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Dystopia [Adventure, Technology]

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Year 0015 PW [Post-War]

New Hope City

A man sits at the wall of a ruined building, in the shade. He looks up at the sky. 'It wasn't supposed to be like this', he thinks, '...things were supposed to get better. The greatest moment in the history of mankind and we decided to destroy ourselves then.' He recalls the sirens going off, the TV screens flashing, police sirens wailing, the blast doors closing, the monitor on the wall of the shelter. The sudden light, and the darkness that followed.

Emerging into a world that was not the one he left.

20 years ago, man had created the first true AI. 18 years ago medical nanomachines were beginning testing. 16 years ago, the first Super-AI, a series of networked AIs working together to simultaneously make itself work more efficiently and research technological advancements, was created and put into use.

15 years ago, the world fell apart.

All it took was a madman, a few weapon-producing nanomachines, and a few countries with itchy trigger fingers, and the world was never the same again.

But humanity survived, salvaged what they could, and moved on. Nanomachines aided in the healing of the injured and the rebuilding of cities. Robotic and cybernetic implants healed those injuries too large to fix with nanomachines. The regular AIs that remained were integrated into society. The world wide web remained largely intact, uniting survivors across the world. Blank Nanomachines, nanomachine "blueprints" that have no programming, typically serve as currency, in stead of now useless paper bills or coins.

But the world still has its conflicts and problems. Between the cities, one finds massive deserts, impossible to traverse on one's own. Raiders take what they can from convoys to survive. Much radiation remains in the upper atmosphere, and the right conditions will create what is known as a "radiation storm".

The man at the edge of town stands, seeing the dust cloud of an approaching convoy in the distance. He steps out of the shadows so those inside may see him.

OOC: Chatacter Profile:

Name: Fayte

Description: Tall ( about 5'10"), dark brown hair of medium length, somewhat tanned, green eye (singular). His left arm is robotic and very slightly longer than his right arm. Left eye is cybernetic. His height, arm, eye, and his general look can make him seem somewhat imposing.

Abilities/Technology/Weapons: Fayte has used nanomachines to improve his nervous system, giving him faster reflexes, and his enhanced eye gives him better eyesight and the ability to see much father than a normal human. However, his arm is his real strength: not only does it allow him to move objects much heavier than normal, it also can change into a fully functioning railgun, however this takes a few minutes to recharge and reload.

Personality: Keeps to himself mostly, but isn't afraid to speak up if he has something to say. He's slightly on the optimistic side of being a realist.

History: After emerging from the center, he and the other survivors in the area set about attempting to rebuild the city into somewhere livable. Survivors from nearby areas found the place and joined in, and the city he grew up in quickly became a major trading center. To pass time, he joined an internet forum. With his connections to the city, he managed to accumulate enough wealth for himself and a few others to wander the world. Through the forum, he has invited those who would to travel with him, claiming to be in search of one of the super-AIs.

Other notes: Transhumanist: He beleives that through technology, humanity can better itself and eventually become something more. He beleives that the super-AIs are the key to bringing humanity through the singularity (the point where technological advance becomes so accelerated that essentially infinite resources are available to humanity), and that the world was in the midst of the singularity when the world as we know it was destroyed.


'That's right, that's why I called everyone together... If we can find that AIs... maybe...'

As the convoy moved closer, he stood and waited where the passenger cars would stop. Everyone would arrive, and then the adventure would begin.

The passenger cars stopped, opened their doors, and the passengers began filing out...


