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Elite Furs: Into the Jungles

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July 7th, 3:05am
Over the high ends of the Jungles of Mercia my arms cross as I sit inside the helicopter in which was flying me and my team to a destination in the vast Jungle. I believe that this Great War, will be remembered for a long time from now. Though I am positive, that I - a mere soldier will be easily forgotten like many before me. I am no special icon, I deserve no page in the history books. At least that is what I think. Think and Believe. I look down into the jungle. Thinking of what life is going to be like once we land. I frown at the thought. Back in the Providences....those city-states of Adsgarnia. I was considered a exceptional riflemen. Doing what some people needed a Sniper Rifle for with my expectional accuracy and itchy trigger finger. But like most Adsgarnians I crave it. I crave the taste of the battlefield - the blood on my hands doesn't bother me. Hell, I could easily be trained to be a mindless machine. But then again aren't I anyway?

But now, life has tooken a different turn. My praised skills on the battlfield and exceptional abillties at the training halls at Adsgarnia have granted me a new liberty. A liberty of being in a special task force. This task force though isn't a Adsgarnian one. Thats what makes it special. Six Members with Exceptional skills of their own are in this squad. And none are from Adsgarnia.

I myself am in the Heavy Weapons field. The Adsgarnian Reeve Caliber 47 Primary Heavy Assault Rifle is my main weapon. It is a automatic weapon in most opinon. But compared to other nations weapons I like to think it is a semi-automatic. The ARC-47 'PHAR'. I sigh as I look at the rifle, and check my heavy rifles loading mechanism. Its good to check for jams before going into the fray. I see it has none, always a good sign. I blink as I run my hand through my jet black fur. My brown eyes full of wonder of what is to come of me.

With this war, this Great War occuring it makes a lot to think of future. I spit at the thought. When will the war end anyway? I mean, god. We have been fighting this god-forsaken war for a near millenia. A thousand years! I mean it will be hard to forget the one thousand year war. And with that millenia it has cause stress for that long. With this in thought I look down on the lowerhead jungle. These jungles of Mercia. Another thought comes to my mind. The Overlanders have better guns, more advanced tanks, and the only advantage I can think of is the fur population versus the overlander one. But it amuses me to think with all of the Overlanders advancement....they had only occupied two fur country's and have now been figting agansit Mercia.

Mercia. The country we were sent here for, to aid. Well thats what we were told. More orders would come in by radio eventually. Thats what I was told anyway. Oh yeah, the 'landers ahd tooken the Acorn colony of Downunda a bit back as well. I cough lightly as the noise of the hellicopters blades fill the silent Jungle air. The two nations captured had been Caninecrai and Cat Country. Two countrys who had reluctantly joined the Fur forces because of their hated rivalry and racism towards each other. Mercia, itself is barely fending off the Overlanders. With the Mercian Army being under-staffed and under-equipped I grit my teeth. How are we supposed to help a country? We are just six. We are no army. Though some relief comes to mind when I think of the Mercian Air Core. Thats one thing they have in great working and populated order. Then there is the Mercian "Wooden-Monkey", the WM is a light-armoured tank with a secondary amrour above its metal of wood. More camoflauge then armour - I think.

Besides the tank it self.... gets torn up by the OVerlander's version of that kind of Tank. The "Wolverine". ....Mercia. That and Melshire are the last things besides the artic country of Arhognia, the last things that block the three great country's from Overlander invasion. This worry's me because it seems that we - the Elite Furs are the last thing to sway the war effort. But looks can be decieving, and I can only hope.

But here I am. I looking down below and wondering. Thinking to myself.

Ah, I should just shrug and arm my rifle and prepare for the ride. My name, Verkam Gadskastle. Adsgarnian Wolf and Heavy Weapons specialist in the Elite Furs. I now keep my thoughts to my self. Except one.

"I want to get on the ground...soon." I mutter almost silently.

Welcome one and all to the Mobius-based War RP, Elite Furs: Into the Jungles. This will take place around eleven to twelve month's before the betrayal of Julian Kintobar on the Overlander Regime. This RP will start in the stealth helicopter of which the Elite Furs and a pilot is in. The helicopter is taking the group to the destination in the jungle where on arrival they will recieve orders from Command by Radio. The mission to the Furs is nothing yet. The thing is no one can be from the same country, as each of the group represents a different country and specializes in their own field and has been equipped by their homeland to the best of their technologial power. Some of the nations we will be from include: The Kingdom of Acorn, the Kingdoms of Kitsun', the Adsgarnian Providences, Melshire, Mercia, Arghonia, and maybe the two occupied countries: Caninecrai, and Cat Country. One note, no Echidna's unless they are from one of the previous countries as the Echidna's didn't participate in the Great War. Here are the classes and after them the nations, I will claim Heavy Weapons and Adsgarnia. As people join I'll edit to say what is tooken. And yes I know I put two extra nations then I should of. Its to give you choice. ^_^

