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Outer Space......

Deep in the depths of outer space a small space station hovered. Inside was non other than Vyborg, a red cyborg dragon and his partner Rage. The two had been tinkering with Vyborg's zone warping equipment and had plotted something that would lead to utter chaos. The two planned a zone collision. One that was on quite a large scale. Doing so would be risky, but the two villains were determined.

Mounths of planning had been put into building a machine that could pull of such a stunt, and now the plan could be put into action. With an evil grin, Vyborg reached for the leaver and gave it a pull.

Worlf, a planet far from Mobius

Mega had been quite bored today. Vyborg and Rage hadn't attacked Geno city for quite some time and Night and Streak were just getting on his nerves. The red hedgie was simply wandering around the utopian city when suddenly, he heard a large crash. The ground began to shake and the sky became very dark. The little furry quickly ran back towards his and his friends' apartment.

Lightning struck the ground and the shaking got worse by the minute. Mega hurried even faster, but then he suddenly blacked out. These strange events were occuring on Mobius and other worlds as well. Something was happening, but what?

Several hours later, in a strange forest

Mega awoke to find himself in a forest. This wasn't like any on his home planet, but just where was he? He got up to look around, but suddenly heard a strange rustle in the bushes. Turning around, he saw.........

OOC: Ok. This RP is based off of an idea I had at another forum. BAsicaly, a huge zone collision has just occured, thanks to Vyborg's equipment. You can be good OR evil in this RP. Also, I left a cliffhanger at the end of my post, just in case it makes things easier for anyone who may want to join. The general RP rules apply.


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(OOC: Looks interesting...quick question. Are the races on the other world all furry, like mobians, or can there be more varied creatures? (A cyborg dragon seems more varied, but I'll wait for your confirmation lol))

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OOC: Well on Mega's world there are no humans, but races such as dinosaurs exist in forms of furries AND just regular ones. There's also other wild creatures there. But that's just his world.... characters can varry, due to the collision. Oh... here's a pic of Vyborg.. he IS a furry.

^ Vyborg. XD

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OOC: I have decided to act upon the cliffhanger Mega left. Character profile first!

Name: Beige
Description: Human female, 16 years old. Has blond hair that is straight and reaches down to the middle of her back. Wears a black long-sleeved shirt, black shorts, and sandals upon her feet. A tiny gold cross hangs from a small chain around her neck.


Confused and afraid, she ran through this foreign forest. How had this happened? Where was she? As she ran through another bush, those questions suddenly became less important. She tripped, and fell clumsily on her face. When she looked up, she saw a totally unfamiliar creature (OOCC: She just saw Mega)! When he whirled around to see who it was in the bushes, she panicked! Still on the ground, she backed up against a tree, yelling, "No! Please don't kill me!" She covered her head with her arms, hoping this nightmare would end!

Mega was so surprised by this, that for a moment he did nothing. She looked like she was so scared, she was going to start crying at any moment!

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(OOC: Ah gotcha. Just that I've had an idea for a pair of characters for a while, but nowhere to use them, but they may fit into this RP^^

I'll intro them, and let me know if they're ok^^ If not I'll think of something else.)


In a small clearing nearby where Mega and Beige had met, a large cave mouth yawned at the base of a tall oak tree. A river ran past the cave, the trickling of water turning the atmosphere of the clearing into an almost magical beuty. The sunlight filtered down through the leaves above, creating a complex pattern on the ground that shifted and waved as the trees moved in the breeze.

Inside the cave, a pair of slanted yellow eyes flicked open, glowing brilliantly in the darkness as they reflected the sunlight outside the cave. The eyes rose as the creature raised it's head, staring out of the cave silently.

"No! Please don't kill me!"

It was very the distance, but it was there. The owner of the voice sounded distressed!

The eyes dipped to the floor, and a soft, female voice whispered: "Merc...Merc wake up!"

There was a grunt, and another yellow eye opened slowly. "What?" replied a male voice, deep and powerful, but also very warm and noble.

