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Brother, where aret thou? <<Characters needed plz joi

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EDIT: Please note: This story needs more characters! Can you help? Come right along in, and welcome! :thumbsup

OOC: First try at an RP...wish me luck ;)

Mainly set in the Fleetway StC universe, but other aspects are welcome. I may not be entirely familliar with them though, so plz forgive me if I make mistakes.

Character: Wraith the Echidna.

Age: 25

Apperance/equips: Deep, almost maroon red colouring. Knuckledusters same as Knux. Thin Talanium body armour, burnished a copper colour, extremely light and strong. Also a triangular metal patch embedded into his forehead, same colour (will be explained in-story).

Bio: Knux's brother, descovered deep in the bowels of the Floating Island in stasis. More laid-back than Knux, he has a decent sence of humour and a little bit of bravado in his deminour, but he is very level-headed and takes things very seriously when needed. Very strong and tough, has been known to beat Knux in sparring fights in the past. Has assumed a role as Freedom Fighter and joint Guardian of the Chaos Emeralds.

IC: With a shudder the massive Floating Island came to rest, sending a small wave racing out on all sides into the vast blue of the ocean. Out here in the middle of nowhere, the Emeralds should be safe for a while without a least, so he hoped.

Wraith picked up his backpack of supplies and, with a final glance at the sacred Emeralds, jumped into the zoom-tube. Seconds later he popped out on the Beach of the island, rimmed by the dense foliage of the jungle. He had a long way to go...

He stared at the setting sun and listened to the sea lap the shore. His mind rolled back to that fateful day, two weeks ago. His brother Knux had left him in charge of the island while he went to help Sonic defeat the insane Doctor Robotnic in his latest scheme. Oh if only he'd insisted on going himself...!

They had succeeded, but this time the Doctor had an ace up his sleeve. He had opened a portal into the Special Zone, and blasted Sonic and Knux through, banishing them to the dangers of the other world. Then, in their abscence, he had begun a campaign of terror against all of Mobius, slowly taking over Zone after Zone and crowning himself Overlord. The rest of the Freedom Fighters were doing what they could, but without their leader they were in deep trouble.

And worst of all, no one knew if Sonic and Knuckles were alive or dead...

Wraith shook himself from his reveir and ran over to a small cave in the mouth of the nearby river. This was were HE came in. He had been asked by the rest of the FFs to find a way, any way, of entering the Special Zone and saving the heroes before Robotnik could completely consume Mobius. That, and offer any assistance he could in slowing the Doctor's advancement. Leaving the Chaos Emeralds unguarded was dangerous, but hopefully he would be back before Robotnik descovered them.

He pushed a small motor boat out of the cave and down the river into the sea. Then he settled himself in the seat and sped off over the waves. His first port of call: Metropolis Zone. That was were most of Mobius' scientific boffins holed up, and maybe one of them could get him into the special zone.

It was a dangerous mission. There were the dangers of the Special Zone itself to contend with, not to mention Robotnik, who knew of his plans and would be determined to stop him! He, though, was just as determined to succeed, for the sake of Mobius...

...and most of all, for his brother...

...and who knew...maybe he would find help along the way.

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OOC: This looks interesting. I guess I'll give it a shot...

Character: Jeth
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Looks like Tails, but has only one tail and is colored black. His eyes are a dark green.

Equipment: Dark colored cloth armor, used more for speedy combat. Extremely light.

Personality: Jeth is the kind of person that keeps calm under pressure, but when angered or otherwise provoked, he takes a while to regain his normal attitude. He likes to be able to do things his own way, even if others are doing something else.


Jeth walked along the docks of the Metropolis Zone, bored out of his skull. It was just one of those days where he really didn't want to do anything at all. Deciding to let himself think, he sat at the end of one of the docks, looking out at the sea.

"It's just one of those days..." he said to himself.

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The boat was small, but fast, and reached the Metropolis Zone Harbour at about 9am the following day. Wraith had slept most of the way, allowing the boat's auto-pilot (installed by Tails) control.