Heavy Weapons (Heavy Riflemen, and Head of Communications)TAKEN: Mike1204
Sniper (Sniper, and Ranged Specialist)TAKEN: Silver the Hedgehog
Demolition (Engineer, Grenadier, and c4 Know-it-all)
Light Weapons (Light Riflemen, and Survivalist)TAKEN: Shadow Lady
Medic (Medical Wiz, and Close-RangedTAKEN: Mike1204 Specialist)TAKEN: Wraith the Echidna
Espionage (Stealth, and Infiltration)TAKEN: Froggy22651

City-States of AdsgarniaTAKEN: Mike1204
Arhgon KingdomTAKEN: Mike1204
Kingdom of KitsunTAKEN: Wraith the Echidna
Territory of MerciaTAKEN: Silver the Hedgehog
Territory of Melshire
Territories of Cat Country (Occupied)TAKEN: Shadow Lady
Territories of Caninecrai (Occupied)
Kingdom of AcornTAKEN: Froggy22651

Now to tell you in my world of what Species is more common in each country, it may be needed. Arhgon and Adsgarnia are countries in which Wolves dominate. A dsgarnia and Arhgonia are also countries simmilar to our Russia and such. Yes, warrior oriented countries is what they will seem. Their main army, The Adsgarnian Leigon and Arghonian Leigon. Their armies are usually trained very well on close combat, melee. Though their gun training comes second. They are one of the strongest infantry armies in the Mobian side of the War. Now moving on, here comes Mercia and Melshire. These two countries in our world resemble the UK very much. Except for the technology factor. I'll explain that in a bit. Mostly hedgehogs run in these countries for a good reason. That reason to the world is unknown however. The Mercian and Melshire nations have a very, very strong biplane oriented air core and have repelled under-trained Overlanders in air combat when those Overlanders have better planes. Thats how good their pilots are. Their technology wil lbe in the next paragraph. Kitsun' obviousily is ran by Kitsunes or "special" foxes. Special is determined by how many tails these Kitsune have. Take example, one-tailed Kitsune's have age limitations to age 100 while a seven-tailed one would have a healthy life until 700. Other implications of special is in the Kitsune "bible" -- the book of Orin. It speaks of auroua all around the Kitsune race and the use of it may be varied in people who even don't even use it. Speed, Agility, Strength enhancements depend on the users focus. But if trained for years it can form into what is belived to be Magic. Not a lot of Kitsune have done this. Though their magical "powers" may depend on their color and breed. Like a Fire-Fox kitsune, usually orange and red will have fire influence. Now, moving on. The Kitsune have a decent army and none go far without a sword. Kitsune have the best navy in the world as well. Cat Country and Caninecrai are the occupied countries and are occupied by what they imply. Cats and Dogs. The final country, Acorn is more diverse and has no specific dominant race. They have a okay navy, air core, and infantry - but their advantage relies on their grand and highly spoken of order of the Royal Guard who have only been called to defend the Royal Name. With this war endangering the nation itself they had been called out since the begining of the War.

Another paragraph explaining this. Mercia has indeed armoured infantry but it is limited to lightly armoured jobs. The Mercian and Melshire tend to be experts in Guerilla Tatics, and Bows and Arrows are incorparated into the army. Like afore mentioned they also have the best air force, and it makes up for their lack of a good army. Mercian guns seem to resemble Britan's own in WW2. So thats how we'd think of them. Hell, their army is more of a millita. Acorn, though has a alright attilery and have incorporated calvary into their army. Their gun tech is more of a Vietnam-esque era and their main assault rifle is the ACRN-07. The Kitsune tend to like afore mentioned, connected with spirits and magical properties making them naturally stealthy and agile. They have no ATILLERY however, but their grand navy makes up for that. Gun tech is of Korea-Cold War fiasco era. Adsgarnia and Arghonia have Barbariac Warrior styles and tendecies and some of their soldiers have no care for bloodshed. They may even enjoy it! Army is also supplied with melee weapons like axes, swords, spears with their rifles. They have the heaviest tank as well. The "Hellhound". Gun tech is of Korea-Cold War era.

Last paragraph, I think. The guns and stuff you include in your inventory and their names are made on MOBIUS and NOT Earth. So Colt's, Nines, AK's, and the like do not exist. Make the names up people, and have your equipment logical. Don't overdue it. But if you have to - put in parenthesies ( ), what gun they resemble. Any questions can be PMed or asked here. Heres the map of the world in my eyes, and yes I made it all. Colors, and Drawn.

Heres the profile template you MUST use. PLEASE PM me if you want to ask questions about the RP or anything related to my take on Mobius.

