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Evalc's RP: Disc Three

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OOC: Get that lackey of yours to post. :p

Posts: 4885
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OOC: Dang it, Lackey's need sleep too!

IC: Craig gritted his teeth, whatever manipulations she was planning, he was doing nothing to help by playing along with it.

"'ow could ya be so 'eartless, ey?! Damn it, Rick 'as thrown his life on the line so many times ta protect 'im, we all 'ave, and you're givin' him up without a fight?! What kind of piss-poor motha are ya? I don't give a crap ab'aat Evalc or Bossman or whoevah, Tobe ain't dying. We wont let that happen!"

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Xira shook her head, "I assume its his grief and hatred of his father that compels him to defend this boy. I cannot stop his inevitable fate, neither can you or Richard. Tobias knows it, Bant knows it, it's only that old man that distorts things with childish idealism that still believes there is anyway for something like this to have a 'happy' ending. Russel Underwood killed my son long ago, what lies in your friends arms is simply a bastardization. They were cruel enough to let him have emotions and feelings, so he would suffer until such time has their plan went into effect. The price of crossing the self proclaimed Master of all Warden, is far worse than death."

Rico growled pieces starting to fit together in his mind. The worst part was that she was right, he remembered some papers he'd found in one of his father's labs detailing certain processes that could literally clone a person. Everyone had thought it was pure nonsense. But now, with all he'd seen and learned, it wasn't such a far fetched idea. Finally he hugged the rabbit closer and spat back, "I don't care if its true. I'd much rather die believing in Kenji's idealistic innocent views than yours. Truth be damned."

The female was taken back, she'd expected denial and refusal. But he seemed to now and didn't care. She sighed again, "And what about your friends? What do they think of protecting someone that could turn on them at any time, and kill them all?"

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"Tobe wouldn't do datt!" Craig snapped "'e's just a kid! I dun care what kind of powah is brewin' inside of 'im, that don't automatically make 'im use it ta kill people! 'e's not a weapon, dammit, 'es your effin' son!"

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Xira calmly shook her head, "You don't understand. In almost everyway he is my son, but he's not. And yes, he will kill you, I assume he's already shown signs of it by now. Considering the incident during the first days of Refusal." She looked at Rico as if to trap him.

Rico closed his eyes, "Shut up, just shut up, thats not going to work. That was war, we had to defend ourselves." The rabbit shook her sadly, "If thats true then why haven't you told your friend, he has every right to know how it was that two children escaped a planet full of grown and trained Warden hunting them."

"Master Bant and Master Pendragon..." Rico started, but was cut off by the rabbit, "Were across the city saving the other children. You've lied so much you believe it as truth now." Rico fought tears, "I don't care! So what? He sliced up a few people trying to kill us. That give you the right to pass judgement?"

Xira nodded, "Yes, if you stopped letting your emotions control you. You'd see it as well. The only thing Pendragon did right was giving him the magus stone before he reached puberty. Had that boy's hormones activated, you'd already be dead."

Rico snarled and snapped back excitedly, "Exactly! He's not going to get there. It won't happen!" Xira shook her head, "You're in denial Rico, you know the stone only slow the aging process. One day it will happen, and he will kill you."

Tobias didn't speak in his defense, the boy was clutching Rico's shirt tensed up with his face buried in the fox's shoulder.

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"Rick! Ignore 'er" Craig said to his friend "She wont dare attack us 'ere or now, not while mummy man is on tha loose, and we got otha stuff to do. She's tryin' ta get a rise outta ya, we ain't gonna give 'er the satifakshun, right? Let's find the mummy, I need to find out wot 'es doin' on my 'omeworld"

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"Ya HEARD the kid! Give 'er the bird and walk off!" A yelp came from nearby as John and Jeremy came running into the area. Rico's expression changed some, some of the tension in his face left. The two slowed down and stopped, the hare leveling his weapon on the female. "What the hell, you ain't no fox. Xira Aramae is a rabbit!?"

Rico nodded, "John, Jeremy, this is Connie Droegemeier. Toby's mother. She came to announce Tobe has to die." He scowled over at the female again, "Why did you come here? Just to torture him more? You're not his guardian anymore, why don't you just go die somewhere."

John smirked, "That'll be easy to arrange. Once her little troops find out about this, they'll turn her into a pile of goo. And it will be her own doing."