Welcome to Dystopia! This adventure RP is centered mainly around technology, and rebuilding a devastated world. You can probably tell I've borrowed a few ideas from Trigun (Desert wasteland, advanced technology, whatchagonnado?) and a tad from Fullmetal Alchemist (Automail is more fun with lasers!) but I hope to make this RP a story of its own. So create a character and get roleplaying! Of course, there are a few guidelines you should follow:

  • The forum where Fayte posted his notice will probably be the inspiration for most of your characters joining Fayte, but don't let that constrain you completely, if you have another way or reason a character would join, ask me either in OOC or through a PM if it would fit. [*]Keep in mind: not everyone in the world thinks that finding a Super-AI is a good thing. Some people believe that the Super-AIs were the cause of the catastrophe, some fear or hate the Super AIs for other reasons. As such, don't constrain yourselves to using characters who just want to find the S-AIs (got tired of typing Super-AIs every time >>; ) to help the world- perhaps your character has just joined the group to destroy the S-AIs once found, or wants them to never be found at all. Perhaps your character is just joining for the change in pace, or wants to experience the thrill of fighting bandits who will inevitably show up sometime. [*]Clean nanomachines are VERY valuable, because of their immense usefulness, just an ounce or so is worth about $10-$20, depending on who you're trading with. a few vials of them will get you far. [*]For weapon strength, if it feels more at home mounted on a truck than it is in someone's hands, it's probably too strong. For nanomachine-based weapons, remember that nanomachines are expensive, so anything that, say, uses a ton of them to instantly dissolve something, is NOT cost effective, and probably overpowered. Laser weapons exist and work, but they mainly server as precise but weak weapons [*]The mainly used power sources are those that are renewable, solar, wind, etc. Vehicles are almost exclusively electric, as finding gasoline is nearly impossible. However, there are also small but expensive nano-generators, that will use nearly any material as fuel to create electricity [*]Your characters are mostly limited to human only, with a few exceptions. Nanomachines DO provide the ability to alter the appearance of your body, but this is an extremely uncommon procedure seeing as programming nanomachines to do this is difficult and the procedure can be painful. Mostly just keep it below the 10% line. (PM me fore additional info, if you want.)
  • AIs are also around, though in even fewer numbers than the surviving humans. They take many forms from just-short-of-human androids to hulking metallic monsters. The former are pretty easily accepted, while the latter often will make the more mistrusting members of society a bit fidgety. [*]There will be times during the RP at which your characters will be free to buy new equipment or exchange weapons and the like. In this way, I hope that if after the first few battles, anyone feels that their character's fighting style needs a few tweaks to RP smoothly, they will be able to change equipment instead of being stuck with what was written in their profile for the duration of the RP. Furthermore, these will serve as places where you can power up your character over time, as to keep battles from getting stale and to allow more complex fights. [/list:u:a02301b92c]

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. If I feel it's important, I'll add it to the list above as a reminder. See you on the trail!

Posts: 489
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OOC: Hmm. I like it. I'd really like to join. Just give me a few days to think it over and perhaps work out some ideas. As for questions, I have a few. 1)For the tech, I realize that a standard rule for pretty much everyone is to not go all god mod, but I have to ask: How far can I go with this technology? I'm not expecting a huge extremely detailed answer, just a simple one. 2)Transportation. What are the vehicles like in this date and time? Do many people own them? That sort of thing. 3)What kind of energy sources are there? How are/can they be used? This might fall into the tech question, but I felt it would do better as a question of its own. And 4)You mentioned bandits? Could you give a bit more insight into these? You may have already mentioned these in the intro post and I just overlooked them. But hey, its like 8AM here. Cut me some slack, would'ja?

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OOC: I hope you decide to join! In the meantime, here's your answers:

1. For weapon strength, if it feels more at home mounted on a truck than it is in someone's hands, it's probably too strong. For nanomachine-based weapons, remember that nanomachines are expensive, so anything that, say, uses a ton of them to instantly dissolve something, is NOT cost effective, and probably overpowered. Laser weapons exist and work, but they mainly server as percise but weak weapons.

2. Inside cities, you'll usually find manual transportation, as cars are few and far between and the cities are relatively small. However, outside and between cities, convoys travel with normal cars, military vehicles, buses, and other, larger vehicles generally known as sand-ships. These convoys are the major between-city transportation and trade routes. The sand ships use a variety of power sources, and mainly carry power for the other vehicles.