Oh! One more thing I'd prefer it if you do your intro in first person perspective, you don't have to it'd jsut be nice. ^^

Final Note for Future Joiners: PM ME IF YOU WANT TO JOIN

Verkam Vedraian Gadskastle


Adsgarnian Wolf


ARC-47 Primary Heavy Assault Rifle [Semi Automatic]
ACRN Handgun [Single Shot]
Combat Knife
Communications Equipment
EMP Grenade (2)
Small Axe with a wooden handle, Steel
Under-layerment of brown chainmail under clothes

Heavy Weapons

Verkam wears a camoflauged army issue jacket for the jungles. He also wears forest camo pants, and black combat boots. He has a helmet of the same design, and a black belt. Which a communicating radio is on. He has dark black fur and brown eyes. He has dog-tags and a black tanktop under the jacket as well.


-Adsgarnian Leigon (15 Years)
-Adsgarnian Heavy Weapons Training
-Battlefield EXP (22 Years)
-Adsgarnian Feirce Melee Training
-Adsgarnian Jaded Forces (4 Years)
-Iron Wolves Special Task Force (3 years)
-Communications Knowledge Training [CKT]

Veria Feltan Von Virdenrasovf


Arhgonian Wolf (Artic)


ASIMP-4 (Arghonian Special Issue Machine Pistol)
ABG-F8 (Arghonian Bersker Gun aka Grenade Launcher)
A8 Brick (5) and Detanator
Clag Anti-Personel and Velichile Mine (3)
Frag Grenade (4)
Binocs with 20x zoom
Small Bearded Blade with wooden handle
Under-layerment of artic white chainmail under clothes


Veria wears a camoflauged army issue jacket for the jungles. She also wears forest camo pants, and black combat boots. She has a bandana of the same design, and a black belt meant for grenades. She has angel white fur and teal eyes. She has dog-tags and a black tanktop under the jacket as well.


-Arhgonian War Forces (15 Years)
-Demo Training
-Advanced Demo Training
-Battlefield EXP (10 Years)
-Arhgonian Feirce Melee Training
-Arhgonian Grand Forces (2 Years)
-Ice Hounds Special Forces(2 years)
-Tracking Training

Posts: 258
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It seems like a suicide mission, us six against gods only know how many overlanders. Being in the Acorn Kingdom's Royal Guard, I've been trained to do the impossible missions, the ones that no one else would survive. But I seriously wonder if I am coming back from this one alive. Regardless if I do or not, I will serve my kingdom to the end.

I am James Prower, royal guardsman of master rank, sent as the representative of the Acorn Kingdom, and the team's espionage expert. As I sit back in the helicopter and craddle the rifle in my arms, I think of my wife and kids back home. I desperately don't want them to have to receive the news that I will never come home. Somehow, I'm going to survive this.

I've heard that the king himself is watching my performance in this mission closely, and I hope it will be satisfactory. But of more immediate concern, I hope it is satisfactory to the team. We haven't known each other long, and I'm not sure how much they trust me... I'm not sure if they care much for my order. But hey, I'm used to that kind of treatment from outsiders. Hopefully, they will accept me as one of them...

If we don't work as a team, none of us will come back alive.


James Amadeus Prower




Custom-made guardsman sword
standard guardsman armor and camoflague cloak
AC-22 rifle with night-scope and silencer (semi-auto)
Specter stealth-pistol (semi-auto)
flash-bang grenades
infra-red goggles
various espionage equipment
misc. soldier stuff


Tall, orange-furred, and with green-blue eyes, James wears his traditional plasteel guardsman armor, painted olive green for this mission, a camoflague cloak, and black combat boots


Lifetime of Guardsman Training
5 years battlefield experience on the Acorn front.

Posts: 186
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edit: Im outfor now.

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OOC: Not Accepted, Spyder do you even read the god-forsaken information? And I have said only one class, and the class you picked got taken already. And the country, so I have to say you cannot be accepted at this time because of you didn't read. >> - And it also looks like you overdid your equipment so with three strikes. I say, I cannot accept this profile or character so edit it or be ignored for the entire RP.

I am sorry if I sound like a jackarse.

Posts: 186
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ooc: Mike does your character have to be in the helicopter?
Also I find it odd you dont want people role playing as overlanders or humans yet they are a vital part of this rp from what it sounds like.:?

Posts: 409
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I fidget with the end of my coat, my whiskers twitching, taking in the environment passing by. I can't help but be nervous, no matter how much experience on the battlefield I've had. Ok, so I'm not exactly a veteran, but like I said, that wouldn't matter. I'm a nervous person by nature.

I can't help but wonder if we'll survive this...If I'll survive this. And....could the others be thinking the same thing? If I die, then I'll be leaving my mother and my two little sisters. And Lord only knows how they'll take it.

I'm scared, yes, but I'm proud to be representing Cat Country in this war. This...this Never-Ending War. I can only hope that we can each use our skills and knowledge to the best of their extent, and that we can work as a team. I pray that we get through this, safe as safe can be. But no matter what, I will fight till every last breath I have is gone, till every last drop of strength I have is burned away, and until I can walk no more.

I am Mosspaw Kingslen, and I pray the others will do the same.

For if not, we are all doomed.