He had had the dream again...
...the one with the female Echidna...
...the one where she is staring at him, a look of horror on her face...
...the one where she begins to plead with him not to hurt her...
...the one where she screams...

He'd woken with such a start he almost fell overboard. He'd been plagued by that and similar nightmares ever since Knuckles woke him from stasis. His life before then was a complete blank...

He switched off the auto-pilot and found a berth in the harbour. He tried to forget about the nightmare as he climbed the ladder onto the dock. This was only his second visit to Metropolis and he needed directions.

He soon spied a youngish fox wondering toward him along the concrete...seemingly in a world of his own. He looked a little rough, as though he didn't care much for his appearence. Still, this guy was as good as any to ask.

He stepped forward and raised his hand to attract the other's attention. "Hey."

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Character: Amadeus Marcus Windfall Junior
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Appearance: Looks like a normal Sonic-ised fox, but white-furred, without the long hairs that Tails has on his forehead. He wears a long black jacket that goes down half-way down his upper legs, as well as beige trousers with lots of pockets, and a plain blue T-shirt. Being an arctic fox, his fur is slightly thicker than usual.

Equipment: In one of his many pockets, he has a packet of matches in case he needs to start a fire- and who knows what else is in there?

Personality: Good natured, and trusting. Quite serious sometimes, but loves to joke around. Treats all his friends equally. Can get a bit nervous sometimes when he's on his own.

IC: Amadeus walked through the streets of the Metropolis Zone. "It's been a while since I've been here," he said, looking up at the sky. For what must've been the ten-thousandth time in his life, he was just looking at the clouds, and thinking how beautiful they were. Suddenly, he tripped up. "Ow!" he said, landing nose-first. As he got up, he saw another fox sitting on the dock. He watched, curious, as someone else walked up- although he couldn't tell what they were.

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Jeth snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a voice. He stood, and turned to face them.

"Hello." He replied. He looked over the echidna in front of him.

"Can I help you with something?"

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Wraith nodded, his long dreads bouncing with the movement.

"I'm new to this zone." he replied. "I need to find the Reserch District, you know, where all the scientists hang out..." He glanced off into the city, his eyes narrowing. "I trust Robotnic hasn't begun attacking the city yet?"

Even though the Doctor was after every zone on Mobius, it wasn't surprising that he hadn't gone for Metropolis yet. As the biggest zone on Mobius, it had the best defences, and would offer the most resistance. By the same token, however, a foothold as strong as Metropolis would be highly sought after. The attack was surely inevitable...

No signs of badnik attacks yet though. Somewhat relieved, he turned back to face the black fox, ignoring the hustle and bustle around him (and completely missing a pair of eyes watching them from beside the dockside wherehouse). "Could I ask you to show me the way?"

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"Robotnik... Nah, nothin' from him yet." Jeth said.

"However, about the Research district, it's not too far. Follow me." Jeth said, starting back towards the main street.

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For a moment Wraith was taken aback by the fox's conversational manner. From the look of him he had half been expecting an angry retort...something along the lines of "Find it yourself!"

He grinned wryly to himself as he fell into step beside his new associate. When would he ever learn not to judge people by first impressions?

He nodded his thanks to the fox, noticing the metal plate on his forehead was beginning to itch again. Probably all the electronics in the city. Inwardly gritting his teeth, he ignored it as he replied: "So what do I call you?"

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"You can call me Jeth." Jeth replied. He grinned a bit. Stopping at the main street, he looked down each path, finally heading to the right.

"So, what brings you here?" he asked

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(OOC: btw if anyone has ideas for this story feel free to take control for a bit and play them out^^ I have ideas myself that I'll bring in as the story unfolds, but don't feel you simply have to follow my leads constantly :D )

IC: Wraith didn't reply immedeately. He was somewhat overwhelmed by the chaos of the city. He found it amazing that people seemed to be carrying on their daily lives, as though nothing was wrong! Then he realised that they were so used to Robotnik's attacks, that the current situation almost WAS daily life! The difference this time, though, was that the Freedom Fighters were severely weakened...a fact that Wraith wondered if most of them grasped...