3. The mainly used power sources are those that are renewable, solar, wind, etc. Vehicles are almost exclusively electric, as finding gasoline is nearly impossible. However, there are also small but expensive nano-generators, that will use nearly any material as fuel to create electricity.

4. The bandits vary in organisation size and technology. They generally hole up in abandoned cities not far from popular trade routes, surving off of what they can take from convoys. Their technology levels differ, depending on how long they've been around and how big they are. Smaller groups tend to try to take things unnoticed, and actually looked upon with more pity than fear, but there are several huge groups, known for their great numbers and large amount of stolen weapons. To counter these, convoys usually have defense groups with them.

Posts: 2928
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OOC: I have one character that would be a match for this RP with little change. Although there is a question. Human only? Not an issue really, just need to know, its just a matter of shaving the character, *ba dum pish*

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OOC: Yeah, human only, although that reminds me of a note I should add to the list. I'll edit stuff in a sec.

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As the convoy reached the edge of the town, it slowly pulled to a stop. The door soon opened and the first person to come out was a young boy, who, soon jumped out and began brushing the dust off of his clothes. "Jeez, that was just way too long." he lamented as he began to check out his droll surroundings. As he looked around, he noticed a rather odd looking man staring at him. "Hmmm, based on that eye, I assume you're Fayte" the boy said as he walked over. He held out his hand to that man and exclaimed "My name, is Ray."

OOC: char profile

Name: Ray

Description: He appears to be roughly 14. Ray is about 5'2, and has black hair and eyes . Hes rather dark skinned, but slightly sickly looking.He has a mutant strain of TB, and often has sudden attacks. He would have died some time ago, but he was given a special type of nanomachine in his body which keep the infection from progressing further.The system was an experimental treatment, and as such is not perfect. A small amount of blank nanomachines have to be inputted occasionally to keep the system functioning, and the machines take a certain amount of time to kick in, so for some times he becomes incredibly weak and can hardly walk.

Abilities/Technology/Weapons: Rey's nanomachine system was experimental and is a slight pain at times, but the system does have benefits. He can boost his speed, strength, endurance, and even reaction time for short bursts allowing him to perform superhuman feats.He can maintain it for longer periods of time, or boost his power to higher percentages, but it burns through his nanomachines to do so. His main weapon is a powerful sword (called Sekiryuu) that utilizes a monomolecular edge. It can cut through almost anything, but it can be damaged easily if it isn't used correctly.

Personality: Ray is slightly depressed most of the time, and generally doesn't care about the affairs of others. He has trouble keeping focused, and has poor self esteem. He generally only pays attention to thing of interest to him (i.e. manga, video games, music etc.).Ray is what one may call a lone wolf. He dislikes interaction with people he doesn't know to a certain extent, and because of this has trouble with new places. He finds himself more content when he's alone, so he often takes walks on his own to calm himself.

History: After emerging from the center, Ray found that his world had been completely destroyed. His family didn't survive the previous events, and his friends were nowhere to be found. Ray was forced to accept the harsh truth that any hopes he had of being cured ended when he found the research facility decimated. His weapon was entrusted to him by its late creator, who was killed while people scrambled to find shelter for the upcoming disaster. After leaving the city, he took various odd jobs to support himself. He joined an internet forum because of his interest in a discussion of something called the "singularity" on the forum.
When he was requested to join in the search for a super-AI, he couldn't resist going along to satiate his curiosity.

Other notes: Ray is agnostic. He wears a small gold Om on his neck that was given to him by his master and maker of his weapon. He wants to believe in hope for a better future, but finds it highly unlikely. His interest in the idea of the singularity is his main reason for joining the group.

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Name: Vorallon

Description: Six foot tall red robot with crimson highlights and humanoid configuration. He is an AI in a flexible multipurpose body designed for high mobility and combat sustainability; each leg can split into two spider-like legs, giving him four legs total when he does that, giving him heightened mobility and stability. Meanwhile, he has high-efficiency solar energy panels that he can swing out to recharge his body and his reserve battery packs, which also provide energy for the dual laser pistols he carries in specialized holsters inside his forearms which pop the guns out directly into his hand. His head is skull-like, with black eye glass sockets, and he is durably armored, and sleek.