Mosspaw Silvia Kingslen





KP49 (similar to C02 pistol)
TRN 18 (high-tech Western pistol-type)
ARK A7 (Metal rod with actions of a silencer)

Light Weapons

White fur, blue eyes, and ginger paws, belly, and ginger-tipped tail. She wears a green army turtle-neck with ablack sleeveless trenchcoat and matching goggles. She had black, knee-length pants, and ankle-length army boots and a belt with her weapons clipped slantingly on her waist. Her white bangs are like a "tame" mohawk, curving over her left eye.

Cat Country

-CC Light Weapons Training (5 years)
-Battlefield EXP (7 years)
-Stealth Training (2 years)

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Hey Mike, mind if I join with the same character as on The Institution?

NAME: Tara Freyen

AGE: 27


GENDER: Female

EQUIP: Medical equipment of all kinds, bandages, drugs, antiseptics, pretty much anything you'd need in a battle. Also a knife, small Lakaya Auto-Reload pistol, 2 flares and 2 flash grenades, and a long, thin sword, ornately decorated with various jems. Family airloom.

CLASS: Medic

APPEARENCE: Slightly less than 4 feet tall. Orange-red fur with a white stripe running down her front. Red darkens to brown around her paws. Quite thin, and very atractive figure. Eyes are light blue, and hair is straight, blonde, reaching down to between her shoulders. Wears a short, dark green vest, stopping above her waist, and long baggy cargoes, same color, with lots of pockets. During missions also wears a sleeveless armoured waistcoat and metal helmet. Has three tails.


FORMER EXP: Bit of a child prodogy. Went to medical school at 13 (Normal schooling was lax due to the war, but her parents tought her at home) and graduated with flying colours. At 17 she had already made a name for herself in the medical field, and by 23 she had become a virtual living legend, highly proficient in virtually all forms of medicine including alternatives like herbal remedies! Was transferred over to the Acorn Central Hospital to assist with war victims, and her parents were klilled in the war the year after. A few years later her reputation led the army to approach her about joining a special task force...

During her home schooling she also recieved tutorage of the Kitsune's natural power from her grandfather, and has mastered stealth and survival techniques, including speed, reactions, dexterity, etc. Being a hater of violence, she shyed away from learning attacking style spells, but she does know a few, although she rarely uses them.

IC when it's ok'd. I notice you've added some stuff Mike, i've tried to make alterations to adjust. Let me know if anything needs changing.^^

EDIT: IC below.


It's stupid. Plain stupid.

What is this war for? Why all the killing? Life is precious, to take it is a sin!

I wonder if anyone actually remembers the start of this war...what caused it all. I'll bet mny dont! So if no one can remember...why continue fighting?

I still remember my time at the Acorn Millitery Hospital...I'll never forget it. The chilling sights and sounds. I'd seen ilness before, but war casualties were something completely different! Some of those soldiers would be scarred for life! For some of them, death would be welcomed, not feared.

What was I doing here? Why had I accepted this mission? It seemed so definite, so strong at the time. If I could do something to end the war stop the killing...

It seemed so definite, so strong at the time. Now...I wasn't so sure.

I started to rummage through my medical supplies, checking everything was there. Really, I was just trying to take my mind off everything...

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I saw the designated medic searching through her bag, doing what looked like a thorough checkover of the supplies she had. I thought for a moment, before sticking my paws into my coat and pulling out some of the weapons I was given, checking to see if they had had ammo. I was doing anything to keep my mind off the situation. Off the possibility that I might not come back in one piece. Or worse. I might come back in a casket, dead. I might not even come back at all!

As my hand closed on a familiar object at the back of my coat, a small smile appeared on my face. I pulled out the first weapon I had mastered, a weapon I enjoyed using most.

Fingering the shortened metal rod, I used my fingers to squeeze the familiar point in the middle, causing the small rod to elongate to a full six feet. At the end farthest from me was a hollow hole, from where the bullets would be fired. But I hardly used that aspect. If I could, I stuck to avoiding hits and not dealing them, and the ARK A7 was my best friend.

Deciding that I'd go into battle with the weapon I was most comfortable with, I finished checking everything else on my belt. Satisfied, yet still nervous, I took to quietly humming to myself.

"I don't care what they say, I won't stay in a world without love...."

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(OOC: I'm switching to third person now, because I only intended my intro to be first person - though it doesn't mean you have to change, too.)

Verkam took a quick breath as he looked around and glanced at his comrades. With all of his gear ready, Verkam stood up and walked for the cockpit and leaned over the chair in which the pilot sat and then he yelled over the roar of the chopper, "Hey, what's our ETA gonna be?!"

The yell was clearly heard and the male crocidile blinked, his eyes squinting through the helmets visor. He didn't look back, not wanting to take his eyes off of the skies. Anything could happen at anytime and besides the fact that this was the smaller, quieter stealth helicopter it still worried him. He then spoke to reply to the Heavy Weapons Specialist.
"Around fifteen minutes, in a clearing. Hopefully the ride will be clear and smooth." the croc replied.