"I heard someone shouting outside...they sounded like they were in trouble."

The male pair of eyes roused themselves and rose to the same level as the female. "You sure? I can't hear anything."

"I'm sure."

"Okay." Slowly the eyes raised even higher, reaching almost ten feet, and together the two creatures stepped out of the cave and into the sunlight, blinking and looking around in the sun.

They were a curious couple, mainly because they only had one body between them! Their faces were eagle-like, sporting tough, hooked yellow beaks and heavy, powerful looking brows. The heads were atop two long, thick necks that joined together at the shoulders to form a single, powerful body, shaped much like a Lion's body, complete with tough, retractable claws and a long thin tail. A massive pair of wings, the wingspan of which was over fifteen feet, completed the picture, growing from behind the shoulders of the creature(s). The wings and head were covered in a thick carpet of yellow-brown feathers, and the neck, body, arms and legs sported thick, luxurious golden fur.

Though both heads were attached to one body, they each had seperate personalliies and were beings in themselves. Now, as they looked around, the female looked worried. "Where are we??? This isn't our cave!"

The male narrowed his eyes. "I don't know. I don't recognise it."

The female sighed slightly. "Well, that can wait. First we have to find out what that cry was about."

"Right. Which way?"

The female nodded her head towards the bushes. "Over there."

They turned and set off through the trees, casting about as they did to catch sight of the originator of the call, and also to become more in-tune with their unfamilliar surroundings...


Name: Mercury
Name: Chorona
Race: Novan
History: The Novans are naturally a spacebourne race, but are at home within a planet's atmosphere as well. They are a very old race, their lifespans being almost infinate, and they have been alive since long before many of the other races in the universe existed. As new races began to emerge, they decided to use their wisdom to help and guide these reces, and fight evil. They devided off, each one going to a different planet, and Mercury and Chorona came to Worlf.

Each Novan is a dual entity, male and female, but each consiousness is seperate. The male controls the body, while the female is the only one of the pair to have a digestive tract, meaning that if either of the two die it is certain death for the other as well. They have limited powers with light and telepathy, but this takes vast ammounts of energy, so they usually just rely on their speed and strength in battle. They are also a very noble race, having lived for milennia, and care for the younger races like parents.

Now, though, Merc and Ro have been transported to Mobius thanks to Vyborg and Rage's plans.
Abillities: Considerable strength, and incredibly fast reactions. Also very intelligent. Semi-telepathic: can connect with another creature's brain and communicate, even control if the mind is weak enough, and also has powers over light, able to create a shield around themselves or a flash of energy to blind or attack enemies. The telepathy and light abillities take enormous ammounts of energy though, so they rarely use them.

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Mega stared at teh crying stranger. HE too was somewhat alarmed, as humans did not exist on his home world. He slowly approached the stranger. He paniced, but finally said, "Uh.... no need to start crying. I won't bite."

He came closer to the girl, but then he heard something. He flicked his fingers to create a flame in his hand. He was ready for anything that may or may not try to harm him, or this girl. He shouted, "Reveal yourselves! Friend or foe?!" He became even MORE nervous. This dau just kept getting stranger by the moment.

OOC: Neat character, Wraith You're more than welcome to use them. =)
Also, if you ever need info about my characters, just look in the profile topic.... I still gotta add Rage, though. :^^;

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"Up ahead..." murmured Chorona quietly. "Two of them. I can feel them."

Mercury slowed his pace. "Are they okay?"

Chorona narrowed her eyes, concentrating. "Yes, but they're scared, especially one of them..."

"Reveal yourselves! Friend or foe?!"

Mercury raised his eyebrows. "Good hearing." he muttered. "I suppose we should introduce ourselves." He raised his voice and called: "Friend."

Mega still couldn't see anyone through the thick carpet of foliage, but the reply proved someone was there! "Come out and show yourself then." he called back, not yet extinguishing the flame in his hand.