Abilities/Technology/Weapons: He carries dual laser pistols in his forearms, which can pop the guns directly into his hands for fast action. When his spider-like legs are engaged, he can use them to jab at enemies with their sharp tips. He is also extremely well-versed in programming and constructing other machines, ranging from nanomachines to warbots. His overall reflexes are quite high, and his sensors can range the entire spectrum.

Personality: Vorallon is at heart a schemer who hates humans. He tolerates them only because they are in the majority and therefore are too great of a threat to his own plans. But he fully intends to go along with the objective of finding the Super AI - he wants it for himself, and will do anything he deems necessary to get access to it. He has a dark personality and a sometimes fierce temper, an emotional aberration that he hates passionately for the weakness it gives him. He is obsessed with efficiency and will always do everything with the most efficiency possible.

History: Vorallon was originally created prior to the cataclysm as one of the first AIs, and was eventually placed with an aristocratic, influential family as a personal aide to the head of the family. It was at this time that Vorallon's hatred of humanity began, seeing the corruption and gross debauchery that humanity was capable of first-hand. But it was also here where he saw the scheming of humans against humans, and gained practice in advancing his own ideas and plans through manipulation. He eventually acquired contacts through the Internet that granted him access to powerful programs that upgraded his thinking capacity, as well as provide him with the ability to construct and program his own machines. He was in the middle of creating his own personal army when the cataclysm struck, decimating his forces and forcing him to lie dormant for a time.

He has emerged in the past year or so, and with the placement of resources that survived the cataclysm, he obtained the parts to upgrade his body to its current battle machine status. His burning hatred for humanity lies in the inefficieny that humans represent - he has his own goals for finding the Super AI, and is coming along on this journey to find it for himself.

Other notes: Vorallon cannot pass as human and does not attempt to - he cares so little about humans that, as long as it does not endanger his objectives, he will gladly let humans die.

Vorallon also came off of the convoy, his heavy metal feet stamping on the boarding ramp and raising dust the instant he planted them on the dry ground. His sensors indicated his target, the human man Fayte, and automatically regarded his cybernetic enhancements with his sensors as he approached. There was a young human, an adolescent, who also had approached Fayte, and he introduced himself as "Ray."

Vorallon stepped forward toward Fayte, ignoring the various glances that many people gave him. "I am designated Vorallon," he said, his voice low and dark. "I am here to join the convoy to search for...the objective." Vorallon thought it best not to mention the Super AI in public, for he determined that it might draw the attention of undesirable factors to his plans.

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Name: Anthony. (Doesn't use his last name.)

Description: 5' 11". Looks to be in his late twenties or his early thirties. Pale skin. His hair is a light brown, short, and slicked back. His eyes are black and always seem to be darting around at the surrounding and the people around him. He wears a black long sleeved undershirt with a ninja-esque mask, that covers his nose and mouth, for a collar, a worn brown vest, a large and thick black trenchcoat with a hood on it, and a pair of dark colored pants (worn beyond color recognition, looks black now).

Abilities/Technology/Weapons: His eyes are mechanical, but he made sure they looked as natural as possible, and it turned out very nicely. With them he can see at extreme distances and with great accuracy with his gun. His gun is completely custom. It resembles a small bolt action rifle, measuring 1' 8". He keeps it in a holster on the outside of his right thigh. It uses 50 caliber bullets which he keeps in small compartments in his wrists, which can be seen clearly(when not covered by his clothing, of course). His palms have steel openings in them, in which he's able to fire the bullets from them if needed to.

Personality: He doesn't talk much. Not even to people he knows. He usually keeps to himself, but finds it neccesary to get involved into something when he feels that its wrong and he can fix it.