Verkam nodded, "Lets make sure it stays that way."

The Croc smirked in his head but on the outside kept a straight face. "Good point..." he said with a light nod as he went back to flying.

Verkam nodded back as he returned to the other part of the chopper and took his seat next to the Medic. Verkam glanced at the medic and had a quick look at her medical supplies bag. He decided he'll state the obvious in a second.

"Don't like war, eh?" he spoke. She blinked. "Who likes War?" Verkam nodded. "Point taken, my name is Verkam - I take it your our medic." he assumed as he glanced at the medic's bag quickily once more.

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The Vixen nodded. "Tara Freyen." she replied. "And yeah, I don't like war. I don't see the point...I mean, what started it all anyway? What's the point if we can't remember why we're fighting?"

She sighed and ran a paw through her hair. "It's just sick." she muttered quietly...

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Verkam nodded. "War is what it is said to be, brutal and unforgiving." he said as he took a quick breath.

He nodded to her first question as well. "I don't think anyone remembers what started this, this Great War let alone why we still fight. But then again it is fight or be conquered by those hairless bastards." the wolf spat.

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I sigh, looking out of the helicopter. Below, the wind from the blades stirs the leaves hundreds of feet down. Any enemy ground troops could notice that change, and we could be a target for the next rocket launcher. Nothing like the bi-planes back home. I sigh, only now do I wish my oarents had taken me to church. Maybe if they had, I'd be able to pray and feel better than just sit here hoping. I check me sniper rifle and scope. both have no problems. I look out again. thinking what would have happened if this grey hedgehog hadn't have accepted this mission. 'No', I think to myself,'I can't look back. Not here. Not now.'

Silver Steadfast


Albino Hedgehog


P-345 Sniper Rifle
5-S "Doublesight" Scope
Standard sniper rounds
Light-Armor Peircing sniper rounds
Two Linking Taser Rounds (Once both are fired, an ark of electricity surges between them, up to ten feet apart is the limit for working range. Experimental.)


Silver was born an Albino hedgehog, and stands out in the jungle, so he wears jungle camoflauge helmet, vest, pants, and boots. He also wears facepaint and over all of this, he has a "leaf suit",designed to make him blend in to the ground, or the trees to get a better shot


Three years of Training in sniping.
Led a team of snipers in the "Five Minute Battle", taking out the A-A guns, allowing the aircore to launch a full airstrike.
Two year's training in piloting a bi-plane, mandatory.
Three Missions in Marcia's Air Core.

If that's TOO much experience, let me know. *thinks he might have gone a little too far*

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Mosspaw began to lightly tap her foot to keep in rythum with the song she was humming, not at all a problem in a helicopter. The she-cat flicked her ear back and forth out of habit. She couldn't help but overhear Verkam talking to Tara, and absolutely could not help herself from agreeing.

"Their way of thinking is idiotic and immature; if they'd just be able to see themselves through our eyes, I doubt they'd be damn well attacking us, proclaiming their importance," Mosspaw said, then frowned. "Then again, Overlanders are so stupid and ignorant, I take that back."

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"A rivalary, already?" Verkam laughed lightly. He nodded as he scratched the back of his head.

"My name is Verkam if you gal's didn't know." he said with a nod.

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Tara sighed again. "Has anyone actually tried talking...?" she muttered. The others turned to look at her, raising their eyebrows, but she met there gazes. "I'm serious." she continued. "When was the last time either side tried some deplomacy?"

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Mosspaw sighed as well, searching Tara's eyes, "Sadly, diplomacy has not always been viewed as the best way to approach the situation. Overlanders are unwilling to negotiate the terms and come to a compromise. Pride and lack of control with one's temper have destroyed any chances of diplomacy."

The she-cat rubbed the bridge of her nose, getting a weary look in her eyes. "War is a needless act of violence, as we all know. Yet those who do not wish to end it try and make it as complicated as possible."

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Tara leant down and began once again to rummage through her medical suplies.

"You sure it's them that's unwilling to compromise, or you?" she muttered to herself.

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Mosspaw just looked out the side of the helicopter, wishing it was that easy. If she could, she would've stopped the war a long time ago, but as it was, this was the only way.

No one likes bloodshed, I know that myself. But life has never been made easy, and I doubt peace will come without a price....

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(OOC: I'm on holiday for a few days pretty soon, should be back around Sunday. I'll catch up when I get back^^)

EDIT: back^^

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Verkam gritted his teeth. "The Overlanders will not stop until they have more land and caused more mobian death's. It sickens me to think Mobians cannot see that." the wolf snorted obviousily he had a hostillity with Overlanders.

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Tara sat up and fixed Verkam with a look.

"And it sickens me to think that anyone, Human or Mobian, could think of life as desposable." she replied evenly.

Verkam looked about to respond but Tara turned away before he could. "We could debate it all night and not get anywhere." she continued, looking out of the helicopter at the ground below. "How much longer until we land?"