He also had spotted a small white fox stepping out of the shadows behind a werehouse as they walked past, and, glancing back now, he got the uneasy feeling that the newcomer was following them...

"Wraith, you're paranoid. He's just off on some buisness of his own in the same direction we're headed!"

He glanced across at Jeth, impressed by the guy's level-headedness and obvious strength of character. This guy may have potential with the Freedom Fighters someday...not immeadeately of course. It would do no good to throw him in the deep end right at the start. But with the right training...

He decided to probe a little, to see if the fox would be interested. "What brings me here?" he replied, grinning wryly. "Well, what would you say if I said I was Knuckles' brother, and I was a good friend of Sonic the Hedgehog?"

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Jeth almost tripped when he heard that.

"Well, that's not something you hear every day." Jeth said.

"But then again, can't say my life is completely normal..." He said. Though few knew it, Jeth was a master of stealth, which explained his light armor. If he didn't want to be noticed, chances are that he wouldn't be noticed by anything.

((OOC: decided to have him be something interesting. Forgive the sudden occupation choice for him.))

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(OOC: ROFL No worries man! This RP is all about the unnexpected, or at least, it WILL be :thumbsup )

Wraith raised an eyebrow. "Not completely normal?" He echoed. Maybe there was more to this guy than met the eye...

They hailed a Metropolis Taxi and were soon speeding through the streets towards the Reserch Sector. As they zoomed past the masses of traffic Wraith introduced himself.

"Yeah I'm Knux's older brother. I was descovered in stasis in the caves beneath the Floating Island. Don't remember my life before then, apart from the fact that Knux and I are related. Someday, after Robotnik is finally defeated and Mobius is free, I'm gonna go search out my history...who I truly am." He stared whistfully out the taxi window for a moment. "It's wierd...not knowing really who you are..."

He'd already made a definite desision not to tell Jeth about the dreams...

"But anyway, enough about me." he continued, turning to face the fox. "How about you?"

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"Me? I'm just a spy, thief, investigator, anything that requires stealth is what I do. I was born in a zone fairly far from here, but came here, particularly for a job." Jeth replied. He waited a few moments.

"You see, I wasn't really good at anything, so I couldn't get a job. It was probably a good thing that I was taken in by the one who trained me. After being trained for years, he sent me off, and so, here I am." He finished, then was relatively quiet.

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Wraith waited a few moments, but it soon became obvious that that was all Jeth was going to say, at least for now.

He stared at the fox for a moment...intregued. Who was this "trainer" he spoke of...?

Suddenly he realised he was scratching his forhead again. Darned implant! What on Mobius was it for anyway? The Kintobor Computer had examined him a while back, but had shed no light on it. It was really irritating sometimes.

"Coming into the Reserch Sector." commented Jeth as he stared out the window. Wraith followed his gaze, and saw a landscape packed with factories, high-tech appartments, and low buildings that may have been laboritories.

He opened the window between the passenger compartment and the driving compartment of the taxi.

"Hey man." he adressed the driver. "We're looking for the greatest minds Metropolis zone has to offer. Any reccomendations?"

The taxi driver thought for a moment, then muttered "Government funded labs in the center should have the braniest people..."

Wraith nodded. "Ok, take us there then."

Far, far away, in a secret base hidden on the tiny outcrop of Flicky Island, a fat man with a big nose and bright orange moustache was very buisy. He was running backwards and forwards inside a large room filled with computer terminals, making hundreds of minute adjustments here and there. One wall of the room was filled from top to bottom with TV screens, at the moment showing nothing but static.

"Quickly, quickly..." the man mumbled as he made the final adjustments. "We're almost ready to go..."

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((OOC: a fat man with a big nose and bright orange moustache... Who could that be? >_< ))

"Smart man." Jeth commented. Though many of the private research areas had smart people, the government easily had the best.