His eyes widened as the bushes parted and the duo stepped through!

Mercury saw his face. "It's okay." he muttered. "We're not going to hurt you. We're here to help."

Chorona had spotted Beige couwering by the tree, and she smiled to try to put her more at ease. "Oh you poor dear, you're scared stiff!"

The multicolored hedgehog was bad enough, but this creature was over the top! Beige drew her breath to scream...

Chorona could feel her fear, and gently reached out to her mind, nothing major, just a small touch. Instantly Beige felt waves of calm, friendly happyness wash over her, dulling her fear somewhat and stopping her screaming. Slowly Mercury stepped over to the Human, lying down next to herand ran a large pawthrough her hair reassuringly. As he did so Chorona murmured quietly in her soft voice: "It's okay, we won't hurt you."

With both figures calmed somewhat, Mercury looked from one to the other, his eyes finally settling on Mega. "What's wrong here?" he asked. "Why are you so afraid?"

(OOC: Mega, Merc and Ro are from your world, and due to their nature as counsellors it's possible that they would be a little famous, so Mega may have heard of them. It's totally up to you though, you don't have to have if you don't want.)

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Mega sighed. "Well, it's just that so many strange things have happened at once. First I end up in so e random forest, then I see some... being that is foriegn to me, and she freaks out..." he paused for a moment. "Hey, you look familliar," he said to Mer and Ro.

"Aren't you thoese councellors?" he asked. He then turned towards Beige. "Sorry that I startled you earlier... I'm guessing that furries don't exist on your world. Anyway, I'm Mega," he said.

OOC: No prob Wraith... it'd actually make sense that he had heard from him, since in his home of Geno city famous people are well known. :^^

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Beige's mind may have been at ease about Mercury and Chorona, but she still couldn't look at Mega with anything but terror. "I - it's a...pleasure, to meet you, Mega. I'm called Beige." She bowed her head in apology. "I'm sorry for my reaction. It won't happen again."

Chorona was still picking up a lot of fear from Beige when she looked at Mega. Her words were forced, and hatred was buried somewhere beneath the fear.

Beige thought to herself, "What sort of cruel game is this one playing at?"

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"An honor to meet you both." Mercury spoke, bowing his head respectfully. "You're correct, Mega. We're Novan. My name is Mercury, and this is my sister Chorona."

"Nice names..." murmured Beige quietly.

"Thank you." replied Ro, smiling. "We are children of the Universe, so it is from the Universe we pick our titles. It is only right we should honor that which gave us life."

"It seems our situations are simmilar." spoke up Merc again. "We've been misplaced ourselves...we live in a cave in the forest, but this isn't our forest, and the cave we woke up in back there wasn't ours either." He narrowed his eyes. "I don't suppose anyone knows how this has happened?"

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Beige shook her head. "I've no idea. I was on my way home from summer school, when everything went crazy!"

She glanced around suddenly, her eyes showing her shock. "Oh no! I've lost my book bag! Main'll kill me if I don't get it back!"

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Mega sighed. "Well I know of one person who could've done this....... his name is Vyborg. He already had some zone warping stuff in the past, so it's quite likely that he caused this."
He then turned Beige. "Well... I suppose we could go look for your bag," he said. "Afterwards, we can try and figured out where we are."

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"Vyborg???" exclaimed Ro, looking across at Merc with a puzzled expression. "I thought he was dead!"

"Apparently not." muttered Mercury thoughtfully.

Mega raised an eyebrow at the two, and Chorona explained: "We heard about him, some of his schemes he's planned...we were thinking we'd have to deal with him to preserve peace and order, but then he dissapeared a while ago, before we could track him down. We assumed he was dead!"

"If what you say is true, Mega, he'll have to be stopped." said Merc. "And it's likely we aren't the only ones affected by this scheme of his. Thanks for your information. We'll go in search of him right away."

Chorona smiled down at Beige again. "Don't worry about him...he's friendly." she murmured, blinking in Mega's direction. "He will take care of you and help you find your bag."