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"Around 15 minutes until arrival." Verkam said, though in a low growl tingled in the voice.

"You are in the millitary, you are in a elite squad of killing. Realize it now." he snorted as he too looked out of the copter's window.

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"I may be in this squad, but I'm still a Medic." retorted Tara coldly. "I earned my reputation from saving lives, not taking them. That's my job, and the Millitery asked me to do it for them, not the other way around."

She sat back in her seat with a sigh. No point in saying any more...Verkam probably wouldn't listen anyway.

And this mission seemed to be off to a tenuous start...

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"And you accepted the mission knowing we would be killing Overlanders....some of us enjoying it more than others." he snorted.

(OOC: I gotta see if Silver is still alive, and if no one joins in a few psots I'll take the open class)

Posts: 258
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James finally broke his silence.

"It doesn't matter how this conflict started or who started it. By now, neither side will back down. Its simple really: we either fight the overlanders, or be destroyed. I don't know about you, but I want to go home alive, not in a body bag, and not as a slave to our enemies. If I have to blast through a thousand overlanders to get home, then that is my mission."

The fox's eyes scanned the group.

"We haven't known each other very long, but we will depend on each other to survive. Once we are on the ground, this arguing must end, and the only moral law must be the rules of engagement. We're soldiers, and we have a job to do. Let's do it well."

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Mosspaw nodded, "Agreed. Fighting only leads to destruction. This war is an example of that very statement. And whether we like killing or not, we do have a job to do; working together is the only way to accomplish this the right way."

She had a right mind to address Tara and Verkam with a wise-guy sarcastic response, but decided not to. It could already be said that the medic was on bad terms with the wolf, and Mosspaw wished not to create the same kind of terms between them and herself.

And with that, the she-cat fell silent, nodding at James with a sort of respect shining in her blue eyes. Already she felt at ease with this fellow, and she admired the way he was clearly focused on the mission. It brought to her a sense of calm, and hope bubbled inside her as Mosspaw began to think more optimistically.

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"I agree with the Acornian Guardsmen. We will surely die if we keep argueing on the battlefield." a voice said. "Besides, do you really want to have hostilities with the medic? I'm sure she will be healing your'e bullet wounds in the near future."

Verkam's eyes narrowed and he turned towards the voice. "Who are you?" Verkam asked.

"Veria Virdenrasovf. Demo Unit." she responded.

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OOC: Also Back. o.o

Silver Looked at the ground, looking for posittions that would allow him the best shot should the enemy be upon them Once they land. "I still don't understand why they only sent one of each of our profesions. Say that one of us should be killed when we are most needed.", Silver said to no one in particular, "Especially when in enemy territory. My greatest worry is that we'll run out of ammo long before we run out of targets."

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"Politics.", James said as he turned to the team's sniper.

"I think this mission has more to do with public relations than tactical application. Look at us...each one of us is from a different allied nation. We're the 'few heroes of the free world standing up to the evil overlander threat.'"

The fox looked at the floor of the copter, his brow scrunched in thought.

"I'm not sure I like being the poster boy."

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"Yeah, I guess.", Silver sighed, noticing the jungle below was getting denser. He felt the humidity from the trees below. "It just better not rain..." He mumbled to himself.

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Mosspaw snorted silently when James explained the reason behind their mission to Silver. She hated politics and wasn't the least bit surprised.

"Pfft. Politics...." The feline muttered, moving her bangs aside.

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Verkam nodded. "We should arrive in a few minutes. On arrival I will get a communicated message of what we ened to do for our mission. Our first one, anyway." he said.

He closed his eyes as he waited for the helicopter ride to end. But that wish had come true, in the worst way possible. The wolf then decided to stall his thoughts and focus with something else so he went up to the cockpit.

"How many more minutes now, Unray?" the wolf asked.

The pilot nodded. "Comming on 5 minutes until ET- WOAH!" the croc yelled as a missile soared right pass the helicopter. Barely missing it. The Croc cursed, and then he cursed again.

Verkam blinked. "Anti-Air! @#%$!" the wolf's loud shout would of probally been heard of by the other Elite Furs. The Croc blinked and glanced at Verkam for a mere second. "I'm outta here, you guys are going to have to parachute out!"

Verkam snarled and then cursed. If there was anything worse then flying there was falling from a hellicopter while being worried about Overlanders. With that thought the Wolf raced past the others and grabbed a chute-pack and put it on his back.
"Were going to have to chute out, and theres 'landers on the surface so we'll have to shoot while we fall." Verkam explained to the others.

With that in mind, he thought. They were supposed to be cut out for this anyway. They weren't soldiers - they were Elite Furs and had a jungle to save.Verkam looked at the others. "Hurry!" The sound of a missle barely missing them again is heard overhead....what a day this was gonna be.

Veria cursed and nodded. "I'm off!" she said as she grabbed her chute put it on and jumped out of the airplane. Preparing her machine pistol she cocked it while falling, knowing what to do next she opened her parachute and fired at any Overlanders, though not a good chance of hitting she had.