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In the time it took for the taxi to reach the Reserch Sector's core, Wraith outlined his mission to Jeth. He didn't really know why...the fox would probably just find it boring. Still, Wraith couldn't help feeling the guy had some potential.

" Sonic and Knux are lost somewhere in the Special Zone. While the rest of the Freedom Fighters hold Robotnik off, I have to find a way in there and bring them back. I would have used the old Ring-Teleportation technology on the Floating Island, but Knuckles is the only one who know's how to activate it." He sighed, staring out the window again. "So I'm stuck with asking these Braniacs if they have any ideas."

Jeth was silent, his face unreadable. Wraith eyed him for a moment, wondering what he was thinking, then finally he decided the guy was bored out of his skull.

He shook his head. "Sorry man, you didn't need to know all that. I guess I just had to get it off my chest. I..." He sighed deeply. "I feel like I'm responsible for what's happened. Knux is the Guardian of the Emeralds. I should have insisted that I go, not him."

The taxi came to a halt outside a massive laboratory complex. Armed guards flanked the door, and numerous automated security systems were visable all over the building.

Wraith turned back to Jeth and nodded respectfully. "Thanks for all your help. Hopefully I'll be back with Sonic and my bro before Robotnik attacks here."

He leaned forward, opened the taxi door, and began to step out onto the pavement...

(OOC: Anyone else want to join us? Couldn't hurt to have a few more characters in there along with Jeth and Wraith. ;)
Also, anyone else wondering where Amadeius has got to? "> )

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Jeth seemed to simply appear outside the taxi, which caused more than one guard to jump in suprise.

"Your mission probably won't be easy. If it's okay with you, I would like to accompany to on your mission." He said.

((OOC: I think he, erm, disappeared? heck, I dunno. If you don't mind me using two people, I have a second character, one probably easily recognized...))

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OOC: Sorry, I sorta... forgot!
IC: Amadeus had, by chance, whilst carrying on walking by himself, ended up in the same place as the fox and... whateverhewas. Curious, he decided to ask them who they were. "Umm... Hi. Who are you?"

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OOC: (lol np man. Welcome back^^ And sure Code, this RP is completely flexible. Have as many characters as you like^^)

IC: Wraith spun round, suprised. This guy did have more to him than he thought!

Any help would be appreciated, but the Special Zone was extremely dangerous, not to mention that Robotnik had gotten wind of the plan. He didn't know the details, like exactly which of the Freedom Fighters was going, but he knew what they were trying to do, and would stop them at all cost!

He was about to say all this to Jeth, when a stranger stepped up to them out of the crowd. "Umm... Hi. Who are you?"

Wraith blinked. It was the white fox he'd seen before! So he HAD been following them! But how had he got to here from the docks so quick...?

It wasn't important. What mattered was what he wanted. "My name is Wraith." he replied, put on guard by the stranger's direct approach. "And you are?"

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"Um... My name's Amadeus! It's nice to meet you..." He then noticed that the... whatever seemed a little tense.

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Jeth silently looked over Amadeus.

"I am called Jeth." he said.

((OOC: I'll introduce my second character in the special zone. There is a reason for that.))

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"Nice to meet you." replied Wraith, eyeing the newcomer. He loosened up a little when he noticed the fox seemed somewhat nervous, but he still wanted to know why they had been followed. "Can we help you?"

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"It's just that... Well... For one thing, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but what species are you?" he asked the... whatever. "Also, from your face I can tell that you're doing something important..."

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Wraith blinked in disbelief, then suddenly burst out laughing! "What am I?" he repeated, gasping for breath. " must have spent your life staring at the clouds! You've never seen an Echidna before?"

It was nearly a minute before he regained his composure. Wiping tears of laughter from his eyes, he grinned wide at Amadeus. " let me get this followed us all the way here because you didn't know what spiecies I was, and because you thought we were "...doing something important"?"