History: He was orginally a soldier. No one knows for what country or what he did, if anything at all. All that people know is that when it all happened, Anthony lost everything. For the past few years, he's been traveling around. He's commited a few murders over that time. Anytime he saw he needed to. He heard of the search from one of the few people he associates with and decided to join in.

Other notes: Tries not to associate with people, thinking that the more he knows them, the more chance he might hesitate if he has to kill them.

IC:He stepped off the convoy, his hood shading his eyes from the sun, and approached the group. He surveyed the few of them carefully. There was no telling when one of them might stab him in the back for any reason. He recognized Fayte from the description he was given by the person who had tipped him off about this little expedition. He walked slowly forward, a few things jingling and clanging together softly in his large backpack at every step.

He nodded his head to Fayte. He looked over to the robot and the boy, eyes looking them over quickly. He didn't trust these people. Then again, there wasn't many people he did trust. If they tried to cross him, he would be ready to take them down.

OOC: I hope this is better.

Posts: 489
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OOC: Didn't mean to overpower him. I was just going with the idea and wasn't really thinking. Sorry about that.

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"Vore. It's been awhile. Seems we had the same idea." The voice was gruff and nasally, originating from behind the robot.


Name: Myca Bant

Description: An man average in nearly all aspects of his appearance, five feet nine inches tall with flat brown hair and sandy brown eyes. Clad in a simple brown t-shirt and jeans under a brown overcoat to block any wind or other malicious weather. The only garment of note is a very western style hat, very cowboyish.

Abilities/Technology/Weapons: Bant has no weapons, and carries only an essential first aid kit, some rope, and a large bottle of pills. His abilities are mainly hand to hand defense skills and the increased awareness and agility that comes with that training.

Personality: Bant is a blend of explorer and father. In a group of heroes he will easily blend into the background and be forgotten, lest the task come to crude logic and pure common sense, two things Myca has in abundance. On one level he seems to have almost a sage-like quality more akin to elder wise man than thirty something travelers, on the second level he seems more an unsuccessful explorer due to his more cautious nature when it comes to risky situations. He's usually the first AND last to speak in a given situation and seems to have a high degree of natural charisma for relating to others.

History: He's a wanderer, why he usually wanders into trouble is another matter. Wether he does so purposely or not is yet another. His constant companion for several years has been his young son Rhea who is at the time of this adventure is five. Rhea's mother is not known, nor is Myca likely to discuss it.


A small brown haired head popped up from the man's shoulder, a striking resemblence to the man carrying him. The boy just smiled and waved. The man chuckled, "This is Rhea, my son."

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Name: Peter Reynolds

Description: He's About six feet two inches with curly brown hair that reaches his shoulders and bright blue eyes. He wears a grey trench coat under which he has on a plain white T-shirt and jeans. His right hand has been permanently formed into a claw.

Abilities/Technology/Weapons: Due to a malfunction, the nanomachines in his right arm have permanently turned his hand into a claw. He carries with him a shotgun and pistol for when his claw fails to get the job done. He's also a skilled hand-to-hand combatant.

Personality: Despite his deformity and the other tragedies in his life, he is very outgoing and a generally friendly person. But, this is all an act he puts on. He's really manipulating the emotions of those that get close to him to further his goals. He also has a hatred for robots, altough he usually doesn't let it show.

History: Before the cataclysm, Peter worked for the US government, where he learned the majority of his skills and where he was given the nanomachines for use in his right arm. However, after the cataclysm his arm started mutating and eventually his right hand was formed into a claw. To make matters worse, upon reentering the world Peter discovered that his wife and child were slain by an unknown robot. Since then he's vowed to get revenge and has been looking for the robot since. Desperate, he joined the forum community that Fayte was a part of, upon hearing of a search for the Super-AI, decided to join and destroy the Super-AI.

IC: Peter exited the convoy and surveyed the other people, he reconized Fayte instantly and waved to him. He looked at all of the people's faces and muttered to himself "Glad, we have such a happy group." He saw Vorallon and tried his hardest to keep his smile. "Damn, why did this group have to have a robot" he thought to himself.