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Great! She wasn't keen on heights either!

Tara reluctantly took her chute and strapped it on, looking out the open door uncomfortably. Yeah, this was really a bad idea.

She began to check over her weapons, not that she really wanted to use them. In fact, she was just putting off the jump as long as she could...

"Go on! Go!" shouted Verkam behind her. She glanced at him as she put her pistol away, then moved to the side of the copter.

WHOOSH another shell flashed past the open door, missing the rotory blades by inches! She looked down at the vista of forest below her, and her head began to spin. What had she been thinking when she signed up for this???

She took a deep breath, and jumped...

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Mosspaw swore silently, before grabbing a parachute pack and strapping it on in one fluid movement. Gripping the ARK A7, she adjusted her goggles, then took a running start and jumped out of the open helicopter doors. The cat spun around mid-air, twirling her weapon and aiming it in the far distance. A bullet emerged without a sound, whistling toward where Mosspaw thought one of their attackers was situated. Even if it didn't hit its target, the warrior hoped it would serve as a distraction at least.

"Dammit all..." She swore, releasing the chord. With a jerk her parachute unfolded, slowing her descent.

Spotting Veria and Tara, Mosspaw tried to manuever herself so she could land relatively close to the other two...

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EDIT: OOPS! >_>;;;;
Forget I did that. o.o;;;;;

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James cursed under his breath as he dove out of the helicopter. There was no hesitation; he had been trained well. He pulled the cord on his 'chute a second after leaving the copter. As close as they were to the forest, he couldn't afford to wait longer. He did his best to steer towards the others in his team. He didn't bother returning fire; he wasn't eager to waste ammo.

The mission had barely begun, and they were already under fire. Wonderful.

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"Well here it goes."

Verkam spat. "Lets go!" the Adsgarnian Wolf shouted to no one in particular as he himself stepped up to the open hatch. Verkam bit his lip, "Here goes nothing." he gritted his teeth as he jumped. "EAH!" he called out as the wind rushed against him as Gravity pulled him down. He quickly pulled the cord and the parachute busted open. With that Verkam pulled out his "PHAR" and aimed it down through the sights - looking for Overlanders. "Theres one." he thought as he began firing. The overlander was easily token down and the Wolf smirked. But it wasn't over yet. Other Overlander soldiers were in the area, and probably trying to take them down - but those 'landers probably thought these Elite Furs were just run of the mill soldiers. Heh. That'd be their undoing.

Verkam smirked as he saw land get close to him and he let the parachute ride end, as he landed on the sticky humid ground of the jungle he took his parachute pack off of him and kicked it aside.

Into the Jungles, Verkam smirked.

"Into the Jungles, though I didn't expect to jump out." he thought aloud as he looked for his crew.

As he did so the helicopter disappeared from sight.

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Silver landed... Almost.
"F---'N TREES!, He Yelled, taking off the pack, and carefully climbing down the tree, toward the rest of the team.

OOC: >_> Brain died again

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It was difficult to steer a parechute!

Tara landed on the ground with a soft thud, crouching as she landed to absorb some of the impact. Well, she'd made it down safely, but from what she could tell the team had all landed a little way away from each other! It may be tough to find each other in the trees!

She dumped her parachute and looked around. No sign of life...or was there?

Suddenly her sensitive hearing picked up the noise...the noise of soldiers! Overlanders, and they were headed this way!

She stepped backwards, up against a tree. She could hear at least four sets of footfalls...more than she could handle, not that she wanted to, but she had another way of avoiding them. Focusing her mind, she thought back to what her uncle had taught her about her natural Kitsune heratage. She concentrated hard, focusing on one of the stealth spells he had taught her.

Slowly her red fur and green clothes began to fade to invisibillity!

"Come on, they landed somewhere over here!" The four Overlanders crashed into view, holding their guns up ready to fire. They looked around the small clearing for a moment, checking every shadow.

Tara watched them silently. She couldn't afford to lose her focus now! But it was tough...the spells were very tough to keep up for a long time! She could feel sweat beginning to break out on her forehead, and she felt weak...

"Clear!" called one of the Overlanders. "Okay move out!"

The small group set off through the trees again, and all was quiet in the clearing.

Tara relaxed, and popped into view again beside the tree. She took a deep breath, regaining her composure. That was too close for comfort!

She set off into the forest, taking a different route to the one the Overlanders took. She needed to find the rest of the group...alone they were too vunerable. And in fact, she thought she saw someone up ahead...!

(OOC: This can be anyone, or no one, depending if someone wants to pick up on it^^)

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A large metal rod was pressed up against Tara's throat, and it took her a moment to register the fact that it had been the same weapon carried by one of the Elite Furs...

"Hey! It's the medic! Don't kill the medic!" She growled, glaring at Mosspaw. The feline quickly withdrew her weapon, looking almost sheepish.

"Sorry Tara...mistook you for an Overlander," Mosspaw grinned meekly.