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"Those incompi'ant goons who tried ta kill me?!" Craig blurted, trying to hold laughter "They'd nevah last five secunds against 'er"

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John raised an eyebrow, "A little stick like you took out the royal guard? Ricky must be doing better at training you than I thought."

Xira rolled her eyes, "When half my guard has the order not harm children and the other half ignores that order I would think they would be to busy killing each other to notice the boy escaping."

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"Ok, you convinced me. Maybe they would kill you" Craig smirked, marvelling how Xira would talk up the soldiers which may be handing her a death sentance.

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"Seems you've already taken on your masters unique wit. Lets hope you don't gain his thick head as well." She looked down sadly now with both Jeremy and John's weapons trained on her, "It seems I'm outnumbered, even though there was no fight. Farewell Tobias, even through what has been said about me. I always loved you." The woman turned and strode off still managing an air of psuedo confidence.

Rico sneered, "Thats right, leave, and don't come back."

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OOC: If this interferes with other plot twists or ideas, lemme know.

"But, but..." Sonia stammered as she held out a hand, but by that time Craig was out of sight, following Rico. He had been looking back at her though, with eyes that seemed to echo with her own desires and feelings.

But why did he leave like that? He hardly even said hello to me...

"Yes, I have come to receive your answer," replied Ich-Hast, using the moment of silence to his advantage.

Sonia turned to look at the blue-skinned alien, her confusion and longing turning to anger. "Get lost, creep, your whole group sounds like they want to take Evalc's place. No thanks."

Ich-Hast shrugged nonchalantly. "I am most regretful to hear that, Miss Sonia. For after discussing it with us at length, Mr. Bayfield made the decision to join our cause after all."

"He WHAT?!" shrieked Sonia in shock.

"He had thought it over, and realized the simple facts: Evalc is only going to continue to corrupt and twist lives to his own ends. If we allow him to continue to exist, think of how many worlds will be subjected to his madness. And Mr. Bayfield saw the logic in joining with others who wanted the same objective. He was looking forward to speaking to you about it, but he has more pressing matters to attend to it appears."

If, if he really did join them, thought Sonia, still stunned by that announcement, then that means they will be going after Evalc. He'll be in danger! And what if I never see him again?

"Of course, you have made your feelings clear," Ich-Hast continued, beginning to walk away. "I will have to tell him myself, of course. I hope he won't be too disappointed."


Ich-Hast stopped, and looked over his shoulder with the same neutral expression he had worn for every moment Sonia had seen him. "Yes, Miss Sonia?"

"I'll join you. If Mr. Bayfield has agreed to your terms, then surely there's more to your group that he knows about," said Sonia, subconsciously avoiding the real reason she was joining this band. "Besides, Evalc is a threat to the Acorn Kingdom and to Mobius! We have to stop him if we can ever have peace here again."

"I see. Then follow me, I will bring you to see Bossman. Perhaps Rodger is taking Mr. Bayfield to see him even as we speak."

"Just one moment," said Sonia, and then she turned to Winslow. "I thank you for coming along with me this far, but I have to ask you a favor, Mr. Winslow."

"What is it you ask?" questioned Winslow. He had been watching this exchange and had been sensing something emanating from Ich-Hast during the conversation, but as far as he could tell Ich-Hast had not used psychic powers to change Sonia's mind. But it still made him uneasy.

"If you could please find CJTails, one of the heroes who defeated General Megaxis, and then find Elaine and report to her about his status, I would be indebted to you," explained Sonia with a slight bow. "Can I count on you to do it in my place?"

"It would be an honor, Miss Sonia, but..."

"But what?" asked Sonia innocently.

"Are you sure you will be all right going with him alone?"

Sonia smirked at the MRH badger. "You've seen my speed. If they try to pull something, I can be there and back before you even knew I was gone!" Her expression became more serious, somewhat sad as she considered this MRH, who acted more Mobian than some Mobians she knew. "I will be all right, Mr. Winslow. I do appreciate your concern." She turned to Ich-Hast. "Shall we go, then?"

"We shall," rasped Ich-Hast, and Sonia left Winslow behind as she followed the blue alien, her heart beating fast as she kept alert for betrayal.


Elaine put a hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow at the MRH bat who had just introduced himself. "A likely story," she said dryly as she began to walk past him. "But I'm afraid I don't have time, I have some important-"

She had to stop walking to avoid running into Vane, who had just stepped into her way. She tried to get around him, but either way she turned, he stepped to prevent her from getting through. "You haven't told me your name yet," said Vane with a fanged smirk. "Only fair to know the name of the pretty girl that I introduced myself to."

