willed himself
to be there.

The moment
Ren entered the vortex, he ushered some form of incantation to himself. The
effect came as desired, Ren’s mind, body and soul found a way to synchronise
with the flow of time within the void, allowing him to experience in minutes
what others would experience in an amount of time so miniscule that the mind
cannot record it.

His floating
form, seemingly frozen in the empty vastness of swirling otherworldly energies,
would barely allow him to move his head to catch a glimpse of what was happening
to the rest of him.

He saw
skin, flesh and bone endlessly fragmenting into strange, geometric patterns
only to again be reconstructed through a series of intricate ghostly weavings.

He knew
what this was, he’d studied it before; the void’s process of breathing life
into the lifeless. He could barely see the glow emanating from his exposed
ribcage, but he saw enough to know that it’s source was exposed.

inhibitor curse Julien had placed upon him was immune to vortex’s reformatting process,
but the soul it was linked to, was not. Unable to scream, unable to do anything
but accept the wracking sensation of pain that struck to his very soul, Ren’s
body simply stayed in place as he willed, with all of his spirit, for his soul
to undergo a slight reconfiguration within the void. Darkness overcame him.

Gasping to
life, Ren came to. Looking around frantically, he saw that he was still inside
the void. He looked down at his body and saw the final touches being made as
the last patches of flesh and skin fell into place.

“Now for a

outstretched an arm and concentrated hard. A thin red line began to form
between his middle finger and ring finger, coursing its way down his arm on
both sides until it reached his elbow.

The edges
surrounding the line began to quiver like a set of lips. Like a crocodile’s
maw, the arm split into two along the seam, revealing a jagged row of teeth on
each inner side guarding a long, thrashing tongue oozing with shimmering
fluids. The jaw formed by the arm shrieked like an unholy beast as a panicked
eyeball bulged into existence on the top of each half of the separated hand.
The arm had transformed into something not unlike a creature of its own; except
that in reality, it was an extension of Ren’s own form.

As suddenly
as it had transmogrified into its twisted, hideous form the appendage snapped
shut, the eyes closed and receded back into the flesh, and all traces of the
transformation healed away.

A maniacal
laughter erupted from Ren as he looked upon his arm with wide, crazed eyes.

“I knew I’d
find a way, Jul-“

Before he
could finish his sentence, a sharp, jabbing pain came over him; striking at not
only his arm, but at something within him on a whole different level.

course...” he mused, his body temporarily buckled inward, “...I couldn’t remove
it completely after all...”

straightened his body out and began massaging his arm, “...but I have at least
made a crack in the glass.”

The world
around him illuminated as a light appeared from the distance and grew ever
closer to the rabbit’s completed form.

With a
toothy grin and a sinister glare, Ren welcomed the coming light with open arms.

“Your time
has just become limited, Julien. I have set into motion the vessel of your

The world
turned white.

“I will be
the engine.”

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Ooc: Jaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmeeeeessssssssss!!!!! Ah it's been too long, my friend! Great to see you again, and it'll be a pleasure to rp with you, too! I've also really got to hand it to everyone here, their posts have been incredibly amazing. Such a high standard of quality set already x_x Kate I have to say I really liked your description of the Raverwar Fire Palace. Your description of the environment and setting of the atmosphere there was second to none. Fantastic!

Also, I'd just like to clarify now in case anyone was wondering, Kenneth does not have any form of super strength whatsoever. He does have an ability, but super strength is not it. And I'm certainly not going to tell now, he wouldn't be a good conman if his secrets were revealed already. >:3 Nathan also has an ability which we shall hopefully find out somewhere down the line.

Now then, time for an IC I believe!

"I coulda handled that fine myself, FYI. But you had to be all macho and go rushing in!" Serenity blasted out in indignation. Kenneth was taken aback by this. He had just risked his neck to help protect this girl and this was her way of saying thanks? "I thought we were supposed to be slaves.  What's the point of having slaves if yer just gonna try to kill them, eh?"  She asked the cave in general.

"Are you serious, lady?" Kenneth replied. "I help protect us and thats your show of appreciation?"

The doberman drew back ever nearer to the pair. It seemed that the hellhound beast had lost interest in the piece of debris that Kenneth had thrown and was now interested once more in tearing the pair to pieces.

