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Chronicles of the Elements: Dark Saga

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This is my first RP on SHQ, so well... yea, anyways it takes place with in my own original storyline and is open to any type of character, provided you explain odd things like crazy powers and weapons. If you have any question just ask or IM me.

here is a little back story...

Long ago before humanity there existed a race of highly advanced beings, their name has long been forgotten, so they are now called "The Old Ones".
The Old Ones were very skilled in the creation of technology, as well as magic. Though they created many wondrous things, their greatest work was the Inter-realm Gate System. It was a system of "gates" which allowed for travel to alternate realms of existence. Using these gates they explored and settled many realms, including Earth. Sometime later in history there was some unknown event that caused the disappearance of The Old Ones. Although they were gone, they left behind much of their technology, including the gates.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A few centuries after the disappearance of The Old Ones, a new race began raising in power, these people were the Elves. A race that was not as advanced as the Old Ones but were none the less the most power race in existence at the time. The Elves soon conquer all of the realms formally held by The Old Ones. Under the guidance of the Elves the "Multiverse" as it is now called prospers. It was not long after this that the first humans appeared, within the tiny unimportant realm Earth. Humans quickly spread through the realms. It was long after this that the great Elven Civil War began, all the realms were greatly affected, including Earth. The only records of what happen next are in the Great Imperial Library. According to this records, God, the being responsible for the creation of the Realm of Earth, was unhappy with the affects the war was having on his realm. So he decreed that all the intelligent non-human beings on Earth must leave, This event is know as the "Great Exodus". After they finished leaving Earth, God destroyed the ancient's gates in his realm. a sort time later the Elven empire collapsed, sending the Multiverse into a dark age of war and suffering.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Flash forward to the present time period Earth. A young man discovers a remnant of The Old One's technology, an ariel battleship, hidden under a great lake. Upon searching the ship he finds a strange stone tablet, upon touching it he release the Elemental Ties. These Ties are what keep the elements stable. After being released, the ties bound to eight people, the young man in the airship being one. These bounds give the people powers to command the elements, as well as immortality. Over the course of the next few centuries these people not only find a way to travel the multiverse, but become heroes to it's people. They were responsible for the defeats of several great villains, as well as the creation of a few famous orders, and in one case the founding of a great kingdom.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Flash ahead several thousand years. The multiverse is prospering under the Great Heliosian Empire. Of the eight "Elemental Champions" as they are called, only two survive. These two, Chris, the bearer of fire, and Brian, the bearer of wind, are reclusive but, ever vigilant should the lasting peace be broken.

OOC: Now onto the actual RP....

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "You got to be kidding!" Said a young human boy with brown hair. "I'm afraid not Marcus, the danger is very real." replied a stern looking elf. "Come on, you know that the Imperial Guard can handle this." said Marcus. "It does not matter they asked for our help, and I am sending you, now go and get ready you still have to go into town and gather some people to go with you." Commanded the elf. Marcus sighed and got up and left.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Marcus was walking to town when he started thinking about what was going on. The message had come in a few hours ago; the Imperial Guard was asking the Academy of Eternal Flame for help investigating a disturbance in the city of Bail. Marcus being a lower student was picked for the task. As was the tradition of the Academy he was to go in too a nearby town and talk some strangers into accompanying him. Oh how Marcus hated the Academies rules, sometimes he wondered what Seth and Chris were thinking. Marcus looked up as he entered the town of Jaden, wondering what sort of people he would talk into following him.