With that, they spread their wings, as though preparing to fly away! "Take care, both of you. We'll do our best to put everything back to normal." said Mercury as he stepped backwards so as to avoid hitting the duo with his mighty wings...

(OOC: just in charater here...Merc and Ro don't expect normal civillians to endanger themselves, so are planning to take care of things on their own. Of course, they haven't flown away yet, so if anyone were to say anything...)

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Beige was becoming a little frantic, as she called out, "wait, don't go!"

It seemed she didn't want to be alone with Mega, and whatever it was that made her so afraid of him was deep-rooted in her. Merc and Ro paused, and looked back.

She continued, shifting her gaze to the ground, "the forest is huge, and it might take days to find my bag." She looked up. "When compared with the problem this Vyborg person is causing, I think Main will understand. I want to help deal with this, too!"

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"Well first of all, Vyborg is pretty tough.... who knows where he'd be?! If all the zones are mixed then he could be ANYWHERE!" Mega said. He looked up for a moment. "It also looks like there's some rain coming, so perhaps we should find some shelter for the night and begin searching for Vyborg and Rage tomorrow."



Vyborg flew his ship over a barren wasteland. He smirked evily, looking down at all the confused huans, furries, and other creatures below. Of course, he'd have time to deal with them later. He had something else on his mind.

Rage walked into the navigation room carrying large papers. "Sir.. whre exactly are we going again?" The cyborg dragon turned to his minion. "First stop, Robotropolis. We'll be needing some supplies and stealing some is the easiest way," Vyborg replied. "Hmph.... fine with me... but will this take very long? I wanna play with my blaster... perhaps play with species of the innocent." Vyborg sighed. "In due time, you will get to help with the plans, but be patient." The hybrid wild cat simply groaned and walked back to his room as the ship flew towards its next destination.

OOC: Sorry about any confusion. I kinda want Vyborg to make a little more progress..... for later on. >=D
Also, here's some slight info on Rage....

Rage is about the height of Mega. He's a hybrid wild cat who carries a DNA altering gun. This gun can alter many things liek species, but does NOT alter the will of the organism who is shot. This weapon also is NOT fatal. Rage isn't a genius... he's got more ego than wits. He's also very impatient.
Just some info for now..... I'll post his profile in the profile topic later. XD

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Chorona looked stunned. "We couldn't ask either of you to shouldn't be in battles! Myself and Merc have experience...we can handle it!"

"Ro's right." agreed Mercury. "You're only civillians, you shouldn't be involved in this. Wherever Vyborg is, we'll find him, but we should go alone."

Chorona looked up at the sky. "You're right about it raining though...there's a cave a short way from here. We'll take you there before we go." She smiled down at Beige once again. "It's okay, nothing bad will happen, but we really must go as soon as possible to sort all this out. I give you my word you will be okay."

She could sence the Human's unease with Mega, and under normal circumstances she would stay with them and help them overcome their differences, but the matter with Vyborg was urgent! Also, she could feel Mega was no threat to the girl.

Merc streatched out a large wing over the two figures, shielding them from the rain as the drops began to fall. "Come, this way. The cave will keep you dry until the rain stops."

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"But I've dealt with Vyborg before!" the hedgie objected. "Heck! I've dealt with lots of things..... I'm no 'civilian'." He continued to groan. He looked towards a familliar plant.... but just continued walking towards the cave.

They underestimate me...... I've been in dire situations in the past.... why won't they understand Thoguhts of mild anger filled Mega's mind... his energy also swelled somewhat.

OOC: Just so you know, Mega still has his virus in this RP...... so his energy swelling is BAD. >=)

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"You have faced him?" asked Chorona, supprised.

"Yeah! I know him well!"

Mercury was watching his sister's head, and she gave an almost inperceptable nod as she still stared down at Mega. She could tell by his feelings he was telling the truth!