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"Curiousity... That's all I can guess... Not that it's bad or anything..." Jeth said.

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Wraith glanced at Jeth, suddenly serious. Maybe the guy was right, maybe he was being a little harsh on Amadeus. He didn't take kindly to being followed, but the white fox didn't really seem much of a threat.

"Guess so..." he murmered, then nodded his head to Amadeus. "Sorry man. Guess that was a bit cruel. Nice to meet you. With regard to what we're doing here, we're on a mission. No doubt you'll have heard that Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles have gone missing, and Robotnik is on the move? We're headed off to where they're trapped to rescue them, and in the process we're gonna kick Robotnik's flabby butt." He grinned. "Nothing major really. Jeth can fill you in on the details if you have any questions."

He turned and set off towards the large glass doors of the nearby building. "Time we got the info we came here for I think."

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Jeth smiled and motioned for Amadeus to follow him. Without really looking to see if he did, he went with Wraith.

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(OOC: A's a little hard to know how to relate to Jeth and Amedeus cause there's often not much said about them. I'm just worried about treading on your feet accidentally in one of my posts. Feel free to expand as much as you like. I'll work around you^^ (obviously how you see fit. if you'd rather leave it as-is for now then no worries))

IC: Wraith strode up to the guards on the doors and identified himself. The guards nodded and let the trio through into the reception area.

The whole room was painted a wierd sky-blue, and Wraith found that looking at it too long gave him a headache. He quickly made his way over to the reception desk on the far wall. The rabbit behind the desk looked up as they approached.

"Good morning Sirs" she said. "How can I help you?"

"We're looking for someone who knows a thing or two about Chaos Teleporters." replied Wraith casually.

"I you have an appointment?"

"No, but it's an urgent matter."

"I'm sorry sir but none of the scientists are available at the moment. If you like I could arrainge an appointment for you..."

Wraith looked exasperated. "Lady, we're talking life and death here. You've heard that Sonic the Hedgehog has dissapeared. Well we know where he is, and we're trying to rescue him. We need to see someone right away."

The girl's eyes widened. "Oh! Well...I'm sure we can arrainge moment please." She turned to a telephone on the desk beside her and started making calls. Wraith stepped back and folded his arms. It was amazing what the name "Sonic the Hedgehog" could do on Mobius. He was angry though. Surely the name "Knuckles the Echidna", or even (If he could be so bold) "Wraith the Echidna" should have the same effect. They risked their lives for Mobius too...

The receptionist turned back to them. "Doctor Meilnholt is our resident Chaos Energy expert. He's waiting to see you in his lab. Floor 7..." she pointed to the elevator on the left of the desk. "...lab 15."

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((OOC: go ahead and try, if you want. I'll tell you if you're off much.))

Jeth nodded. He was glad that Wraith happened to not have issues talking to other people, because Jeth was, well, depending on how one looked at it, either shy or antisocial at times.

He made his way to the elevator and pushed the call button.

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(OOC: lol pardon? I don't quite understand. I wouldn't take control of Jeth or anything. I was meaning if you like you could expand a little more, rather than just doing connectives between my posts. You can even take over the plot of the story for a while if you like^^)

IC: They waited in silence as the elevator decended. Wraith glanced at his companions.

Jeth was as unreadable as ever. Goodness knew what was going on inside his head.

Amadeus seemed to be staring wide-eyed at everything, as though he was a kid in a candy store.

He thought about what Jeth had said, about going with him on his mission. Surely that would be throwing him in at the deep end, like he'd been thinking before. Still, the fox seemed to think he could handle it...

The elevator arrived and the doors opened. The trio stepped inside en-masse.

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((OOC: Oh, that's what you mean. Sure, I'll give it a shot.))

Jets waited expressionlessly as they waited for the elevator to get to level 7. When it did, Jeth was the first out, followed rather quickly by Wraith and Amadeus. Reading a sign, the three started down one of the hallways, until they reached lab 15. Jeth opened the door, and held it for the other two.

