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Emerald Quest

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ok heres the plot, its totaly ripped from the sonic adventure games and the fleetway stc mags,

ok bassically, mobius is the setting, the chaos emeralds hve been stolen by the draken empire, the emeralds are now being held in the alternate dmension run by the three houses, the house of knowledge the house of war and the house of magics, each holds two emeralds, there is a fourth house, only the three house leaders are in this house, it is the house of united power, the master emerald and the grey emerald are held here.

the floating island has fallen from the sky and has crashed into the ocean, sonic + companions need to help knuckles to find a power source to raise the island, as soon as the island is out of the ocean the gate to draken empire can be opened, therefore opening the door to save the emeralds and return them to ther rightfull [place.

(as i said storyline totally ripped from the stories and games)

the starting point for the rp is in the knothole village conference hall, sonic has called a meeting, asking all potential heroes to converge and discuss what to do, the general consensous is for severl bands to go off in different directions to first find an alternate power sourse and then bring it to sonic, after this sonic will give further instructions

we'll start in the conference hall to construct our small band of heroes, sonic or any of the other characters are up for grabs, i myself shall use knuckles

if you use a custom character, he/she has to be a mobian, no outlanders, if you use one of the crew (sonic, tails etc) their on the stage so just say they step forewards and stand by knuckles, this rp is totally open, anyhing could hppen but ultimately, we shall end up at the northen cave on south island, the icey zone where sonic originally hid the emeralds, this is where they shall find the alternate power source for the island,after that, we go in to Draken


ic: "So you see" sonic finishes "we need your power, your strength citizens of knothole, we need to find new powr for the floating island, or the threat of draken invasion hightens, and worse case scenario, our planet may be overun"

Knuckles steps forewar on the stage overlooking the crouded hall

"Please mobieans, please help me to raise my home, help me to regain my ancestoral right, and through this help yourselves to stop the invasion of the draken"

Knuckles sweeps his eyes across the citizens in th hall

"Who shall help me?!"