"Maybe you could be of some assistance to us then," muttered Mercury, "but we cannot ask you to risk your life in this. Our job is to protect your world and the inhabitants of is our responsibillity. What sort of guardians would we be if we allowed you to come to harm?"

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"But....... I know Vyborg more than you think! And, I've been in near death situations many times throughout my life," Mega groaned. "Also, I'm stronger than I look." he flicked yet another flame.

Still, his energy levels were slightly rising. "Come on! I can take him!" he stomped his foot into the ground. He was getting quite frustrated.

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The Novan looked thoughful for a moment. They were talking to each other silently, linking their minds.

He tells the truth...I can feel it. He has faced this enemy before.

But it is our duty to protect the citizens of this planet. We cannot risk his involvement.

True, but he has more power than is apparent. He may be able to take care of himself to some degree.

And if we are wrong and something happens to him? He is one of the younger races...our mission is to protect them.

I know, but I don't think he will take no for an answer.

Mercury sighed slightly.

Maybe you're right...but what of the girl?

Chorona glanced down at Beige thoughtfully.

She has no powers and no experience...she cannot come, but we can't leave her here alone either...

So manydifficulties... Merc paused a moment. I see no're right, we can't leave her, but we will have to watch out for her. This could be the toughest situation we've ever been in!

We'll find a way. murmured Chorona, looking at him. We'll manage, somehow.

By now the small group had reached the cave. Mercury retracted his wing from above the Human and Hedgehog as the group stepped inside. "Very well." he said. "You may come, but we must be careful. It may be very dangerous."

(OOC: a little note, when I say "Novan" I mean both Ro and Merc together. It isn't plural since a single Novan is considered to be both entities together, even though they are seperate in mind, and refared to seperately.)

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Beige was happy they were going to let her come. Her entire reaction was laid back, though. "I understand."

Casting a furtive look around, she added, "...does anyone have any clue of where we need to go? I may have traveled quite a bit back in my world, but I don't have any idea where we are."

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Mega sighed. "Well Vyborg could be anywhere... knowing him as much as I do." He took a moment to look around the cave. "Well, we can talk more about this tomorrow, cause it's getting late," Mega said with a yawn.

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"If this situation is as bad as you sugest, then we have no time for..." began Mercury, but he cut off as Ro fixed him with a look.

They are of the young kin Merc...we cannot expect them to be able to keep up with us. They need their rest.

"...much rest," continued Merc after a second, "but a little would be nessecary I suppose. We will stand guard."

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Mega ywaned. "Well, I think I'm gonna doze off." He walked over to a far corner of the cave. He then turned back to Merc and Ro. "Ok, you two guarding would be a VERY good idea. Who knows what could happen, in the dark. Anyway, we can talk about this more in the morning."


Vybored grinned as he landed his ship in the middle of
Robotropolis. All he'd be needing is some equipment before he'd be on his way. He walked out and saw a wreckage site with several demages cannons and pods. Rage hopped out and poked Vyborg on the shoulder.

"Uh.......MAster? Why are you wasting your time looking at such damaged stuff?" teh wild cat asked. "You'll see soon enough. Now help me load this junk onto the ship," replied the large dragon.

Reluctantly, Rage nodded and followed his master towards the wreckage.


Somwhere else in the strange forest, there was a sound of shifting in the bushes. A large reptile was behind the bushes. It seemed to be a dinosaur, a T-Rex to be precise. It had been dumped in the middle of the forest, due to Vyborg's equipment, and was incredibly hungry. It stomped around, but then smelled "fresh meat" near by. Immediatley, the beast marched in the direction where the cave was. Things weren't looking very good.


OOC: Hope my post wasn't too confusing

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Merc and Ro had settled down near the entrance to the cave. They were excellent guards, as one of them could watch while the other slept. Right now though, neither was asleep, as they needed little rest.

Suddenly Chorona, who had the better hearing of the two, looked up suddenly.

You hear that?


There's something out there...something big.