"I mean, some ladies might give a kiss, or a handshake, or at the least a thank you! Fine, you want to prove that you can look after yourself? Be my guest." Kenneth threw his hands in the air and began to walk away. He pulled from his suit pocket a packet of cigarettes and pulled one of them out. Reaching into his other pocket he withdrew a lighter and lit the cigarette. Taking a deep drag, he savoured the sweet taste of the nicotine, and then walked off, leaving Serenity to deal with the beast herself.

“You, I don’t know your name. Do me a favour pal and ask this jerk how
we get out of here,” the dragon Xell spoke to Nathan, before he left to deal with the other rhino who was troubling the two players known as Glitch and Sigil.

During Xell's entire confrontation with Flint, Nathan had been transfixed with watching their fight. If one was to have looked at Nathan at this time then they would have seen a rather eerie scene. Nathan had not blinked at all during the two's fights, his pupils following the direction of their fight at every turn, glowing a bright red colour. It was almost as if no one was home in any form of mental capacity. But as soon as the fight had ended, Nathan's appearance had returned to normal, and Flint was now lying on the ground defeated, his arms bound by the very same whip he had once been using to try and hurt him.

Xell had asked Nathan for a favour, but Nathan wasn't exactly sure how he'd be able to accomplish it. Sure, he could ask the bound rhino how they could get out of the predicament they found themselves in, but all the same he doubted that Flint would bother to tell them. Or, if he did, he certainly doubted it would be the truth. But, he supposed it was worth a try, at least.

"Um, excuse me," Nathan began. "But, er, could you pl-"

Nathan's question was cut short as his entire vision turned white. A second later his vision returned to normal, and he found himself staring rather dumbfoundedly at the entire situation around him again. He could see a group of people battling some rhino with a whip, and a vicious doberman attacking another pair. But where exactly was he, why was he there, and for what reason at all was he doing standing above a rhino who was bound by a whip?

"Um, what are you doing there on the floor?" Nathan asked, as he reached into his pocket again and pulled out his phone, checking the photos and notes to see if he at least knew this person, and maybe, hopefully, try and gain some understanding of what was going on around him.

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

(OOC: Wow...amazing post, James.  But, just a note of warning, sometimes my character Serenity's nickname Reni, gets shortened even more to Ren, usually when she's in internal dialogue with herself.  Not asking you to change things, just wanted to warn you so that you don't get confused when my character thinks to herself something like: "Oh good going Ren, what'd you do that for?" Also, name confusion is not neccesarily a bad thing, and might add some comedic moments.  Or something. That said...)


Oh good going Ren, what'd you do that for? Serenity thought sarcastically to herself. Now I have to fight the thing alone!  She waited until the dog's snapping jaws were almost on her, and then sidestepped and darted to another location.  It didn't take long for the hellhound to realize it had been tricked however, and it came carreening after her again, to which end she dodged again.  She knew she couldn't keep this up forever though--The dog was leaping for her throat.  Quickly she curled up so all that it ended up doing was getting a mouthful of spines.  Yelping, the beast retreated, and Serenity uncurled and changed her position again as it came back at her single-mindedly.  Jumping and backflipping, she managed to dodge another lunge, as the unholy doberman skidded by underneath.  The purple hedgehog would have to think of some better way to take it out than constant dodging...


Posts: 36
Eminent Member

[[ Q to Rex/Bent: are people able to see Frostbyte? Or are they only visible to Julian, Glitch and Wraith? ]]


[[ This post is composed with assumption that the answer to above question is "No", however it should not effect the result and/or the plot progress if it's shown to be the contrary ]]

While all the fighting and discussion and all the ongoing has been happening between the main protagonists and the Rhino guards with their Dobermans, a figure is seen watching from behind the bars. Not much physical feature is seen since the headlights are shining in from behind this figure which means to the people from the inside they could only see a silhouette outline standing there.

This said figure firstly noticed Glitch, who so far seemed to have been taking the most damage out of everyone else here. But this figure knows that it takes a lot more than what s/he has seen to be able to knock him out. And maybe perhaps that he might still have some tricks up his sleeves in dealing with the rhinos.

The figure then noted Wraith, who is [[ at the time ]] looking exhausted and clutching to that stalagmite - "defeated already?" s/he thought, but whatever reason he has found himself in this situation, the figure decided not to waste time trying to study this particular character and moved on.