"My name is Elaine. Now will you stand aside?"

Vane slid to one side, and Elaine brushed past him. It didn't take long for her to realize that he was following her, and she was getting annoyed. "Look, Vane, I'd rather not have to deal with this sort of thing right now. Can't you find some other girl to bother?"

"But Winslow came this way," said Vane as he matched her pace and walked alongside her. "And that's who I'm looking for. We're headed the same way."

"How nice for you," Elaine said, again with the cutting edge of sarcasm.

"It is," agreed Vane, who looked over at her. "I'm sorry for calling you 'babe' earlier. That wasn't the best way I could've started things out."

Elaine remained silent. What is he trying to do? I'm already with someone, I'm with CJ.

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OOC: Sorry for the absence, skitzy computer issues


Winslow nodded gravely as he watched Ich-Hast and Sonia take off down an alley. There was no doubt about it, Ich-Hast was a psionic but how powerful a psionic wasn't yet clear. Winslow sighed then took off towards the infirmary.

James tensed as he heard Breech smack against the wall with a sickening thud. It sounded like Evalc had broken her ribs.

"Evalc that's enough!" exclaimed James.

Evalc lowered his hands and seemed to grin underneath his jaw plate.

You're right, Prower. She is blinded by her very plight, but she must not be allowed to go free, she is unfocused, if she uses too much of her power she will lose control kill herself. You don't want to see that do you? As Evalc said this James could suddenly see flashes of Breech, his Breech he had fallen in love with so long ago.

James suddenly felt compelled to save Breech from herself, whether this was part of Evalc's tinkerings or perhaps a magnified sense of duty instilled in him over the decades of service in the Royal Guard he couldn't quite determine.

"You still haven't told me what your plan is," stated Kenji simply.

"Very well, Master Pendragon. The Imperial Evolian Army is advancing towards a planet called Meditha. As you probably well know, Master, Meditha is a planet well known for it's oceans that posses natural healing properties and supply most of the commercialized galaxy with medicinal supplies. If Meditha were to fall to the Empire, any chance of mounting a resistance would be severely handicapped. As we speak, Evalc's agents have already infiltrated their government and quickly managed to create a puppet state to take on the task of seizing all of the oceans on Meditha. Leading this operation is a Medithan by the name of Hardole. Hardole must be captured or killed, he is the centerpiece of this dangerous takeover," explained Bossman.

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Test post, will try to update this RP with some minor changes to the plotline soon

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OOC: I go on vacation and look what happens! ;-p Due to that fact that this RP was stagnating do to bad management on my part I'm going to give this a good kick in the pants, if I re-write something that goes against what you had planned just e-mail me or post OOC and I'll fix it the best I can.


Bossman grinned, he had gathered his elite unit of five Psionic Mercenaries known simply as "The Psions".

Ich-Hast, a Trathian known for his Speed and his mastery over using psionics to freeze his opponenets.

Mahrethis, a Calorian who specialized in the school of psionic Telepathy, Desert.

Gol, a Burrisian with already tremendous strength ehanced further by his psionic discipline, his specialty lie in carrying big things that make big explosions.

Sellsa, a Geoscian renowned for his marksmanship with almost any kind of projectile ranging from throwing knives to sniper rifles.

And finally an Earthing known simply as Rodger specializing in all kinds of wetworks across the galaxy, his psionic power lie in being unseen and stealthy.

How Bossman, a rather weak psionic but powerful crimelord came to control such a devastating force was as mysterious as the origins of Bossman himself.

But that didn't matter now.

Lord Evalc of the Evolian Empire was on the march, his Imperial Army was secretly seizing industry across the galaxy and bringing "allies" into it's fold. However his activities have not gone unnoticed...

Evalc now conducts a recuting mission, bringing James Prower, a kitsune with latent abilites of his own, and Breech Loader, a renowned Bounty Hunter with secrets of her own under his sway.

Meanwhile, Bossman, along with the galaxies most controversial forces, the Warden leader Kenji and a mysterious and infamous Mercenary known only as Claw discuss stopping Evalc's war machine.

But Mobius isn't completely defenseless, Sonia the Hedgehog, heir the throne of Mobius prepares her people for the worst with the help of Mobian/Robian Hybrids (MRHs) left over from a past conflict.