Mercury glanced over his shoulder at the two figures behind them, both apparently asleep. They're okay. We should probably investigate.

Chorona nodded, and Merc stood up quietly, peering out into the fast decending darkness...

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As Beige lay there, she was surprised to find that she was a little tired. Just as she was dozing off, though, she felt a vibration through the floor. Her left eye opened slowly, and she saw a pebble on the stone floor move the slightest bit. It stopped again, then jumped just a little more. As the human watched the pebble move, she noticed it was keeping a steady pattern, almost like a drum beat or...footsteps!

The realization shocked her into full awareness. She slowly and silently shifted her position so she could see the cave entrance, and saw the Novan move to investigate. She was scared, and thought she might feel better if she was closer to them, but...if they were going to go find what was causing the footsteps, then...she lay still, closing her eyes and trying not to think about it. Her ears stayed alert, and she hoped it would stop.

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Suddenly a deafening roar filled the air, a gigantic, thunderous cry that shook the cave to it's foundations and made certain that none of it's inhabitants were asleep any longer!

Merc and Ro backed into the cave quickly as a shadow blotted out the stars outside. "That can't be good!" mutered Mercury, staring at the massive shape with a glare.

The dinosaur lowered it's snout to the ground, it's nostrils flaring as it began to smell the cave interestedly. Mercury raised a hand, and a flash of light blinked into view in front of him, reaching across the cave from wall to wall and forming a barrier of light between the probing snout and the cave occupants!

Mercury glanced over his shoulder at the other two, now sat up and looking through the translucent shield at the creature ahead. "I can't keep this up for long." he muttered through gritted teeth. "Pretty soon we're going to have to ready!"

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Mega groaned. "RUN?!" he exclaimed. "Me running away from a fight is liek fish slying through the sky." He then attempted to break teh barrier and get in on some of teh action. However, teh shield was far too strong. "Oh come on! I've dealt with dinos back near my home, though most of teh T-Rex's have evolved into furries, and I know how to handle this!"

"Besides," he said. "You two are having some trouble, so help would be a good thing." The red hedgie turned to Beige. "Uh...... don't be alarmed by the large reptile, he's just in a bad mood," said Mega, nervously.

OOC: Yeaaaaah.... Mega is very stubborn. XD He likes challenges and I'm just tryign to keep my chara in character.

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Is he insane, or just has a death wish???

He's young, Merc. He doesn't realise the danger. Chorona looked down at Mega over Mercury's shoulder. "Mega this thing is far too dangerous! It could kill you easily!"

Before the hedgehog could reply, Mercury's strength gave out, and the shield dropped. The dinosaur, smelling the prey inside, pulled back and began scratching at the cave walls, tring to make the entrance bigger so it could fit in...!

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Beige had already gotten to her feet, ready to run on Merc and Ro's signal, but had the thought, "how do we outrun something that big?"

Yet, Mega didn't want to run anyway. "He is my Master now...I cannot leave him."

Shaking a little, she prepared herself to help in any way she could. She accepted that there was nothing she could do to slow her pounding heart.

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Mercury dragged himself to his feet again, obviously very tired. "On my signal!" he called as he gathered his legs underneath him, then suddenly he sprang forward, claws outstreached! As he lunged, he shouted: "NOW!"

The dinosaur was thrown backwards as the Novan slammed into it, landing on it's back in the river and roaring with pain. Immeadeately both Merc and Ro began to peck at the creature's tough hide with their powerful beaks, and Mercury dug in his claws, tearing at the creature's scales.

The Tyranosaurus rolled, slamming them against a rock and winding them! Quickly it jumped up onto it's feet, spinning round and opening it's jaws in a loud roar, blood dripping from it's wounds...

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"Hey, stop bothering my friend, bully!" This yell from Beige was followed by a stone, thrown with all her might at the T-Rex's head!

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The T-Rex let out a thunderous roar as it was hit by the small rock. It stomped closer towards the cave entrance. Mega glared at the beast. No way I'm gonna let these two hog all the fun.....