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The second Wraith stepped through the door his head started to spin. His vision blurred and the room began to turn.

The implant again!

The lab was so full of high power electrical equipment that it was interfering with his mind.

He put his hand on a nearby table as he waited for the dizzyness to subside. Slowly his brain adjusted and the room stopped doing cartwheels.

With a short shake of his head to clear it, he stood up straight and looked around.

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Jeth noticed Wraith's dizzyness at first, but put that aside as he saw another person.

"Dr. Meilnholt, I'm guessing?" He asked. His fur stood on end from the electricity in the room. Though it might not have affected the others, his fur was a bit sensitive to electricity.

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The figure turned round, startling the trio with a pair of gigantic, lidless eyes! It was a few seconds before Wraith realised it was his inch thick glasses that were creating the illusion!

He was a Walrus, somewhat overweight, with a long whispy beard and moustache. His fur was dark brown, although in places this too was greying. His red face showed more than a hint of anger!

He came bustling over to them, wiping his hands on his long white coat. "And what do you three young upstarts think you're doing interrupting my work?" he began.

Wraith stepped forward. "Doctor, all we wanted to ask..."

"Yes I know I know!" interrupted Meilnholt, briskly waving a hand in the air. "I was told when you barged your way into reception. Chaos energy, Chaos Teleporters, and LEAVE THAT MACHINE ALONE!"

Amadeus (his curiosity getting the better of him again) quickly pulled back his hand and stood stock still.

"It so happens, gentlemen, that you're out of luck. Chaos Teleportation was mastered by the ancient tribes, and I believe Doctor Robotnic has managed to duplicate the technology, but here in the Metropolis Zone we have not nearly advanced that far in chaos reserch. Chaos is, as the name implies, very unstable."

Wraith stared at Meilnholt, shocked. "You mean there's no way..."

"However," continued the scientist, interrupting again. "There may be a way. Have you ever heard of Zero Energy?"

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"Zero energy? That sounds... a bit odd..." Jeth said. He was distracted, though, by some of the machinery. He walked to it, and just looked at it go.

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"Indeed it is most mysterious!" replied Meilnholt, his eyes glazing over as he wondered off into a world of his own. "In fact, the whole thing is simply theoretical. No one actually knows if it exists, and all the rest of the scientists in this building refuse to believe it, but I have been studying it for a long time..."

Wraith, now thoroughly bored with explanations and annoyed at being interrupted, jumped in himself.

"So you can help us?"

Meilnholt shot him an irritated glance, before turning and walking off towards the machines at the back of the lab. "I believe it is posible. If my calculations are correct, all we would have to..."

Suddenly the Professor was interrupted again, only this time it was from outside. A loud wailing of an alarm began to sound, blaring out throughout the whole city.

Wraith jumped and looked around nervously. "What IS that???"

But the others, residents of Metropolis Zone, knew perfectly well.

"It's the BASS." mumbled Meilnholt dissinterestedly. "Badnik Alert Siren System. The Zone is under attack."

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Jeth snapped from his distraction at the alarm.

"Doctor, can you tell us where they are? At least, I'll have some fun knocking some ugly badnick heads." He said.

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In the secret base on Flicky Island, Robotnic was sat in a large chair in the middle of the computer room. The wall full of TV screens was now lit up, each screen showing the outskirts of the Metropolis Zone through the eyes of a different Badnik. Every so often Robotnik hit a button on the large desk in front of him, flicking one of the screens to another angle. A microphone stood up on a stand from the arm of the chair, ready to relay orders to the attack force.

Robotnik grinned in glee. "Go forth my minions!" he crooned. "Destroy!"

Pain. The interference from all the gadgets in the room was bad, and coupled with the earsplitting blare of the siren, Wraith was overcome.

He put a hand on his forhead, gritting his teeth. Pain! He couldn't think! His mind simply refused to work! He felt detached from reality, as though everything was a dream...