OOC: Feel free to jump back in, still trying to remember everything that was going on 😉

Posts: 4885
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OOC: Do you mean Elaine, in that last sentance? Last I remembered, Sonia had joined with Ich-Hast because her love-sick mind was too silly to realise that Craig didn't accept his offer.

I'll wait around for Rick before I can place Bushy, but I'm still here :)

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Breech stared solidly at Evalc, "I don't need your powers, psi-guy. And if Prower is willing to destroy an entire race of people just because of a few narrow-minded jerks... then he's sick."

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OOC: Yes Craig, sorry 'bout that (I get them confused as you can tell 😉


You're no better, Loader, I can feel the seething hatred deep down in you. Given the strength you would trounce those that brought you up scarred and jaded. James is simply honest with himself. Laughed Evalc.

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OOC: Still in, with Elaine and Vane in the infirmary and Sonia going off with Ich-Hast to join Bossman's little crusade. I got Elaine and Sonia mixed up recently too, and I'm the one who created them! 😛

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James looked down at the ground, wondering if it was the right choice to join Evalc. But the choice was made, and he couldn't turn back. He had to know the extent of his powers. He had to know what he could do, and he had to resolve his past.

But he was having a hard time meeting Breech's gaze.

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"I may not seem the best person to tell you this, but strength isn't always equal to power, and honesty isn't always the best policy," Breech replied, "Sometimes strength is about self-restraint."

What would a Felusian know about self-restraint? Evalc sneered.

"Well, right now I'm restraining myself from trying to twist your head off," Breech answered, "I don't suppose it's occoured to either of you that my people's behaviour was perfectly normal for a Felusian? It is only because I am insane that I understand you at all."

"Your people would consider you insane?" James asked.

Breech smiled thinly, "Felusian is only your name for us. Have you ever wondered what it means in Felinese? When you came to my planet, you were the alien. Remember that."

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James' eyes snapped up to meet hers, his guilty conscience forgotten for the moment and replaced by a small flame of anger that was trying to grow into a blaze.

"Honestly, I don't give a damn. When you have a guest in your home, you don't go trying to kill them off. Especially if that guest is me and my loved ones. And if all Felusians are a bunch of homocidal psychopaths, maybe that is a good enough justification to do a little population control."

Something about the look in his eyes didn't seem right.

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Breech sneered.

"Felusians are only homocidal maniacs in your eyes, to a sane Felusian you would appear to be a weak, arrogant, vengeful loser who's clutching onto the past like it's his last breath - and doubtless other people would think it too."

"I don't have time for this," she continued, "Destroy an entire planet full of life out of raw spite if you want. Every tom, queen and kitten. Every plant and tree, every arachnid, every werter, everything. But will it really compensate for your loss?"

She sneered again and turned away from him, calling out, "Claw? Claw, where are you?"

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James looked down, his mind in conflict and torment. Memories rose up in his mind, memories of love and loss, of pain that had haunted him for most of his life. Breech's words stung. They ripped through him, a chain reaction of misery.

The fox looked up at Breech. Then Evalc. Then down to the retracted staff in his hands. He pushed a button, extending it to its full length.

"You know...that's not a bad idea."

James stood up to his full height and drew the staff back behind his shoulders, prepared to strike. His face contorted in anger, anger which he was feeding, releasing.

"I think I'll start with you."

Then he swung at the back of her head with all his strength.

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Breech didn't even turn around, which saved her life. She just threw herself down. It was fortunate the bar had missed her; if it hadn't, it would have dashed her brains out.

Her eyes began to glow yellow.

"You blind fool!" Breech hissed at him, and raised a paw in the air. Electricity formed from the air and encircled Breech in a shield. She twitched her other paw, and the lightning compacted into a ball in her paw, "My amach-daughter gave you a chance to live for yourself, but you spurned it, choosing the path of vengeance!"

She flung the lightning bolt at James. It wrapped itself around his ankles, and he fell to his knees, "The path of vengeance is always the path of death," the possessed Elementalist finished as her lightning bolt wrapped itself around James' wrists, "Are you going to threaten my beautiful planet or insult my children again, boy? Or must I gag you too?!"

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James snarled and pressed a button on the staff that was still clutched tightly in his hands. The electricity binding his legs and arms suddenly were drawn to the staff, absorded into it, charging the weapon. James leapt his feet, spun the staff with a flourish, and glared at the possessed Breech.