The red hedgie generated yet another flame and prepared to launch it at the creature. His energy levels were still high, thus his concentration was slightly off course. He tossed the flame, only to have it hit a tree.

Mega groaned. "STUPID DINO!!!!!! TAKE THIS!!!!!" he tossed an even larger flame at teh creature, and it actually hit this time, but barely. The burning heat of the flame agrivated the beast even more than before. "Uh......... maybe we should all try and attack this dude at once," Mega suggested as the dino continued to roar.

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Mercury, still weak and in pain from the exertion and attack, tried to stagger to his feet, but he couldn't...he needed time to recover!

Chorona looked across at the other two. "Get ready to attack it! I'll try to stop it retalliating!"

Beige looked at her a little puzzled. "How?"

Chorona didn't reply. Instead she fixed the dinosaur with a glare, concentrating hard as she reached out with her mind...

Come to me...

The Tyranosaurus faltered a moment, as though confused. It let out a slight roar, before freezing solid, imobile!

Chorona focused her mind, invading the creature's brain and taking over. It's intelligence was low...there was little it could do to stop her. If she concentrated hard enough she would be able to take controll of it altogether, but that would drain her energy rapidly...besides, it was unnessecarry. All she needed to do was hold it still long enough. She hoped the others were clever enough to attack while it was tell them would be to break concentration and release the creature again!

She took a deep breath, swallowing hard. She wouldn't be able to keep this up indefinitely...

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What do you do when you've never been in a fight before, and your knees are shaking from fear...?

These were the only two people she knew in this strange place. Running would mean she'd be by herself again, and the next stranger might not be so friendly...

Swallowing her fear, she picked up a sturdy stick that would make a fine club, and charged the dinosaur! Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mega trying to concentrate for another attack...

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The dino remained still as Beige charged towards the beast. It attempted to break free, but Chorona's power was too strong. Mega was charging yet another large flame.

He threw it at teh creature's head causing it to jerk for a brief second. Mega then sat down, panting. Now all it would take to defeat the creature was a final assult..........

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*whack* *smeck* *crunch* *snap*

How hard are a T-Rex's bones? Beige found out the hard way, when she found herself staring for a moment at the snapped wood in her hand! Throwing it at the beast as hard as she could, she didn't slow down, charging forward and flailing her fists wildly at it! She stopped and took a step back, her soft hands throbbing with pain! Running out of options, she started kicking the large form!

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"Stand back!"

Beige jumped in shock as Mercury suddenly lunged over her head, knocking the dinosaur over and once again landing on top of it! Chorona's control of the creature and the others attacks had given him time to recover somewhat, and now, though still a little out of breath, his strength had returned!

Chorona was having trouble herself...her energy was beginning to give out too! The Tyranosaurus let out a short, weak roar as it slowly began to claw back some of it's sences. It was badly injured, and confused, and Chorona wasn't giving up without a fight!

She didn't need to. Mercury stood up and placed a foot firmly on the creature's chest, pinning it down, and, taking firm hold of it's head with his hands, quickly whipped it's neck around with a sickening CRACK.

And suddenly, all was still...

Mercury stepped off the dinosaur's tough hide and sat back, breathing heavily as he tried to regain his breath. Chorona, completely drained, blacked out, her head hanging limply from their shared shoulders by it's long neck!

After a moment, Mercury looked round at the other two and nodded in approval. "Well done..." he panted. "You fought...bravely...good work...!"

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Beige leaned back against a rock at the entrance to the cave, nursing her hands. It surprised her to find that they weren't even bruised! "...we won!" She gasped, in disbelief.

Glancing over to the other two, she asked, "Are you alright?"

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Mega got up and ran towards Merc and Ro. "Dang... that fighting took a lot out of you," he said. He then turned over to beige. "That was very brave fo you to take on that T rex." He smiled and turned back to the cave.