...the dream with the male Echidna this time...
...the one where he tells him to stay away...
...the one where he shouts for help...
...the one where he threatens him if he comes any closer...
...the one where he screams...

His head throbbing from the interference, Wraith managed somehow to grab hold and hang onto contiousness, but it took all of his willpower...

Through the haze clouding his eyes, he stared at Jeth, hoping that somehow the fox would see his trouble and help him out...

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Jeth didn't wait for the doctor to answer, noticing Wraith. He put one of Wraith's arms over his shoulder, helping to keep him up.

"Perhaps we should leave. We'll be back, doctor." He said, helping Wraith out of the room.

"Hey, Wraith, stay with me. Can't go clunking badniks with you unconscious."

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Wraith's head was swimming. The pain was starting to die away, but he was still so dizzy! The coridor swayed and bucked like a ship in a storm, and he felt like he was going with it!

He had a vague impression of elevator doors, and a curious g-force as they dropped...

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Jeth continued to help Wraith. Whatever was bothering him was really disorienting him.

He looked to a passerby who looked like they worked at the place.

"Is there a room where there's no siren going off?" He asked.

((OOC: I'll let you decide...))

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(OOC: lol this is mainly to let you take control for a bit, although it does have bearings later on.)

"No, but they go off shortly anyway." replied the worker, barely even glancing at the trio. "Outside it should be less intense though, out in the open..."

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"Thanks." Jets said, as he and Wraith exited the building. Everything was pretty much the same as before, the parked cars, a few people, badniks...

well, actually, those were new.

Jeth held back a curse as he got Wraith to a nearby wall.

"How did they get here already?" He asked himself. It didn't matter, they were here. Jeth turned, catching a badnik that had jumped at him, throwing it back.

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Slowly, Wraith's vision began to clear. He closed his eyes and shook his head, as though trying to shake some life back into his brain.

Abruptly the siren ceased, and the silence that followed was somehow opressive. Wraith took a deep breath and opened his eyes...

...then promptly closed them again, catching his breath.

"Oh great! Where did they come from???"

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Jeth was currently busy with about 4 badniks, and didn't really get a chance to respond. He dodged another one, only to be hit by one from the back, which launched him forward a bit, causing him to land heavily on the pavement.

"Okay, that hurt..." He said.

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Wraith watched Jeth as he was knocked down. So much for not throwing him in the deep end!

But now the interference was gone and his mind was clear.

Jumping forward, he punched the badnik hard in the side, sending it flying half way across the road. Then he quickly held out his hand to Jeth to pick him up.

"Sorry about that." he said. "It's linked directly to my brain. Too much interference and I'm KO'd."

Posts: 153
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"It's okay... I've been hit harder..." Jeth said, accepting Wraith's help. He got up, and cracked his back.

"I say we knock some heads. How about it?"

Posts: 1631
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Wraith clenched his fists. "Let's do it!"

Already more of the evil robots were racing up the street towards them. "The Freedom Fighters should be here soon." called Wraith, sidestepping a Rynobot's charge. "If we can survive until then we should be fine."

Posts: 59
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Amadeus ran over. Woah! he thought. He quickly felt over his trousers, and failed to find anything of much use. He took out his harmonica, and tooted on it a little, distracting a Badnik or two towards him. He managed to dodge them, but only just.

Posts: 1631
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Wraith was buisy trading blows with two Shellcrackers when he spotted Amadeus under assault across the street. "Dang..." he thought. "The kid's trying to be a hero. Jeth looks like he can handle himself, but Am seems like a newbie to battles..."

Dodging another of the Shellcracker's blows, he lunged forward and grabbed one of them by the legs. Then, spinning round and round to gain momentum, he launched it across the street, hoping to destract the robots that were after the white fox.

As it happened, the metal crab actually collided with the group of badniks, eliminating them all in a small explosion! "Ha!" Wraith exclaimed, suprised by his luck. "Take that!" which the second Shellcracker, forgotten for the moment, promptly complied, knocking Wraith across the street in the same direction as the robot he threw...

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