"How could you..? How in the world...?"

"Smudges on my goggles."


The feline warrior took a cautious glance around the trees, before motioning for Tara to follow her. The two furries slunk through the thick foliage, tensing as they heard a scrabbling sound coming from above. Mosspaw relaxed as Silver hopped down from one of the trees, brushing himself off.

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Verkam snorted. The blood on his axe growing thicker, he had came straight behind a overlander and with his natural strength hacked the hairless pigs head - clean off. Bastard he sneered as he narrowed his eyes. After spitting on the enemys body for a few moments he heard a noise in the distance.

"Hey! It's the medic! Don't kill the medic!"

Verkam only smirked as he headed for the voice. Comrades! Good landing, eh?! he shouted out with a malicious smirk.

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The others heard Verkam's call and turned as they saw the wolf stepping towards them through the trees. Tara blinked as she saw the blood on his axe, flashing him a look, but decided not to say anything.

"Okay, who are we missing?" she asked.

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No-one. said James in response as he emerged from the woodwork, apparently he hadnt landed as close as hed preferred to. Veria soon came behind him, and leaned agansit a near tree as she listened to Verkam.

Verkam snorted. About time, Guardsmen. he said before cleaning the blood off of his bloodied axe and then holstering it. With speed he quickly retrieved his PHAR rifle and cocked it.

Welcome to the Junglebut first we gotta find that green smoke -- thatd be our destination. the wolf said before staring at Tara. Whats with the glare, medic?

Hmmmm? he snorted.

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Mosspaw took one look at Tara and one at Verkam before stepping between the two. She didn't want another fight to ensue Verkam's snide remarks, and therefore, fixed him with a glare of her own.

"Just shut it, 'kay? We don't need another one of your squabbles on our paws." She then crossed her arms over her chest, "Now...we should get going."

And with a sarcastic bow, Mosspaw motioned for Verkam to take the lead.

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Just shut it, 'kay? We don't need another one of your squabbles on our paws. She then crossed her arms over her chest, Now...we should get going.

And with a sarcastic bow, Mosspaw motioned for Verkam to take the lead.

In a minute Beautiful. Verkam snorted. As he checked the numbers again, nodding. Make sure you all have your equipment ready. And make sure your guns are not jammed. he said.

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It took all her self-control not to slap Verkam across the face. Mosspaw didn't feel like betraying her own words. She bent her head to grab her guns and checked them, counting to ten all the while to cool down. Now the feline knew exactly how Tara felt.

"Right," She said, "I'm ready."

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James checked his own weapons to make sure they were functioning correctly. As he expected, they were fine. His landing had been surprisingly easy, asides from the fact that he had to cut away his parashute to get down from a tree.

The guardsman raised an eyebrow in Verkam's direction, noting his disrespectful tone of voice. He had a feeling that the guy was going to be a problem...

The fox stayed close to Mosspaw. He had a good feeling about the feline. She had a level head, and for that, she already had his respect. And besides, to become a good team, they would have to form a bond. Might as well start with someone who already agreed with and respected him.

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Verkam, I wouldnt be surprised if one of them shot you later on. the she-wolf chuckled.

Oh they wouldnt do that. he grinned meekly.

Veria only smirked. Okay, fearless leader - lets move.

Oh..yes sieve. he laughed a bit in his mind at the comment as he looked ahead and prepared his rifle once again. Albeit his cocky outer shell, he was nervous at the core. These..Overlanders could come. I cant let my team get led into a ambush. he thought.

He turned to the Sniper.

Sniper. Climb a tree - and check the field of Overlander threat.

Silver nodded. Got it. with that Silver went a bit ahead of Verkam and climbed a tree, something a Mercian Hedgehog was used to. Once at a good viewing point the zoomed in with his rifle and bit his lip as he nodded.

Seven Overlanders.. looks like scout units. Rifles, Light Equip, Stun looks like what their equip is. Silver said loudly.

Can you take them out? Verkam asked.

(OOC: Silver, your'e up.)

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"If he can't get any clear shots, I can probably have a go at them." Mosspaw gripped her ARK A7 tightly in her right paw. "I can be in and out before they know they're dead."

Though she'd rather stay and hide, the feline knew that wasn't what she was here for. And besides, her speed and lean figure was what got her this position. She was light, she was quick on her feet, and she had the right weapons.

Silent but deadly. Swift but sure. Mosspaw recalled the words her commanding officer had once spoken...when she'd been a measly recruit, brought in by the draft.

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Tara had somewhat reluctantly drawn her pistol, and was knelt beside a tree, watching for any sign of movement behind the group.

She shivvered slightly as she heard Mosspaw's conversational the others killing seemed just like an everyday occurance! She glanced over her shoulder in the direction the others were staring. Behind those trees...on the other side of the bushes...lives were about to be snuffed out.

She turned her head back to the area she had been watching, shifting her position a little uncomfortably. She tried to concentrate on the trees in front of her, anything to take her mind off the thought...

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