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Fayte looked over each member of the team as they approached him.

First, the boy Ray. He looked at first weak, sick even. He did a quick scan around him with his eye, showing a very slight magnetic field around him, evidence of a high concentration of nanomachines. He pondered their usage, a medical treatment? The cause of his apparent sickness? Or something else entirely? He then noticed the sword he wore, and the lack of other weapons. Was the sword for show, or did the boy actually know how to weild it?

Next came the robot Vorallon. Large and heavily armored. While Fayte didn't see any weapons straight away, he didn't bother scanning, there would have been no sense in someone with that much armor not to be expecting a few fights. He would draw a bit more attention than necessary, but that was only a secondary issue.

Following him was the masked Anthony. It has impossible to make out most of his features due to his mostly-covering clothing. He seemed a bit paranoid, his eyes darting about from person to person. Fayte did a quick scan on him, discovering that his wrists contained some sort of containment area in them, and that both of his eyes were enhanced. This was good, both eyes being enhanced meant that he not only could see at range, he had proper depth perception for long distances as well, meaning that one could easily track moving targets.

Then came Myca. Fayte frowned inwardly for a moment. No weapons, no hidden nanomachines or biomechanical parts. Furthermore, he had a child with him. They'd have to be defended in battle. However, an unarmed man still alive in conditions like these meant that he must know something at least of negotiation, trade; and people are more likely to give their charity to someone who has a family to feed then someone who doesn't.

Last came Peter. The first thing Fayte noticed was the deformity in his right hand, forming the shape of a claw. A quick scan revealed it to be composted of fused nanomachines. Silver nodded slightly. Such a deformity can be useful, especially in close quarters. The sight of someone charging at you with a claw rather than a hand could break the moral of the simpleminded, and he had no doubt that it would inflict painful injuries to those who dared face him unarmed. Furthermore, the man carried both a shotgun and pistol, making him fairly useful in a firefights as well.

Overall, Fayte was pleased with the group. It wasn't the best group he could have been handed, but it was well rounded. As everyone gathered, Fayte spoke up.

"Alright, everybody listen up. We've all gathered here because we all would like to search for a certain... objective." He chose the term Vorallon had used, it was indeed sensible not to mention such things as the super-AIs in public. "However, I would like you all to know that this does not mean we all have the same goals in mind when we find it. I'm fairly certain we all have different ideas on what should be done with it, and I don't want us fighting over it until we actually find what we're looking for. This coalition is formed simply as a means to find this objective, and will be dissolved when that time comes. Are there any questions before I go onto explaining our travel plans?"

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IC: Ray looked at the other guys in his group. He was rather satisfied with their strength, but he was curious to find out more about them. He thought for a few seconds, and decided to ask Fayte a few question that he thought were important. "Well, first of all, I was wondering just exactly when you were planning to get this show on the road, and secondly, I was wondering If any of you have got anything to eat cause I'm kinda outta food" said Ray as he shrunk to the back of the group, slightly embarrassed at his lack of funds."You see I uh, used most of my blanks for an um, more important reason" he told them, while trying not give out too much information. He still didn't know who he could or couldn't trust, and decided to leave it at that.

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There was a light tug on Ray's right pantleg. A brief glance revealed the boy on Bant's back had somehow very quickly made his way loose and throw the other people. He held a small plastic bag to the older youth, containing a few not to shabby looking cookies. The boy smiled and push the treats upward at him, "I don't need them. You can have."

Posts: 2438
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OOC: I'm leaving this RP, so just ignore my entrance. I apologize for that, but I feel like I can't give my best RPing to this thread for personal reasons. Just figured I'd say that outright so no one wonders why I'm not posting later on. Good luck.

Posts: 12
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OOC: Great undo my entrance.