Serenity, though, is something of an oddball - she has not yet shown any offensive techniques and is actually actively ranting at people who just saved her from the deathly blow?? The figure is confused, but seemingly that they are not here without a reason, the answer will be revealed at later stage.

The one character that seemed to get its attention the most would be Lani - as she is, so far, the only character that have actually managed to score a frag during the whole chaos, and did it so swiftly that it seemed she's constantly ready to face any challenger that gets on her way. The figure sees that it would certainly take a lot more than what they're dealing with at the moment to be able to take on this experienced fighter.

Having seen all the members of the party and obtained a gist of their fighting styles, the figure quickly turned around to depart. The whole scene lasted probably less than 10 seconds, therefore it is unknown whether anyone of the party managed to actually see the figure watching them during the chaos and having to concentrate on a much larger priority, but it is possible that up to two characters might have very briefly seen the character, but find him/her already gone once they looked at it again the second time. But whomever managed to see this character knows for sure that s/he is watching them and they will eventually meet again at later stage

[[ Let me know if I got any of the characters' descriptions wrong, I know i left out Xell, Ken and Nathan since i can't think of any fancy descriptions for what they have done during the fighting scene P: , and Sigil because I am still having difficulty understanding his physical makeup and his movements around the scene (but I assumed that he is inside the cave/jail and cannot get in direct contact with my character ]]

Posts: 369
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OOC: Hey guys, will update. Had the worst day at work ever . Need an hour or 4 to get over it xD. Will update soon. i can't articulate how much I love everyone's post in the RP and how excited I get every time I see an update

Posts: 56
Trusted Member
OOC: @Rubycored: Anyone is able to see
Frostbite, not just those few characters. c: But when he speaks to his
host while inside of them (I'll italicize his dialogue), then only his
host can hear him.

I also forgot to say; I have a small doodle of him too, if anyone is
interested in what exactly his face/body structure looks like.

His full image is at the very bottom. I still need to work on drawing
his mouth and form obviously, but you'll understand what I was aiming

Excellent posts here everyone <3. This is starting to get really exciting.



Glitch, still weaponless, eyed Sigil, almost in disgust, as he absorbed
the remainder of his whip. "..ya know, you could've given that to me,"
he said with a small frown.

"Here." A loud clank sounded by Glitch; Xell had tossed over a broken
pole. As Glitch turned to pick it up--"Thank-you,"--he paused
momentarily. What was that? Are my eyes playing tricks?

Someone had been watching, a mysterious silhouette waiting by the
sidelines. Glitch twitched his mouth. He turned to see Danny, who
resorted to ramming, and Lani still dueling it out for a mere second
before turning back to the shadowy figure -- but nothing remained there.
"Huh. Oh well." With that said, his lips cracked into a smirk and he
dove in after Danny.

Danny was exhausted. Glitch knew; his movements were sloppy, his
reactions were slow. Lani had leaped into a corner, preparing for
another one of Danny's charges. Before he could begin his next move
however, he was knocked down--

Behind him stood Glitch, still grinning wide as ever, holding a pole
where his head used to be. He mercilessly smashed his foot atop Danny's
grounded head, who subsequently let out a squeal, and looked up to Lani.
"You can deliver the final blow now."


Wraith inhaled deeply, barely gathering enough strength to open his weak
eyes again... only to see that the shadows before him had vanished completely,
leaving behind just a trace of disturbing laughter.

But something was not right.

He knew that the creature was still there.

He could sense him.

Aww, don't be scared, Wraith. It's just meee. I'm still here, a voice called from inside his head. Wraith winced. He closed his eyes and slumped against the stalagmite
behind him, unwilling to move any longer. The creature had invaded him,
just waiting to take control. You're no Glitchy, the voice continued, its words slowly fading, but you'll do for now.


OOC: Frostbite needs a trigger before he can come out - specifically
extreme fear, anger, or pain from the host. (He's dormant until then.)
Wraith is still in control of himself at this point, even if he goes
unconscious here lol. Just an FYI in case I'm confusing anyone. (:

**edit: Gahh I missed your post, Bentley. ): I started typing this right before you made yours.
Sucks to hear about what happened at work today... note me on DA later when you're feeling better? *glomptacklehug*

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