"Oh, I'm going to do a whole lot more then insult your children."

His blue-green eyes locked with her yellow ones, and the ex-guardsman leapt at her, the staff in his hands a blur of motion.

He could swear that he felt Evalc smile.

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"Oh, an electrical staff... how amusing..."

Breech waved a paw, and a huge electrical shield sprung up around her.

"You know, there is such a thing as too much power..."

The staff absorbed the shield, but because it was already fully charged, it shorted out. James stared at it for a moment, the swung again. This time, it hit the second shield.

"Metal against electricity... bad choice, boy," Breech chuckled as the electricity hit James instead of the shorted out staff, "I am 10,000 years old and my power is as ancient as the first storm, for I command wind and rain as well!"

This wasn't completely accurate; without his amulet, Rhoy Al Sherkat only commanded lightning. But it sounded cool, and right now, intimidation was a good thing.

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James yelped as the burst of electricity knocked up down on his tail. He dropped the metal staff from his shaking fingers and fought back against the pain. Electricity didn't mix well with him, the disadvantage of being part machine.

"Bad idea", he groaned in agreement.

He pushed himself back to his feet and observed the electricity-spewing possesed Breech and wondered just how he was supposed to beat her. A being that wieled electricity was pretty much the worst kind of opponent the cyborg could face.

Maybe you should just calm down and think this through. Are you sure this is the right thing to do?

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The glow faded from Breech's eyes.

"If you're done with being a total jackass, I'll leave you to think about your vengeance, James. If you're made happy by ending the lives of billions... so be it. My amach-father and I are ready to fight you."

She looked at Evalc, "And you," she said quietly.

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Now James, take your hatred, your pain, use it to see the energy all around you, draw it to you, use it to conceal your wounds! Use it to bolster your strength, to bolster your resolve, to quicken your instincts. Let the power of all things consume you and become what you were always meant to be! demanded Evalc, his own power levels heightened.

Evalc was excited, he could finally sense to elementalist pulling Breech's strings and the resulting prospects. Evalc could easily read into Breech's mind, he could see the near parasitic nature of the ancient force within her.

Claw does not care for you, Loader, he has left you to die just like all the others. Spike your power again, let the power of your elementalist ancestors flow through you, let it consume you and then you will have given in rasped Evalc's voice.

The old Psionic Lord glared at Breech, brining horrible thoughts of abandonment into her mind, guiding her to the edge of sanity so that he could claim her lost soul and reform her into a soldier she was always meant to be...

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"I don't want to give in!" Breech wailed.

She suddenly dropped to her knees, clutching her head, "CLAW!!!!" she screamed helplessly.

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Claw turned his head, as if someone had just tapped him on the shoulder. It felt like an energy surge of some sort. Suddenly Claw was filled with dread.

Bossman eyed Kenji with an approving nod, "Yes, the only way to take down Evalc is to band together. There are three planets that are relatively unscathed by the war and could still put up a resistance. You and any who would follow you must go to these planets to try to convince the planetary leaders to join an alliance to stop Evalc's war machines."

Claw suddenly grunted, "I'll be back."

Kenji acknowledge in his typically stoic fashion as Claw slinked away from the meeting.

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The wolf shrugged non-chalantly, "If you think they'd listen to a 'power mad warden'. Sure, I'm game."

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Your beloved Claw is not coming. He has abandoned you, like everyone else you ever cared for.

"No..." Breech scrabbled for her sanity, and realised that it was a losing battle; she'd never been particuarly sane anyway. But why should she be pushed over the edge by some pompous Psionic? If she was going over the edge... she was going to jump.

"NO!" she screamed, and forgoing her powers, flung herself at Evalc with her claws outstretched.

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If Evalc's mouth could still be seen he would be grinning. Breech had lost her concious will, she had given into her primal instincts and left her subconcious wide open. Evalc flun his hand out, sending a flash of particles, densely packed, flying at Breech. The particles hit Breech and threw her to the ground.

Before the infamous Breech Loader could recover, Evalc had clamped his large, gloved hands around her face and pulled her to her feet.

You're a ticking time-bomb, young Loader, I can bring you peace and with your help kick grandpa out of the attic encouraged Evalc, reffering to the ancestor living in Breech's head.

Breech's head was suddenly filled with peace and warmth, deep down she knew it was some sort of Psionic trick but she felt so peaceful...