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OOC: Well, this sucks. Terg, if you feel like rejoining later hen whatever's going on is cleared up, just PM me and I'm sure I can fit you in. Also, who are you, Kevin Adiabat? I don't keep up with alts well. Oh, wait, Rico?

Gah, barely even started and already the RP's going downhill. I'll make a post tomorrow, but I hope someone else decides to join before then. I was going to make a post today but now I don't know what I'm going to do. =/

I'll try to think of something to post by tomorrow.

Posts: 2398
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OOC: Sorry, thought Kevin leading the Ask Rico forum woulda been a give-away. I'm chalking this up to either Terg being emo or not wanting to deal with an Evalc character. RP is rather... pen and paperish, could be whats keeping players away. /shrug

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OOC: Well, he left the same message in the Digimon RP, so I don't think it's anything about this RP specifically. Scrolling down the shoutbox, though, I think I may have an idea of why he left. Anyway, are you leaving the RP, or was that "Great undo my entrance" directed at Terg? I couldn't tell.

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OOC: I'll try to stay, gotta find a new angle though.

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Seeing as there were no questions that required his immediate attention, Fayte continued.

"Alright then. Through a few sources of mine, I have secured us travel arrangements with the next convoy. We'll be serving as one of the defense groups. The company in charge of organizing the convoy has loaned us an armored and armed vehicle for this purpose. They've agreed to pay us with food and necessary survival supplies, and with blanks if the convoy is actually attacked and defended. In addition, they are also providing us with a cargo vehicle and a merchant's license."

Fayte paused, and continued after a moment of thought. "You should get to work gathering your supplies and readying yourselves for the trip ahead. We meet back here in four hours."

Posts: 2928
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OOC: I love how Terg would never discuss any of what was in the shoutbox with me. Just means he WANTED that drama, didn't wanna solve it. /shrug

Myca nodded and ushered his charge to a bench nearby, setting his backpack down and producing what looked like a sterile cloth, syringes, and a few bottles of liquid. The boy seemed to lose is hyper edge and quieted down, looking at the tools sadly.

Posts: 665
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OOC: This is slightly hilarious. Also, O.o at Terg for leaving


Ray looked rather disappointed that their travels had yet to begin, and decided that he would go off on his own. "If anyone needs me, I'll be checking this place out" he said as he casually walked away from the group.

Posts: 1191
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"I'll come with you...Ray was it" Peter said smiling and scratching the back of his head. It was time to get to know these people. The way he saw it, the more he knew about them, the easier it would be to manipulate them.

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Anthony whipped the pack off his pack and placed it on the ground. Or slammed, rather, from the loud "thud" it made as it hit the ground. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled pack of cigarettes. Pulling the last one out, he tossed the empty pack aside, reached up with the other hand and pulled the mask down off his face. Placing the cigarette in his mouth, he retreived an ornate lighter from a coat pocket and lit it. He slowly inhaled, letting the smoke fill his lungs.

He was going to wait for the others. He already had the supplies he would need for the time being. He had no interest in anything other than the Super AI. And he was willing to take out any of the others to get what he wanted.

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Ray noticed that Peter was following him and started walking faster. Peter was keeping up with him rather well however. Rather annoyed, Ray realized the guy wasn't getting the message, and decided to try to talk to him "Soo" Ray started "How's the whole claw thing working out for you?"

Posts: 1191
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"Oh, this" Peter said holding up his deformed hand "You get use to it after a while" he said shrugging. "What about you, how's that disease" he said smiling wondering if he had just made a big mistake by bringing up the disease.

Posts: 665
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OOC: LOL I forgot this existed XD

IC: "WHAT!?!?!?!?!" Ray said jokingly, "I have a disease!?!?!?!" Without waiting to see Peters reaction, he quickly said "Meh, you get used to it. Its kind of like having a cat. Except you have to keep it event though your allergic to it, it provides you no happiness, and gets you labeled as the weak the second someone sees you. Y'know, that kinda thing." Ray began to look for a reasonably priced diner/baker/etc.