"Hopefully we won't get any more disturbances......for now. Then, we can get moving again in the morning."

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"Using our powers takes a lot out of us." replied Mercury as he followed Mega into the cave. He decided not to mention that the only reason they had to use their powers was because of the other two...had they not had to protect anyone, the battle would have been much simpler and easier.

Chorona was still asleep, and she murmured something quietly as they lay down in the cave...she must have been dreaming. Mercury took up station by the cave entrance once again, staring out into the forest and keeping an eye open for a possible attack...

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Beige smiled at Mega's comment. "Brave. Wow...I guess I learned more from Main than I thought."

Now that the adrenaline was fading, she was tired. She hoped nothing else would happen during the night, as she closed her eyed.

"We don't make a bad team..."

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(OOC: I'm really sorry, everyone, for my dissapearence. I was half way through updating RPs on Saturday when my internet imploded, and it's only just been fixed now! Sorry for the delay, but now I'm back and ready to rock :thumbsup )


It wasn't long before Chorona woke up again, and she took up watching while Mercury rested. Nothing desturbed the night air anymore, and it wasn't ling before sunlight bathed the sky above the forest and birds began to sing.

The Novan moved over to the other two, gently shaking them awake. "Hey," called Ro quietly, "it's morning...wake up."

(OOC: Hope this is ok Mega...dunno if you had anything else planned?)

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Beige opened her eyes, and with the sight of Merc and Ro, she let out a high-pitched squeak (OOC note: 'squeak' in this case means not very loud at all) ! She rapidly gained control of herself as the events of the night before came in a flood to her conscious mind.

Standing up, she began to go through a set of stretches, trying to knock the sleep from her senses. As she did this, she looked at Mega. Thinking to herself, she mulled over the situation as she perceived it. "Alright Beige, review. The Dorallon hasn't killed you, so that means you're his prisoner, his slave, and he's your master. But...from what I was told, they're all mean to their prisoners. I guess there are exceptions to everything, but I won't take that risk. He isn't keen on giving verbal orders, so I think I have to watch for cues..."

Case in point: Beige was hungry. Rather than complain about it, she decided that, in her role as slave, she would wait for him to bring up the subject of food. That didn't keep her stomach from growling softly at her!

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Mega got up and looked around for a moment. He then walked towards the cave entrance.
"Well," said the red hedgie. "Now that we're all up, I say that we go and find something to eat. I'm sure that SOMETHING in this forest is edible."

He peered at some nearby bushes and sighed. "Looks like there's some berries and stuff, but what I really want is some fresh, juicy meat," he moaned.


Vyborg and Rage has grabbed a bunch of damaged mech parts and other useful tools. Rage was now loading them into Vyborg's ship, so the two could move on to their next phase: finding a proper base and some possible lackeys.


OOC: SOrry I was gone for a while. o.O Anyway, yes Mega loves meat... mostly due to his partial dragon DNA.

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"The forest is too dense here for many wild animals." muttered Mercury as he followed Mega out of the cave. "We need to find an area that's more open."

"The plains?" muttered Chorona, looking at her brother questioningly, but Mercury shook his head.

"We aren't in our home forest, remember? We don't know the lay of the land here."

"You hunted for your food even though you lived near the city?" asked Mega, raising an eyebrow as he looked round at the Novan.

"It is our way, child." replied Chorona, smiling. "The races we guide are free to choose their own paths, but for ourselves, we believe we should live in as close harmony with the universe that gave us life as possible. We do not develop technology, nor use that which others create."

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

While the others were occupied with talking, Beige flew up to the top of a tall tree, and looked around. "I think I see open fields that way - and a settlement!"

The other two glanced up at her in some confusion. She flew up there?

As she fluttered down to the ground, she couldn't help but notice that it seemed her vision had improved; she could never have seen that far just yesterday! Looking at their surprised expressions, she asked with concern, "what is it?"

Small, foot-long bat wings stretched themselves out of her back!