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"No, no, no!" Breech screamed, "I hate peace and harmony! They're so... DULL! I'd never think anything peaceful or harmonious! So you're putting it there! Calm is for wimps! Get out of my head! Get out get out get out!"

Breech tried to pull away from the smug Evalc. If she let her mind wander again, she would lose...

Focus, focus on something...

Breech started to list in her head the 800,000 different species of spiders on Felus.

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Evalc's voice permeated her as he spoke.

Sleep Breech Loader, you will have your revenge on Felus and all those who have betrayed you, even Claw

Breech found herself becoming lethargic at the hands of the Master Psionic, while James looked on.

Claw found himself running down unfamiliar streets. He could sense something was wrong. He had lost track of Breech's energy signature which meant only two things...

Either she or somone else was masking her presence...

or she was dead.

Claw stopped and leaned on the side of a building. He was still sore from being trounced by Evalc earlier. He grasped his chest and shook off the wooziness in his desparate bid to find out just what the hell was going on.

"Of course they'll follow ya, Master Pendragon. You're a Warden, not just any Warden, your the author of one of the most prolific pieces of literature in the galaxy, The Remeberance. Your mere name has sparked war amonst your bretheren. You command respect whether you like it or not and the Planetary leader are bound to recognize you," explained Bossman.

Bossman looked over and saw Sonia and grinned, "Also having a reporesentative from the Mobian government would help your cause and make more real the threat Lord Evalc poses."

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The wolf raised an eyebrow, "You think I wrote the Remembrance?" He smiled, "I had heard that rumor had no idea how much it had grown... As flattering as that is, Kenji Pendragon wrote the text you speak of. That is, the original Kenji Pendragon. I am merely his successor."

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"No..." Breech pleaded, "No... Claw... he would never... CLAW! Help me!"

She was on her knees now, trying to remember the 170,000 species of spider that were big enough to eat Felusians.

"Please..." she begged, starting to cry. A few static electrical sparks fizzed from her body in an ettempt to make Evalc let go, "Please leave me alone..."

Evalc just smirked mentally.

"PLEASE!!!!!" Breech screamed insanely.

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OOC: I took some liberties, Froggy, tell me if you don't like it


Bossman raised an eyebrow, this was unexpected.

"Is this a well known fact that you are a succesor?" asked Bossman, seemingly bewildered.


Claw dashed toward a derelict building, his gut told she was in there, that Breech was in over her head. Claw crawled over the wrecked cars and passed the strange creature (Gusion) that lay crushed underneath the wreakage.

Straight ahead he could see Evalc holding Breech's face in his hands, bombarding her with psionic signals.

"Enough!" growled Claw, wasting no time to pull out his katana and dash at the Psionic Master.

James, biew the world around you as a psionic, feel the pulse of the environment around you! This is your first test, apprentice, strike down this fool! demanded Evalc.

James closed his eyes, perhaps Evalc was aiding him, but he "felt" the particles of loose energy pulsing all around him.

All that potential energy just waiting for him to alter. This was what it as to learn psionic power. James drew his sword and moved quicky to block Claw.

"Move aside," growled Claw viciously, his katana in dead lock with James's longblade.

"Not a chance," snapped James, feeling the power swell around him.

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OoC: I forgot about Gus! He'd come in handy right about now...

"I... I..." Breech tried to think about something else. She was no Psionic, but an Elementalist, and the two powers were incomparable.

She focused on Claw.

"Claw... I..." she hated saying it, emotion was soppy, but it was true, she was giving in to it, why else would she call for his help?

"I... don't want to lose you..." she mumbled, and tried to get her thoughts straight. What use was power if she couldn't use it?

Gus crawled out from the car wreckage, wincing as his bones clicked back into place, "Ow," he declared.

He wondered what he could do about Evalc. The Psionic was almost as powerful as he had been in his heyday.

He stood up, feeling his legs click back into place. That car had really been unnessecery overkill. It had really annoyed him.

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James gritted his teeth and pushed his blade back against Claw's. The Bladed Terror was surprisingly strong to the cyborg; he doubted that it was all coming from muscle. The katana-wieling opponent was a long time user of the powers that he was only beginning to learn to use.

Breech's words stung his heart, reminding of a time he felt that way. He locked gazes with Claw's and saw a bit of himself in there. He hated it.

"What you want...doesn't matter. This world doesn't care about hopes and dreams. I know; I've felt it. You'll finally find what you've always been looking for, the one thing that brings you true peace, and then that person will be ripped away from you, leaving you an empty shell of pain. I am so SICK of it!"

The particles of energy vibrated faster, excited by his growing anger. Anger became rage, and the energy reached its boiling point. Something inside James snapped, and he drew apon that power swirling around him. It felt like raw fire was dumped into his veins. Pain and rage mixed and mingled. Suddenly, James was seeing without seeing, observing the room and everything in it as if he had been blind his whole life, giving in to his powers alowing him to feel a whole new range of senses.

The fox sucked in abient energy into a vortex of rage, shaped it into a wrecking ball of hate, and slammed it into Claw's chest, hurling the psionic across the room.

"Allow me to skip to the end and save you a lot of suffering."

James marched towards the stunned and surprised psionic, sword raised overhead in an aggressive stance.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

"NO!" Breech howled. Whatever she did, Evalc only used it to make her weaker.

Finally, she brought up the shield. Not the electric shield that would burn and kill, but a different one, almost inside out. It pushed Evalc away.

Electricity was being taken from the world and channelled into her, making her stronger - and how she needed it.

Evalc prodded the shield with his finger. It was like holding an ice cube. As soon as he pulled away, the feeling was gone. The shield was purely defensive.

Drop the shield, he ordered Breech.

Breech wasn't listening. Some streetlights switched off from lack of power.

Irritated, Evalc picked up a car and hurled it at Breech. She watched it carefully, and then hurled a massive lightning bolt at it. The car exploded into white-hot fragments which buried themselves in nearby buildings. One whizzed past Evalc's ear.

"Right," said Breech, breathing heavily.

Then, before anybody could stop her, she darted between James and Claw, "Leave him alone!" she cried out.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

As Bossman and Master Pendragon spoke, Sonia found herself thinking about what Bossman had said about her being a representative of the government on Mobius. At one time, she wouldn't have questioned the statement, but now...

I don't even know who I am anymore. Just a few days ago - that seems like such a long time! - I was the leader of the House of Acorn against the alien threat attacking Mobius. But Elaine's the real member of the Royal Family, and that makes me...what? I'm not an official in the government, I just happen to be Elaine's friend, and that's the only reason I haven't been booted out of the palace yet.

Well, even if I don't know who I am anymore, at least I can prove I'm something more than just a fake princess. But I am only a representative of my planet in the sense that this is my home, and that I am a citizen, not because I'm a part of the government. It wouldn't be right for me to try to claim that. I'd better explain that to Bossman, once he's done speaking with Master Pendragon.

Posts: 2928
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Kenji shrugged, "I thought everything about my life was well known. I guess not."

Posts: 2116
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Still here. Just waiting for an opening.

Posts: 195
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"Irreguardless, the leaders of the galaxy at least know the name of Pendragon and might just as well accept Pendragon's apprentice. I will send my unit with you in case you run into any interference from Evalc's army as you undoubtedly will. Also, You can use the shuttle my unit brought to get offworld," offered Bossman.

Bossman looked over at Sonia, "You think you can handle it, Mobian?"


Claw staggered backwards then leapt forward, meeting blades with James once again.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into," growled Claw viciously.

James sneered as he pulled the energy around him to augment his strength further and to parry Claw's sudden volley of strikes. Secretly Claw was surprised at how fast James had learned to manipulate ambient energy, it was almost as if he was being helped...

Evalc nodded psuedo-sympathetically at the quivering feline.

Pathetic. So much power but unable to use it unless you lose control of your emotions. You are mine now, Breech Loader transmitted Evalc as he outstretched his hand.

Breech, in her disillusioned state, felt her brain being invaded by Evalc somehow. But instead of utter revulsion it felt really good, she suddenly felt powerful under Evalc's grip, yet part of her desperately rebelled against the mental invasion.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

"You're the one who's pathetic," Breech gasped, "All your power lies in controlling others. I bet if I punched you in the face you'd be out like a light..."

She curled up in a tight ball and tried to push Evalc's influence away frantically.

"I don't want to be your slave..." she whispered.

Posts: 195
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Slave? I offer you more than I would a mere slave! I offer you a position as general in the greatest army in the known universe! I need powerful soldiers to crush thoes who would endanger the empire. Understand that you would have power beyond your current understanding! replied Evalc.

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